Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn) [close]


Feb 1, 2011
Anywhere that has a road to walk on.
On the surface of Balanor, an hunting party of three dozen Clone Troopers as they search through the Planet's dense jungle, cautious of the creatures that lurk within it and the two traitors they're looking for. The traitors were their Generals, Jedi Master Gennan Pasik and his Padawan Keadea. The group were being led by Captain Maverick, who happen to have a strong degree of friendship with the two Jedi they're hunting, which made this hard on the Clone as he felt an strong sense of guilt for betraying the two by hunting them down. At least he kept Keadea's pet Fwit name Chomper, which he had found snoozing in her bed which he guess she couldn't get him upon with their escape from the Star Frigate that was currently orbiting Balanor at the moment. The Captain decided to keep the Fwit alive in hope of finding them as he was counting on Chomper need to find his Firrerreo owner, unfortunately he didn't count on the little devil chewing habit as Chomper uses his teeth to break the cord of his leash that was suppose to keep him from running, it was off he ran ahead of them with great speed and they lost him in seconds.

So now it was down to Plan B, comb the jungle for them in several groups, which wasn't easy as they found the pod the two Jedi had escaped on abandon. Maverick order several Troops to make camp near the pod while others go out in three hunting party of six, Maverick decided to head out alone as he took his scoped rifle and several other needful items before leaving camp on his own. Maverick needed needed to be alone from his Troops so he could think on what to do once they have found the two Generals and the Fwit, deep down he knew the Jedi Council wouldn't betray the Republic, but orders were orders and they have to follow them. But can he handling killing his most trusted Generals in cold blood, he heard a buzzing sound from his Comm then started hearing an voice of an Trooper. "Sir! we spotted the targets, should we move in and attack or wait?" Maverick thought for an moment before pressing the first two digit on the right side of his helmet to establish connection to the Trooper, "wait for me and several others, we'll to ambush them when they're guard is down. Understood" when he finish the Trooper responded in understanding then gave him coordinates of their location so Maverick can find them and pass on the information the other groups as he headed toward the site of their targets location.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

"Faster Keadea!" her master urged her on. The brown robes of the Jedi blended well with their terrain, but green would have suited better. There had been no time. It was by sheer luck that Gennan had heard the message as it was received. He roused Keadea and they fled quickly. She had forgotten Chomper, who was sound asleep near her head. The little Fwit would wake to find her gone and himself attached to a leash. He had never been attached to a leash before. They had left just in time to put some distance between themselves and the campsite. Crashing through the dense jungles of Balanor could be dangerous as a hive of Force Mites could be anywhere. Keadea was not new to exercise but the headlong slight in heavy robes through the muggy world weighed heavily on her, her master was no exception. She could not remove her robe nor alter it in any way. If she did then she would be far too easy to see. The sun had a habit of glinting off of her golden hair.

Finally they stopped in some brush for a rest. Both were drenched in sweat and panting heavily. Keadea's legs and heart ached. What if they hurt Chomper? She wanted badly to cry both in fear and for the loss of her beloved friend. Jedi were not supposed to have attachments but Chomper had long since been accepted by the masters at the academy and by Gennan. "We cannot stay here long, Keadea..." the Twi'lek male said gently, his blue skin looking almost purplish from the blood rushing in his veins. There was rustling in the bushes. Gennan reached for his saber but it was Keadea who held out a hand. "Wait..." she said and through the woods scampered Chomper. Her arms opened wide as the fwit leaped to her and she held the small creature close. Even Gennan was happy to see the little monster.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

Hidden from sight, Maverick smile from seeing Keadea hugging her pet Fwit happily. Only he soon silently sighed knowing what he was going to have to make, "alright, on my signal we move in, remember I want them captured" he reminded them as he waited for a few seconds before gesturing them to go as well as speaking the word 'go' through their comm-links. They were position in semi-circle which was how Chomper gotten to the two Jedi without bumping into any of them, as his Troops move in closer Maverick shoulder his rifle and look down his scope observing it from where he was crouched down.

The Captain was more of an sniper than any and was quite skilled at being one too, though he would always be in the thick of the battle to support his men better, staying back sometimes and sniping the Droids was a great benefit as well. Maverick does his best to watch his Troops back sniping Droids that would've killed them, his Troops and many others started calling him the Guardian Angel of War, though he was told that Keadea started that title of his after having to be saved from close calls by his heroic actions on the field. Hearing that gave him the reason to calling her Goldy on account of her golden hair and skin, which was quite an lovely feature for her actually. Thinking things of the past just brought more guilt he didn't want and he shook his head to clear his thoughts, then look through his scope and his skin paled at what he saw down through. "What happen!? I gave you orders not to harm them, what happen!?" Maverick thundered into his comm wanting answers from them as he made haste going down.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

Sneaking up on two Jedi was neither smart nor recommended. Of course they were out numbered by a good majority and couldn't really hope to survive an encounter. Both of them sensed the group at once and the joyful reunion of the fwit was ended. Not a single word had to pass between them. Instantly they were on their feet, light sabers drawn and glowing with the soft hum. "Go, go!" Gennan shouted at his padawan and they were off again. However the master made it but a few strides before the emissions of a blaster hit him square in the back. With a yell of pain he fell forward. Keadea slid to a stop and knelt by his side. It was not a killing blow but he was not long for the world. The troopers were normally well disciplined and crack shots, but something had gone awry with a warning shot. "Run, my padawan," the older Jedi said through gritted teeth. She hesitated for a moment before obeying. Gathering her pet up she fled into the trees, fear giving her feet wings.

Gennan was dying as the troopers got to him. Feelings of remorse were felt among the group. They were not fans of their orders but they would follow them without hesitation. "Gennan is down, Keadea fled into the jungles, what should we do sir?" One of the troopers asked into the come, addressing their Captain. When Maverick arrived on the scene Gennan was taking his final breaths. He was trying to speak, his eyes staring at Maverick in earnest. The captain would need to lean down close to hear the Twi'lek speak. "Protect....protect...her...you must....pro...tect...pro...." he choked on his word and gave a final gasp before going still.

Meanwhile Keadea's pace did not slow. She hugged Chomper close, eyes stinging with tears. Attachment was something Jedi were not permitted, but it was hard not to love a master like a father. She could feel it when he passed, a great wave of sorrow overcame the girl. As she ran she found a small hole in a tree that she could squeeze into to hide. There she held Chomper close and cried quietly into his golden mane. The small fwit chittered up at the Firrero girl, licking her cheek in an attempt at comfort.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

Maverick wasn't sure how the dying Jedi knew it was him, it was either by knowing he would be leading the hunt or the fact that his armor was greatly different from the others. It was an standard armor an Clone Trooper Captain would normally wear to show their rank, though nowadays most armor were customize. Maverick kept the red and white coloring to show his rank, only he had an two pointed lines pointing down from the corners of his visor, over his shoulder was an padded mantle which have an black and red pattern. everything else was red lines in an delicate design which goes along certain areas of his whiteness of his armor.

Maverick kneel down and unthinkingly grasp the Gennan hand as he listen to him speak his last words before dieing from the wound, "I will Gennan, I keep her safe, you have my word on it" Maverick spoke softly then push Gennan eyelids close and move his hands together on top of his chest. Everyone knew what was coming next and none going to like to be here right now, they all watch as their Captain stood up with both hands clinch tightly into a fist. "Who made the shot?" he demanded keeping his tone calm as he did, they were all silent as neither wanted to be the rat or the one that did the deed. "That an ORDER!" he thundered causing them to flinch from both the hostility in his tone and that fact he shouted it angrily, one step forward and stated he did then look away. "Then you get to bury him, make sure it deep enough so no scavengers can get to him. Two will remain to help, the rest head back to camp. I'm going after the girl, i don't want another screw-up" even before he finish Maverick could sense how they felt, for Gennan's death and for failing their Captain as well. Two Troopers volunteer to stay and were given permission as the one of them headed back to camp to find some tools to dig with and get something wrap Gennan in, while the other two stay to watch over the body as they waited. Everyone else beside Maverick head toward camp as he head off in the direction Keadea took off in, he hope he could find her and not have to take her back by force.

it wasn't long before he found her though, she had left good tracks to follow; bent branches, matted grass, even a few mud covered leaves of bushes. Unfortunately he was starting to get dark and from what he was able to see through the canopy didn't help either, "great, it going to rain. better find her quickly" Maverick complain speaking out loud. When he was about to get moving he stop and listen carefully as he follow the faint sound of chitterlings, Maverick soon found an large tree that happen to have an hollowed open within it. Maverick could see Keadea holding onto her Fwit obviously crying quietly for her lost master, before he approached Maverick laid down his rifle and blaster along with his helmet so the girl could see how sorry he felt about Gennan death. Soon he walk toward slowly with his arm out stretch with open hands, "Goldy" he spoke softly getting her attention as he stood a few meters from her letting the downpour of rain to bombard him with water.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

Keadea could feel the change in pressure and the drop in temperature. It was getting dark out. Not only was night drawing near but so were storm clouds. Rain was not uncommon on Balanor, in fact it rained quite often. She was about as safe from the rain as she could be in her bolt hole. Then again the earthy floor would probably flood rather quick. She couldn't stay the night but her misery seemed to know no end. It wasn't just the death of her master, it was the betrayal. She trusted those men as if they were brothers, strange brothers...but brothers none the less. There were times when they had gotten her or her master out of sticky spots and sometimes the other way around. Maverick most of all. She might have considered Maverick a good friend, but he was apart of them and probably hunting her down. A sickness lay in the pit of her stomach at the very thought of it.

Then the rain came. She felt his presences even before he saw her. Through the hole in the tree she saw him lay down his weapons and remove that helmet. What was he doing? Wouldn't it be quicker to just shoot? As he approached with arms out stretched she pressed into the wood of the tree as tightly as she could. He spoke his nickname for her and it sent a pang of sadness through her. His expression was contrite, as if he were truly sorry for what had happened. He was one of them, wasn't he? Ordered for their execution...why the republic even wanted the Jedi executed she couldn't say. What of the others? Master Yoda...Master Windu....

Suddenly the small Firrerreo was furious. As was normal in her species her golden skin turned a silver color as her anger mounted at the clone. None too carefully she was out of the hollow. In the same swift movement she had dropped Chomper and drew her lightsaber, pointing it at the unarmed Captain. The end was close to his throat. Odds were he wouldn't be able to reach his guns before she could slit him nose to naval. Elongated canine teeth were bared at the clone. "Why?" she demanded, her voice in a low growl. There was as much anger in her voice as there was pain. "Why did you betray us?" Hot, angry tears still fell but in the downpour they were lost. Her robes were sodden and her two-toned gold and red hair hung limply to her waist.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

Maverick half expected this to happen, he knew the chances of what she would've done when he was in reach and unarmed. Maverick try to of an way to explain as he stood still as his buzz-cut hair get soaked with water, "Order 66...we are to eliminate all suspected traitors to the Republic, the Jedi Council being among them...from what I heard at least." Maverick pause a moment to give Keadea time to take it all in before speaking again, "Keadea believe me when I say this that I didn't want you nor Gennan harm, I gave them strict orders that I wanted you two captured unharmed. But something went wrong and I'm sorry for what happen to Gennan, I partially think it my fault that it happen. If I haven't distracted I could've made that warning shot and no one would've been hurt."

Maverick wasn't certain he was getting through to her and couldn't think of anything, till he thought up of a few things that might help him.
"Want to know what Gennan told me before he died?" Maverick asked though he didn't give her a chance to respond as he spoke, "he told me to protect you, and I promise i will...if you give me a chance" Maverick look to her silver skin as he find it slightly frightening a bit especially with those long teeth of hers. "If you don't believe me Go...Silvy, then read my mind" he challenge her as he start to ignore the burning feeling from her light saber for being close to his neck. Maverick remember those session he had volunteer in helping her at minding another thoughts, he had learn to build up an block to keep her out and a few other Jedi, at least giving them only an metal wall. Maverick once remember letting her in as he recall the last time himself and the other Clones had showered when they had a chance to do so, she was practically red from it though he did get in trouble for it by Gennan as he had to clean all of the used blasters and rifles. This time he recall everything that happen a few hours ago, how angry he was at his men, how he had the man that cause Gennan death to redeem himself by burying Gennan and how two others had volunteered willingly to assist. Maverick kept before those events to himself as he wanted to keep it surprise, though he did recall finding Chomper sleeping on her bed back on the ship. "Well?" he soon asked wondering if she had done it or not.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

That was the true issue with it, she did believe him. He had dropped his guards to allow her to read into him. It was fairly rare to be able to read him...and yes she recalled being able to see all of the clones shower quite vivedly. Gennan wouldn't have found out except she had been so embarrassed that she couldn't control her own thoughts and the image nearly screamed into Gennan's head. His anger and his sorrow were easy enough to read. Very slowly her skin shifted from the angry silver and back to her usual gold color. She shook from nerves, an over abundance of emotion and from the chill of the rain. Order 66....eliminate traitors....but they weren't traitors, were they? What exactly had happened? Finally her arms dropped and she sheathed the lightsaber.

Misery, anger, loathing, fear...she couldn't pick one emotion to simply follow. Things were happening so quickly. It was lucky her master had heard the order first so they could flee. "I don't understand..." she finally choked out, putting her hands over her face. She had to stop crying, stop being weak...but it was so hard. Calm, emptiness...even numbness...she wasn't a child and this all had to stop. The shaking didn't halt, it was too cold and she was personally drenched, Maverick didn't look much drier. Slowly she managed to calm down, at least the tears subsided and she forced herself to breathe normally, though the occasional hiccup leaped from her throat.

Finally she looked up to Maverick, breathing regulated, eyes puffy and bloodshot from crying, for her people bloodshot meant silver streaking in the whites of their eyes. "What do we do now though? What...what of the other Jedi? What about your men? What happens if you don't...don't follow the order?"
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

"I don't know,I've heard anything about that. Except that several Jedi, being led by General Windu, attempted to kill the Emperor, from what I heard he was saved by another Jedi. I think it was Rex's General, Skywalker I believe" Maverick talked a bit before walking back to grab his two weapons and his helmet, "what will happen to me, I'll be considered an traitor and be hunted down by my own brothers...even my own men. But i chose my fate long before we started hunting you and Gennan. Was hoping I didn't have too go through with this plan, but it was my last resort" he finish as he took out an small remote detonator, he flick the cap off before pressing down on the red button. Sounds of several explosions echoed through the jungle, the sound came from several miles from where they were.

"Sir! the Escape pod and our ship somehow exploded, we got many woun..." the comm was cut off once Maverick manage to remove the components of his comm-link, "sir...won't be hearing that anymore" spoke Maverick as he toss the ripped out piece of electronic into an puddle before slipping his helmet back on. "I'll go collect some leaves for bedding, we'll have to use this for shelter till the rain stops. Stay here alright, I'll be back soon" Maverick demanded then headed out further away from the tree as he looked for large enough leaves for matting the dirt ground and for an improvise blanket. Normally he would never give the Firrerreo girl an order because of rank, but with the current situation as it is rank no longer matter, only to survive matters and to him protecting Keadea matter even more.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

Master Windu attacked...the Emperor? What Emperor? There was only the senate as far as she knew. Then again they had been on Balanor for quite some time, far beyond what what originally intended. Had master Gennan known something was amiss? Keadea didn't have time to puzzle it out further as he talked more. She watched at he pulled out the detonator and put her hands over her mouth. Even though she couldn't possibly know what explosives that would set off...somehow she knew what he was doing even before he pressed the button. Suddenly her own misery felt small, like a child crying over spilled ice cream versus what he had just done. Sure she had lost her master to a terrible betrayal, but in order to protect her, he disobeyed direct orders and just killed his own men.

"Maverick I..." she began but stopped when he put his helmet back on and spoke of creating a shelter. He gave an order before disappearing into the jungle to search for what they would need. Well that was certainly a first...but she supposed the structures of rank between them were voided. Her position was barely anything anyways, only in name, it was Master Gennan who was the real General. Well...she supposed she couldn't be entirely useless. She looked at the hollow tree, it was too bad they both couldn't fit inside, it was a tight squeeze for her by herself. It was a good thing there was a variety of natural resources about.

The rain abated while Maverick was searching to large leaves. Keadea used her force powers to break down limbs from neighboring trees. They would need to be off of the ground as it was saturated with mud. First she used her lightsaber to make the hole in the tree larger. It was damp enough that a fire didn't start but burn marks were obvious where she had cut. From there she made a sort of roof jutting from above and around the widened hole. Then she used a great deal of small and medium branches to make a sort of pallet to keep them out of the mud. It was by no means perfect but with any leave he brought back it would make a good enough, though narrow, area for them to sleep on for the night.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

Maverick was perch on the tallest tree he could find, he wanted to check on his Troops' camp. When he perch himself on an sturdy branch, he look through the scope of his rifle and saw a few drop ships being loaded of wounded. "At least they're managing without me, but how so quickly...ah that why" Maverick spoke out softly as he see someone giving out orders to them, "Oliver...should've known you'll take up command, you always wanted the chance to lead and now you do. Well, I better head back" he spoke out to himself again before climbing down the tree carefully.

Maverick was soon back with an great arm load of large leaves for bedding, the Clone was surprise to see the changes Keadea had made while he was gone. "Nice job, I don't think even I can make that" Maverick complimented as he walk up to the pallet and began spreading out the leaves over it, "was there was something you wanted to say a moment ago? I cut you off before you could say it...well, it better to get it off your chest now than later" Maverick asked before giving some encouragement to speak of what Keadea wanted to say earlier.
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

Keadea was admiring her handy work when she heard the footsteps of Maverick behind her. She turned and looked to the clone as he approached. For a moment she was glad to see him back, the leaves he brought for the bedding would be nice for the night. However a trill of guilt coursed through her stomach as she looked to the clone. She might be a victim in this situation but he willing gave up everything...and more, to protect her. There was a lot that needed to be said but she hardly knew how to start. He, however, seemed have an ability to know exactly the opening she needed to speak her mind. The padawan could not help but smile a little. She helped spread the leaves on their makeshift, platformed shelter.

"Maverick...I don't even know how to say it. I am...I am sorry for threatening you. What I feel...losing Master Gennan is...is nothing compared to what you did. I am grateful and thankful..." Well she was a lot more than that, truth be told. "I am not...entirely certain why you are doing this...I don't even know how to begin thanking you..." Keadea sank down and sat on the edge of the raised platform. "I feel that there is nothing I can say that would ever be enough and yet I will just increase my debt to you." She gave a small sigh and then looked to the clone with a rueful grin. For a moment she studied his features, all too familiar ones with so many others bearing the same look, but there were alwas subtle differences. "I am not being very clear, am I?"
RE: Order 66 (Chief and Luana_Blodwyn)

"don't worry about it, your threats are nothing compare to what would happen to us if we're caught" he replied as he start to remove bits of his armor, starting with his helmet, Maverick listen to her as she continue to speak as he place his helmet on the pallet before answering her other question. "I'm doing this because I couldn't handle the thought of knowing that the last thing you remember of me is a traitor when you died" Maverick look to her when he finish speaking, then resume in removing his armor as he began unbuckling the clasp on his plating. Maverick didn't much off, just the the plating that can be removed as he was still wearing the jumpsuit, which he had partial zipped down as he pull his arms out of his sleeves and roll the top portion of his jumpsuit before tying up the sleeves into a loose knot. showing his white sleeveless undershirt that happen to be tight-fitting, revealing how muscular his mildly lean body was.

"we better get some sleep, it be best that we have no fire though. luckily it humid enough that we'll be warm" Maverick explain showing how he is experience and knowledgeable that either been implanted into him or was learned from what he had faced. Maverick crawl onto the pallet then roll onto his back, looking at the some of burns along insides of the hollowed tree.
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