A Sith's Thrust is Worse than his Saber [Resident Homestuck & ThomasRHellsing]

Resident Homestuck

Oct 11, 2012
Land of Maps and Treasure
She remembered little of how she got to be there save a sharp pain in the back of her head that she now assumed to have been something hitting her. Having passed the exams to become a full Jedi Knight a year before, she had been on her own ever since, armed with her knowledge of the Force and a green lightsaber. She had been running before the rumor of a powerful Sith extracting Jedi from plants and killing them. The planet she was hiding on didn't have the resources or firepower to hold off the Sith for long enough to allow her an escape route, so instead they had handed her over to him when he had threatened the planet.

Aranea Serket woke suddenly in what seemed to be a small, dark room. Pushing her long brown hair back from her face, she swept a pair of light grey eyes across the room, searching for a way to escape. Seeing none, she automatically reached to her waist for her saber hilt, but she felt none. Of course she wouldn't, she thought irritably. With a small grunt, she stood up, stretching her limbs, stiff from what must have been at least hours of being unconscious. At her full height, she amounted to five and a half feet, not too short, but not unusually tall either.

She reached out tentatively with the Force, searching for any other life forms near her. Suddenly she stopped and stared intently at one corner of the room - no, cell. She could have sworn she sensed something there in the far corner. She saw nothing, but there had to be something there.

"Who are you?" she demanded, fixing the corner in question with an accusing glare.
Darth Vicarious smirked, as he dropped his force cloak. this wasn't your average Sith, no something much worse. He wore the battle suit of a Sith master, mini cerbos and such increased his reflexes and abilities to that of a average jedi knight without the force. The entire thing was woven with Corosis weave meaning a lightsaber was in essence a normal blade against it. The shoulders were a dark crimson as were the elbows and knees. Heavy gunner boots leading to flight pants with a few pockets. The shirt he wore was the typical jedi style, but black. Under each arm was a pair of lightsabers to black and two, made of some sort of bone. Crimson metallic gloves rested on his hand. However it was the face that would be recognizable. Back as ebony it glistened a "mouth" area showing vocal imprints seek and sooth up to the face where a small horn was present at each temple and a slightly larger but still small compared to the average gaudy Sith armor horns rested in the center. The voice spoke out slowly "Well well isn't THIS just a surprise the jedi I most wanted to meet up with so soon into my "hunt"."

The being raised his hand to his face removing the mask. A familiar face smirked at the captured jedi. Skin too pale eyes that looked like rubies an amused smirk on his face white blond hair peaking out from the top of he battle armor and clothes worn over it. A wicked scar ran down the Jedi turned Sith's eye, but that was to be expected, few Sith got to power by being nice.

The Sith Master was tall, two feet taller than Aranea and a bit wider though it was obviously not fat. The half human half Cathar chuckled,"Didn't expect to see me again did you Aranea?"

Thomas and has master had been on planet Korriban. Back when both had been Padawan. The four had been surrounded and attacked. Thomas had just made his first saber whereas Aranea hadn't, thus it made sense for those two to distract the Sith while Aranea and her Master got to the ship. However they'd been forced to leave when Aranea's master had "sensed" both of them die. Chuckling Thomas spoke, "If you wondering Sexy, I'm not a Force Ghost, or even some demon of hell sent to punish you for your betrayal, now I'm as alive as you thought smarter and a bit more alive as I'm not repressed trust me "Old Friend" you haven't lived until you've done a death stick off a Twi Lek hooker's tits in the middle of a lower city strip club."

Shaking his head the Sith said "I suppose I should wait to do the catching up until I've got your attention huh?"

The Sith typed in a command code. The door sealed shut as he said, "The code to the door is 8675309"

Putting back on his mask he said "If you can make it to the door your free to leave no one will top you, the transport is across the hall."

The Sith pressed in a key code and her cell door dissolved. Even as he drew and activated his twin sabers. Both glistened. The right beam was an almost black purple while the left was red orange, and about half as long.the sound of them activating seemed to echo, as he said, "You didn't think I'd just let you go did you time to show you why the dark side is the best."

With a negligent thought her own lightsaber was sent rolling into her cell. the Sith waited, both blades in a battle position.
Aranea blinked again as the Sith seemed to materialize in front of her, wearing, as she expected, the armor of the Sith. She saw nothing of him besides his mask, his armor, and his sabers. She watched him carefully, warily, taking him in as she tensed for movement. She wore the traditional Jedi white tunic and brown robes, although a little rumpled from having spent so long on the floor. No hint of an expression showed on her face, but inwardly she frowned. She thought she knew the voice. It sounded faintly familiar, like that of a voice echoing from a half-remembered dream. But of course it was impossible. She didn't know any Sith or any Jedi that had been corrupted. Instead she brushed it off as her imagination. But he was tall. She had to crane her neck just to look up at the mask covering his face. At her five and a half feet, she was dwarfed by his height.

She watched as a hand went to the mask and lifted it, revealing the face within. Her eyes widened and she took a step back, startled by the sudden revelation of the familiar face, but without the friendliness that had been in it the last time she knew it. He had changed much since the last time she had seen him, and she certainly hadn't known he would grow to be so tall.

Aranea opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again in shock. "I thought...." She let the sentence trail off without an end. She knew that he knew what she was going to say.

Unbidden, her mind flashed back years to the last time they had been together on Korriban, training as Jedi Padawans together. She remembered admiring Thomas' saber, laughing with delight when he demonstrated its power to her. Then the fun was over as they had suddenly been ambushed. She remembered wanting to fight but not having a saber to fight with. It had filled her with guilt that she didn't have her own weapon. She had thought that if she had already made her own saber, they would have been able to stay and fight with their friends. As it was, they had been forced to flee without the other Jedi and Padawan on her own master's orders.

"How are you alive..." she whispered, staring at him with wide eyes as if seeing him for the first time, which, in a way, she was. She watched without words as he punched in a code, locking the door under some passcode.

She looked at him disbelievingly. Surely he didn't mean to capture her just to introduce himself and release her again. She nodded a little in understanding as his sabers activated, the electronic sound bouncing off the walls of the room. She had suspected it wouldn't be so easy.

Aranea leaned down and picked up her saber, activating the green light blade with the press of a button, hesitating.

"We used to be friends, Thomas. Why did you turn to the Dark Side?" She might have been eager to escape the place, but before she could move against him, she had to know.
Thomas smirked at the woman turning the voice modulator off he spoke"Korriban is a hard word, that day those things that attacked us were Sith Wraiths, creatures sustained by the dark side, mindless bests who may as well have been wielding clubs, my master however as you know was more of a historian than a fighter, she fell surrounded by wraiths their were about six left open when she fell and I defeated all of them, but of course by then your "brave" aster had fed the planet."

Shaking his head he said "So I was left with no allegiances and no Master stuck on that hellish word where everything, and everyone wanted me dead, I remembered word of a small village four days walk from my location, I was wounded, and relatively exhausted but I slowly but surely made the walk heading towards that town."

Shaking his head he said, "Three days from our cap a sand storm struck driving me into a Sith ruin, looking back I believe the force herself was seeking to guide me you see I am not a Sith, your school may have labelled me such, but I a something far MORE DANGEROUS than a foolish Sith."

Popping his neck he said, "Surely you know of Revan, the last known TRUE "Sith" able to use both sides of the force, he was alive in that temple, kept alive by the force and bacta he awakened upon me entering the room and he taught me everything gave me a location for the new and improved Star Forge he had been having built before he'd been called away."

Thomas nodded his head as he spoke fondly, "Revan was a harsh aster, but not cruel one, and in time I grew to love her as a mother and something more, when her time came as it does with things, she begged me to see to it that the Jedi and The Republic truly are saved."

Looking at the "Light side" wielder he said "So consider this a chance to prove me wrong that the Republic that the Jedi are fine that they don't need saving, if you can defeat me, resist my temptation hen you will have proven me and my aster wrong, but deep inside you know the truth."

Shaking his head he said, "Deep inside you know the jedi are WRONG, their traditions are WRONG, that they have lost what they ounce were, that the republic is dying, it has at more a quarter of a century before it's like ash in the wind."
Aranea continued to stare at her former friend in disbelief. Without the voice modulator, he sounded much more familiar to her, but the idea that he could be still be alive after the attack on Korriban so many years ago still didn't make sense. But still, he was right there in front of her, after her master had convinced her that their friends were dead and they could do nothing to save them.

"I thought you had died there..." she said hesitantly after he was done relating his story. "My master told me he felt both of you die. If I had known, I would have made him go back."

She paused for a moment, watching him for any sort of positive reaction. "Look, it was a bad mistake. But the Jedi are not wrong because of the wrong actions of a single master. Revan is the one who is wrong. Yes, the Republic isn't as perfect as it used to be. But your so-called master is misleading you. Can't you see it?"

She drew back into a fighting stance, her saber held crosswise in front of her. "Don't make me fight you, Thomas," she said softly, trying one last time to sway him from his purpose. "Come back to the Republic with me. Please."
Thomas chuckled, "Sily girl did you not hear me Revan was kept alive by ancient Sith magic and bacta the sort of thing you do when your not trying to survive but trying to wait long enough to pass on your knowledge."

Looking at her he said, "I am Darth Vicarious and Darth Vicious "Official" master and student the one who started this rebellion the one whose defeated the jedi again the master of both sides of the force, and the man who will see the Republic burn."

The man chuckled s he said, "I am the all commander the highest ranking person in the "Sith Army", and trust me babe, things are only beginning padawans are being collected from every panet nights and even a few masters re joining them, planets the Republic has screwed over are joining by the dozen The Corellian sector is joining with me next week, that will remove 90% of the Republics ability to make ships, Cruscant will be mine within a month."
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