Earning Reputation (Kaybee and NastyLittleBugger)


Oct 12, 2011
Serina Kintara was primarily cautious as she made her way along the steadily rising path, a ledge in the mountains that bordered Felwood and Winterspring that switched back as it rose to take an adventurer straight to the furbolg camp of Timbermaw Hold. The furbolgs were known to let adventurers through but only after those adventurers had gained good standing with them, something that placed quite a limitation on the ability to access the frozen valley. Some slaughtered their way through the hulking humanoid beasts but Serina was neither strong enough nor willing to resort to such a means of making it to her destination. She was nightelf, taller than all but the draenei and born with magenta skin and vibrant blue-green hair that she wore loosely down her back. As a rogue she was clad in relatively practical leathers that clung to her form a little bit leaving very few of her curves to the imagination. Ordinarily her chosen path as a thief and assassin would have her with no qualms of murder but her culture had instilled a deep respect for life within her and so she killed only when she needed to.

She was stealthy in any case, something she hoped to use to make it through the tunnel without too much difficulty from the patrolling furbolgs. All she would need to do was get past the guard at the front entrance and her sneaking would hopefully be enough to take her to the other end of the tunnel. Of course the trick in this case would be getting past the guard first, she had tried to sneak up on him once but with his back to the wall he'd had no trouble spotting her and left no room for her to get around behind him. This time she approached without stealth or guile in her posture, feigning cheerfulness and levity as she drew in sight of the cavern mouth and it's guardian. "Hail friend! She called out. "May I pass?"
Furbolg guarding the entrance was named Longfang. He was still young and relatively small compared to other furbolgs Serina could've seen. But that still means 7 feet tall, 300 pounds heavy ferocious bipedal bear-man. He was... guess that passes as "formally dressed" among races that need no clothes since their fur gives them good enough protection. This particular specimen wore nothing but a loose loincloth. It seemed to be mostly to show this furbolg is not feral, since it was a little too short to cover what's most important. He didn't seem to be armed, but how unarmed can someone with claws strong enough to tear a person apart and teeth made for ripping throats out be?
Longfang looked at approaching nightelf with caution and suspicion. Her request was rather bold. Furbolgs are known of their mistrust, even to nightelves. Of course, if befriended, Timbermaw tribe is a valuable ally, but that requires a lot of work. Just asking them to let you in, where their females, younglings and sacred objects can be found? Not bloody likely.
He eyed her from head to toe, but saw no symbol of Timbermaw proving she gained her right to enter. There might've been a hint of checking her curves out, but it's hard to read their animal faces for any emotions.

"No. Me not know you. Go away." - he snarled in Low Common
"You no friend of Timbermaw. You friend, you pass".

Just to be sure it's not some trick, he sniffed the air, checking for her possible companions, but detected nobody. He stood calmly.
Serina hadn't expected to be shut down so abruptly, her face falling at the Furbolg guard's simple statement of denial. "Please?" She ventured hesitantly. She had to make it to winterspring and this was the only passage, turning back wasn't an option and yet she couldn't think of anything she had to bargain with. She looked over the furbolg, her eyes pausing for a little longer than strictly necessary on the mostly uncovered endowment, an idea beginning to form in her mind at the sudden reminder of sexuality.

"Look I can make it worth your while to let me pass..." She spoke with the same timid tone, trying to present an allure. The furbolg would never let her get close enough as it was and the guards had never been so unperceptive as to let her sneak by them but if she could get in range to sap him then she could make it by in the meantime. "Come on big boy..." She gave a perfect imitation of a smile as she hefted her bosom through the studded leather armour, letting her eyes wander to his cock again and stepping slowly forwards with an exagerrated sway of her hips. She might be about to be quite humiliated but there had been stories of Furbolgs going after women in the past, tales that said they preferred Night elves or Draenei over humans since the often larger races could take their bestial lengths more easily... She hoped those tales weren't wrong in this case, becaue she really needed to get through this tunnel.
Longfang was caught by suprise when nightelf hit her seductive tone. "I not gonna let you pass" he snarled, trying to regain his composure. This sounded true. It was doubtful that young furbolg would let her pass even for most sexy and unprudent elven twins. He wouldn't survive a second if anyone found out. Yet a simple glimpse below was enough to learn that her actions met a response. Beastman's loincloth was slightly more... bulged. It was just a small reaction, but reaction nevertheless.
The stories were true. Most of furbolg females remained hidden from world and it's dangers. Too precious to risk, they rarely showed up among other furbolgs. And that resulted in much frustration, especially for younglings. That led to searching for another ways to sate their needs. More or less consent relations with women from both Alliance or Horde became not so glorious, but noticeable practice for young bear-men.
That's why Longfang, even though he (rightfully so) suspected some trick, he didn't drive the girl away. Still cautious, but driven by his youthful instincts he wrestled with his thoughts. Finally he spoke, quite unsure but with his mind (and not only mind) set.
"You want be friend, you bring five times ten corrupt tribe scalps. You do me good, you need to bring half scalps."
The idea of being served by an elf chick seemed to be appealing for him. And visualising it made his loincloth pretty useless. It'd require much more cloth and a little less loins to cover THAT...
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