Digimon: (Primarily Tamer/Digimon a la Tamers and Savers. I would prefer to play the 'mon, but can play the Tamer as well.)
LoK: (At the moment, craving something KorVira (Korra/Kuvira) like mad. Also open to KorraSami (Korra/Asami) as well. In most/all cases I prefer to play Korra but I can be persuaded to play Asami or Kuvira, though it's unlikely I'll agree.)
snaibseL: (YJ!Verse Artemis/Zatanna. Can be post series or during the series. Even willing to have it replace Spitfire (Wally/Artemis) during the series.)
RWBY: (Primarily Freezerburn (Yang/Weiss), but open to Ladybug (Ruby/Blake), Sundae/Baked Alaska (Yang/Neo), Sweet Dreams (Emerald/Cinder), Falling Petals (Cinder/Ruby) as well, I'm also willing to try Chocolate Bunny (Coco/Velvet) as well. In terms of characters I prefer to play Yang, Blake, Neo, and Cinder; though I have more preference towards playing Yang, Cinder and Neo.)
Final Fantasy XIII: (For this I'm willing to play Lightning against characters like Vanille, Fang, and Lebreau. I'm also big into Farroncest, but it's not something I expressly need.)
Star Wars: (At the moment I'm mostly interested in Ahsoka/Asajj or Ahsoka/Barriss, and possibly something involving Sabine Wren. Open to other ideas and pairings as well.)
Star Trek: (Primarily Deanna Troi/Beverly Crusher, Seven of Nine/B'elanna Torres, or T'Pol/Hoshi Sato. Also open to doing OC/OC pairings. In the case of OC's I'm willing to play the following species: Vulcan Caitian, Klingon, Human, and Joined Trill.)
Thundercats (2011 ver): (This is the only, THE ONLY thing that I'd be interested in doing hetero/straight pairings for. That being said the pairings are: Cheetara/Lion-O, Panthera/Leo, Pumyra/Lion-O, and OCs)