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Fun Opening(s) -M/M Only (unless otherwise said)-

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Mar 16, 2012
Sasebo, Japan
If you would like to role play any of these, please ask me via PM
What these are are openings, they would be what the first post would look like. I would be asking you to respond to the post however you see fit. I want to see exactly where an opening can go.

Opening 1:
"Oliver walked around on the street, he was bumming around after his classes and he had taken to looking into windows and checking out some of the trinkets that were in them. He stuffed his hands into his jeans back pockets and shook his head when he saw the prices of stuff. "Things are always so expensive now a days." he murmured to himself. That's when he got his favorite idea, when you can't pay for something you steal it, but in his case he stole the money to pay for the things. Oliver stopped by a street sign and glanced around the street, he learned well enough that he needed to pick his targets carefully or else risk getting caught. That's when he spotted his target, a nice tall man with wild red hair. He looked slightly rich, at least rich enough that he could handle loosing whatever was in his wallet. Oliver followed the man for a little bit and worked his way around the street so that he was coming onto the man. For the past few minutes he had judged the man and located his wallet, all he had to do now was bump and grab. It worked every time, especially in a crowd. That's just what he did, bumped into the man and then reached for his wallet grabbing it with the tips of his fingers and walking on. He glanced back to see if the man had noticed him, ready to either hand the wallet back, faking that he had found it on the ground or make a break for it."

So, what is going to happen next? The plot is up to you. The only thing I ask is that Oliver stays the sub he is (if the plot leads to sex). The "Nice tall man with wild red hair" can be changed if necessary.

Opening 2:
"Just come right this way, Akira. You'll enjoy it. So many new people to meet and they all love baking. I love them, it's like a whole new family and I just can't get enough of them." Oliver said, leading a young feminine looking man, with dyed blue hair. Oliver knew that this man was easily swayed, so this wasn't his best work. However, this would be his best sell, there would be lots of buyers for this one. Oliver couldn't wait to tell his boss of who he found. He often was able to lure young men or women in with his short brown hair, and trusting brown eyes. He had a handy technique of being able to pick pocket really well, so he could even play the 'sir, did you lose this?' game with his victims.

Akira was biting his lip, as he always did when he was nervous, he stayed close to Oliver until the other opened the door for him and he walked in, turning on the lights in the dark room "Are we ther -" he trailed off and stared at all the people that were in the room, all look at him sad and hopeless. He turned around "Oliver!" he shouted as he headed to the door, just as it shut. He started to panic and looked around the room with all the people. All the time thinking to himself 'what is going on?' He started to chew on his lip, causing it to bleed before he hesitated in moving over to someone and asking them why he was there.

"Your in a human trafficking ring." someone said and patted a spot next to them. "Sit down kid. We've all been fooled by Oliver or someone else. Don't bother trying, we all have. You try you get hurt, lowers your price, they will hurt you again. It eventually just becomes just a circle of pain and torture."

Akira sat down next to the person and brought his knees to his chest trying to calm down and think it through. He needed to get out, and it needed to be soon."

This "plot" can go lots of ways. 2 ways that could be done would be 1. I play both Akira and Oliver and you play a third 2. We play Akira and Oliver and that's it. (Akira and Oliver are both subs, but for the second way obviously one would change that role)

Opening 3:
"Akira leaned up against the door to the only place he had called home in a long while. It was just cold enough outside that he wanted to find someone to pick him up quickly, but at the same time he was able to wear his usual misleading jeans and tank top. Many of the men that came down this far into town knew he was male, but there were the occasional few that were mislead by his feminine figure. He rubbed his arms to keep warm and glanced down the street.

He hadn't always been this way, he used to be an aspiring baker, but when the cafe burned down everything he had dreamed of left him in ruins and no where to turn but the streets. He was willing to do anything if it meant some money, just to get him back on his feet. So when the man asked him to do things for him, he didn't hesitate. Now he was stuck in the business, having to pay of debts and pay for food and shelter. The homeless were right, once you were down at the bottom, it was really hard to get back up.

He looked at the car that pulled up, familiar to him, but not to others. He smiled slightly and headed over to the car, knocking on the passenger side window. He waited until it was rolled down and then leaned down. "Hello, you looking for some company?" he said, quietly but at the same time it had something more to it, something that only prostitutes, sluts, and whores seemed to manage to pull off."

I would like to have someone that plays a familiar person that comes calling. Akira is a submissive. I could go the other way as well and play the familiar person.

Opening 4:
"Jason had been at a friend's house for a party that they had planned. He had decided not to stay the night and when he heard the cannon fire he looked outside of his car, trying to pin point where on earth the sound had come from. Slower and slower he drove, catching the occasional sight of what he thought was a mirror. Either way, some parts of the sky didn't look right. He was alone of the road, so he finally pulled over and watched the sky. It was a nice night out, well sort of, at least he could see the sky clearly.

That's when he saw it. The shape that he was pretty sure shouldn't be there. He felt it hit the ground from one hundred feet away and it forced him to fall to the ground. "Holy shit!" he screamed and looked around, trying to see if anyone else had seen what he just had. No one was even around. With that he heard a scream, more like a screech and he was in his car in a second. It was the scream of pain, terror, scared of the unknown.

Within minutes he was near the fallen object. Jason got out of his car, hesitant of the odd looking sphere. He took a deep breath and started to walk towards it until he started to see a shape and the scream had gotten louder. "Hello?" he called, gulping "Are you okay?" he called licking his lips and stepped forward closer to the shape. He got close enough to the thing that the "tails" might have caught him, but he figured he would be fast enough. He squinted at the thing trying to get a better look at it before his eyes widened when he realized it was breathing. Whatever it was, it wasn't human...of that he was sure. "Hello?" he asked again, hoping the thing might understand English. "yeah right." he mumbled to himself."

So I'm looking for the alien on this one, more characters could be added if need be, anything goes with this rp. I mean anything. Jason is submissive...I could change the character for this and fix it so the character I play is dominate (Unless you would like me to play the alien).

Opening 5:
"Akira stared at the TV, he had almost dropped the glass he was cleaning and his mouth was dropped. It couldn't be him, could it? He continued to stare at the TV, finally moving over closer to it to stare at the man. It was. Akira sat back and bit his lip before pulling out his cell and calling the number on the screen. He had to see him again, if only one more time.

Akira had already waited five years to see his first love again, but the one week waiting for the concert had seemed like another five years. After the concert Akira waited outside the backdoor to the concert hall. He wasn't allowed in and had been pushed around by the groupies. He didn't care though, waiting in the back of the line was fine with him, as long as he got to see him. "_____?" he questioned as soon as he saw the man.

He hoped that _____ could hear him, there weren't too many groupies left, but the ones that were still there were rather loud. Plus, who knew if _____ even remembered him, it had been five years and now ______ was famous. He had heard that famous people tended to forget the people they knew when they were not."

Again, Akira is submissive, the _____ is the character I would be looking for, but it can go either way on this one.

Opening 6:
""Captain, I've managed to establish a radio transmission with the alien vessel." Oliver said, holding the communicator to his ear. "They are requesting for us to start transferring information about their species to our ship, in case..." he trailed off, knowing his captain knew what he was going to say next. His captain looked over to him and nodded "Alright, permission granted, tell them that we are going to keep trying." Oliver nodded and stood up, another communications officer taking his place just in case, he headed towards another room so that he could start taking down information that couldn't be transferred via the ships interlink, all they could get, no thanks to the interference. When he got to the room he sat down in front of a computer. "Hello?" he called, "This is Federation Starship Lexington, calling alien vessel, we are ready to receive any information that you can give us about your species." he sighed slightly, he hated this part of the job. The not knowing if he was going to be taking down information that was going to be the last of this race. He looked at the screen, where an image of the ship was displayed. He was currently working on getting an image of the other crew. He always like having a face to the voice."

Looking for the other end of the convo...this could lead to the other coming over to the Starship that Oliver is from. (Yes, this is a trekkie type, it doesn't have to be)

Opening 7:
"Akira pushed his hair back from his face as he continued to work on the sleeve of the shirt he is working on. He focused on what he was doing, making sure the stitches were not going to be seen on the finish project. He jumped when he felt the hand on his shoulder, tsking and moving his hand as quickly as possible from the shirt, no need to get blood on it. He glanced to his boss and then towards the man standing behind him. "Yes?" He asked as he placed his finger into his mouth and sucks the blood away. He glanced back to his boss and then got back to work, checking to make sure no blood was on the shirt."

This rp has a slight plot to it. Akira works in a sweatshop and the boss's son has taken to him. The boss's son also has decided that he wants a personal assistant and Akira is it. This can lead to sexual or non, doesn't matter to me. The boss's son would be the dominate.
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