To turn a lesbian... or two ~ closed to ThomasRHellsing


Oct 3, 2012

"I cannot believe you Willow... how could you do this?" Tara stared accusingly at her girlfriend, utterly betrayed. Willow's eyes were downcast. She folded her arms and refused to look as Tara paced their little den.

"I'm so sorry, I know it was so wrong... but I just couldn't handle you being so mad at me."

"I would have calmed down, been more reasonable. But you took that choice from me. You broke my trust and erased my memories. I feel... violated." There was no other word for it. "I need you to go Willow. I need some space."

Willow's head snapped up. "No, don't leave things like this... we need to talk about this."

"You need to talk about this. I don't trust you any more Willow. You need magic like a drug, you've become so controlling and it's twisted, what you did to me. The only way I can be sure you won't mess with my head is for you to go somewhere else. Pack a bag. You can go stay with Buffy or somebody. I can't have you here right now."

"I'd never-" Willow began but Tara cut her off.

"Yesterday I'd have said that too but the fact is that you did. You didn't even admit it to me either Willow, I had to figure it out for myself. You were never going to own up."

Willow rose and lifted her hands in a placatory gesture. Tara flinched, her own hands moving in a reflexive blocking motion. Willow froze, finally realising the full impact of what she had done.

"This isn't even just about that." Tara continued. "I've seen you looking at boys, I even found a number in your purse the other day. I know you're bi but you're in a relationship with me. I hate feeling like I'm not enough for you."

"I was drunk when I was given that number, I forgot it was even there. I love you Tara." Willow looked her in the eye then, still frozen and with her hands in plain sight.

"Is it because I won't use that... thing you bought?" Tara asked quietly.

"The feeldoe? Oh no baby that was just an idea, you know, a bit of fun. I completely understand that it's not something you want to do. I was going to take it back to the store, it's not like we opened it or anything."

"How do I know Willow? How do I know what else you've made me forget?" Tara's head was in her hands now, but when Willow tried to approach her she shook her head. Willow connected the dots and sputtered in indignation.

"Are you asking if I ever... if I made you forget something sexual? Are you actually asking me that?"

"I don't know. I don't know what to think about anything now."

Willow strode out to their bedroom and returned with the feeldoe still in its packaging.

"I don't believe I'm saying this. Even if I had... made you forget something like that, as a bisexual woman I can tell you that you'd be left with physical soreness. Believe me, if you'd had this inside you, you'd know about it afterwards."

Tara grimaced in disgust. Willow tossed the sex toy onto their couch, pacing around and raking her hands through her red hair.

"You want me to be honest... really honest? Yes, sometimes I do miss penetration BUT that doesn't mean I'm going out and getting laid. Sometimes I'll notice a guy or a girl and think they're hot but it's just a passing thought. I'm with you and you're all I want. I don't care that you weren't interested in the feeldoe. Of course it would have been fun for me if you were but it's not a big deal, it's not important to me. You're important to me. I only did what I did because I can't stand to lose you and now it looks like I'm losing you anyway. GOD!"

Tara fetched a backpack and offered it to Willow. "I'm not enough for you. I've seen the way you look at guys and I saw the way you were hyped up about that... thing." She gestured at the feeldoe. "I think you should go and have a long hard think about what you really want, because right now I just don't feel that you have any idea. I need some space and you're going to give it to me. Please just take some things and go."

Willow stalked into their bedroom and flung some clothes into the bag, toiletries, make-up etc. She snatched up some of her magic books but again Tara frowned at her.

"You need a break from magic Willow. You need to really think about what you've done to me."

"Magic is all I have left if I don't have you."

"What if you can't have both Willow? What if regaining my trust means hanging up your powers?"

Willow was visibly shocked, much more shocked than she had been when Tara had told her that she had realised her memories had been altered. She stepped towards Tara, her demeanour becoming apologetic, looking up at her through her lashes. "Look, I know you're upset and angry and you have every right to be but I swear Tara, I only ever altered your memory that one time. I made you forget at most about ten minutes of your life, ten minutes that we were fighting for. You're making this into a huge great deal but it was just one stupid little thing that I did. It never happened before and it will never happen again. I'm sorry I crossed that line and I'm sorry I hurt you but it was just one little mistake, a stupid error of judgement because I love you and I hate it when we fight."

Willow was closer to Tara now, almost within touching distance. Tara saw straight through her girlfriend, saw that she didn't want to face up to what she'd done and wasn't prepared to stop practising magic. For the first time in their years together, Willow watched in horror as Tara's pretty face twisted with rage and hate.

"You don't get it at all do you!" She yelled. Despite being the stronger of the two witches, Willow was thrown backwards, hitting the wall and collapsing to the floor. The force of Tara's emotion was terrifying. Willow scrambled to her feet and stepped towards her again.

"Tara don't... stop this!"

"I didn't start this!" Tara felt the power welling within her and she screamed, all the heartache and anguish ripping from her lungs. Willow ricocheted off of the wall and landed at Tara's feet, unconscious. Tara touched her cheek but there were no tears there.

Willow had made her feel violated.

Willow desperately wanted to be violated.

Tara was angry enough to grant her wish.


A short while later, Tara was stirring a pot on the stove, humming to herself. Spike's peroxide blonde head appeared in her open kitchen window, inhaling deeply. The potion gave out a vampire-maddening scent of 'ripe female virgin' and Tara had used her own hair, since she still had her hymen.
Spike had smelled the potion, but was almost insulted Glinda thought he was that easy. Spike was admittedly young but with two slayer's under his belt he was "Smarter than your average vampire.". However he was happy to let the blond explain her plan. Soon he was carrying Red to his crypt. He could smell the anger coming off of Glinda and it was turning him on.

Reaching his crypt he moved the door and bar into place. Putting red on the bed he pulled out several silk ropes. Smirking at Glinda he said, "Normal ropes would let her cut her own wrists had a girl do that in Prague one time, Dru danced in it like a kid and a Sprinkler."

Nodding he said, "I don't think red would go that far, but better safe then sorry, ya know?"

The red ropes were coiled from silk strong enough to hod a slayer, gentle enough it would take hours of working them to make your wrists start to look raw. Twice as long before you drew blood and even longer to actually draw enough to kill yourself.

Spike moved around the crypt lighting several candles. He could sense Willow was close to consciousness and held his hand out to Tera, your thong please best sort of gag."

Taking the item he gagged willow effectively. Before ripping off her clothes. Her arms and legs tied nice and wide, he moved back. Letting the witch awaken. After about a minute he said "You awake red that good, I'm glad Glinda checked you out, made sure you didn't have a concussion."

Sitting on the bed he let his cool had ghost over Willow's stomach, to her right nipple. Letting his right middle finger circle it he said, "Red, you really screwed up this time Glinda is PISSED, she wants you to be hurt, to suffer."

He leaned down closer but still loud enough Tara could hear him, "However theirs just one little thing she forgot."

Reaching Willow's ear, he said simple his tone a whisper so low Tara couldn't heat him, "To hurt you Scoobies, you have to hurt the ones you love."

Spike smirked knowing the woman had heard him. Knowing she would try to warn her lover but the gag was put in place too well. He stood up slowly, before moving too quick behind Tara. His lips against her ear he said "Silly Glinda, you forgot, I am, were, and always will be the BIG bad."

With that he bit into her neck, enjoying the convulsions. It would almost like she was orgasming from the force of his bite. Her whole body shaking uncontrollably from he deep "Sucking" of her blood. However after thirty seconds he pulled away. Ripping Tara' dress. He didn't want her catatonic or dead, he wanted her conscious, but too weak to fight.

Sitting down, he tossed Tara's bra across the room. Smirking he said "Hell Red, no wonder you went after the earth chick look at these big round titties, tell me Red how did you fondle them last were you a rookie about it, clutching blindly in the dark?"

His hands groped Tara's breasts Like you saw on dirty moves, his fingers rubbing them. Smirking he said, "Or did you do it slow and sultry?"

His middle fingers circled Tara's sensitive nipples. Before they started twisting them. His thumb allowing him to twist them gently before twisting them sharply. Smirking he said "Does Glinda like a bit of pain too?"

He pinched her nipples twisting them a bit harder. The light of the candles was a bit twisted. Showing only Tara's nude body and Spike's hands. Spike's still present black clothes aided in this. Allowing Wilow to only see her lover, barely able to stand with Spike's help his hands playing with her chest.
Willow jolted awake as her clothes were yanked off, bucking as she discovered that she was bound. She glared at Spike as he touched her, trying to recall what the fuck had happened prior to this. Hazy memories tumbled in on her, the argument with Tara.

Spike leaned down towards her neck and Willow cried out into her gag, turning her head away immediately before she realised that was the stupidest thing she'd ever done. Spike merely whispered in her ear, clearly revelling in the fear he had aroused in her.

"To hurt you Scoobies, you have to hurt the ones you love."

Willow shook her head, lifting her head and trying to catch Tara's eye but her girlfriend wouldn't look at her. Spike leapt up and moved behind her. Tara was drained from her earlier outburst, devoid of power. Willow tried to push Spike away but nothing happened except a blossoming pain in her head. She fought her bonds as he sank his teeth into Tara, screaming, tears clouding her vision.

"No Spike... this isn't what we-"

Tara could only gasp as he bit her, her body convulsing with pain and shock. Spike was many times stronger than a mortal man and vain enough to keep his undead physique honed. She flailed against him to no avail whatsoever. When he stopped feeding from her, Tara stumbled groggily. Spike held her up by one clenched fist and ripped at her clothes with his free hand. Acknowledging that this had spiralled WAY beyond her control, Tara finally looked at Willow.

"I'm sorry my love... I wasn't thinking... I was just SO mad."

She gasped in pain as Spike twisted her nipple, turning to glare at him.

"Does Glinda like a bit of pain too?" He sneered. Tara held his gaze.

"I hope you like pain, because when my baby recovers her powers she is going to flay you. Slowly. She is going to skin you and then stake you to the ground to meet the dawn. She is going to make you pay.

Willow nodded her agreement, trying once more to summon some of her wiccan energy. She just couldn't access it, or perhaps the force with which she had been thrown around had dissipated it somehow.
Spike chuckled, as he said, "Silly Glinda, I've killed two slayers, I know how witches work, you draw your powers from gods or goddesses or from the earth itself."

Suckling Tera's neck enjoying the fear he said, "Sweetie your in a crypt, a CHRISTIAN pace the other gods, they dont' much like the Christians now do they?"

He let his hands play with her breasts, slowly his right one worked down. His middle finger circling her clit, before rubbing up and down her sex's lips. She'd feel a bulge in his pants as he said, "As for the earth magic, well sweetie, that might be a threat if Red hear was you, but she isn't, she is like Angelous all Razzle Dazzle no studious learning see Angelous was sadistic, but me I'm smart."

He half carried Tara over to the bed. Looking at Willow as he stripped down. His coat was tossed over his chair, his shirts followed it. His boots and socks then his pants Finally his six crimson boxers. His cock was at least 12 inches and fatter than any average sized toy. Smirking he rubbed his massive dick between Tara's ass cheeks. Smirking he leaned down saying in Tara's ear, "Glinda, your going to beg beg for my hard dick in your ass hole, your going to plead for it and do it well or I'm going to go over to the dresser, get the .45 Dru always liked, put it to Red's head and pull the trigger."

The vampire let his cock head rub at Tara's entrance, enjoying the fact she was going to be begging for him to rape her. Also the fact that he'd rape her without any issues from the chip. She was asking for it and thus he wasn't hurting her. He could rape her ass all night after she asked for it and the chip wouldn't even fizzle. He chuckled as he said, "The best part is you'll get your revenge, look into her eyes as you beg for me to violate you, she'll never now your doing it to save her life, so do it well Glinda, because I am going to make you scream."
Willow stopped struggling as Spike informed them that their powers wouldn't work here. It wasn't giving up so much as conserving her strength. She looked at Tara as she was carried to the bed beside her, so close and yet so far away. They watched, horrified, as Spike stripped naked. His cock was by far the biggest thing Willow had ever seen, the grey skin grotesquely ridged with purple veins.

"Glinda, your going to beg beg for my hard dick in your ass hole, your going to plead for it and do it well or I'm going to go over to the dresser, get the .45 Dru always liked, put it to Red's head and pull the trigger."

Tara closed her eyes, the tears starting to come. Willow however lifted her head and tried to talk past the gag. She pointed with her hands towards her pussy and was clearly trying to get Spike to take her instead. Tara was squirming beneath the press of him against her ass, trying to formulate the words he wanted to hear. For a 300 year old vampire however, Spike wasn't known for his patience.

"The best part is you'll get your revenge, look into her eyes as you beg for me to violate you, she'll never now your doing it to save her life, so do it well Glinda, because I am going to make you scream."

Willow gave up trying to distract Spike and glared at him. Tara reached up for Willow's hand and then closed her eyes. "P-p-please f... f-fuck my asshole." She stammered, sobbing the words. "I... I w-w-want your hard d-dick in me." She parroted.

The girls gripped one another's hands as they waited to see how Spike would react.
Spike smacked Tara's ass HARD. Almost hard enough to crack something but not quite. Showing the blond how strong he was he said, "Naughty naughty I think you can do better I should probably give you a bit of motivation eh Glinda?"

Spike got on his knees. Gently but firmly he spread her labia. His tongue snaked over her clit before he took it between his lips. Ever so lightly he nibbled on it, before pinching it with his teeth. Smirking he said, "Tell your lover what I'm doing, and keep count if you cum, tell her how I'm making you cum how any more orgasms I have to go until I break her record with you."

He let his tongue snake out. If Tara had thought Willow gave good head, this was mind blowing. Too good his hands around her stomachs he'd pinch or prod the small roll of fat she had. It wasn't anything major but he knew all women were self conscious about such a thing. His tongue, well it had to belong to a demon rolling twisting, snaking inside of her in all the right ways. Spike had had a female lover for centuries, and knew more about eating out then Willow could imagine. Their were times he seemed to almost have ore than one tongue. Vampire speed utilized to allow him to rub her multiple paces before her nerves caught up. Spike gave her a nasty bite from her thigh down and when both her thighs ((From her pelvic joint to her knees)) were showing bites ((About 6 a leg)). Suddenly Spike stopped, pulling away he smacked Tara's ass again. Giving the bond a chance to recover before she passed out, he moved up and whispered in Willow's ear, "Listen here Red, I'm going to ungag you but if you start to try anything magical, I'll knock you out, then drop Glinda from the top of this crypt on her pretty little head."

Moving over to his dresser he removed two things. Putting one on the bed he showed it off a bit "This ladies, is a magic brand one of you will be getting branded like a good little cow, who well I'm leaving that up to you little cows."

Smirking he said, "Tara, if you beg to cum, before one hour is up, Willow will get the brand, you hold up, then you get the brand ready to play?"

Moving between her legs he held a small ring to Tara's clit. It fit over it before tightening painfully tight. The ring was a present for Dru, it squeezed the clit tight enough to prevent an orgasm. Until it was magically released it was impossible to orgasm. Smirking he prepared the second thing he'd gotten out of the drawer. A wand vibrator old and with "vampire" designed settings. The low setting on it was about twice what the low setting was on the normal one. Rubbing the wand around her clit, he turned it to extra high. Circling her clit with the seriously shaking head he thrust his tongue into Tara. His speed quadrupled, he was using full vampire speed at this point, no mercy. Even as he forced the vibrating head against the clit. Working her sexes most sensitive areas as if they were an instrument. Tara would be lucky to last ten minutes, much less an hour.
"Tell your lover what I'm doing, and keep count if you cum, tell her how I'm making you cum how any more orgasms I have to go until I break her record with you."

At first it was repugnant, the feel of his cold, slimy tongue against her. Tara swallowed down on a retch. She tried to rise but she was still weakened and Spike swatted her like a fly. Then he got to work on her, flickering faster than Willow could ever hope to, his bigger, stronger tongue buffeting her clit. Tara tried to fight it but when she did come, it was all the harder. "I don't want to." She told Willow. "I can't help it."

Two more orgasms later, Spike dipped his head and bit her inner thigh. Tara cried out and tried to squirm away from him but it was to no avail. He bit her again and again.

Willow watched with revulsion as he lifted his head and regarded her. His face shone with Tara's juice and her blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Willow could smell her girlfriend when he spoke.

"Listen here Red, I'm going to ungag you but if you start to try anything magical, I'll knock you out, then drop Glinda from the top of this crypt on her pretty little head."

Willow's eyes narrowed. So he had been bullshitting about her magic being no good here, she had just been in a concussed state of shock. She nodded brusquely and Spike ungagged her.

"You will pay for this." She reiterated as Spike rifled through his dresser.

This ladies, is a magic brand one of you will be getting branded like a good little cow, who well I'm leaving that up to you little cows. Tara, if you beg to cum, before one hour is up, Willow will get the brand, you hold up, then you get the brand ready to play?"

Tara tried to push him away but Spike soon had her clit fitted with a tiny ring. It stung. Then he got to work on her with a vibrator, making her whole mound pulse. Tara was terrified that he would try to put it inside her, making her more tense and heightening her arousal. As Spike rammed his tongue into her she realised what the purpose of the clit ring was. She couldn't cum.

"Oh no." She told Willow. "This is torture. That thing he put on me won't let me cum." Willow told her that it didn't matter if she couldn't hold out, that everything was going to be ok. Tara bucked and wailed for a whole twenty minutes. Her eyes were rolling and she looked about to pass out when she finally gasped, "Please let me cum. I can't take any more."
Spike smirked, "I don't think so, not yet Glinda."

Thrusting two fingers into her sex he worked them with a ea that was slightly above human but far fro his aiu. Again his skils were toe curling adept. Moving he lifted Tara with his hand n her snatch to the bed. Releasing her, he tied he legs wide spread, her cunt and ass visible at the foot of the bed. He hands ending up bound at the wrist he worked the silk ropes up and around Willow's shoulders to her breasts. Tying a noose like knot. The more Tara struggled, the tighter the ropes would get. Even as he head was left just out of Tongues reach of the red head's pussy.

Smirking he said, "Look at her cunt Glinda, I can smell it, but can you see it, the arousal, she's getting turned on watching you be raped, I wonder if she's dripping wet yet?"

He thrust a finger into Willow working her sex faster and harder than he had Tara's. Walking over to the drawer again, he held Willow's nose, until she opened her mouth then forced a potion down her throat. Smirking he said, "A give now Willow you can only cum from my dick, or your girlfriend's tongue, and you won't get my dick until you beg for it like a dirty harlot, and swear on your magic your doing this voluntarily, and no harm shall come to me from it."

Tara was a tease that this point Willow could feel her breath, but Tara couldn't eat her out, tied the way she was she could at most skim her sex lips. Given the super powerful lust potion he doubted that would be enough for the red head.

Moving behind Tara, he said, "Now, let's try this again shall we, remember you aren't going to cum unless my dick is in your ass hole, so try begging for it again, plead for it, and I keep feeling like I forgot something."

The vibrator had been against her cit this whole time. Her own body weight grinding it into her clit. Pushing her further and further past the edge. He wanted her past a hair trigger, where even as he forced his massive dick into her ass hole, when he removed the ring she'd cum. He wanted her so delirious from the powerful orgasm, that she didn't' even realize the pain was their, until it was too late.
Tara was unable to fight back as Spike repositioned her and tied her down. Her limbs felt heavy and cumbersome, weakened by loss of blood.

Tara couldn't believe that she had been stupid enough to put them both at Spike's 'mercy.' She had never been angry like that before, never vengeful. The thought of Willow seeking out guys to play with, on top of the betrayal of having her memory modified, well it had just sent Tara crazy with rage and jealousy. Willow was her first proper relationship and there wasn't a day went by when Tara didn't fervently wish that Willow was gay. She was convinced Willow would be more content and they would be much stronger as a couple if Willow didn't also fancy guys. Tara saw her checking guys out, not overtly or even very often but sometimes she just knew Willow was admiring some guy's physique. It was bad enough when she looked at other girls. Tara herself had eyes for literally nobody but Willow. For her first true love to also be a witch was just a dream come true.

"Look at her cunt Glinda, I can smell it, but can you see it, the arousal, she's getting turned on watching you be raped, I wonder if she's dripping wet yet?"

"In your dreams." Willow snapped.

Tara knew every tiny fold and crease of Willow's pussy and she could see clearly that Willow was getting nothing out of this bizarre exercise in humiliation.

Willow swore as Spike jammed a think finger into her tiny, dry pussy, pistoning it until she reluctantly began to moisten. She was about to say something scathing about his technique when he pinched her nose and dumped a viscous liquid into her mouth, forcing her to swallow it.

"A give now Willow you can only cum from my dick, or your girlfriend's tongue, and you won't get my dick until you beg for it like a dirty harlot, and swear on your magic your doing this voluntarily, and no harm shall come to me from it."

"Oh, well then I'll just have my girlfriend's tongue and you can keep your dead fucking dick! What the hell did you just make me swallow... or did you get a little premature?" She sneered.

Spike had turned his attention back to Tara however. Tara shuddered violently against the vibe, her teeth gritted, her whole body tensed. The waves of sensation washing over her were so intense that she was sobbing.

"Now, let's try this again shall we, remember you aren't going to cum unless my dick is in your ass hole, so try begging for it again, plead for it..."

Tara bucked helplessly, but she still couldn't make herself beg for anal sex. Her arousal turned her rage feral and she lashed out verbally at Spike, too far gone to consider the consequences.

"Keep talking out your ass Spike!" She snarled. "No matter what you do to us physically, neither of us wants you. We're not going to beg you for anything! It was a huge, stupid mistake to bring Willow here. Now let you us go before I scream the place down and that chip fries what's left of your rotting grey matter!"
Spike chuckled, "Silly Glinda, who do you think gave Willow the book on mind control spells in the first place?"

Bringing his hand down hard on the witches ass he said, "I just made sure one night that the book was left out, no force, no control, red's always been studios, reaching for things beyond her grasp."

Chuckling as he continued, spanking Tara's ass hard, he said "Then you you were so easy to manipulate mention to you how Wilow was checking people out, are sure you noticed her looks this way and that, just keeping you focused making you more and more jealous and keeping you busy so you couldn't meditate couldn't calm the frustration building deep within you."

Laughing he said, "You sluts don't even get the best part,your friends, the ones you loved, HAVE HELPED ME DO THIS their tired of your pathetic whining, Buffy herself asked me how things were going yesterday they won't same you you re both at my mercy."

Chuckling he said, "I was going to go easy on you but it seems both of you need a bit of motivation to remember why I was called William the bloody."

Spike moved over to the side of the room. Taking a small hand crank generator. He put the leads against Willows nipples the arches of her feet and her sex lips. Smirking he started turning the crank. The power flow would be just at the point Willow could stand, her body lashing out toes curling in pain and the screams For nearly an hour he turned the crank making sure Willow stayed conscious the whole time. After an hour, he stopped Moving over to Willow he said "Now what do you have to say for yourself?"
Willow arched and screamed as the current hit her, her whole body on fire. Tara's own body bucked helplessly against the vibe as Willow moved, until both girls were convulsing and crying.

"I'm sorry Tara!" Willow's voice was tortured, broken from screaming. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." A little of the tension went out of Tara but neither of them could to anything to mitigate the torture Spike was determined to inflict. He cranked the generator at a frightening speed and without tiring, staring avidly at the two girls and every response he wrung from them.

Halfway through the hour Willow simply disconnected from what was happening to her body. She became incoherent, her eyes rolled up and flickering. Tara was beyond trying to comfort her at this point, her own suffering just as acute. There was no way she could squirm away from the vibe and the tremors that racked Willow's body doubled the impact of Spike's powerful vibe.

By the time Spike tired of his latest game the girls were barely conscious. Tara's overstimulated pussy was leaking all over Willow.

"Now what do you have to say for yourself?" He demanded.

Willow was incapable of speech. Tara's voice was ragged, for her own torture continued, whereas Willow no longer had electrical current ripping through her synapses. Tara gritted her teeth, her words a broken snarl.

"I w-want you to fuck my asshole and let me cum. Rip it open with your cold, dead dick... I don't care any more! J-just get this f-fucking ring off me you bastard!"

She was incredibly grateful that Willow was too far gone to hear her beg for Spike's cock. Tara flushed scarlet and glared at him, terrified now that he would just laugh in her face and leave her for another fucking hour. Her pussy throbbed and convulsed on air, feeling empty for the first time in all her years as a lesbian. Tara didn't care what Spike did to her any more, she just wanted this horrific ordeal to be over. What remained of her shredded wits told her that their fastest route out of here was to give Spike whatever the fuck he wanted, no matter how depraved his demands.
Spike laughed coldly, as he walked over to Willow and kissed her hard. A hand wrapped in her hair. Suddenly he grabbed her around the throat squeezing just tight enough to cut off the air. He didn't want her dead, but adrenaline a natural response to nearly getting strangled would force the "red witches" consciousness back to her. After two minutes and a kiss with his ful 200plus years behind it he pulled away.

Deciding to give Willow a better show, he unbound the blond, a hand in her long bond hair, he half dragged half carried to the center of the room. Looping the ropes still around her wrists to a pully hanging from the ceiling. Poor Tara was hanging from her arms. He did remove the ring walking over to Willow he firmly attached it to her own clit, the vibrator as well. Moving towards Tara he grabbed a thick heavy cutting board. Shaking his head he said, "Naughty Glinda, if you'd just begged earlier I'd have violated you right away, but y9u took so long now I have to punish you a bit."

The first strike sounded like a shotgun bast The they got louder the cutting board meeting Tar's ass. Forcing her to swing by her arms. The worst part however as Spike would keep her body aroused with his fingers. Not letting her get dry but fanning the flames. Driving her right to the edge before delivering another smack or three before doing it again. Vampire strength and speed with the fingers in her cunt and the paddle to her bare ass. After thirty minutes he was openly laughing "Poor Glinda, bet you wish you'd cut down on the cheese burgers huh?"

Chucking he said "But I did promise to get you off if you begged and you did, but a small change of plans."

He moved with vampire speed thrusting so hard into her cunt that Tara swung back off of it. However that wasn't all soon his body took up a speed that was 8 hard thrusts a minute. His massive dick jack hammering Tara's cunt. However like a pendulum as he thrusted in he pushed her back to be driven into his dick. Simple physics were her in essence ride him. Groaning as he dug his nails into her ass he said "You like that Glinda, you like Spike's big dick?"
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