In the name of Science!

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Rainbow Laser Cthulu

Nov 17, 2010
"Salutations Vault Hunter! Now that you've reached the Bullymong den I'll need you to take out the phial I gave you. That blue liquid is a special kind of pheromone extracted from a young Monglet. If you douse yourself with that, then the Bullymongs should think you are one of their young. This will allow you to get up close and record their social habits without putting yourself in any danger! Brilliant plan if I may say so." Kaliope activated her storage deck and removed the bottle Hammerlock had given her when she took the job. The phial materialized in her small hand, and the first thing she noticed was the color.

"Um...sir Hammerlock? You said its a blue liquid right?" She asked uncertainly.

"Yes yes. That's the one. Now douse yourself and release the camera-bot. It will follow your location while taking video's of the Bullymongs in their natural environment."

"Ah...yes I get that part...but this bottle is red...and it doesn't say Monglet anywhere on it. It says....Bullybabe in heat? What does that mean?" There was no response from Hammerlock right away, which made her worry more.

"Aha...not to worry! Simple mix up of labels and food coloring I'm sure. Go ahead and spread it on, and make sure to cover yourself as much as possible. If anything does happen, I'm sure you can handle yourself just fine! I'll see you when you get back!" The transmission ended and Kaliope was left standing there, overlooking the Bullymong den, and having some serious doubts about this plan. Unfortunately she really needed the money. This whole week she'd survived on what she could steal from bandits, and buy using the little money she scrounged during her jobs. She was only sixteen, and had no real skills to call upon. So normally all she could do was cleaning jobs, deliveries, and various other menial tasks. This one paid better though, maybe even enough to put her up in the spare room Moxxi had for rent. So she gritted her teeth and opened the bottle. She dribbled the liquid over her arms and rubbed it into her skin, then applied the rest everywhere else she could, until it was gone. The fluid was warming, and very musky. She wondered if all Bullymongs smelled like this, after all she'd never actually been up close to one before.

"Okay can do this. Not to worry, Hammerlock wouldn't screw you over....just walk in, and get the video..." She tried to assure herself as she slid her petite frame down into the den. She made little noise, and nothing came out to attack her. "So far so good..." She took a few steps in, testing her luck. When nothing happened, she let out a big sigh and tried to relax. Only to lose consciousness as something smacked her upside the head.

An unkown amount of time later she woke up with a groan, to the feeling of something heavy and hot laying on her face. She turned to the side only for her face to be smothered in some hot, musky pillow that felt like skin. Even when she opened her eyes she couldn't see anything, so she turned back, and went completely cold with fear. There was a cock on her face, and that pillow had been the balls connected to its base. Worse yet, that cock belonged to a Bullymong, which was panting over her, drool seeping from its mouth.

"Fuck...." Was all she could say. She was surrounded, several Monglets ambled around her, their own cocks standing fully erect. She didn't have any sexual experience, so she had nothing to compare too, but she was sure most humans didn't have dicks as big as those Monglets. Then of course several adults surrounded her as well. heat...she was going to kill Hammerlock if she survived this. Perhaps there was still some possibility of escape....
If there was a chance to safaly escape the clutches of four-armed beasts able to hurl rocks as big as a man, it was still to reveal itself. And in a way, she already was lucky. Few people woke up after being attacked by a bullymongs. Even if waking up means being greeted by sight of big, orangish meat rods of horny beasts. Heavy panting of excited monglets filled the air, as the one whose cock she woke up under, rubbed his meat back and forth on her face. Creature seemed to be quite confused. One part of his primitive mind knew that something was wrong. That female looked all wrong. Not enough limbs, little fur, small frame... But the other, more basic part shouted "A willing female! Fill her up!".

Sir Hammerlock:
"Hello, lass. Are you there? I lost your signal for a while." - sounded the voice of sir Hammerlock sent by ECHO communicator "I turns out I actually had a bullymong female pheromones here. I have to stop arranging my samples when drunk. Are you there? Wait, I'll just get the cam-bot feed on my screen... Oh my... That's not good."

That's one way of describing a bullymong more and more persistently trying to find a fitting orifice in Kalliope's body to put his prick in. And with her other suitable holes being hidden under her clothes, he tried to go for the only visible one. She felt his hot, pulsating and sticky cock rubbing her cheeks. The smell was so intense it was almost intoxicating. Lucky enough, being such a massive creatures theit pelvises were very small compared to the rest of their burly body. That means smallest of monglet cocks present were average for human body. Other monglets could be considered "big" or "very big" in human scale, but well... manageable.

Sir Hammerlock:
"First of all - don't scream. High-pitched noises are likely to make them aggresive. They don't seem willing to cause you any intentional harm, so do not provoke them. I will gather a rescue party and send them your way in a shortest notice possible."

As he said that, monglet molesting her at the momenst started snarling and pounding his chest with his upper arms. Lower pair reached down and grabbed her by hair and her left shoulder. He shaked her a bit, with irritated growl. Other monglets around started moving from side to side giving out noises of anger and impatience.

Sir Hammerlock
"Oh, that one seems to be frustrated from the lack stimuli from your part. Better do something to calm him or he can get violent. I'm off to find some help. Try not to die in the meantime."

And so, the scholar went silent. Which couldn't be said about young bullymong trying to find a way into poor girl's mouth, smearing hot precum over her upper lip and left cheek. He starts to look... angry.
You think? Kaliope mentally speared Hammerlock for his mistake. But she didn't dare respond in fear of startling the Monglet. Besides, she'd have to talk past its throbbing shaft in order to do so, and risk giving it an orifice to fuck. The thick meat was heavy on her face, and its smell was overwhelming, musky, like the pheromones she'd used, but much more potent. It was making her dizzy with her head being so close to its furry crotch as well.

Kaliope grimaced as the Monglet shook her roughly, growing agitated with her lack of action. Hammerlocks words were obvious, of course it was upset, it was horny, and it wasn't getting what it wanted. Why did this have to be her life? Slowly, she slid her hand up and wrapped her fingers around its heavy balls. She was uncomfortably startled to find that they were almost the size of apples. That made her genuinely afraid of how big the adults would be. She gently caressed its sack while holding back the urge to wretch. What the hell did she do to deserve this? Whatever it was it must have been bad, because as she opened up her lips she wanted to die. She disturbed herself even further when the Monglet's cock tasted strangely good. Salty, but almost spicy, if a bit dirty. The petite girl prayed the Monglet was patient enough to wait until Hammerlock came with help.

In the meantime though she extended her tongue out, letting the Monglets own motions service him. She drew the line at actually sucking off the animal, and if at all possible would avoid it. But it wasn't like she had much choice, and that damn smell was driving her mad! She was getting very warm and wondered if it had something to do with the Bullybabe pheromones. Were they affecting her? She couldn't tell, and ended up moving her hand to the animals cock to distract herself from though. Its heavy pulse throbbed through her fingers as she gripped it, hoping Hammerlock came soon.
As soon as the animal felt her fingers on his swollen testicles, his anger subsided. And the moment she opened her lips, his cock pressing on girl's cheek found his way into her mouth. Monglet pushed himself inside, giving her a taste of his member and leaving a bit of precum on her tounge. He started to move his hips back and forth. Thank God, not as strong and wild as you'd expect from such an animal, but that's probably caused by him still being unsure if this really is going to work. Well, that could be as likely his first time as hers. He let go of her shoulder, but still held her hair to help himself with his movement.
Monglets gathered around stopped their nervous behaviour. Kaliope could feel the air around filled with excitement of other animals. When she started pleasuring pushy monglet, other gathered around stopped their angry shouts. Now it was silence filled with sexual tension, bullymong panting and wet sounds as animal cock was going in and out of her mouth. One or two of the beasts actually started to wank themselves, impatient and horny.
Serviced bullymong started moving faster, as he got used to new and really pleasurable sensation. Groaning and panting, he tried to push himself both deeper and harder into her mouth. She could feel te heat and throbbing of his meat as the creature was probably getting closer and closer to actually finish in her mouth.
Well, overexcitement sometimes does that to inexperienced youth.
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