My request thread

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Oct 6, 2012
I will not be able to be online and respond every day, but I can promise at least once a week unless otherwise mentioned. Also, I prefer to roleplay via GoogleDocs as it is more instant, but can do other methods as well. I do NOT write books when roleplaying, but also do not do one liners.

Some things I won't do:
Anything with a minor involved in the role play

Here are some story ideas that I have come up with, but please don't hesitate to ask me about others. I will consider each and every one as long as it doesn't involve a minor or a girl and her daddy or a boy and his momma.

Story Ideas:

Coming Home (fxm):
Two people fell in love in high school, but chose to go in different paths. He chose to enlist in the military, while she went off to college. They decided to stay together and try to work things out through the distance. After a year, she stops receiving letters, phone calls, everything. She takes it hard, and assumes he just couldn't cope. (During this time, he could have been captured or something else. We can work that out later.) She moves on and years later she graduates, and moves back home. One day, out of the blue, she sees him (could be he shows up at her house unexpected, see each other while out somewhere, etc.)

Camp Counselors (fxm):
Two people have volunteered to be counselors at a summer camp. The two are very different in personalities and backgrounds, and tend to butt heads. Unfortunately for them, they are forced to work with the same group of kids. Will their time together help them understand each other and become at least friends? This can go in many different directions.

Neighbors (fxm):
The typical story where one person moves in next door. The other person either tries to help unpack or do something to welcome the newcomer. Very basic, but we can work out the kinks later.

College (fxm):
A male and a female get placed in the same dorm together. Could be apartment style dorm with separate bedrooms or a basic dorm room.

The One of My Dreams (fxm)(This one I stole from someone else):
Two people who live very different lives and are not connected in any shape, form, or fashion fall asleep at night just like every one else. While they dream, they dream of another person. They wake up the next morning and go on about their day. That night, they fall asleep, and dream of the same person. They soon find out through dreams, the two people actually connected through their dreams and are actually communicating with someone else instead of someone from their imagination. Will the two people meet in person or continue just meeting each other in dreams? How is this happening in the first place?

The Marriage Promise (fxm):
While in middle school, two friends make a promise that if they are not married by the time they are 30, they will marry each other so they will not have to be alone. Years go by and they graduate high school, all but forgetting the promise they made to each other so long ago. The two go their separate ways and live their lives. Can work out the details, but something brings them back home in time for the oldest's 30th birthday. Could be that she never moved and he went into the military and comes home or she moved back after not being happy where she was living before.
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