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.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
Those of you who have ships for your characters, if you have images for them, please place them here in this thread. Feel free to list out any and all specs concerning the ship you have created as well. This thread will then serve as a reference regarding the ships you all have created. If you would like to link to your ships in your headers (when appropriate, in the 'location' portion of the header), please feel free to do so.

Smaller Ship can fit about 20 people comfortably if absolutely needed. Contains sleeping quarters and restroom. Has a bunch of different upgrades on it. Also has weapons attached in case they are needed.
The Kodiak

Armament: 6x Autocannons

2x Autocannons sitting on top of the ship
2x Autocannons sitting on either side of the ship
All autocannons are facing forward
Autocannons fire at 182 RPM. The Kodiak can carry 800,000 rounds of ammo onboard, as well as 3 batteries for the Pulse cannon. The pulse cannon fires at 86 RPM. The batteries hold 2,000 shots before being depleted. The batteries can be replenished by using certain materials found around the Erabosian volcanoes. The pulse cannon turret is mounted on the top as well, but unlike the autocannons, can be moved manually, using the targeting center in the main control hub.

Armor consists of 2 inch thick Titano-Ferric plating focused on the front of the cruiser, 1.5 inch thick armor everywhere else.

The ship does not use an AI, but instead relies on the skill of it's crew, and the reliable navigation tech they have. With the ammo they keep on board, they only have room for 13 people, 8 of whom are the crew needed to run the ship. Sometimes, 2 of the 5 open rooms are used for additional ammo storage.

The Kodiak also boasts the JDBD-046.5, a sophisticated Jump Drive with a few tweaks. It is not as powerful as it's larger brother, the JDBU-048, but that is mainly because a portion of the drive's energy output can be diverted to the shields in times of need. The shields therefore have their own store of Antimatter within the Jump Drive, which means that when the energy from that store runs out, the shields return to their normal strength.

Commanding Officer: Captain Larik Gavos
Crew Number: 350+
Armaments: Thermal-Kinetic Missile Tubes (4), Javelin Torpedo Tubes (14), GARDIAN Point Defense Lasers (18) Disruptor Torpedo Tubes (10), Mass-Accelerator Cannons (2).
Compartment: 10 Shuttles, 44 Interceptors.
Defenses: Standard Kinetic barriers with generators spaced evenly across the ship, light-medium armor. The Hammer is more reliant on shield generation, interception, and maneuverability rather than risking taking direct hits to the hull.
Other: The 'hammer' can temporarily store the heat from thruster radiation emissions within 'sinks' in the hull. This allows it to become undetected by radar's using heat and radiation for detection purposes. This only happens for a short period of time, as it can cook the crew alive if not released within a few hours.
AI: The ship's AI is used for targeting, electronic warfare, system defenses, as well as security on the ship.

"The Hammer" was granted as Sol's personal cruiser by the Illuminati military. Fast enough to travel efficiently and with enough firepower and defense systems to repel any... rebellious pirate gangs. Generally speaking, when Sol goes offworld, he takes minimal chances on dying to some filthy space-bandits.

Morgan's ship, it doesn't have a name it's just hers. Can comfortably hold three passengers, isn't really a combat ship but has some weapons on it just in case they are needed.
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