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Jan 11, 2009
Well, that time again. Browsing through some of my old request threads brought back some old cravings to go with some new current ones. Thus, this thread will be a combo of old cravings taken from previous threads and new stuff. And this will be a pic based thread, which with the plots, will follow in future posts.

And please, if you're going to contact me by posting here, wait until I post the pics and their plots. I just prefer the plots to be listed right after the pics themselves, and not be seperated by other posts. Kind of a pet peeve thing.


1. Naughty school fun. The center of the RP would be a new student to the school, who being so hot, quickly gets all kinds of naughty attention. All kinds of things we could do in a school setting. Teachers getting favors for grades, lusty students going after her, etc.....

2. A general Tifa craving for the most part, but do find myself particularly interested in some FxF romance with her, be it with Aeris, Yuffie or someone made up.

3. Incest based idea. Hot chick in picture gets boinked by her younger brother. A number of ways to go about this.

4. Bondage Fairies. If you know this, you know what I'm looking for. Hot fairies getting banged senseless by insects and other forest critters.^_^

5. Hot adventurer chick trekking through the jungle after treasure. Plenty of things to do here. Horny native tribe, beasties, living vines, rival treasure hunters, etc.....

6. FMA based idea. Looking for some FxF romance with Winry. Could pair her with anyone, but I do have this idea for a post series plot that pairs her with a revived and amnesiac Lust that I'd like to do.

7. Hot, scantily clad warrior babe in a medieval fantasy setting, going on adventures and fighting monsters........and generally getting banged by them as well.

8. Real world and series based idea. Real life girl cosplays as DMG, only to find herself suddenly sucked into the monster world that popped up in the series from time to time. Naughtyness ensues.

9. Fedual Japan type thing. Another FxF RP. Centers around the badass and hot one armed samurai babe. A number of pairings we could do here. Hot ninja babe is paired with her by an employer from a mission, young princess hires her as a bodyguard and falls for her soon after, etc.... As long as it's FxF romance, I'm game with just about any character you want to do.

10. Incest Ninja based idea. Hot young ninja is the daughter of the village chief. Personally trained by him on a daily basis. While they both know it's wrong, the constant close contact has led to them to develop a secret sexual relationship. His wife could be dead or alive.

11. Modern based idea. Centers around a school outcast who has a long kept secret........she can move things with her mind, as well as read other peoples minds. Yet another FxF idea. While I'm open to possibilities, I had an idea to pair her with a new girl, whose mind she can't read, leading to her to develop an interest in her. Unbeknownst to them both, the new girl has powers too, but they haven't manifested yet.........and they aren't the only ones as more will spring up in the RP.

12. Medieval fantasy RP centering around a very hot female dragonkin. Problem is, she's the last one the world has seen in many many years, and happens to be owned by an evil king who intends to bed her on the soon to be anniversary of him taking the throne. Before that happens, she gets rescued by a knight under the king's service, and they go on the run, with the knight agreeing to help her search for others of her kind to see if she truely is the last. Would prefer a female knight to pair with her.
bump. Craving some FxF romance, so any of the above plots that feature that are my current main wants.
When you have a craving for a setup with a male my dear do let me know, I would be more than happy to indulge the number three listing or have you look at my own thread. [free bump]
bumpity bumpity. Still craving some smexy girl on girl on action, or the cosplay idea. For that one, I am open to basing it on another series. Such as a girl dressing as Cammy, only to get ported to the SF world. It could be MxF or FxF. I just find myself turned on by the thought of an unsuspecting girl suddenly being ported to the character's world, with all kinds of naughty fun to ensue.^_^
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