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I will corrupt you (NEW CHARACTERS)

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Jul 29, 2012
The RP I have in mind is about one of those "good" girls being tempted and turned to debauchery by someone played by me. By good girl I mean one who thinks not having sex makes them a better person than people who approach the world with affection and understanding. The type who think pleasure is evil. I can play many different kinds of characters. I'm not limited to the list below.

This would be a slow erotic story about a young woman being slowly turned into a sexual being. If you're looking for "two people walk in and fuck" than look elsewhere.

No children (16 and under), toilet things, rape, N/C, gore, incest, animals (sub-human intellect), and no rushing things.

This story could take place in any kind of time period or universe. he seduced maiden works with just about any genre. Steampunk, cyberpunk, fantasy, supernatural, outer space, you name it.

My characters

The Forester: an archer in a fantasy realm who hunt creatures in the forest. He sometimes protects people who need to travel into the woods. He's a real sweetheart who's looking for someone to love.

The Vampire: (ALREADY IN USE IN 2 RPS) he's been around for quite some time. He wants to turn a young woman and make her his lover. He's a predator. He does not sparkle.

The Dominator: (ALREADY IN USE IN 1 RP) An older character who is experienced in the art of domination and submission. He's self employed and has a lot of money. He owns a workshop and is hiring.

The Dream Weaver: A fae who haunts the dreams of virgin women. He has the power to give them wet dreams and likes to seduce them with promise of pleasure. Not much for romance.

The Wolf Man: This tormented soul feels that he must use his dark gift for good. He's a legend who has killed many rapist and muggers. A superhero. Maybe one of the women he's saved will find out who he is under the fur.

The Lesbian Biker: A badass chick who has a thing for church girls. She has an impressive collection of sex toys considering she's always on the run. A lot can happen when you stop to pick up a college girl who broke down on the side of the road.

These are just the sort of thing that come to mind. I can make my character a combination of any of these or even make a whole new one if need be.
RE: I will corrupt you

Take a look at what I'm doing now. I'd still like to do more. I'd like to do something other than vampires now, if you please.
RE: I will corrupt you

I'm still looking for for more people to RP with.
RE: I will corrupt you

New characters.

The DJ: You've grown up in a deeply religious family. Now that you're away from home you're making friend who are more open minded. They convince you to go clubbing with them one night. That's when you have a run in with the DJ.

The Other Man: You're a married woman. You married out of a since of duty to your family or your god, but your husband is a very disappointing man. Whether he's abusive or just neglectful you deeply dislike your situation. There's greener pastures out there. It takes a handsome stranger to show you that.

The Monster: He's not evil he's just misunderstood. You're being haunted by a paranormal creature. At first he scares you like nothing else can. But what motivates him. ((Yes, I will be your Slendy.))
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