A Secert Alliance Is Formed (Shyone and Frogger)


Sep 2, 2009
On The Throne Ruling The World
(Please excuse the wimpy starting post... my normal rate is a bit bigger than this)

On top of the mosulem is were he slept... sitting next to the angels were they wept. The Shinigami nodded off for a few winks, but was soon rested up for the nights nice blinks. Ryou sat there Zanpaktou in hand... wacthing over the grave stone covered land. The Shinigami sat there grumbling to himsef. Ryou was fond of what he called 'The Graveyard Shift'. Yes... sitting around and wacthing over a human grave site was actually his ideal of a fun night, though hunting criminals seemed like a better use of his time. Or at least training. Sighing to himself he stared up at the full moon and cackled softly. This reason he had not been able to resiet taking the job off one of his lower seats was that very reason the light of the full moon was nice. Plus Captian seemed to have everything handled, and Ryou had for the first time found someone he thought of as a 'Mistress'. She had earned his respect egough that the Dog part of his insult of a nickname certianly could discribe his protectiveness. Even if he wasn't really strong engough to be one that could be considered for doing a good job of protecting her, since it seemed more like it would be the other way around. Of course there was inkling recently that he had heard that some of the newer unseated had another name for him... 'Dark Toymaker'.

The thought of the sound of such a nickname for a moment. He most certianly enjoyed being called the 'Mad Puppeteer'. Such a name certianly discibed his darling In'ei, plus that was it's name after all. He himself... well he was the 'Mad' part of the equation. Though 'Dark Toymaker'... that was certianly intresting. He figured that it probably had somthing to do with his habit of making toys of everyones shadows...and they where dark. Well... 'If the shoe fits', as the old human saying went. Spending a little time in the human world allowed one to hear such things, espeically here in this part of the world. He prefered though to be near were the action was. He wanted to be able to protect his Divison, and also get back to protecting the kids. Sadly he would be done with this assigment by tommorrow and then could move on to the next. Sitting up for a moment he looked around the graveyard as he figured that it might be good to do another round. To see if any ghost were wondering by. He had found two last night, sinice they seemed to like to come and visit there old bodies.

So with a quick little jump the Shinigami landed on the ground next to the stone building and began to walk bettewen the rows of graves. He moved a bit into the 'Mad Dog' routine at this point. Walking with that hunch to his shoulders and his hair hanging down in front of his face. This was also a place were hollows came to hunt, and frankly that was the real reason he was here. He had not encountered any yet, but he hoped he would before the night was up. Plus the air didn't feel right. It was that sense one got when somthing wasn't exactlly right. In fact the feeling fustrated him so much that he began to tap on his sword more and more as he drug his fingers gently along the grave tops. Little did he know or was thinking about was that the bad feeling he was getting, was the fact he wasn't doing to good of a job hiding himself.
The moon was a round silver disk in the sky, casting its glow upon the world below. Most of its occupants were asleep. However, there were those few who prowl still, the predators of the night that moved with ease through the darkness. A forest loomed on the graveyard’s outskirts, eerie shadows being thrown onto the ground by its gnarled trees. Barely a sound penetrated the silent air. Within its embrace was a young woman, keeping close to each trunk as she continued to watch the man from afar. It wasn’t the best of views, given the circumstances, but it was the best she could do without being detected. Her eyes were the palest of lavender. Olive-green hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back, ending right at its small. Three pink dots decorated the skin below her right eye. Being a former Hollow, there were the remnants of her mask on her body. Long hair clip-like extensions protruded from over her right eye, keeping her hair back. Though she was dressed in a dress of white, not only did it not hinder any of her movements, it also didn’t stand out like people would normally at this time. Instead it seemed as though the darkness swallowed her, keeping her hidden from any roaming eyes. Her expression was composed and intent on him.

Named Cyan Sung Sun, the young woman had been keeping watch on the one called ‘Dark Toymaker’ for well over three years now. Of course, it wasn’t all her doing. Along with her comrades, she and they have gathered information about the man, collecting and compiling it until they had a good idea of what to make of him. What they knew left much to be desired though. Did he have any connection to Aizen? Have they ever met? Did the two fight? And most importantly…did he ever see the man’s Shikai? If so, he would be vulnerable to any attack made by Aizen… seeing as how it controls all five of the senses. Whatever reality he wants a person to see becomes their reality. Comrades can kill one another because of this, just by making one look exactly like him. It was a tragedy really. Many honorable Shinigami have died from this ability alone. It was for this reason that the three Arrancars kept an eye on him, because he might have never encountered him or this attack. If he didn’t, he would be immune until the next time they meet. Perhaps he will be that one…or perhaps not.

“Where is Mila Rose?” she murmured only to herself. “It’s her turn to take watch, and she isn’t even here yet…” Glancing up at the sky, she frowned. The most mature of the bunch, she had taken the time to make a schedule for everyone to follow. Did they care to listen though? No. Apacci only wanted to come if a fight was about to go down, and the same went with Mila. Why couldn’t they be more like adults about this? Harribel asked them to do this, after all… Aizen needed to be defeated. In order to make this a reality, a loner who has not met him must be found. Idly she brushed her hands along the front of her dress and looked at the Dark Toymaker again. Something out of the corner of her eyes grabbed her attention. Was that a Hollow? She wondered, moving a little closer.
The young Shinigami contiuned to mumble softly to himself as walked along bettewen the grave stones. The peace and silience of the outside world were so quite when compare to the sounds inside of his head. His Zanpakuto aruged with each other in such an adorable and laughable fashion that the Shinigami almost didn't notice the face that he was indeed not alone among the gravestones of the dead. In fact it was In'ei who said, "I believe we are being wacthed..." About the same time that Ryou noticed it. He began to wonder and he began to ponder... who it was that it could possiably be. This person who was distrubing his thinking time that was spent under his mental Tumtum tree. Sighing to himself the Shinigami knew that no risk could be taken as he slowly took his Zanpaktou onto his hand. He wasn't sure if it was sure what the being was... that had wondering into the 'Dark Puppeteer's land. The creature seemed be quite weak or was very good at concealing itself so no way that he could possiably know. So turning around his eyes began to as the preasance of another sound began to grow. Tears... Sadness... the feelings of a young girl hiding in darkness. The emotions made the one visable eye grow wide as he finally laid eyes on the sigh of a small human spirit.

The sound made the one visable eye grow wide as he recongized a sound so much like his defenseless sisters. In a way it started to bring out his protective side to much. "Calm down there silly boy" Was the silly voice of Ningy speaking into his mind. The more feminie part of the sword toyed with him saying, "Why don't we find our new friend. They might need some help." His only reply, "Prehapss." So he began to search around in the direction the noise came form. It was behind a couple of gravestones that the young man found a child Plus who was sitting there and crying over two graves. "Playing your respects Kyoko-chan?" It was the first time that the emotion in his voice didn't seem as impish, but geninuely curious. The small child looked up at the Shinigami, and there was an obvious sense that they knew each other.

Ryou's fondness for protecting kids in a big brother manner was quite well know around Seireitei, as well as the districts of the Rukion were he took care of the poor kids. Especially in his former 40th district of the Rukion where he had lived, before moving to Seireitei to live as a Shinigami. The man was always treating a certian large group of the kids to better food from his personal salary. He also had a habit of trying to encourge them to become Shinigamis. It was for this reason that the 6th Division had at least 20 members who used to be kids back when Ryou first starting doing it. So that was why he extended that towards the Pluses, and made sure to wacth out for the young ones. This also included giving them a little extra time and help to make sure they could pass over without any regrets. Tonight he remembered just so happen to the time him and this spirit had agreed would be the best time to go. Before the young Plus could reply Ryou gently laughed, before affectionately ruffling the spirits hair, "So what do you think...."

His words though were cut off at the last second as he sensed an attack, but in his relaxed state he had only moments to react as he pushed the young spirit to the ground. When she looked up at him she would see the Shinigami was stabbed through the shoulder by somthing... causing the young male to laugh in his manic way, "Oh dear... it looksss like thisss could be a problem Kyoko-chan. Though I hope your ok..." Ryou's pain tolerance was very very high, but it was somthing that caused him to write checks his body couldn't cash. So it was more of a mental numbness. It was obvious though that the attack had been ment for Kyoko... the 4th seat had protected her from it. The man even went so far as to not only not protect himself, but like a flash the little Plus was gone. The Shinigami having preformed a Soul Burial on it to make sure it was sent to the afterlife before even daring to save himself. Though the hollow which had attacked the young Shinigami at this point had wrapped his sword arm in a manner were he couldn't attack because it wasn't done with it's prize yet. The creature didn't mind the loss because it had a better prize than a simple Plus... he also would be able to kill and devor the Shinigami and gain even more power. The creature laughed softly as it said, "Well I guess this is the end for you... little Shinigami." With those words it's bladed arm fell to cut Ryou in half.
”Hm…” The appearance of the Hollow was interesting, to say in the least. During all the years of observation conducted, very few corrupted souls have come within fifty feet of the man. Pluses –those who have merely deceased- however, flock to him as though he was their mother. Or rather…father. Interesting…how things like that worked. And now, because of one small child’s soul barely worth the effort to hunt down, such a creature has come. Perhaps this is a chance to try out her new body… Cyan Sung Sun only recently acquired it, along with Mila Rose and Apacci. Previously she had been an Adjuchas class Hollow with the body of a snake. Even to this day, she could remember how each muscle in that strong body would relax and contract, helping it move along the ground in long smooth motions. In comparison, her limbs almost felt weak and useless. How could she fight with them? After training, and moving around free of worrying about a mission…maybe. Still, it was a disturbing thought. Harribel needs all three Arrancars to be in peak form. The time to confront Aizen is nearing, and where were they? Weak and in hiding, looking for someone to fight that very same man without being affected… Quite annoying, on more levels than one. No…not annoying. Frustration was a better word, but luckily she has a great deal of patience. At least more than Apacci.

”Well I guess this is the end for you... little Shinigami.” The words caught her attention, forcing her to make a decision. She raised a sleeve, covering her mouth with an incomprehensible look in her eyes. “I could just wait here, and see what he can do…” she mused quietly. It would bring valuable information to what they have already compiled, seeing as how only a highly-skilled warrior can face Aizen. Yet….what if he lost? Then they would end up with nothing. The best course of action would be to jump into the potential battle and interfere, drawing the Hollow’s attention upon herself. Again, there was that appeal of testing her abilities… It wasn’t as though merely waiting around, not pushing herself to her limits was going to help matters any. Besides… the foolish man hasn’t even brought his weapon out as of yet.

Cyan Sung Sun made her choice, stepping out from the forest’s shadows into the moonlight. It danced along her lithe form, the skirt of her dress whipping about in a rogue breeze. With a boom she makes herself known by appearing before the man in question. Already her right sleeve was glowing a dark pink from the charging of the attack to come. “I think your opponent will be me,” she murmured in her quiet voice. The words were mature, despite how young she looked to be. Her eyes were intent on the creature as she said this. Once the attack had reached its peak, she raised her left sleeve and aimed. “Hollow Flash!” A powerful blast connected with its chest. Because of her strength and spiritual power, it had been also fast. The attack ate away at flesh and bone, making a sizeable hole feet above its hole right in the stomach. Seconds later, two sai-like weapons protruded from her sleeves in place where the charging and firing had been taking place. Another boom echoed alongside the Hollow’s scream, and she phased into existence behind it.

Two sharp points tore into the flesh at its neck, only raising its anger as it turned towards her. For now, she will only use her Zanpakuto as how it looks to others: a weapon. There was no need to waste what energy she had to transform. This Hollow didn’t seem to be particularly strong. Right now, the creature was only angry…and yelling. It was quite amusing on her end, since it reminded her of how her fellow Arrancars would argue back and forth endlessly. More often than not, she would be the one who had to act like the adult, ending it with a chiding remark of her own. After all, it did make them look rather weak…since the two couldn’t even seem to get along for more than five minutes. Banishing the thoughts from her mind, she brought her weapons back up to attention. “Come,” was all she said. Then she rushed forward, the weapons cutting into its chest, its legs, its elongated arms. Black blood gushed down its wounds, going down the length of its body. It wasn’t long until most of its skin was glistening because of this. Every scream it released ripped through the air eerily. “That is it…” she murmured. I’m going to make this thing be quiet… Invoking one more Sonido, she was found to be in mid-air. Just as she started her descent towards the ground, she thrust her sai into the mask it wore. Massive cracks erupted. Splinters of said mask rained, and soon it was split in two.
Ryou stood there with an emotionless expression on his face, that hid the fact he was a bit surprised to have been caught off guard. Especially by a weaker hollow such as the one that now had him in it's power. The young shinigami realized very quickly though that it was not as weak as he had at first thought the moment that he heard words flowing from the creatures lips. Ryou knew that for it to be talking, the hollow had to be at least an Adjushas class being, which if that was the case... then he was in trouble. Normally he probably could have defeated it, depending on how close it was to it's next evolution cycle into a Vasto Lord, but with the injury that it had inflicted, and the lock it's tentacle had on his arm... the 4th seat knew the out come was no longer a question. The young man could hear the voices of his sword screaming almost in harmony, "Ryou you fight and destroy that bastard. Don't let yourself die here. Please come back to use my dear." The young shinigami found it odd to hear them so afraid, since it was not an emotion that he usually heard form In'ei. Reaching up the Shinigami grabbed onto the part of the blade that was sticking out his front with one hand, and tightened the grip on his sword with the other. Before he could utter the words to release his Shikai and try to block the hollows attack it happened. The blow never feel, and Ryou slowly turned his hair covered face to the side to see who or what had saved him, form a unpleasant demise. Just like the Adjushas that held the Shinigami in place, the look in his face showed his complete surprise, but unlike the Adjushas... Ryou had no idea who this person could possibly be.

The large creature growled at them, "Get out of my way little Arrancar. You have no right interfering with my meal." Even going so far as to try and strike at Sung Sun before suddenly it found itself being blasted with a Cero. Though the weak nature of the Cero, was so fast that it almost bordered on being a Bala. The 4th found himself even more confused at this point as he asked his sword inwardly, "Do any of you ladies remember a classs of hollow called Arrancars?" There was a reason that Ryou had been able to graduate form the academy in just three years instead of the usual six. Alot of which had to do with his willingness to work hard... and a complete lack of any social life. So the fact he did not know something about his enemy, actually troubled the normally unshakable Ryou a little bit. Of course as he usually did in these times the man turned to In'ei for answers, but even she had none, Sorry sweetie... I am as in the dark as you are on this one. The Shinigami could only watch the newcomer to the fight with a suspicious eye. He slowly began to try and realese his Shikai again, but suddenly the pain form being pulled of the sword arm so quickly hit him all at once. Making the young Shinigami grab the wound with his hand, though he did not let out any expression that he felt pain. Even the look in that one visiable eye was still one of a curious creature, who had a very angry monster lingering deep below.

At this point the 4th seat knew that he was well away form the reach of that hollow. It was no longer a threat to him at this moment, and form what he could see out of the corner of his eye... probably not a threat to this Arrancar ethier. Whoever it was, the raven haired male guessed that this one had probably been following him, for awhile without him knowing. The timing just seemed to convinant. Ryou wondered exactlly what it was he was dealing with. He waited until the dead hollow faded away before he took the time to ask, "Who exactlly are U.... Why are U helping me?" The male's words were full a curious and yet manic lunicy, but with a tone that sounded like Absolom the Catapillar form Alice in Wonderland. The 4th seat cackled a bit as he realized that it probably didn't matter, they were probably just going to kill him anyway. Since there was always the chance that he had just been taken out of the frying pan and put right into the fire. Sukai screamed at him in his head, "Escape you dumbass, while the other two are busy you can use the warren to escape. Besides they don't seem that strong..." The Shinigami only knew there strength based on what they where showing, and he had to agree with his swords assement for the moment. He knew better than to underestimate his enemy, but he was sure that he could do it... plus it didn't take long for him to sense the reiatsu of the other to realize that she was indeed a hollow. Dispite the overwhelmingly human apperance. The young man knew at that point that he had had to try and get away from her.

The very thought made his damaged hand which trembled with excitment move down to rest on his Zanpakuto hilt. Speaking softly he said, "Ayatsuru In'ei no Ningyôtsukai(Manipulate Puppeteer of Shadow)." The words causing the blade to form around his hand, and turn into the glove with blades on his finger tips, that made up his weapon. Then suddenly before the Arrancar in fornt could do anything he reached over to the shadow of the next grave and ran his finger along it saying, "Maddo ningyōtsukai no u~ōren (Warren of the Mad Puppeter)..." As Ryou cut there seemed to be a portal that appered, which looked like the ones the hollows used to travel form Hecudo Mundo. The Shinigami half roll and half jumped inside as suddenly as he had made it. Even if Sung Sun where to try and reach inside or follow, she would find that she couldn't. The portal only allowed travel for Ryou Kurosawa, ethier in or out. The Shinigami reappered on a nearby building which overlooked the cematery. Crawling out of a new hole in the shadow of the small wall that went around the outside of the roof. Leaning against this he slumpped down into a sitting postion, as he held his hand over his wound. "Damn it, how am I going to get out of this." The male cursed as he looked and noticed somthing was floating in fornt of his eyes... it was his white Hell Butterfly. Poor thing was an albino and seemed to be a bit confused, but it was bigger than the normal hell butterfly, and plus it was Ryou's pet. The male contemplated for a moment sending the creature to go out and try and get some help, but he had a feeling the 'Arrancar' was much stronger than she appeared to be. So he didn't want his little friend to get cut down trying to escape, which was why he would be found just sitting there staring up at the moon with it on the oppisate shoulder than his wound.
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