Simple Non-sexual fantasy RPs wanted

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Oct 7, 2010
Okay, it's been forever since I've roleplayed anything meaningful. So I came here in hopes of finding some springboards back into the practice. For the time being, I also want to keep things non-sexual as I'm here for the roleplaying more than anything else.

I'm looking for fantasy themes whether medieval or urban or whatever. Though I don't do science fiction well and the whole marvel/DC superhero thing is a drag to me.

I'm okay with humans, elves, fae (not the pixie shit please), furries (prefer canine, feline and similar body types), shapeshifters, vampires.. etc. The typical fantasy sorts.

Can we have some simple plots to start with? This is not to say that I am not a literate player, because I totally am. I just want plots that are easy for me to adapt to and warm my skills back up with. I can play either gender, though I'm better at playing a gent than a chick.

Reply with or pm me with ideas you might have. I'm eager to get back into the pool. :)
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