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Villages at war (Ibuki & Kunoichi))

Jun 21, 2010
Kimiko looked out through the forest, where this battle would take place. Her fellow grass village ninja were moving stealthily around through the trees, preparing their attack against the enemy. She wasn't sure why this war started exactly, but a war it was between the two minor villages. The larger villages simply ignored them, feeling it wasn't important enough to deal with. The two smaller villages were left to fight and die on their own, until one came out victorious.

Kimiko adjusted her grass headband, before moving out through the trees, searching out the one the always met on battle... She repeatedly got into fights with a certain young man of the opposing village, one who often taunted and teased her during their fights, often managing to cut up Kimiko's clothing and send her running back in her underwear. However, for all the mocking and teasing, and stripping her of clothing, their battles always seemed to end up in a draw. Kimiko currently worea gi top with a metal wire mesh shirt beneath it, and a sarashi((chest wrapping)) beneath that, both to suppress her generously sized breasts a bit, and keep them from bouncing too much as she moved. She wore a pair of slightly baggy pants, bound closed at the shins by wrapping and a pair of shin guards. She had arm guards on her forearms, her upper arms left bare by the sleeveless gi. The gi hung down low enough to cover her crotch and backside, held closed by a sash.

She summons a small grass snake to slither out and search for her rival, so she knows which direction to head in. She waits, hidden in a tree as she watches her comrades move slowly to meet the enemy. Soon the battle in the forest would begin, jutsu and kunai flying everywhere. Kimiko was only focused on one enemy though...
The soft rustle of the leaves broke what silence in the forest there was. At least a battalion of Shinobi's moved in on the enemy as silently as possible. In the front of the group was someone who seemed out of place. The contingent was full of larger much rougher looking men. But leading the group was someone who was quite out of place. A young Shinobi, his face smooth, without so much as a beauty mark or scar. Something he fiercely protected, the rest of his body he didn't care as much about. He wore a standard uniform, nothing fancy. A dark green pants and a green vest, under which was a steel mesh. His hair was abnormally long for a male shinobi, tied up in a pony tail behind him. Using his headband he kept it in place. Upon the metal and by the markings on his vest, it was clear he was from the village hidden in the waterfall.

Often called a weak village, but over time they had risen to power, enough to rival the other minor villages even without the Hero's water. In a split second the young man in front stopped them with a hand motion. All remained still upon a branch or hidden behind a tree, as he looked around. 'What is it Hime?' He heard from a bit behind him down low, in a instant he threw a Kunai. The one who spoke narrowly dodged it almost falling over. The Kunai hit square on the ground it was one of Kimiko's snakes. "One don't call me Hime, my name is Kaede! I expect you to use it." Kaede yelled in a wispier at the man. He jumped down and retrieved his Kunai. He knew what that snake meant. Someone was looking for him, a evil little grin crossed his face. "You all go on ahead, I got a date with vengeance! Today I beat that big breasted bimbo!" Kaede shot off laughing, and was out of sight before any of them could protest. For some reason he knew which direction she was, so he headed straight for where he assumed she might be. This was a clash between two rivals and he was dam well determined to win!
Kimiko looked at the piece of paper, which had a marking of a snake on it. When that marking vanished, she knew the snake had been killed. She summons a few more, an equal amount of marking appearing on the paper. They slither off to survey the area, watching for Kimiko's target. She prepares herself, holding a kunai at the ready, just waiting for her snakes to spot the young man. When they did, she would launch her attack on him. She had rigged some other kunai in the trees around, so with the simple pull of a wire they would fly out at the target. Of course she expected he would be able to avoid it, but it was just the distraction that would allow her to rush in and attack him herself.
Kaede had made his way through the forest searching for his enemy. The soft movements of the tree branches as he ran. He ensured that he stayed in the trees away from the reach of the snakes. Then again He knew that it wouldn't do much good as soon as it detected his body heat they would alert there master. Kaede kept alert his unnaturally ice blue hair swaying softly behind him as he moved. Other then being a pretty boy this was his most alluring feature. Yet despite his pretty appearance he did have a bad personallity. One that her little rival had found quite a bother and a provoker. Yet even so Kaede had his reasons behind the way he acted especially with that little bitch Kimiko. God did that bloated chested bimbo get on his nerves. Most people would question why he was like this, though almost everyone from the waterfall village knew, not a single person from the grass had a clue. Kaede doubted that even Kimiko herself knew what his problem with her was.
Kimiko got the alert from one of her nearby snakes as Kaede got close enough. She pulls the wire to trigger her trap, the other grass ninja having moved on to another area for now. Once the kunai go flying at Kaede, she spins out from behind the tree and lunges, tracking his movement to see where he will dodge to so she can attack directly. She smirks to herself, thinking she would have to get a good hit in on him this way. Her dark hair, that grew down to the middle of her back flowed behind her as she moved, green eyes locked onto her target.
Kaede knew there was some sort of trap, it was easy to tell. The only question was where the trap would come from. Soon he would find out, the Kunai's shot out from no where. He had no chance to dodge nore would he. All of them connected with his body, for a moment it looked as if he would die without fighting. But his body fell to water, it wasn't the real him. A short distance away a grinning face came from in the shadows of a tree. "Found you. ♥" It was Kaede shooting off to the area that Kimiko had to be. She should of expected as much, he had learned that she was using those creepy snakes again. So of course he would use a clone to scout the area. Unluckily for her, he had found her before she found his real body. He sent Three Kunai flying at her, he hoped they would hit, though he knew they wouldn't.
Kimiko stopped, watching as Kaede seemed to be hit by the kunai. She watches him melt into t water with a frown. "Ch' should have figured..." She looks around trying to spot the real Kaede. She found his location when she saw where the kunai flew out from. The kunai hit her in the chest and stomach, though as soon as they did she transformed in a puff of smoke into a log. She used a replacement, and used the moment of distraction to move up behind Kaede in his hiding spot. Several snakes are wrapped around her right arm, which she thrusts out with, sending them toward the other ninja, stretching out from their perch on her arm.
The moment he saw the smoke he reached for his canteen. He didn't need it but he proffered how it tasted in his mouth. He took a good deal in his mouth, quickly putting it back. He looked franticly where was she!? Then he heard the rustle of the trees, he turned on a dime finding the snakes flying at him. Cursing he quickly made the Tiger sign. 'Hyoton: Teppoudama' (Ice Release: Gunshot) He screamed in his head, quite literally spitting like a gun shot. Yet unlike most users of this jutsu's water variant he didn't spit one large exploding bullet. He shot several small and sharp needle like bullets. it resembled a shot gun spray more then anything.
Kimiko lunges forward while the snakes stretch out toward Kaede. She sees the ice needles, letting the snakes take most of them, some of them bite down on a few of the needles to shatter them. A few more snakes appear, slithering out of the left side of her gi around her shoulder. They open their mouths, kunai slipping out from their throats as they now stretch forward as well toward Kaede to stab at him with the kunai in their mouthes.
"Che, annoying cold blooded snakes. This is why I hate snakes." Kaede hissed knowing that wouldn't work, but still it didn't matter. That was what made things fun. "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu" Kaede spoke creating a water clone next to him, he grinned. This was a technique she wouldn't know yet, he had only recently protected. But even so it was hard to make and use efficiently in combat where it was easy to hide and hit from a distance. But right now it was a perfect technique. Kaede grabbed the clones arm and span it before tossing it at Kimiko and her snakes. The clone was collided with the snakes, but it didn't immediately disappear. "Hoyton: Bunshin Daibakuha (Ice Release: Clone Great Explosion.)" The Real Kaede spoke as in the second before the clone exploded into a large spiked ice ball. Kaede hadn't profected it to the point where he could shatter it right after he made it freeze. He grinned pulling a three shuriken out from his pouch tossing them. "Taju Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multiple Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!)" The shuriken multiplied into a spray. This one would be extremely hard to dodge, yet defend against not as much.
Kimiko watched as Kaede quickly formed a water close and tossed it at her. She planned to grab onto it and push off, using it as a jumping point to lunge at the real Kaede once again. She was surprised when the close burst into ice spikes all around her. Thankfully, most of them missed her, only a few small rips appearing in her gi. Most of her snakes were hit though. It was then she saw the mass shuriken attack flying at her. She knew she couldn't avoid it, so she quickly summons more snakes that slither out of her clothing to block the shuriken flying at her. Those the snakes couldn't block, she deflected with a kunai, the rest flying past her, only a few more small tears in her clothing resulting from it. She glares as she lands on a branch, and leaps up again at him, thrusting with her kunai. She was much closer now, and Kaede wouldn't have much time for performing more jutsu. He would likely have to block or dodge her.
"Che," Kaede groaned, he didn't like her being close to him. He wasn't a up close type of fighter. He was proficient in jutsu's but being close to that Hebi-woman was not his idea of a good time. The idea of snakes slithering all over his body made him shiver. God he hated snakes.... Though that might of been part of the reason he didn't like her. So rather then get close to her and tempt fate. He chose to jump back, using his water Chakra he created water in his mouth and spat it onto the branch he was just on. It was no specific jutsu, yet it was a handy little skill. Then using his Kekkei genkai he froze the water creating a thick layer of ice on the branch. It would be difficult for her to land and not slide off of it. If he could he would like for it to work. If so he would have a little fun with her. ♥ His goal right now wasn't to kill her but humiliate her first. To make her pay for wasting all of this time. Little did they realize there fighting was pushing them father and father away from the main battle.
Kimiko watched as he leaps away from the branch, leaving it empty. She shifted in the air, aiming to land on that branch now, not seeing he'd spit water onto it and frozen it into ice until it was too late. As her foot came down and connected with the frozen branch, it slipped and she began to fall, hitting her back on the branch before tumbling down to hit the ground hard. She grunted at the force of the impact, the wind knocked out of her. She groans softly as she lays there, just breathing and trying to steady herself for now. It took her a moment before she started trying to push herself up, with shaking arms and legs. "Damn.. that guy..."
Kaede laughed at her as she went tumbling down the tree. "What a sorry excuse for a Kunoichi you are bimbo!" He laughed at her, the waterfall village was notorious for how they treated there Kunoichi. It was quite apparent through out all there fights that Kaede was one of the worst. Soon after Kaede began making hand signs. "Hyoton: Haryu Moko (Ice Release: Piercing Dragon Fierce Tiger!)" Kaede used the ice made by the mizu clones explosion as a base for his jutsu. It created a large ice Dragon that crushed through trees. It's teeth and claws quite sharp and it wasn't looking especially friendly.
Kimiko glared up at Kaede as she slowly got up to her feet, her legs wobbling for a moment before she steadied herself, keeping her balance. She looks furious at his comment.. if only looks COULD kill. At the very least, they could paralyze from what she'd read in the scrolls left behind by a mysterious, apparently powerful shinobi. The same scrolls she'd been studying and learning these techniques from. She hadn't quite mastered that ability of paralyzing someone with fear, just by looking at them. It seemed to require a true lust for blood, and as angry as Kimiko got at Kaede in these battles, she still lacked a true blood lust. She looks over to see the ice dragon forming in the air, and frowns. She looks back to Kaede, still frowning. "Ch', damn ice user. You're not the only one learning new tricks though..." Kimiko was an earth user, fairly common for ninja of the grass village, and she'd picked up a new technique, combining the serpent theme with earth. She formed a few hand signs before calling out. "Doton! Hebichi!"(Earth style, earth snake (I think.. not as good at putting the words together right xD)). It felt like a miniature earthquake around them at first, and then the head of a large snake made of earth burst up through the ground, little flecks of dart, and small rocks falling from its massive form. "We'll just see which one wins, won't we?"
Kaede knew that glare and knew what it lacked. But the one problem with the technique was that if the person it was used on possessed true Blood lust as well, or a reckless disposition, then it wouldn't work. If they were truly looking to give up there life, or bask in the combat then this glare would be pointless. Even so Kaede waited patently, he knew she wouldn't watch him at all times. The Dragon he made was much more worry some. The moment she took her eyes off him he created a new clone. Quickly disappearing into the tree the clone took his place. "That we shall you damn Hebi-bimbo." Kaede's clone spoke, taking the exacts pose that Kaede had. He doubted that she would realize that he had switched with a clone.
Kimiko turns to look at the dragon, giving Kaede the chance he needed to switch with his water clone. She watches the ice dragon as the clone speaks, and glances over at him. She makes a motion with her hands, her earth snake turning to face the ice dragon, eye to eye. She waits to see what move the dragon might make, though she keeps an eye on "Kaede" as well, making sure he didn't try something. The ice dragon might just be an elaborate distraction after all.
Her attention was on Kaede's clone and the dragon and snake were masking any sound. Kaede himself snuck through the shadows moving down to the ground. The two beasts collided both canceling themselves out. But they had done there job the Real Kaede had gotten behind Kimiko. In one swift movement her was right next to her. "Hadakaninaru No Jutsu (To Undress Technique.)" The Real Kaede spoke as the Clone turned to water. This was another new Justu of his, one that made stripping her all that more easy. Her clothes practically flowed off of her like water. Yet unlike all the other times he had stripped her, he was at a distance. This time he felt something that shouldn't be. His eyes went wide his face bright red. She shot off, her clothes in his hands. He left her in just her undergarments as he always had. "W...What the hell was that! H... Hebi-woman do you keep your snakes in your pants too!? I bet your getting yourself off using a snake to pleasure you! You damn B...Bimbo!" Kaede seemed quite disturbed by this. He shot off away from her, embarrassment filling him. It couldn't be, she could have one!? Could she!?
Kimiko looks over as Kaede appears next to her, surprised. She looks over just in time to see the water clone melt into water, frowning. She gasps and looks down as she feels the air brushing over bare skin, seeing her clothes seem to melt off of her, leaving only her underwear behind. She blushes and moves away from him, her eyes widening when she hears him ask if she had a snake in her panties. She frowns, knowing he must have brushed her and felt... it.. She glares at him, and then gets an idea, a way to throw him off, and make him think he was at least partially right. Her hidden snake jutsu tended to make the snaked come out of clothing anyway, and she had very little left for that, so she uses it, feeling the snakes slither out from under her panties. "Well, I have to keep them somewhere don't I?" She sends them out after him, throwing a kunai while he would be distracted by the snakes coming at him.
Kaede cursed that damned woman as he ran, he was so embarrassed for some reason! But what for, it wasn't the first time he stripped that bimbo of her clothes. Perhaps it was the thought of the snakes slithering within her clothes. It was just disgusting to him. It wasn't long before she gave chase, he saw the snakes coming at him. The Kunai flew faster then the snakes, it wasn't hard to avoid, Kaede shifted slightly to let it fly by. But the snakes were a problem. Because he had to avoid the Kunai he had no time to make hand signs. Cursing that he had to do this, he quickly undid his jacket and threw it back at the snakes. Inside the jacket was a explosive tag, that Kaede set to go off once it reached the snakes. It gave him a bit more time to escape. His clothes seemed rather baggy the jacket even seemed like it was. Though while the jacket was on it seemed like everything was form fitting. For some reason it seemed strange...
Kimiko continued to chase Kaede, sensing she had some kind of advantage now as he ran from her. She was blushing noticeably as she usually did when Kaede would do away with her clothing, though she'd gotten used to it enough now that she could continue fighting. The first couple times it'd happened, she couldn't fight him off well as her hands were busy trying to cover herself. At least now she could keep fighting through the embarrassment, though this time there was nothing left of the clothing removed. She watches as Kaede removes his coat and throws it at the snakes, seeing it wrap around them just before it explodes. She frowns and holds up a couple more kunai.. her last pair, as she clearly had no other weapons left on her person. She continues to chase after him, though she drops to the ground quickly to perform a jutsu, summoning several earth snakes, all of them much smaller than the large one she'd summoned earlier, to shoot up at Kaede, trying to grab onto him and trap him.
Kaede was distracted and flustered it would be odd for Kimiko if she realized it. Why would he be so flustered by the snakes in her pants? Yet no matter what he was as flustered as they came. Kaede heard the Snakes coming again, he didn't have time to be preforming jutsu's. Perhaps it was time he showed off how nimble he could be. As they came Kaede maneuvered his body curving to avoid there mouths. Yet he had over looked his clothes. The back of his shirt was ripped clean off revealing a sarashi. Though for Kimiko it was perhaps a patching for a older wound that he was still nursing. Kaede seemed frantic about this, kicking off one of Kimiko's snakes he shot off once more. This was bad, bad, bad, she would find out. That Bimbo would find out!
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