Ichigo and Retsu (Malmshodes and imran102 )


Jul 5, 2011
"Yes, Captain Commander." Retsu smiled at the Captain Commander. It wasn't a very honest smile, but it was the best she could do under the circumstance. "I understand this is important training for a substitute Shinigami, but this level of difficulty. I'm afraid she just can't cut it. Please, captain Commander, it's not a matter of potential, but of experience."

The old man silenced her with his hand. "Now. Now Captain. i understand your concerns, but I've heard excellent things about this young lady, and I would like to see for myself." The old man turned from his subordinate, and opened a door. "Now then. After you Captain Uhona."

"Yes sir." Captain Retsu said, bowing, and heading into the door held open to her.
I stood on the Soukyoku hill. Here I was, one week after my final battle with Byakuya. Apparently Jii-san wanted to test me, and I'm supposed to fight a Captain. After a few minutes of waiting, Jii-san came with 2 captains.

I recognized the first one. He was short with turquoise eyes, and spiky white hair. He was Toshiro.
The second captain, not so much. She was a very slender and youthful woman with blue eyes and black hair. Her hair was long and is worn as a large braid in the front. Wow, she was probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!

"Hey, Jii-san. Which captain am I going to fight?" I said. A tick mark appeared on Jii-san's head.
".....I'll let that one pass. Kurosaki Ichigo, in order to test your strength, you must fight Hitsugaya-Taicho!" he ordered.

I nodded, and shunpo'ed to the center of Soukyoku Hill, and Toshiro followed suit.
"Hello Kurosaki. Do not underestimate me. I have the strongest ice zanpakuto in Soul Society!" he said.
"Hey, I didn't say I was underestimating you, Toshiro." I said. A tick mark appeared on his head.
"Fine then.....Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens, Hyourinmaru!" he exclaimed as his zanpakuto changed and he quickly sent an ice dragon at me.
I raised Zangetsu, charged it with my reiryoku and.....
"GETSUGA TENSHO!" I exclaimed as I launched an energy blast from my sword. The two attacks collided, and made an explosion.
The Captain Commander nodded at the scene of the explosion. "The child doesn't look too unskilled to me. She seems to be able to handle himself fairly well." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his staff. "He doesn't only seem capable of using his shikai, but she appears to have enough skill to gather power." The old man said in a wheezy voice.

The woman besides nodded, not bothering to turn her eyes to her commanding officer. "Yes, she's very skilled, but she's so young, and just starting to learn herself. Not to mention she doesn't really know about the effects using such power will have on her living body and soul." Retsu shook her head. "We shouldn't rush into things. Patience is a virtue."

The old man laughed. "You may be right, Captain Unohana. Only time will tell, I suppose."
I din't wait for the smoke to settle as I shunpo'ed behnd Toshiro and slashed Zangetsu. Toshiro quickly blocked it and fired another Ice Dragon. I shunpo'ed out of the way and fired another Getsuga Tensho. Toshiro used his Ice Dragon to protect himself.

"That was quite good, Toshiro. But were both not going all out. C'mon, let's go all out, Shiro-chan"I taunted.
"What....did....you....just CALL ME! THAT DOES IT!" he exclaimed as his reiatsu increased. I knew what was coming next. I pointed y sword at him as I charged Zangetsu.

"BAN KAI!" We both exclaimed as a wave of reiatsu was felt all over Seireitei.
"Oh I don't know about that." The Captain Commander closed his eyes, and motioned to the fight. "She's got her bankai in check."
Retsu shook her head. "Captain Commander. I do understand that she does seem very impressive, and she is. Don't get me wrong, she's way a head of the things, as far as age goes, but she's still learning her limits. I believe such a thing ended up happening in her fight with Byakuya. If memory serves, her body got worn down by it's own spiritual pressure. We shouldn't put her in any unneeded strain, at least until we have a better understanding of things."
The smoke cleared. I finally saw Toshiro's bankai. At his right hand an ice dragon head formed encircling his sword. He had two large ice dragon wings and a long tail.
I, too have transformed. Zangetsu has shrunk, becoming an onyx black sword with a cross guard taking the form of an inverted swastika. In addition to the sword, I am now wearing a long-sleeved, ankle-lenth black coat with white linings.
Toshiro looked at me with a dissapointed look.
"Wow.....I was expecting something....bigger." he said dissapointedly.
I smiled. I knew he would underestimate Tensa Zangetsu. Oh boy is he wrong.
"Hey, you know what they say...." I said as shunpo'ed to his front and placed my sword at his neck. "....bigger doesn't necesserily mean better." I said and leaped back away from him. Ah, I enjoyed seeing his shocked reaction. Feels good trolling someone else for a change.
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