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Stranded : Death among the Islands [Karameida x Ryleigh]

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Sometimes a Dream, Sometimes a Nightmare
Jun 15, 2011

Asia lay there on the beach, the waves coming in and washing over her legs trying to drag her back into the depths of the endless sea. She knew she needed to wake up that somewhere in the depths of her mind she needed to move but, everything felt so heavy and her mind didn't want to work properly...why couldn't she just sleep? Yes, why not just fall back into the bliss of unconsciousness? Wouldn't it just be easier to let everything happen while she continues to sleep unaware of anything and everything? She felt herself slip back into the blessed embrace of the dream world. She didn't know how long she'd lain there but, she felt her mind once again try to pull away from the black emptiness of sleep. A small groan escaped her lips and her eyebrows twitched as she struggled to escape the chains of that darkness but, it was so exhausting. She felt her mind clear a little bit and noticed a warmth on her face, the rough surface beneath her and the fact her clothes were wet...what had happened?

She tried to move and winced as pain shot through her body, groaning again she opened her eyes and squinted as the bright light of mid-day fell across her face. She felt the beginnings of a small headache start of the base of her skull and suddenly started regretting waking up. There was a stale taste in her mouth, her clothes were wet and sand was sticking to her skin and clothes and gods knew the nightmare sand could be. Not to mention her entire body felt like she'd been beaten senseless with various objects; which was sort of true since she'd been thrown around in the waves rather violently.

Another groan left her mouth as she struggled to at least get into a sitting position, she felt so weak and weary...why had all her strength abandoned her? Finally sitting up she wearily brushed the sand from her face. Bringing her hands up she cradled her head in her hands trying to gain some semblance of order in her chaotic and weary mind. What had happened to her?...She was on a boat...she remembered that much. "....We....were attacked and...driven into a and soph---" raising her head abruptly she looked around "Soph-- she tried to holler out but, her throat was dry and cracked. Clearing her throat she moistened it as best she could "Sophia!" she called out her voice breaking a little. All she could see was white sand and sea and a some vegetation behind her. She felt fear grab a hold of her and she felt herself starting to panic "SOPHIA!" she screamed out again.

Ignoring the pain in her head and body she struggled to stand up the fear of being completely isolated on this island pushing her forward. "What if Im the only one who survived?" she though as she stumbled through the sand looking for any signs of life. "What if Sophia didn't make it....?" she thought and her hand flew to the pendant around her neck. It was an heirloom of her family The Issieya's a well known family in london. Her dear friend sophia had one just like it and her's was the same story. She didn't want to think her childhood friend had perished while she had survived. It just couldn't be, there's no way Sophia would die; no, she was alive somewhere on this Island and she needed to find her.

Stopping she bent over her breathing heavy, she felt so unstable and parched but, her need for confirmation drove her to push forward. Straightening up she wiped away beads of sweat that had started beading her forehead. Cupping her hands around her mouth she took a deep breath "SOOOOOOPHIIIIIIAAAAA!" she bellowed out. She heard a faint echo and hoped it was enough for her friend to hear...or at least...somebody to hear.
RE: Stranded : Death among the Islands

Sophia Dartmoor

Sophia felt like she was floating, drifting away slowly with gentle rocking motion. It would have been relaxing if her mouth had not tasted like she was sucking on a block of salt, and if her body had not ached so. She had yet to open her eyes, not yet willing to wake up from this strange dream, but the sound of her name being shouted in the distance caught her sounded just like Asia.

When Sophia opened her mouth to tell Asia to just let her sleep saltwater rushed in and made her choke. Sputtering and splashing now she opened her eyes right into the mid-day sun. All at once she knew what had happened, they had been chased...pirates, chased by pirates, but then there was this storm. It came from nowhere and battered their crafts with waves like stone. Both ships failed under the assault and they were all cast into the sea. The sea she was now floating in atop a shard of wood that was once a piece of their ship.

Looking around in a panic Sophia looked for Asia but couldn't find her, to her horror though there were bodies. Some were crew from the ship Asia and her had been on, others had to be from the pirates ship. Fish had already began to feast on the corpses and the sight of their bodies made bile rise in her throat. The only other thing she could see was an island, the only land withing sight. On the shore she could just make out another person. It could only be Asia, it had to be.

Reaching out she plucked another piece of wood to use as a paddle and, despite the pain she felt all over, she began to make her way to shore. The waves breaking on the beach made things easier right up until the wood she had been using as a raft caught the sand under water and dumped her unceremoniously into the water a few yards from the beach. Mostly floating now she pulled herself towards the figure ahead as she said, "Help me...Asia...please be Asia..." He vision was dim as she started to drift back towards unconsciousness.
RE: Stranded : Death among the Islands

Asia had been wandering along the beach for what felt like an eternity, the intensity of the sun seemed unreal and the sweltering heat dried the sweat and water from her body leaving her feeling even more parched and dry. What hell hole had she been dropped on? The thick vegetation and shade were tempting her to rest but, she had to find her friend...she needed to find her...and she was a little afraid of entering it gave her the creeps even in the broad daylight of high noon. Something about it just seemed wrong and unnatural at least that's what her gut was telling her and she'd never doubted it before and did not intend to start anytime soon.

Stopping for a moment she let her head loll forward and closed her eyes to rest them...just for a moment, they were so sore. Lifting her head up she furrowed her brows and brought her hands to her stomach, she didn't know how long it had been since she'd last eaten but the mixture of heat, sea water and lack of food had begun to make her stomach roil and churn...just another problem to add to the list of growing troubles. Her head was now a throbbing migraine and the sun just intensified the pain in her head making thinking even harder than it was before. Her body felt more achy and she barely had the strength to lift her legs and keep moving forward."Why did it turn out like this?" she murmured while stroking her pendant.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been awake or how long she'd been stumbling through sands but, she began to see bodies....floating towards the island...surely some of them were alive. Struggling to lift her legs she moved forwards towards the water to get a better look to see if indeed any were truly alive. Squinting she could just see one of them moving towards the island a little was sophia! Hurrying farther along the beach she saw her fall into the water, wading into the water she heard her friend call for "Im here Sophia!" she said her voice shaking a little. Using what little strength she had left she pulled herself and sophia farther away from the shoreline, far enough away that the water couldn't reach them anymore

She saw the glazed look in her friends eyes and knew she was slipping back into the sandmans realm. Grabbing her friend she shook her " Sophia! No, Don't go back to sleep you need to stay awake! Please don't leave me!" she said tears blurring her vision. "Stay awake...." she urged desperately. While they were safe for now they really needed to find shelter because the light of day would not last long and the thought of being out in the open on a foreign island did not sit well with her. "We need to move....find other survivors...come on're a fighter like me! We don't give up." she said a sense of urgency entering her voice.
RE: Stranded : Death among the Islands

Sophia Dartmoor

Her head still reeling. as she was pulled from the water and shaken Sophia had little chance of keeping down the contents of her stomach any longer. Rolling to the side she heaved once more and vomited salt water and bile before groaning and finally regaining some of her senses.

She looked to Asia and smiled softly at her worry before hoarsely muttering,"I-I'm alright...not feeling so hot at the moment but I think I will survive."

Sitting up slowly, groaning as her bruised body throbbed, Sophia looked out to the sea and then down to the sand. "I think we might be the only ones left Asia. I think we should try to find food and shelter first then try to find survivors." It hurt her to say that but night would come fast and they didn't know what might be on this island with them.
RE: Stranded : Death among the Islands

Asia watched her fried roll over and empty her stomach on the ground, biting down on her lip she covered her mouth feeling her already churning stomach jump at the sight. She adored her friend but, she had an incredibly weak stomach when it came to that sort of stuff. Turning her head slightly she pressed her hand against her nose and mouth tightly to block out the smell she knew was coming. She sat there a moment waiting for the feeling to pass "I...uhm..." she started saying but, paused as another wave rolled through her shaky stomach. Pursing her lips together she squeezed her eyes shut and fought against the rising bile. "Y-yeah.....we need least....get off the case....some of the pirates.....washed well..." she managed to say pausing between every few words.

Swallowing hard she clumsily got to her feet and looked around. The bright light of day had dimmed and gray clouds has begun to form, the sea's looked like they might start getting violent again and she heard the familiar "boom" of thunder in the distance. "Great....." she thought staring out over the gray waters. "Another storm?" she murmured sighing. "You'd think...with the violence of the last storm...that it would be calm for at least a little while..." she thought wrinkling her nose. Then again...she wasn't exactly sure how long she'd been unconscious...shaking her head slightly she looked down at sophia. "Looks like we need to move a little faster....other wise we'll be drenched again." she said with a weak little smile. Holding her hand out she helped her friend get shakily to her feet and with an arm wrapped around sophia's waist they both stumbled to the jungle while the thunder behind them came closer into the little island.

Stumbling through the thick under-growth she had to squint, if she thought the outside was getting darker out on the beach it was much darker in here. It was like the tree's towering over head were blocking any and all lights that might try to sneak to the ground. "This is ridiculous..." she huffed out mildly irritated. She just wanted to find a cave or something that would offer them some cover so she could rest. They continued to blunder through the jungle her eyes scanning the area, while the air became heavy with the smell of on-coming rain and the thunder seemed to be right ontop of them, she occasionally caught flashes of lightening from the corners of her eyes. "Ye god's! If you're there or listening please help us!" she all but, growled out.

The jungle had become impossibly dark and she could barely see three feet in front of her and was mostly using the flashes of lightening as guidance and with the luck of the gods she managed to spot a small opening in what looked like a wall "THANK YOU!" she hollered out and hurried over to it. Climbing inside there was enough room for them to fit in comfortably and then...the downpour came. Huddling inside she could only smile wryly "This is like some horribly cliche' moment in one of those novels...." she said with a small chuckle and a shake of her head. "You....ok sophia?" she asked feeling herself slowly begin to nod off to sleep again. "Once...this passes....we should...go find" she managed to say before yawning.

"Τι μας έκλεψε ... εμείς re-ευαισθητοποιείται σε αίμα." she heard as she drifted off "What we" she murmured before falling asleep.
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