Fall of Hyrule (Sho)


Jan 9, 2009
The cries of numerous soldiers still rung in her ears as the terrifying form made its way to her. Even with the preparations they had made, the fall of Hyrule Castle seemed inevitable. Even though Princess Zelda had chosen to stand as the last defense with numerous guards, even she was growing worried for the kingdom's future. Ganon himself had come and laid waste to the last lines of defense, though rather than killing the princess, he had her taken away. At first, the young princess had imagined she would be tossed in the dungeons to be tortured and made to reveal kingdom secrets. However, upon arriving in the dark castle that Ganon took residence in, she was led right past the dungeons being led up flight after flight of stairs until she was brought in front of the door to Ganon's personal quarters. She felt her heart sink, as she felt a different sort of torture would be in store for her here. She was forced inside, and made to wait until Ganon would return. There was a lone window in the room, but even if she thought to jump, it was much too high for her to survive the fall. Any thoughts of trying to get out through the door would be tossed aside with the guards. No doubt they would be sticking around until they weren't needed anymore. What a pain. At the very least, they hadn't been too rough in bringing her over, even if she put up a struggle. Her clothes had not been ruined, aside from a few wrinkles now from how she had been handled. Whatever Ganon had in mind for her though, she did not wish to have a part in it. It was her kingdom and her people before anything else after all. If it cost Zelda her life, she'd make sure Ganon would not get what he wanted from her.
The door opened 'gently' but it felt as if force had impacted against it; so sudden and yet it made no noise only giving her a hint of his presence. Tall and dark, the evil man that brought chaos and disorder to her kingdom and their world, stood in the doorway. His armor and stature was entirely solid like stone. His red hair was near sun stained blood. His dark skin was smooth with his cape. His eyes were as poison as his tongue. He simply stood there as Zelda acknowledged him this time.

"My fair lady..." he bowed only so slightly as he stared at her with those seemingly hungry eyes and that wicked grin that might have stripped her clothing entirely.
As soon as the door had started to swing open, Zelda backed up still while she turned to face him. As she was expecting, it was the very one responsible for her kingdom's demise. Even after all the terrible things he had done to her and her people, he had the nerve to bow to her as if he were showing respect. One look at him, and anyone would surely think he were up to no good. There couldn't possibly be a sense of good or justice in his heart. She did her best to pay him no mind, and she didn't even attempt to return the gesture. Seeing his gaze, she turned her face immediately.

"Your attempts at being friendly are wasted. You have no right to speak to me in such a way after all the despair you've caused. Whatever you plan to do with me, I'll have no part in it. You may as well just kill me."
He had the nerve to let out a laugh. "To kill you? My fair lady, killing is often a overrated action that many fail to understand." he said as he walked closer. "Killing is very merciful and holds no value for said murder..." he eyed her sharply at such a close range. "I wonder if you do believe that me having your men killed would be merciful?"

Looking at the wall, he paused. Then, "Or perhaps you would let them suffer knowing that they worry about you..." he moved around her. "After all, a kingdom fails without her leader leading them to glory and peace...so what would it have that much of a affect on their pitiful minds...." He added as he stroked his beard.
He kept referring to her as 'my fair lady'. She knew that he had to have been mocking her considering what he had already done. "Seeing as you've already taken the liberty of killing most of our soldiers, I don't think you have any right to lecture me on the value of one's life. No doubt you will do the same to me once you've found no use for me. But knowing that, I do not intend to cooperate in any of your schemes."

She did recall that they had passed the dungeons earlier, but she hadn't gotten to look inside and determine if he had captured any soldiers. Perhaps they hadn't even been brought yet. "You are a coward of a man. You had better not harm them."
"Ah you take me for a fool Zelda." he stopped and looked at her. "Physical harm has no use to those that are 'valuable'. What really 'harms' a being's self-being would be one's MIND." he moved a bit closer. "You smell very nice. Proud and strong willed, you care too much for your own people. Very humble and noble from one with so much power. Of course, you would expect the worst out of your enemies because they do not agree with you and vice versa."

He chuckled. "I find it funny that you would think that I would simply 'kill off' all of your soldiers without consideration..."
(Sorry for the delay. >.<)

Zelda was already feeling uneasy with every little thing he muttered to her, but there were a few key words and phrases that only added to her worries. He seemed to put quite some emphasis on her being 'valuable', which certainly wasn't an understatement. His comment on her smelling nice was perhaps the oddest thing he had said thus far, and she moved a bit to one of the corners as she noticed his approach.

"Then do you intend to torment them to try and get something from them?"
"Because I don't have the information that I need at one point." he kept his distance and walked near the fireplace. "It's often troublesome to kill all. After all, burning their bodies and needing to care for their physical existence is too much to handle at certain points..."

He looked at Zelda. "After all, sometimes one doesn't need to kill with certain individuals..." He eyed her oddly.
At the very least, he was still keeping her distance from her. Of course, she was having some odd thoughts coming to mind as he was walking near the fireplace. She almost wanted to try and knock him in and run off, but she doubted that was going to work as she planned it. She flinched a little as he mentioned burning them, but he had to be joking about wanting to care for them.

Another little shiver ran through her body as she couldn't help but feel he had some terrible plans for her. "And just what do you intend to do with me if you won't kill me...?"
"Was I 'clear' on that I 'wouldn't kill you'? You are worth having alive but dead, possibly a less threat. Overall, you're still of great value regardless of your 'condition'." he walked over to her this time but still kept a good 5 foot difference in between. "The question what I CAN do with you if you're alive..."
The only thing that truly came to mind was torture of some sort. Who would know more of the direction of their country than the princess herself? He was still keeping his distance, but his gradual approach was nerve-wrecking. And just what condition was he talking about. "D-don't mess around with me! If you intend to harm me, then get it over with!"
He let out a laugh that brought chills. He walked closet till he was behind her. "I am not one to harm one such as yourself..."

Gannondorf moved his hands on her shoulders.
She couldn't figure out just what he had planned for her, and trying to figure it out had her getting all anxious. She didn't have much room to move away from him, and pretty soon he had come up behind her.

Feeling his hands on her shoulders her initial reaction was to try and get away from him, though she was also worried that he might harm her right away at the first signs of struggling. She tried to move away from him still, not necessarily making it difficult for him to hold her there. "Unhand me..."
"Say again?" he asked ever so 'sweetly'. This time, he added a bit more pressure on her body grasping with his large hands even more. Not enough to cause pain but rather keep a firm grip. "Does it bother you princess?" he asked ever so sweetly once more. THe mind games he attempted to play on her was easier said than done. But then again, Zelda was a human being. And all human beings craved one thing.
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