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Hey, I heard you like the wild ones

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Mar 13, 2011
Hello, I'm Marie. I have a few role play ideas but I first should say a few things to fill you in...

- I am submissive, but not meek or docile
- Sometimes(okay, alot) I like to roleplay a non-consensual relationship.
- I like BDSM and the control aspect that goes into it.
- I love my partners to be strong and dominant, someone my character can clash with, but never really gain the upper-hand on.
- I may seem like a walking contradiction, but even among my non-con/bdsm/power exchange relationships I sometimes like a little tenderness and romance.
- I, for the most part, use proper grammar and punctuation. I would appreciate the same in return. I also love detail!
- Something is probably missing, but oh well.

Here are a few of my ideas, which are totally open to change. If you don't like any of them but you think we are a nice fit, I would love to work out a plot together or do one of yours.

So my first is set in everyday America with the change of slavery being legal and widely accepted. My character is a succesful business woman who has finally made it to the top. Your character is succesful, wealthy and powerful in his own right. On both of our character's ascent through the ranks, they have always butted heads. They have fought for deals, mergers, clients, etc. In graduate school, they always fought for top grades. Just recently, as your character was about to close a deal on a property, my character counter-offered and won it from under your nose. But upsetting your character wasn't smart, for mine soon loses all of her money in a lawsuit. Without a penny to her name, your character soon purchases mine as a slave. From then on, we can take it wherever, but a clash of wills most likely will ensue.

My other isn't as complex, but might be controversial and I hope not to offend anyone. It is set in WWII era. My character is a Jewish woman at a concentration camp while yours is an officer there, who might abuse his power in her case.

The other is a complete non-consensual idea. Your character has been dating a girl for a few months and he really likes her. My character is her best friend and roommate, who doesn't like you for various reasons, such as: you're a little bit cocky, my character thinks your taking advantage of her roommate, and you're stealing my character's first real crush. Turns out, my character is a lesbian, one who decides to steal away your girlfriend through a mixture of guilt, persuasion and friendship. Then my character rubs it in your character's face a little bit to much, so your character decides to take revenge. How? That's up to you.
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