The Quest to End Debauchery {darkest_fate&Jugger82}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Princess Hayden had seen better days. In fact, she couldn't recall quite feeling worse than she did at this particular moment. Barely had she been on her quest for a week now, and already she'd faced her first lost. Her brilliant, shining armor had been battered, nearly to the point of shattering. Her spear: Freya, weapon of the Valkyrie, lay point down several feet from where Hayden was heaped. Her shield had been battered so severely that it nearly stuck to her arm. Scratches marred Hayden's tanned skin, and a few pink spots showed where she'd already had to call upon the sacred powers to restore her health. The golden blonde hair, envy of the kingdom, hung lank and limp about her face. Even her beautiful complexion had been marred. Frustration and anger might look out from those sharp, light brown eyes.

Failed. The great Virgin Princess had set out, wanting to right wrong and, most importantly, end this disgusting display that her kingdom put on every five years. Women and men from all over would come and engage in what essentially amounted to giant orgies. Warriors, mages, monsters and thieves would gather and fight one another. The winner took the loser, often in public and often in a manner that was almost humiliating. Fight enough battles, and you were invited to a tourney of champions. All those who participated, let alone won, in such the tourney were known throughout the land, often lauded for their prowess. A woman who did well in the tourney could literally pick her man. And a man could gather a harem of women ready and panting for him.

Hayden had felt nothing but disgust for this. When the event had last come, she'd barely been in her teens, hardly qualified to fight. Now, the girl was in her late teens, having seen her eighteenth summer and then some. She'd been training hard, and had believed that she would come out of this battle as a victor. And in doing so, she'd wipe this disgusting competition from the Earth, purging her kingdom of its filth.

Yet here she was, scrambling in the dirt, defeated and only after her first opponent. Hayden knew the terms: she knew what was to come next. She kept eying the man, waiting for him to move. She had to allow him to... to take what was his. But she didn't have to like it; she certainly wasn't planning to.

"You won," she admitted, each word obviously costing her dearly. "So what are you going to do now?"

You could hear the words "disgusting pig" in each syllable, and she almost spat on the ground as she finished. Those blazing eyes were locked upon her opponent, daring him to move, to even consider taking what he'd just rightfully won.
Nathan had been like air as he seemed to so easily defeat the girl, not knowing of her royal blood and how pure she was, what with her being a virgin. His black hair was spiked with purple dyed tips that barely popped out. He moved so fast that the purple was the only way you could see him, and this could be assumed why people called him the Purple Night. He was fast and accurate and all you would see would be purple when he came at you, even in the darkest of darknesses. He cracked his knuckles, having beaten her with his bare hands, never using an actual weapon as it would only slow him down.

Once he had managed to beat her, he started to flail his hand lightly, as if he had punched something hard. Though, this would be the case multiple times. Her armor was...powerful. His hands felt like they were going to break. Upon seeing the condition her armor was in, however, he felt proud of himself and grinned. "Damn. I am NOT getting rusty!" He chimed smugly as he approached the girl as she was beaten. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, grinning deeply as he moved the hand along her skin to her chin and had her move up to look at him. "Hello there, missy...I'm so glad that you lost. Now I can have some fun with you." He would pick her up into his arms, and looked around at the crowd in the arena. No...Not here. Not with her. This was his first win. He would have this all to himself.

He would slowly walk out, letting the arena staff handle gathering the scraps and shards of her equipment to later give to her when Nathan was done with her. His white skinned hand placed itself on her cheek as he laid her down on the bed, still in her armor. "Tell me...Girlie...What is your name? I want to know the name of my first victory. That way I can moan it out while I fuck you...I'll go ahead and tell you mine, that way you can scream it instead of whatever god you go by when we have our little sexual romp. My name is Nathan Stone."
Beaten, and by some freak who didn't even use a weapon. Hayden felt well and truly disgraced, and she felt that disgrace adding to her fury, tightening up within her belly. As she'd expected, he'd decided to take his prize. By the rights and rules of the tourney, Hayden had to obey, had to submit to him. She'd known that when she'd set out on this little quest. She just hadn't expected it to be an issue. She hadn't expected to lose.

Even more humiliating, the man picked up Hayden's exhausted body, carrying her like she was... like she was some kind of prize. She felt like spitting in his face, and nearly did so, just barely catching herself. He cupped her chin, and she looked into his face, glaring.

They walked away, with the guards picking up the loose scraps of Hayden's armor and likely bringing Freya to wherever Nathan was taking them. The girl was left with bits and pieces of her shattered mail clinging to her, with the flimsy light blue body sheath she wore underneath seeming suddenly quite inadequate. Hayden felt heat rising in her cheeks with each word the man spoke. She was tempted not to answer, but the only thing more degrading than having this man speak her name would be to be called Girlie for an extended period of time.

"I am Princess Hayden, daughter of the sovereign ruler of this kingdom," she said, her voice every inch the pompous, spoiled royal. "You should let me go now. It will do a lot better for you in the long run. I could even reward you..."

It was worth a shot. Something in the way Nathan looked, not to mention the way his hands were holding Hayden's body, made the princess believe he was about as likely to give up his chance at bodily conquest as she was to grow wings and fly away from here.
"The princess you say?" Nathan said with a puzzled looked and moved some of her disheveled hair out of her face to get a better look at her. He rose an eyebrow with interest, seeing that it was actually and truly the ruler of their kingdom...but why was she in this little tournament to begin with? Didn't matter. He won her. She was his did that make him a prince? "If not...a prince of the vagrants indeed..." He said out loud, thinking out loud as he wondered what to do with her. His grip had tightened less on her body when she said she would reward him. With what? Riches? He could easily win that in this tournament. Royalty? He wasn't suited for such things. No...He wanted her. "I want you."

His grip tightened on hers once more and he began to peel off the layers of clothing and armor that she wore, slowly. Where it seemed her armor was just about to break, he finished the job and just broke it off of her. Otherwise he would properly remove it. When it came to her clothes, he ripped them open by grabbing two ends of her collar and ripped downward so that the first thing he saw would be her breasts. Grinning, Nathan leaned down and began to slowly kiss up and down her neck. "Who needs riches and royalty when I can have several moments with the princess of our kingdom? The Lady Virgin? The most valuable jewel to our king?"

His hands would now go to her breasts, and she would feel how smooth in texture they were as compared to how hard he was able to hit her. Though his hands were soft, his grip was not. And he had a firm grasp of her breasts as he massaged them. "I am going to milk as much fun out of this as I can...even if it means death in the end." He admitted and soon stepped away from her, slowly stripping down until there was nothing on his body to cover him. His cock was erect, and it looked strong and healthy, just like he was. He approached her, and poked her cheek with the tip just to tease her.

"My princess...Oh how I have longed for a chance like this...and it would seem lady luck has given me the chance I deserve. Now then...Princess Hayden. Start sucking. Put those royal lips on my cock and I'm gonna defile you in so many ways, so long as I have you."
Hayden's eyes narrowed at him. As if he hadn't recognized the royal visage when he beheld it. The quirked eyebrow did little to diminish Hayden's rage, and she again felt the urge to spit in this man's face well up within her. It was even harder to fight back this time, and it was only when he tightened his grip and spoke his nonsense that she relented.

Then his hands went to her clothes. Hayden yelped, her hands flying to try and stop him, reflex guiding her actions. First the armor, what little remained, left. Then he moved to grip at her shift. Hayden's hands flew up, and she spat a curse at the man, yet he still ripped it. Beneath the shift she wore nothing, as expected. Her two heaving breasts were moderate mounds, each a lush, lightly tanned color, capped with slightly darker nipples that puckered with the cold. With the shift torn, you could see the sparkling choker that Hayden wore as well: silver with the blue gem of her royal house embedded within it. The lack of covering on her torso seemed to almost make it gleam.

Hayden started to protest as he started to kiss, her hands again flying up to push against him. Yet she felt a heat rising with each press of the lips as well. Sexuality was denied to the princess; she'd been forbidden to even think about it, let alone seek her own pleasures. Now this man was coaxing forth the feelings that had never been felt within the virginal royal. She felt hands closing about her breasts, squeezing them as if she were lifestock. The princess gasped, her hand rising as it to smack him. She stopped herself, holding her right hand upright, her chest heaving with indignation.

He stepped away, and Hayden scrambled to cover herself, pulling the shreds of her shift about in a vain attempt to hide her nudity. As she did, Nathan stripped, and by the time the princess noticed, he was nude. She stared at his cock, her eyes wide. The thing was... huge. Absolutely enormous. How was something like that supposed to fit inside Hayden anywhere?

"What?" she said, looking up at him. His cock was poking her now, and she moved her hand up as if to slap it away. "That's not part of the agreement. You can lay with me if you will, as you're the winner, but I don't have to take, take that thing into my mouth." She glared at it, then at him. "Besides, it wouldn't fit anyway."
"You act as if its my entire arm." He replied and moved to grab her nose to cut off her air supply from there, so she would HAVE to open her mouth. When she did to take her gasp for air, he would plug up that hole by putting the tip of his cock into her mouth and slowly pushed, and at the same time he released her nose so that she could breathe and not die while giving him oral. That would indeed be a humiliated death. 'Death by Oral'. He laughed lightly when he thought of that and patted her cheek.

"Come now Princess..." He said gently as he rubbed his thumb gently across her cheek. "Don't you want to be the rebellious little girl that you always wanted to be? I bet any princess or prince who has to listen to stuck up orders would just love to go against their parents' wishes...I know that they forced you to stay a virgin and kept all men away from you. Which surprises me as to why you're even in this tournament, or rather how even. But it doesn't matter...I've won you." He began to buck his hips so that his cock slid in and out of her mouth. "If you bite...You'll break your contract with this tournament you've joined. You'll be killed on the spot, princess or not, if you harm the victor during their winning glory."

He grinned and pulled his cock out, grabbed her hair, and pulled it up so that she was facing him. He put a finger in her mouth and she would taste a minty flavor. He had put toothpaste in there so that he would not taste himself when he did this. He kissed her, open mouth and tongue sliding into her. He released her hair and wrapped his arms around her body to keep her against him, his cock pressing against her pussy but not penetrating. His tongue wrapped around hers as he locked lips with her and soon fell onto the bed slowly with her. When Nathan pulled away, he grinned at her and spoke a teasingly comment to her. "You kiss like you've never done it before...You've never even practiced have you? Heheheh..."
Hayden tried to hold her breath. She really tried. Her flesh turned a bright red, bordering on purple, and at last she had to gasp for breath. In that moment, Hayden felt the thick member sliding in between her pink lips. A cry of surprise shot from her, smothered by the cock that now cut off her mouth completely. The princess gagged, taking a few seconds to realize that she'd have to breathe through her nose.

As Hayden struggled to adjust, Nathan spoke again. Spoke of her being some rebellious girl, breaking against tradition. There was a part of Hayden that agreed with him, sadly. She'd always felt repressed, like her father and the older nobles were purposefully keeping her away from something. Ignorant. That was the word. Yet she knew all this to be repugnant, disgusting, degrading, and filthy. She was tempted to bite him just to prove her point, and her mouth closed to do so. Just as her teeth touched him, however, Nathan spoke, warning her against doing just that.

Groaning in frustration, Hayden relented. She spread her lips wider, struggling to adjust to him. Just when she thought she might start to get used to it, he pulled out completely. A strand of her spit clung to his cock, stretching till it broke. And again, the girl panted for breath, her chest heaving. This time, fingers shot into her mouth, spreading a minty flavor. Hayden barely had time to adjust to that when lips seized her. The girl cried out, hands flailing, pounding against his back. A kiss! Not just the pecks she'd exchanged with a bumbling prince back when she'd first grown her breasts, but a kiss with open mouths and dueling tongues. She felt him moving her close, something jabbing at the entrance to her tight sex. Within the next moment, they were falling upon a bed, Hayden cried out.

"You're disgusting!" she spat the moment she could. She took deep, sucking breaths, trembling with anger. "I can't believe---I'm a princess! You--errgh, you had better be glad you're the winner. Else I'd bite your nasty--nasty thing off here and now."
"Then hope that we have to face off in another time then...You do know that depending on how many battles you win from all the tournaments will rack in points, and then the true victor will have the most points right? We could possibly face off again in the future for another can have your revenge then. Only then can you bite my cock off, you dirty little princess." He retorted with a devious gleam in his eye as he saw a sudden chance. He moved so that his face was in her her the first motor boating that she would receive from a man.

"Your breasts are heavenly and soft~!" He said almost in harmony as he seemed happy. His entire gaze seemed to be in a delighted trance as he smothered his face with her breasts, loving them with so much attention to each individual globe. Soon his lips would be placed upon the nipple of one breast and he began to suckle on it while his hand went to her other breast to massage it like before. His eyes opened to look at her to see just what she was doing. How she was reacting. And to hear what she was saying in regards to this.

Soon he pulled the nipple out of his mouth by pulling his head back until it came out of his mouth with a loud plop. He watched as it bounced back to its normal position at her chest and moved downward toward her pussy. He spread her legs and grinned as he looked at her virgin pussy, and the tip of his tongue would be the next thing she'd feel from him. It was against her clit, rubbing it and poking it gently as one finger began to slowly slide itself deep into her. "Tell me you at least masturbate...Or are you truly a full sex virgin?" He said tauntingly as he slowly fingered her while his tongue stimulated her outer skin.
Hayden glared daggers at the man, wishing that she had the ability to kill with a mere glance. Yet he'd kept her so focused on him and his taunting words that she'd nearly forgotten that she was, in fact, nearly naked. His head dipped down, and again Hayden's hands came up, beating vainly against his back. His face rubbed against her breasts, causing them to nearly vibrate.

"You disgust me," she hissed. "Those are for children, not for--for--disgusting men like you."

She nearly moved to slap him, but as she raised her hand, he closed his mouth over her breast. Hayden gasped, shuddering at the sensation. a wonderful bolt of delight shot through her, arching from her breast to her loins. the nipple almost immediately leaped to attention, forming a peak inside the hot mouth. Hayden bit back a groan as she felt a tongue teasing the sensitive bud, working it till it grew harder and harder, nearly as hard as the steel of her armor.

A deeply panting princess looked down at her tormenter, her eyes taking on a new glaze as she fought against her mounting arousal. Her legs spread, and the princess groaned, crying out a no. Her hands again flew between her legs, but she knew by now that she couldn't stop him. His tongue teased her, seeming to be looking for something.

"What do you think you're doing you--aah, ooh! Gods!" she cried out, her hands lacing in his hair as she arched. Pleasure as she'd never felt before rocketed through her, making her arch her body. Whatever he touched much be linked directly to her greatest pleasures. Hayden moaned, trembling, and pushed hard against his head. "Get away from me! Stop at once! I--I it's filthy to touch yourself like that!"

The girl was already bright red, and she could feel her temperature rising with each passing moment.
He grinned deeply when he heard her cry out in the pleasure that he was giving her. 'Gotcha...' He thought in his head, knowing he had caught her and had only to reel her in to keep her as his little fuck toy. She was a sexually deprived princess who was experiencing it for the first time...He could only assume that she'd want more. And more...and more...Oh how delicious this little event turned out for him. His first tournament and he gets to fuck a princess right off the bat. 'I love Florensia...' He thought in his head.

Soon he rearranged himself so that her legs were in the air over his shoulders, and she was elevated a little. He moved his hand to his cock and angled it so it was poking her pussy, and with one thrust he shoved it into her, deflowering he on the spot with her legs behind his head. He grinned as he moved to lean forward, letting her legs drop down if they wanted to or they could stretch by following him as he crawled up her body to kiss her lips directly as he thrust into her. His hands were at her sides to keep him up as he did push ups to thrust into her.

"How does it feel? Your first sexual experience? I'm going slow since the pain is probably...well...painful for you...but eventually you're going to want something're going to become a whore, or a slut by the end this is over with...This tournamen I mean. You'll be so addicted to sex that you'd either follow me around or possibly even work at a whorehouse behind your parents' back. Oh how I love this...I'm corrupting a princess! Who knew that a backwater underground fighter like myself would suddenly jump to fucking royalty!" He seemed to be full of himself even as he had sex with her.
Hayden felt him shifting her. Her legs raised, hovering on either side of her. His cock pressed against her tight sex. Hayden could feel him, feel him rubbing against her. She felt the heat flare up within her again, reminding her of what he'd done with his lips mere moments before. Then, suddenly, his cock was inside her. Hayden cried out, a sharp, wordless cry, her body arching against him. She felt his cock destroy her carefully protected hymen, barreling into her tight sex. He stretched the princess as she'd never been stretched. That thick cock was pressing into the untouched pussy.

Hayden had been expecting pain. Pain, she could handle. She'd been training as a warrior for years, after all. What she hadn't been expecting was that flaring of heat within her, seeming to burn from deep within her loins somewhere. She hadn't expected... expected to feel so full either. His cock stretched deep within her, parting walls and reaching parts of Hayden she'd been previously unaware of. The girl bit back another moan, her head lolling backward, hair spreading out everywhere onto the bed.

Nathan spoke, and Hayden's head jerked up. "Lies!" she spat. "I'll never--filth like you! You're, errgh," she laid her head back, pinching her eyes shut. Lay back, she convinced herself. Lay back and think of Florensia. Think of your quest to end all this and purge the world of evils like Nathan.
"Its not a lie until you prove me wrong...At the end of this tournament, prove to me you aren't sex crazed. Prove to me that you won't stay with me, or another one of your challengers just for the sex." He leaned over and whispered into her ear. "Prove to me that you truly hate this sexual feeling. Your body is the one telling lies. You're wetter than water. Your cries of pleasure pierce the heavens. And your face shows doubt on if you should enjoy this or not..."

He grinned and pulled out, and rolled over, bringing her with him. She was on top now and he pierced her with his cock again. Nathan bucked his hips, his cock sliding in and out of her as he bucked roughly yet slowly into her. He held her wrists to pull her down with each buck of his hips to make it that much stronger, and he watched as her breasts jiggled with the movements that she was forced to do.

"Your hair is becoming a mess...Are you sure you're a princess? I don't think any princess I know would allow herself to look so...non-royal." He teased as he leaned forward, still bucking as he sat upright and placed his face into her cleavage once more. "Mm...So good...You say these are for babies and not men like me? Well...What about a young adult looking to please someone he wants to?" Nathan seemed to cradle his face into her cleavage gently as opposed to his rough hips. He was getting close.

Closer and closer. He could feel his cock swell inside of her, getting thicker as he came closer to the point of breaking. And with one strong push, he came hard inside of her. His cock spewed his jizz deep into her pussy and womb and he soon pulled out, shooting some of it up her stomach. He grinned as he saw the whiteness and pushed her to fall onto her back on the bed. "How was it, dear princess of Florensia?"
Hayden was having trouble thinking, let alone thinking at a level high enough to process the words Nathan flung at her. Her eyes shifted, daggers thrusting at him once again. Her flushed body was growing hotter by the minute, not at all used to the treatment it was getting. "My body might rebel, but my mind won't," she promised, trying to shift to look away from him.

As if spurred by her words, Nathan shifted. Hayden gasped as she felt the movements. Since he was stuck within her, he moved her easily enough, rotating till she was on top of him now. His cock once more pierced within her, and Hayden bit back a throaty moan. She felt it slamming deep within her body, her flesh a sheath for his impressive sword. The girl wouldn't have moved on her own, though the man seemed to realize this. He bucked, gripping her hands to make her move. Hayden could feel her breasts moving, her body rocking against him. Sweat was beginning to bead along her flushed skin, and strands of hair fell into her face, obscuring her vision.

"I'm a princess, you filthy worm," she spat at him, glaring down. She took a deep shuddering breath, trying to control herself. It seemed to be working; she seemed to have reached a plateau of some kind. Yet she felt him swelling within her, seeming to grow. Hayden groaned again, her head lolling back, blonde locks falling in a waterfall behind her. She felt her body trembling about him. But mostly, she felt him, thrusting inside her, going deeper. He suddenly sprayed within her. Hayden felt him filling her, filling her womb and spilling out onto their joined sexes. The panting girl bit back another groan, this one partly of frustration, and opened her eyes just as hot white liquid splashed upon her taut stomach. A push, and the blonde fell upon the bed, bouncing a few times before she lay there.

"It was awful," she insisted, taking another deep breath and swallowing. "But it's done with now. You claimed your prize. I'm--I'm leaving," yet she didn't leave. Hayden still felt that heat within, and she could feel his seed leaking from her recently plundered sex. That, and she was exhausted, almost too tired to think of moving, let alone walking out of there.
He laid down beside her, and heard her speak of how awful the sex was. Clearly this was not the case, since she seemed to love it so much. And when she spoke of leaving, she did not. She simply stayed there and let his love juice spill out. He moved closer, staying silent as he watched her until he sneakily attacked her with a kiss. His lips stayed on hers as he wrapped his arms around her, and soon they would moved to start having one hand go between her legs to start fingering her, pushing his cum back into her body as if not allowing it to leave her.

His lips stayed on hers silently as he kissed her, keeping her restrained from trying to fight against it, if she did. And soon he would pull away and smirked. "I know you'll be back, my dear little princess..." He said tauntingly. Nathan stood up and began to start clothing himself with the garments he had withdrawn from moments ago. When he was fully dressed, he looked to Hayden. "If you really want me again...You can find me in the tavern, drinking up my glory with free drinks as this town's champion."

Turning to leave, he closed the door behind her and left the stadium entirely to head out to the tavern to get some alcohol to drink down to celebrate by himself and anyone else who wanted to join him for the free alcohol. Nathan was going to live it up in this town for as long as he could before he would have to leave for the next one to win that tournamnet too. "And win I shall! Hahahahha!" He seemed to cheer out as he downed another bottle of alcohol which burned his throat.
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