Two Girls for Africa {Sebastian}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The plane kept jostling and shaking as if this were a shot from a bad film instead of real life. The few passengers had been bracing themselves for some time now, occasionally shooting wry smiles or apologetic looks to one another. They were all there for the same reason; there really wasn't another reason to head out this far into the country. A recent company had formed, one called "A Coalition to Save Africa" or Acosa, as it was more commonly referred to. Acosa had already done wonders to improving some of the more backward areas of the country, bringing "the fine ideals and standards" of the West. Mostly it was an extension of charity, but it seemed to have a knack for cutting through red tape.

Hence the shaky plane. Its passengers were actually decidedly higher class than would usually be flying on such a deathtrap. Miss Kaley Cuoco, female star of The Big Bang Theory and semi-comedic actress happened to be one such passenger. Currently the curvy, sexy blonde was busy bracing herself on a rickety chair, shooting apologetic glances to the handful of people who'd agreed to accompany her.

On the other side of the plane was one Nina Dobrev, another breakout television star, though hardly a comedic one. Nina looked, if possible, even worse off than Kaley. The girl almost looked a little green, though she was putting on a brave face: smiling through her discomfort. Both girls were dressed more for comfort than for anything else, knowing that there would be a short walk after the plane before they headed to the semi-remote location. They were both participating in a TV for Africa promotion. they'd come out to do a special appearance for people, donate some time and money to local organizations, and even spend some time getting to know the locals. Kaley's show had become a huge hit even here, so it only made sense that she'd be invited. The situation was similar for Nina, with her breakout role causing a sweeping sensation among a younger crowd.

Of course, it was also altogether likely that there was an entirely different reason for inviting two beautiful women into a remote location, but surprisingly, neither girl suspected as much.

At last, the plane landed. Disheveled, disoriented, and generally just glad to get off, Kaley, Olivia, and their assorted crews exited the plane. There would no doubt be people there to greet them and escort them to the more distant, remote locations for the actual activities, and the girls were more than ready to move on to that, even if the ride proved a little rougher than they would have originally thought.
Olabode wasn't considered a warlord, but he was known as the most powerful man in this part of Africa. So it had been no surprise when the rich man Tyler Harris had contacted him with a very interesting idea. First Tyler had opened Olabode up to a whole new world of sex and bondage, using one of Olabode's black woman to do so. They then built a home deep in the woods where privacy could be had, in many places where they could not be seen Tyler had placed devices called “cameras.” They had something to do with the televisions many families now owned, through a process Olabode wouldn't even pretend to understand. Once the place was built, Tyler promised to bring Olabode the pretty white woman from the televisions to him.

Olabode stood with his giant arms crossed, wearing American jeans and a white tee-shirt beside Tyler, the two of them watching the plane come to a stop. Tyler had explained the process to Olabode; the girl would have a gang following her; a gang that Olabode couldn't simply have his men kill. There was a trick Tyler had come up with, while driving through the woods Olabode with the girl at a sharp turn he would escape the other vehicles following, another jeep taking the lead. Olabode was then free to take the girls to their secret home, where he could do as he wanted.

Soon the plane came to a stop, a set of stairs pushed to the open door and people began to stream out. Following just behind Tyler, Olabode watched as he met with not one, but two pretty ladies. The blonde one, Kaley he had been expecting. The darker one, Nina was a surprise but a very good one. Tyler then introduced Olabode to the two woman. He shook their hands, “It is very good to meet the both of you. I will see that you both enjoy everything Africa has to offer” A wide smile was given; although he was the tallest male in the crowd, and the largest as far as muscles went, when he smiled he looked completely harmless. It was a trick he had used to take over this section of Africa. Olabode listened as Tyler explained to the two woman and their gangs that Olabode would be taking them in his jeep, ahead of all the other vehicles, so he could point out certain landmarks as they went to the first location; and answer any questions the two ladies might have.

Once the introductions were done, and instructions explained the large group went over to the large assortment of vehicles waiting for them. Olabode opened the back door to his jeep, motioning for the woman too get inside.
Kaley easily smiled and approached the imposing man. A hand went up to brush aside some blonde hair that had gotten disheveled, while another extended to take his in a friendly gesture. "Nice to meet you too. We're super thrilled to be able to help and all."

Nina nodded, also moving her hands up nervously to her hair. One of her entourage stepped forward, offering the more demure brunette a hair tie. Thanks were exchanged, and soon Nina had her brunette locks up, out of her face and contained within a ponytail. Though she did nod and manage a smile, wanting the others to know that she was at least following along with the conversation.

"You've got quite a handsome smile there, Mr. Olabode," teased Kaley, laughing lightly. She smiled in return, adding a wink to let him know she was just playing. Then both she and Nina turned to Tyler as the man explained the situation. They'd go ahead of Olabode, taking a special, reserve tour, while the entourage followed. Nina bit her lip and glanced over her shoulder, looking very much like a teenage girl double-checking with her parents. Kaley, on the other hand, responded much more positively.

"Oh yeah, that sounds great!' she chirped, nodding. She hurried back to her own grouping, coming up with sunglasses and a few other things, not wanting to be caught off guard. When she stepped forward, there was a fairly muscular man coming in behind her. He wasn't nearly as big as Olabode, though he tried his best to seem imposing. It looked nearly pathetic, but it was at least an effort. "We're bringing Bransen along, you know, for protection and all that. That okay with you Nina?"

"Yeah, that's great," agreed the brunette, nodding. She glanced at her own group, bit her lip as if debating something, then shook her head. She headed for the jeep, moving to enter before Kaley and Branson. The burly man came forward, stopping Nina. He hopped inside, looked around, then hopped out, nodding for the two to get in. They did so, Nina offering a slightly sheepish smile while Kaley nodded her thanks. Soon, everyone was settled into the jeep, waiting with a mixture of eagerness and a sort of desperate wanting to get it all over with.
Kaley, the pretty blonde responded well to his introduction, taking his hand with a firm, womanly hold. Nina, while nice enough was much shyer. It was a very nice mix Tyler had found for him; and when Olabode met Tyler's eyes he gave him a pleased smile. Olabode was good at reading people's emotions by their simple body actions, it was something that had helped him gain his power, and he would use it to bring himself as much pleasure as possible when playing with these two beauties.

The blonde complimented his smile as he introduced himself. “Thank-you, I'm told all the ladies go weak in the knees when I smile.” It was creepy, but Tyler said many things Olabode said would be dismissed as simple cultural differences. He simply wanted to see how uncomfortable he could make the two girls. The two of them agreed to Tyler's positioning of the vehicles, again Kaley being more forward, and Nina seemingly uncomfortable, but agreeable all the same. Once Kaley came back from her group she brought a big, though smaller man with her, telling the three of them that Bransen would be coming along. Tyler had said this might happen, and Olabode had assured him that he could take care of one or two American bodyguards.

The bodyguard inspected the inside of the jeep, but quickly gave the okay sign, and the two girls and bodyguard got inside, Olabode getting in last in the driver seat. “Have either of you ever been to Africa? You'll both enjoy your time here, I'll see to that.” Looking at them in the rear view mirror he studied the two of them, the bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat next to him. Soon everyone else was ready to go and Olabode put the jeep into drive, leading the convoy. As they drove through the town he pointed out a few special buildings and landmarks; he even stopped t talk to a few of the locals; who were all placed in order to make Olabode's fake niceness more convincing.

Soon they left the small town, entering the very large, thick forest. They were travelling down a narrow, bumpy road, where the tree branches often rubbed against the edges of the jeep. At one point the terrain became extremely rough, where the jeep was able to easily traverse, but the next vehicle in the convoy would have to severely slow down, putting a huge gap between the celebrities and their guide, and everyone else they had come with. Coming to the top of a hill the road forked in two directions. Olabode took the left fork, which immediately made a turn, hiding them from view from the main road. On the right fork a similar looking jeep pulled out, waiting for the convoy to catch up and follow them.

“First we are going to a very beautiful place. A small pond with a waterfall and cliffs. It will be perfect to show off the wonders of my great country.” They of course were not going there, but Olabode made friendly small talk with the two woman as they continued down the road. If anyone asked where the other vehicles were he simply stated that they would catch up. However, about half an hour after the fork in the road, Olabode pulled the jeep off the side when the road opened up a little bit.

“We'll stop here and stretch our legs.” Tyler had said American's were not able to stay seated for a long time. Turning the jeep off, and taking the keys with him he got out. There was nothing at all around them except for trees of the jungle, and the singular road. Once everyone was outside he spoke once more, “If you ladies will excuse me a moment, nature calls.” Walking a little distance into the woods he stood as if he really was relieving himself. He was sure Nina wouldn't be watching, he didn't know if Kaley would bother; this act was mostly for the bodyguard. He stood there for a few moments, hand resting on a tree trunk. Once he figured he had been standing there long enough that no one would be watching, he looked over his shoulder to see the group standing together, not watching him. Perfect. Reaching down into the deep grass he pulled out a large machete.

Calmly, he walked right up to the group, and without a word swung the weapon, very easily taking off the bodyguard's head. Quickly, before either of the two girls could react he grabbed a thick hold onto Kaley's blonde hair. If any of them was going to run he thought it would be her. He brought the machete up, pointing it directly at Nina's chest. “None of you have trackers, do you?” His kind, gentle tone was replaced to the one regular to him; deep, menacing, cruel and cold. With his grip on Kaley's hair he through her against the jeep, and with the machete motioned for Nina to go stand beside her. “Nina, take off Kaley's clothes nice and slow down to her underwear, then feel her privates to be sure she's not wearing any trackers. Then Kaley, you do the same to Nina.” He moved the machete back and forth, pointing it at each girl in turn, daring them to go against his commands.

OOC: Hope this all works for you, and sorry about the powerplaying when I assumed they were all standing in a group, just thought it'd be a little easier ^^
Kaley chuckled at his comment. She could definitely see why the man would get the native ladies interested in him. She herself had never been that big into trying the dark meat, but even with her reservations, she found him to at least be charming. She quickly brushed that aside though, letting her excitement for the situation take over.

"No, I've never been here before," she would admit a short while later. The blonde had been eagerly looking out the window since they'd started moving, almost not believing the beautiful area they were casually driving through. Sure, the drive was rough, but the plane had been a lot worse. And when they'd been in the plane, they hadn't had such beautiful stuff to look at. A time or two, Kaley would nudge Nina, pointing out something in the distance, and both girls would stare, obviously entranced. It was nearly enough to make them forget how tired and miserable they technically were.

As if that weren't enough, Olabode promised to show them the type of sight people would almost kill to see. Both girls were quite excited, though, likely surprisingly, it was Nina who sat up straighter and started asking questions about it pool. How big was it, how far away, would they get there soon? It was a shame that they hadn't brought along their luggage, because Nina would have loved to take a dip in a pool like that. Just the thought of something natural and beautiful had caused the petite brunette to nearly blossom. Of course, Kaley went right along with it, encouraging the other girl.

They stopped, and both girls hopped out. Nina seemed much more eager now, and even ventured out a bit, exploring. Kaley, wanting to keep her new friend company, followed close by. Bransen, doing his job, followed both girls carefully. Nina was distracted by what she thought was a bird of some kind, and all three of them were looking up when Olabode struck. Bransen had barely enough time to turn before he found himself without a head. His body fell to the ground, spurting blood.

Nina screamed, taking several steps back. She looked as though she were about to faint, going nearly white. Kaley gaped as well, though there were no screams, no sound at all from the stunned blonde. She recovered quickly, and, as Olabode had been expecting, started to make a break for it. She'd barely made it a step when he caught her hair in a tight fist. She hissed in pain as she jerked to a stop, kicking and trying to fight. That was, until the bloody machete was used as a gesturing tool. Both girls were pressed against the jeep now, looking over their shoulders at him. Nina's brown eyes looked petrified, while Kaley's blues were burning with anger and frustration.

"What?" Nina managed as their tormenter spoke. "You can't be---we don't have any trackers! Really! Why would we--"

"Just do what he says, Nina," said Kaley, turning to look at the tiny brunette. "He's armed, he's clearly nuts, and he's going to hurt you if you don't."

"But, but..." stammered Nina.

Kaley rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about it. I've been strip searched before. Just pretend you're an airport person or something. You know how annoying they are."

Nina bit her lip, but nodded. She cast a nervous glance over at the dominating man, trembling slightly, but still approached the blonde. Trembling fingers tugged at the bottom of Kaley's shirt. The blonde had been wearing a safari shirt, one with buttons on the front and a khaki coloring. Nina's shaking hands managed to undo buttons, though she scrambled with doing so. She pulled the garment loose, showing that Kaley was, in fact, wearing a white sleeveless tank underneath. That too the nervous brunette took off. Underneath, Kaley wore a simple black bra that held up her impressive bust. Her abs showed now as well, and the flare of her hips seemed more obvious.

Swallowing again, Nina moved to unsnap the fastener on Kaley's shorts. She had to wiggle the khaki garments down slowly, nearly taking the panties off with them. Sensible black cotton boy shorts covered Miss Cuoco's lower half. Swallowing, Nina looked over at Olabode. "Do I really have to touch her? There's no way she's got a tracker in there or anything. You can tell," she pointed at Kaley's crotch, nearly blushing and looking away. Kaley shot a nervous glance at Olabode, uncertain as to what the volatile African would do with Nina's reluctance.
A wonderful scream sounded from the darker of the two girls when he lopped off the bodyguard's head. Kaley remained silent until she pulled against his hold on her hair, causing a hiss of pain to escape from her. She tried to fight against him, but she was quite easily quelled when he brandished the machete in her direction. Quickly and easily enough he had them pushed up against the jeep.

Olabode stood without a care that the blood from the decapitated man was starting to stain his blank boots. He focused on the two beautiful wonders before him, making sure each got the same amount of time with the machete pointed at them. He didn't want either of them to get any ideas, since he couldn't chase both of them at the same time if they split up. He gave the two orders, and surprisingly Nina objected, telling him that they didn't have any trackers. Kaley quickly interrupted her and told the darker girl to just get on with it.

Once the blonde had convinced the brunette, Nina nervously looked at Olabode, and trembling began to do as told. First she slowly unbuttoned Kaley's shirt, pushing it off to reveal a strapless white tank, which she also slowly removed, exposing Kaley's wonderful bust, covered only by a simple black bra. Unbuttoning Kaley's shorts, Nina almost pulled the pretty panties down as well with how tightly they were on the blonde. Olabode let his eyes lustfully wonder over Kaley's wonderful figure; knowing full well he would be able to enjoy it to his full content.

Instead of continuing his orders, Nina shyly pointed at Kaley's crotch, and while looking away asked if she really had to touch, he could see that there was no tracker. Kaley suddenly looked nervous was well with Nina's blatant disobedience.

“Do you think I told you to touch her because I thought it would be funny?” His voice was menacing, not at all sarcastic. He moved the machete forward, pressing the rounded tip against Nina's throat; she'd be able to smell the fresh blood on the blade. “If I tell you to do something, you fucking well do it.” Taking the blade off of Nina he pointed it at Kaley, but kept his eyes on Nina. “When it's your turn Kaley, you will strip Nina of all of her clothing.”

Taking his eyes off of Nina he very pointedly looked up and down Kaley's slim body. “Tyler told me he would bring me virgin white girls. I think he was lying. How many, and where have you two taken cocks in?” His eyes went back to Nina. “Well? Get on with it!”
"N-n-no," stammered Nina, her eyes growing wide. She shook her head, already feeling her body trembling. It took all she had not to pee herself, and she was suddenly glad she hadn't drunk that much on the plane. She could practically smell the blood on the weapon, and she knew firsthand that he would have no qualms about using it on either of them. The girl nearly whimpered, and practically collapsed when Olabode finally took it away.

Kaley looked at him as he pointed at her. She wanted to fight, to strike against him and defend the poor, trembling Nina. Yet she knew better. he was armed; they were not. He was easily twice their size, and it wasn't as though Kaley had special combat training. That all too vivid image of Bransen's head tumbling from his shoulders filled Kaley's mind, and she swallowed her nerves.

"Yes sir,' she mumbled, hating each word. Her eyes flicked to Nina. "Nina! You're supposed to be checking my privates for trackers."

Nina jumped, then nodded, scurrying over. Her trembling hands fumbled at Kaley's crotch, rubbing against it, pressing the black fabric against the blonde's body. Kaley had to fight against the urge to move, not wanting to make things more difficult. She tried focusing her attention upon the man who held them captive, the man who was making their lives miserable.

"What?" she spat unthinking at his questions. They'd... they'd been bartered off? Nina looked nearly as scared as Kaley, but she wasn't stopping her search. "I'm--I've been with a guy before. A couple. We didn't do anything weird; just, the usual, stuff."

Kaley swallowed. She'd never thought she might be killed because of her sexual activity. It occurred to the blonde that Nina wasn't responding. she reached down, tapping the brunette's head.

"What?" said Nina, jerking up to look at the man. "What? No! I--I haven't--" she blushed, swallowed. "I mean--I--I never..."

She couldn't quite get the words out. the truth was that Nina got embarrassed even thinking about sex. It had been something of a joke on set. She dealt with two handsome guys, yet didn't make much of a pass toward either of them. When it came to "hot" scenes, they usually had to talk Nina through it. Now the girl was turning a deep shade of red, upping her efforts to "check" Kaley.
Nina was a creature of pure, wonderful fear as Olabode held the machete up against her throat. Dark, wide eyes fearfully staring at him as her entire petite body trembled. She let out a whimper when he took the blade away from her and pointed it at Kaley. When he gave the blonde her new set of orders she answered with a simple, yet pleasurable 'Yes sir' before telling Nina to continue. Olabode could see the anger, and want to fight in Kaley's eyes, but logic was keeping her nice and cooperative for the moment. He'd have to keep and eye on her at all times.

The African watched as Nina's hands pressed against Kaley's privates, feeling her for trackers that they all knew were not there. The sight was quite a nice one to watch though. Kaley was the first to answer his questions, telling him that she had been with a couple guys before, but they didn't do anything weird, just the usual stuff. After Kaley tapped Nina on the head the smaller brunette looked up at Olabode, eyes still wide, and she roughly stuttered out that she had never had sex before. Her answer was much more interesting to Olabode. He supposed he didn't have to kill Tyler now.

“You'll have to forgive me, but I think our two Countries have two different ideas of 'the usual'” The machete was pointed towards Kaley. “Why don't you tell us exactly what you've done? In what positions? And how about -” Stepping forward he grabbed a fistful of Nina's brunette hair and pulled her away from the blonde, before pushing her back towards the jeep so she was standing beside Kaley once more. “- You start stripping her down already.” No, Kaley's breasts hadn't been checked, but the who tracker thing was just a ruse in order to get the girls to start touching each other. Soon enough they would be doing so just because he told them to do so.
Nina yelped as Olabode tore her away, slamming her tiny frame against the jeep. She whimpered, dancing in place, her hands already going to her clothing as though she had some say in what was to happen. Kaley felt sorry for her, even though the blonde herself was standing in a jungle wearing nothing but her underwear and boots. Kaley didn't have much chance to pity Nina though; she had troubles of her own to worry about.

"I've fucked a guy," she said, purposefully spitting out the word. She shifted, tossing back her hair so it hit her back. "I've let him fuck me in a few positions: missionary, doggy, cowgirl," which was her favorite, though Kaley would be damned if she confessed to that. "And I've given a few guys blowjobs. The usual."

She moved to Nina, mouthing an apology to the smaller girl. Nina nodded, but lowered her arms. Kaley's hands were much more skilled. The tiny brunette had been wearing a denim blue shirt, and this Kaley removed almost too quickly. A gray cotton bra covered Nina's equally petite chest. Remembering the orders, Kaley quickly removed that too. Nina whimpered as her chest was bared to Kaley and her captor, and her hand started to raise to cover herself. The tiny breasts were mere handfuls of lightly tanned flesh, with rosy caps that were already erect with fear. Kaley glanced to her captor, then spent a few seconds fondling Nina's breasts, "checking" as ordered.

Then she reached down, pulling at Nina's own khaki shorts. The brunette whimpered as Kaley yanked hard, purposefully taking the light gray panties with her. Nina's sex was bared now: the tiny slit seeming almost ridiculously small on the petite girl. A small patch of dark brown hair covered her just above, obviously trimmed and shaped to be hidden in a bikini. Without waiting for pause, Kaley felt up Nina's sex, running her hands over the girl's pussy. Nina gasped, arching and gripping the jeep.

"She's clean," said Kaley, turning to look at Olabode. Her look added the words she wouldn't dare say: "but you knew that already, you creep."
The small brunette yelped when Olabode pulled her away from Kaley, the sound pleasure to his ears as he roughly shoved her against he jeep, her hands going up to defensively hold onto her clothing. Once Olabode asked his questioned Kaley answered them, telling him she had fucked a guy in a few positions, the names would have been foreign to Olabode if Tyler had not explained them before. Once done answering his questions she turned to Nina.

Olabode watched greedily as Kaley quickly removed Nina's shirt, baring the gray bra underneath. The blonde then removed that as well, causing the brunette to let out another wonderful whimper, as well as her petite breasts being wonderfully exposed. Olabode admired the perky mounds, nipples already exposed for his viewing pleasure. Obediently, Kaley's hands rose up and she fondled Nina's breasts. After a few seconds her white hands went down to Nina's shorts, quickly pulling them down along with whatever panties she was wearing, baring the pretty brunette completely for him. The blonde then once again obediently felt up Nina's private, Nina gasping and arching her body as she was touched for the first time. Once she was done, Kaley stood up, and looking at Olabode told him that she was clean.

Very suddenly Olabode moved forward, his hand easily wrapping around Kaley's throat as he pushed her back against the jeep. Holding the blonde still he spoke to Nina. “There are handcuffs in the glove box, go get them.” He then leaned forward, so only the blonde could hear them speaking. “I have a very pretty virgin girl here, willing to do what I want her too.” He moved the machete, pressing the tip against Kaley's pussy, separated only by the thin pair of panties she was wearing. “I suggest you drop your annoying attitude, or I'll find an inventive way to dispose of you. As you American's say, your nothing but dessert, her the meal. And in this Country, I'm used to not having dessert. Now turn around, bend over, shake your little white ass and grab onto the step-ladder of the jeep.” Once done threatening and commanded Kaley he let go of her and stepped back, his attention focusing on Nina.

“Cuff her wrists tightly to the footrest, then pull her panties down. Once your done tell me if you would like to use your mouth to lube me up before I fuck Kaley. Whatever you choose, the opposite will happen when it comes to your turn. Kaley, don't say anything, this is Nina's choice.” His dark eyes remained on the brunette, waiting for her to obey.
Kaley gurgled as the imposing man slammed her against the jeep. She saw stars for a few moments, her vision swimming. Nina, terrified, had yelped, and then began to cry as the man barked his orders. She spent a few seconds looking at him, obviously lost, before scrambling to the jeep. While she searched, Kaley listened, listened, and understood.

Once freed, Kaley did exactly as commanded. She turned, her hands reaching up to grab the latter of the jeep. She stood on her toes, arching her ass up: the pantie clad orbs presented toward him. Swallowing hard, Kaley then shifted, wiggling her ass back and forth as though teasing him, wanting him to brutally fuck her.

Nina had trouble finding the cuffs, but eventually emerged once more. As she did, she stood there, still trembling, and looked from Kaley, who was presenting herself, to their captor. His command punctured Nina's haze. She nodded, then moved, cuffing her friend in place. Kaley exchanged a quick glance with Nina, trying to let her know that it was alright; they'd be found, something, anything to make the nervous brunette feel better. Nina tried to nod, then swallowed, backing up.

The order came, and Kaley had, in fact, opened her mouth to offer a suggestion. She clamped it shut as ordered, though her eyes flicked to Nina. The brunette didn't look to the other girl, but instead looked down at the man. She swallowed. She trembled. Then she turned, moving to grab Kaley's panties. She pulled them down, baring the blonde's round ass to the two of them. A smallish slit, not quite as tiny as Nina's was shown then. It wasn't quite as pink either, nor seeming quite as... innocent. There was a smallish tuft of wispy blonde hair crowning the top of it, though you could barely see that from this position. Swallowing, Nina took a step back. Whatever she did, the opposite would be done. Kaley had taken a cock before; she was better able to handle it. Nina couldn't. The trembling brunette didn't move; she just looked at Olabode, as if waiting for him to go ahead and do what he'd been threatening to do all along.
Nina cried out when he slammed Kaley against the jeep, the blonde almost seeming to lose consciousness with the force he had used to shove her back. He had to remember he was dealing with two petite American woman, not some misbehaving boys in his town. Crying, Nina ran off to do as he commanded after staring for a few moments. While Kaley didn't directly respond to his threats, she did seem to understand them.

When he released the blonde she immediately did as he commanded, turning around and reached to the foot-step of the jeep. Standing up on her toes her wonderfully round ass arched up to present itself for him. She then began to wiggle it for his amusement. Nina came around the corner of the jeep soon after, her naked body freezing at the sight of Kaley offering herself to him. After he gave the brunette the commands she did so; cuffing Kaley's wrists, locking the beautiful blonde in place. Nina then pulled the black panties down Kaley's long legs, exposing her round ass to the two of them.

Taking a step back from the blonde, Nina's brown eyes focused on Olabode, but she remained silent, apparently fine with letting Kaley take a cock raw. Stepping forward Olabode shoved the machete blade first into the ground beside Kaley's leg, on the opposite side from where Nina was standing. He then reached out and grabbed one of Kaley's round ass cheeks, giving a very firm squeeze, before his hand slid between her legs, his fingers groping at her pussy. One of his fingers pressed into her, feeling that she was still satisfactory tight.

“Come Nina, pull my pants and underwear down, then rub my cock between your breasts until it is nice and hard.” Olabode was a large man, and his cock followed suit; at it's full length it was just short of a full eleven inches, with a girth that matched it's length. “And tell us Kaley, what's the biggest cock you've ever fucked?” His fingers continued to play with Kaley's pussy. He noted that she was nice and shaven; something he was not used to from girl's in his Country. Looking at Nina's virgin pussy, he waited for the two girls to comply.
Kaley yelped as she felt a harsh hand grabbing onto her ass. She stopped wiggling, instead more focused on trying to see what was happening to her nether regions. She soon found out, though more through feeling than her sight. For Olabode's thick fingers were pressing against Kaley's tight sex. The blonde barely managed to stifle a moan, turning her head forward as if to deny what was happening. Her hair was already falling down around her face, at least partially shielding her from the sight.

But not the words. Kaley heard the command, and she nearly whipped her head to look at Nina. She'd actually approved of the brunette's decision to let Kaley take it dry. Oh, it would hurt like hell, but Kaley knew exactly who to blame for that, and it wasn't a trembling American girl. However, hearing that command, Kaley couldn't help but wonder what Olabode would have ordered had Nina agreed to take him.

"Um, I'll try," said Nina. She sank to her knees. Undoing the pants proved easy enough, though Nina's hands were again trembling furiously. She managed it anyway: pulling them down. The bulge of his impressive member was already showing against his underwear, and Nina had to pause to stare at it, not quite believing her eyes. The thing had to be nearly as big as the petite girl's forearm, and he wanted to put it inside them?

"About eight inches," said Kaley, still not turning to look. "He was okay in thickness, about, I dunno, an inch or so."

Kaley was tempted to shrug, but she was already struggling just to keep her voice as calm as it was. she could feel the hands playing with her sex, teasing her nether lips. The girl wasn't quite getting wet yet, but she could feel the blood rushing, the physical response to a talented tease.

Kaley's words seemed to jolt Nina from her trance. She reached up, pulling down the undergarments and exposing the cock. Again, she had to stare, not believing that her estimations had fallen short. Without knowing what else to do, she rose up slightly, attempting to put it between her chest. Her breasts, twin mounds that were almost as petite as she was, seemed to be dwarfed next to the massive snake that slid between him. The girl's flesh looked especially white next to the black cock as well. Still, the girl swallowed, pressed her hands together to form cleavage, and moved to try and work the cock between them, desperately wanting to follow orders and avoid worse consequences for all of them.
Kaley finally let out a nice sounding yelp when his large hand gripped onto her round ass cheek. He was sure he would be hearing more of her cries of fear, pain and pleasure the more he played with her, and he couldn't wait. Her wiggling stopped when he gripped onto her ass, and he could tell her head was moving as if she was attempting to watch what exactly he was doing – something that would be quite hard from her current position.

Once he had ordered Nina to make him hard she mumbled out that she would try, coming in front of him and falling to her knees. She undid his pants and while trembling quite a bit she managed to pull them down, exposing the bulge of his cock underneath his underwear. She paused at this point, her large doe eyes simply staring at his large, still covered cock. Kaley, the sight still hidden from her spoke up, telling them that the largest she had ever taken had been about eight inches, and about an inch thick. While Olabode listened to the blonde, most of his attention was focused on the brunette.

Being jolted from her starting, Nina reached up and pulled his underwear down, exposing his black cock before her wide eyes. Again she stopped to stare for a few moments before she raised herself up and pressed his cock in between her small breasts. Hands pressing against her breasts she began moving her chest up and down, her inexperience working his cock between her lovely mounds.

As he watched the small brunette work, his cock slowly hardening and growing larger, his fingers continued to play with the blond. Slowly his middle finger was working it's way deeper into her tight entrance, while his index finger and thumb gently played with her clit. He was teasing her of course, for his own amusement to see how she would react if things were gentle. Soon enough he would be anything but gentle with her.

After a moment he reached out with his free hand, gripping Nina with a fistful of her hair. He yanked her up so her short figure was once more standing in front of him. Still holding her hair he moved himself so he could rub the tip of his cock against her inner thigh and pussy, teasing the innocent virgin. Letting go of her hair his hand instead went down to her breast, which he roughly groped, her hard tit pressed against his palm.

After teasing the brunette for a few moments he gave her a small push backwards and let go of her, so he could turn towards Kaley. Taking his hand away from her nether regions he moved his hips so his cock was facing her, and using his hand he aimed the tip for her pussy. He let her feel his cock at her entrance for a moment before a small smile formed on his lips and he backed away, only to move forward again, this time his cock pressed against her ass hole.

“Have you ever been fucked here, Kaley? In which entrance would you prefer it right now?” He left out the part that Nina would be getting the opposite from what the blonde chose.
Nina stared at the cock between her small breasts, her eyes widening as she watched the impossible happen: the thing grew. It grew thicker and longer and seemed almost impossibly, obscenely big. The girl's motions grew more jerky as she tried to figure out what to do, how to react to something like that. She licked her lips, trying not to stare too openly at the thing, even though part of her couldn't help but do precisely that.

Kaley struggled not to react. The fingers were teasing her sex, igniting the flames within her. She felt her pussy growing wetter with each passing second. A finger touched her clit, flicking that tiny bundle of nerves, and Kaley gasped and shook. She'd been expecting him to simply take what he wanted: shove his thick cock into her, jerk a few times and go. Instead, he seemed to want to watch her squirm. Which is exactly what Kaley did, shifting from foot to foot and dancing in place, her breath and pulse getting quicker with each passing second.

Kaley would hear Nina yelp as Olabode yanked her up. The trembling girl stared up at the hulking man as he rubbed himself against her. Nina again had to fight against tears, the moisture gathering in her expressive brown eyes. The thick cock pressed against her tiny slit, as if promising what was to soon be hers. he released her, and she gasped, nearly collapsing. Yet his hand upon her breast kept Nina upright, groaning as he manhandled the sensitive flesh, seeming to take particular joy in the rounded nipple.

A push, and Nina fell away. Kaley heard her thud, though she couldn't really see, not with her hair in front of her face. The blonde's moving had done what she'd originally intended: her blonde hair now formed a shield cutting off sight. She could feel the man moving behind her, especially as his thick head pressed against her tiny sex. It teased her a bit, and she felt him dragging along. Kaley gasped as his cock pressed against the one virgin hole she still had. The blonde had to fight back a tremble, and bit her lip to stifle the noise.

"My pussy," she said, turning slightly to speak over her shoulder, though still through a haze of hair. "Fuck my pussy."

Because that, she knew, could take it. She didn't want to think about what would happen if he stuck that massive thing into her untouched hole.
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