The Goddesses' Call (Forgotten Realms setting)


Sep 18, 2012
Night had fallen, and the compound was just coming awake. Due to their preference for darkness, the drow who resided there were a nocturnal lot. The temple of Eilistraee was central to the small walled town, and everyone served the Dark Maiden in one aspect or another, even if they were not dedicated to the priestly service of her. There was a market place, a tavern/inn, a stable, and the various houses laid out in an orderly fashion. All of the land surrounding the town was wooded, with the occasional open field or clearing. Most of the goods needed by those residing within were traded for in exchange for less mundane things. Smiths turned out fine pieces of armor and weaponry; herbalists traded magically-enhanced potions; and there was no end of those able to teach others the way of sword and bow and hunting and tracking.

The arrival of a stranger was announced as he approached with his beast of burden, and word traveled through the small town to the ears of those who resided in the temple. One such curious resident was T'riss, a longtime priestess serving the Dark Maiden since she was young. Most of those within the walls were suspicious, but considering the fact that she'd spent a good decade or two outside of them, she was a little less hostile when it came to those who might not be as naturally long-lived as she and her ilk. She wasn't the only one, however, and soon the gate would be opened to allow him entrance, and he would be guided to the center of the town, to the very heart of it.

The temple of Eilistraee looked as if it had sprung from the ground itself, seemed fashioned of crystalline trees and vines, woven together to form a vast complex that paid homage to the beautiful young goddess. It was larger than one might expect, and there were several priestesses come out to welcome and inquire. Each of the dark-skinned elves was homage to beauty, and in diaphanous silks that left little to the imagination. They certainly were not a celibate group of worshippers, and the tallest of them was watching him quite closely as he approached.

T'riss was an attractive female, older than all aside from the high priestess herself. Long silver-white hair was caught up at the nape of her neck, tail trailing down between her shoulders. Bright blue eyes peered out from that slate gray face, and it was green silk that clung to her figure. She didn't look like one of the more dangerous residents of the town of dark elves, but looks often were deceiving among the drow.
Thomas slid off of his horse easily as the priestesses approached him. The cloak hiding the divines touch on him was removed and slung over the horse's saddle. Almost like a punch to the libido it filled the area.

Thomas's appearance certainly didn't hurt either, broad muscular shoulders, a stomach that glistened like polished iron. Deep intricate tattoos that seemed a part of the skin. On each hand dragon skin gauntlet going to the second knuckle and ending at his elbows. His pants were made of dragon leather an his boots were heavy steel and pointed.

However the mark on his chest was seriously impressive. A woman that seemed both erotic far more so than a simple tattoo should and yet deadly. The tattoo was simple a woman "kissing" as if an air kiss. It wasn't an uncommon gesture for human women or any women whose men were leaving. This felt however different like a first love or a particularly amazing night partner. Only one goddess of lust had that level of power to flaunt which also spoke of the warriors skills.

Diebela the Dragon goddess of lust ounce supposedly a female mage cursed to be a dragon for causing a war that destroyed most of the world. To invoke her you had to please her a task that was said to be impossible The level of pleasure granted the goddess decided her blessing level visible by the number of marks on the priest or priestess's body. Most had a half dozen but this warrior had thirty or so most bleeding from the one over his heart.

Anyone said to worship Diebela was an amazing lover, and could charm a dragon from it's scales. Many used vocal magic and they were infamous assassins. However this warrior seemed almost nonchalant about the mark not hiding it as any did. A large Gladius went horizontal to his waist while a Bisento's blade was visible at his right shoulder. The man was tall at 7" 6', and very well built.

Diebela was a neutral goddess who thrived on chaos and power. She wasn't overly cruel or spiteful however. The problem was most people who enjoyed sex considered her their goddess, and Diebela didn't see anything as sacred, age race marriage, her followers their fore tended not to see such things as important either.

The man smiled at the Drow as he said "Hello ladies sorry to intrude, but I'm looking for a companion or two for the night, and a bed to sate them in, I'm on a quest to kill a group of dragon worshipers a few leagues from here and Milady suggested stopping by here."

Those with "The sight" would see a too beautiful woman well the outline of her mumbling something to him. He rolled his eyes as he said "She also apologizes for coming here without permission but the mark I bare means me and her are connected more so than most I'm sure most of you see or hear her, she's lessened the bond so as not to hurt you but this is all she can do so."
Lust was nothing unusual in a drow gathering. There were those often elfstruck simply by the very appearance of the race, and while many were committed and bound to only one, sexual acts were not considered sacred. They were a sensual race, and in the Underdark, such arts were used to obtain favors or seal an alliance. It was always about power, which was something that his goddess could certainly understand about the drow race, even if she might not fully understand the Dark Maiden.

He was attractive, but he was still human in appearance, so though he might observe the appreciation of his physique in many eyes, he would quickly learn that those dedicated to Eilistraee were not so easily pushed over. Perhaps Diebela had forgotten that the drow were a female-dominated race, or perhaps she simply wanted him to learn that himself. Their heads would not be so easily turned.

T'riss herself was amused at his arrogance, and she was likely one of the first to turn away, moving to help those who would bring out food and drink for the man. Talk of killing dragon worshipers interested her, but she would wait and listen, not jump into anything just yet. Caution was the better part of valor, was it not?

It was the high priestess who stepped forward, smiling. "Welcome to our home and into Elistraee's embrace. Any who wish to entertain you may do so at her discretion." A pause and an almost matronly look aimed at him. "And even she should realize that she cannot enter here unnoticed. Her presence is allowed, otherwise you would not have stepped through that gate." The assumption by man or goddess that she could sneak in would not be forgotten. "Find rest and respite, and there will be discusson at next sundown regarding your need for companions."
Thomas nodded trying to be polite. Looking t her he said "I wasn't sure, wards tend to react oddly around me as do gods and goddesses met many in my time, some who wish me, harm some who wish to worship me and other who I drank and sang with in the godly halls she's one of them in a way it's her fault I'm here."

Walking toward the temple he spoke s if speaking to a friend but at the same time not exactly commonly. It was an odd tone one of respect maxed with familiarity "Did I meet you when I was their you all look so different down here, then again up their you don't need to pretend to look like us, so I get why feel free to talk to me, I can actually hear you without you know dying a horrible death."

Gods were divine, and powerful so much so to her ones voice directly typically caused serious health issues. Thomas's demi god blood however allowed him to not only speak with but understand a god's "voice" s if he were speaking to them. Looking up he said "Any warnings you want me to give them, I know typically their are rules, but you can tell me and I'll let them know I doubt me happening upon a place where a somewhat rare goddess is treated so well and has such a strong connection was random meaning one of you two manipulated the situation a bit."

Thomas looked at the high priestess saying, "Sometimes I wonder why they do that sort of stuff why they follow rules, but the reasoning's differ depending on them and who and what they are. Disabela is noisy and loves chaos so she whispers to her priestess typically gives them half formed warnings, so they will cause chaos. I met a Deadric god of assassins ounce, he was polite and kind until he shoved the metal knife into your heart from behind I hope your lady likes me, I need a good rest and a good lay."

Their was a certain unspoken threat their. In a way it was a sign of honor, that he knew if the Drow's goddess ordered them to kill him they would try. Their was no real threat their, but a simple sentence. The sort of thing one who knew what to listen would understand. As long as things stayed peaceful he would be more than happy to do so. He had no doubt the Drow fell the same.

Thomas glared at his side saying "Oh would you stop that, your just trying to piss her off so she'll have them come after me luckily for me most of them know your tricks too, besides after the last time I said I wouldn't go after someone you said."

He looked at "her" and shook his head "You told me they were baby eaters because their goddess stole your favorite pair of SHOES, you don't even need shoes, thanks for the rest stop idea but I'm done for now."

Thoma tapped the mark over his heart and the energy seemed to disperse a bit. Less of a "Living" feeling to it now. Though the raw power that remained was impressive. He looked at the high priestess saying "Sorry, she tends to ramble me and her were almost engaged ounce and sometimes I think she forgets I'm human for the foreseeable future."

He wondered if the Drow goddess had spoken of him to the high priestess. He hadn't spoken badly to them or their goddess just a bit casually. Then again one who dealt with the gods as his aura said he did was probably used to having his "Chain yanked" by higher beings. Four or five DOZEN different gods energy hung to him. Diabela was the strongest but a Smiting god of Dwarves also hung to him heavily, as well as many goddesses a flash here or their. Three goddesses of death/the underworld. He was the sort of person who had a story to tell, and said story was epic and grand. Although places such as these had many such tales travel through, and even some that ended here.
The strange conversation occurring between man and, presumably, goddess was listened to but not commented upon. The drow had always considered humans and their deities odd, and this only served to prove that they were indeed correct.

A table had been brought into the courtyard just inside the temple itself. He would not be allowed to set foot in the temple proper, but there were paths that males could take. Food was set out, as well as wine and water. T'riss watched as he approached, having already taken her seat at the right hand of the high priestess. Her blue eyes, so unusual but not unheard of among the drow, watched him closely. He reminded her of someone she'd once known, and that made her all the more wary. Everyone sat, and he was invited to eat and enjoy. There were enough of the priestesses watching him for him to believe he would not be sleeping alone this night.

"How far is this den of cultists?" A simple question, coming from T'riss' lips, in a voice that was more husky than sultry. She'd seen a lot herself. Likely nothing that a demi-god would deem important, but T'riss was no simpering innocent.
Thomas shrugged, "I don't know, well I sort of do but this whole quest has been an odd one."

Looking t them he down a pitcher of wine quickly not a drop wasted as he ate as well. The amount of food was large but politely eaten. Including wine pitcher of a night shade wine that while amazing if a single goblet was drank anymore and the drinker typically died from the poison.

Looking at them he started his tale "Three months ago I happened upon a group of nympho nymphs, we frolicked for a few days when they were set upon by a group of bandits and slain an old talisman they were tasked with keeping hidden stolen, as you ll know Nymphs are relatively weak physically their was no need to kill them but the bandits didn't care."

Drinking more he said "I killed the bandits a day later but by then a group of harpies being controlled by the dark wizard Garelladron had stolen the talismen, so I hunted down the harpies, found out where Garelladron's air was, freed the harpies leader, but Garelladron was already gone to the lads of Gellash, a place where the land and air are toxic because of a volcano."

He ate some more at he said, "So I did a favor for a group of Mermaids, who gave me mystical conch so I could breathe in the land of Gellash, BUT the wizard hada lready stolen his prize a new talismen forged in the depths of the volcano, which he needed to summon a lava beat, which I had to kill before it reached the Nyad cove where the second talisman the wizard wanted was being kept."

He ate and drank a bit more nodding his head he said, "Problem was, by the time I found the wizard the fool had combined the two talismen to unlock a door to get a ring of power, however said ring of power took time to activate, and the fool was in a Dragon's air and got eaten."

Shaking his head he said, "So, I went after the dragon but it was a grand elder dragon as in eaten so many diamonds it's hide is made of them it's blood is molten gold, yeah the sort of dragon you need a god, or god's weapon to truly bring down."

He jerked his head towards the Bisento on his back saying "So then I went to the Dwarven smith go who owed me a favor, and after killing the Dwimmer who were trying to wipe out the people in his monastery, I was rewarded the last weapon he made before his exile that eventually lead to him becoming a god, the Bisento on my back."

Eating some more he said "So that's when I found out about the Dragon Worshipers, they apparently used unicorn hair to capture the dragon and have been ravishing cities headed this way, I passed the last one two days ago."

Sighing he said, "Best part is they formed a knife from the dragon's own scales and have been using it to bleed him, giving them the ability to temporarily become gold dragons themselves I slew a half dozen at the last settlement but their see to be thirty or so all together."

Thomas nodded his head slowly as he said, "I finally asked my goddess what she thought and she said she had no idea BUT that a day and a half's journey from a Drow orgy camp was a ancient temple to Dorthalimu, the dragon god of destruction that if the dragon worshipers invoked while drinking the blood they'd be turned to god dragons forever which would cause major issues."

Shaking his head he said "She admitted she new about the plan from the beginning she wanted me to do the leg work because it builds character, so for the last year and a half I've been wasting time trying to avenge innocents slaughtered along the way."

Anger flashed through his body but as he touched his sword it seemed to bleed away. The sword feeding on it. Looking at them he put his twelfth plate aside and said "So I'm going to relax for awhile an enjoy the hospitality of your town and temple, she says I have a week while the dragon cultists gather and prepare, she wants me to head out at dawn's first light but I know she'll just jerk my chain around so I'm not moving from this spot until the day the ritual has to occur, then everything will be set up and all I have to do is make the main caster not say one word at the right time and the whole ritual will collapse hell according to the information if a non believer gets within a hundred feet of the alter the ritual will fail d kill all those invoking the god I don't understand."

He looked at the Drow who had spoken and the high priestess as he said "I'm sure you both understand, magic is an art if a ritual takes days power itself, to invoke a god that hates you is dangerous at best, say the god does what they want, they will still die Barring that the ritual is so specific so finely timed I wouldn't want to attempt it with a hundred of the best mages totally sober I've ever met that many high on dragons' blood it's more like a ritual suicide than anything else."
The tale was quite a long one, with mention of nympho nymphs (rather redundant) and a drow orgy camp (which made no sense to them), and all the while, this particular man seemed more inclined to listen to the sound of his own voice than anything else. They all listened, most of them amused by his narration, but the food was well-enjoyed and there was a fine array of beverages. The one that was supposed to be nightshade was indeed a mock wine formulated to have the same taste without the danger. Eilistraee was not one to tolerate poison on a friendly table.

When he was finished with his tale, the high priestess frowned slightly. "It sounds as if you do not need our help with such an undertaking." His choice to invite himself to stay for longer than the night and day the high priestess had already declared was also not lost on any of them. Perhaps he did not think he was being rude, but then there was a specific reason they did not often suffer the company of humans.

His talk of magic actually had T'riss almost laughing aloud, particularly as he chose to give them a lesson on something that they'd brought into the mortal realm. She turned to the high priestess. "If you will excuse me, I have my duties to attend." The truth was that she wasn't certain she could keep listening to him without offending him, so it was best to leave and allow others to cater to his apparent whims. She did not have the patience of her younger sisters, and she knew it. Still, she would not apologize for it.
Thomas nodded his head at the high priestess, "I don't think so either no offense to the drow your an amazing and beautiful people but I've been blessed by a few gods and cursed by others I can literally do things that were suicidal to most people without a blink and even then I've gotten a few nasty wounds."

Thomas looked at the priestess "I noticed your displeasure, I'll try to help where I can but well I suppose I ay as well show you if this were a trap pre set up I'd be dead by now."

Thomas dropped the small glamor he'd used. The burns were at ounce visible and obviously painful his ribs visible the edges of the wound were orange hot his left arm was badly burned as well. Dragon fire anyone with a practiced eye could spot it. Such a thing required a practiced and skilled hand to deal with. The wounds were treatable but the sort of thing that would cause most to be screaming in pain. Thomas smiled weakly at the matron as he said "I need various bits of carnal fun or a good healer to fix these wounds I've had them for going on three days ad thus it should take awhile before I'm back at full strength sorry for the bit of false hood on my part but my goddess loves to send me into traps and depending on how me and your goddess got along you my have all decided to cut my heart out I figured better to wait but the numbing potion I took is starting to ware off meaning soon the smell of my burned flesh will be giving me away I figured better to get it out of the way."

Thomas looked at the Drow who'd nearly laughed and said "Feel free to offer your views Drow, I know that to you I seem but a child but I would remind you I have the blood of a dragon goddess flowing through my veins and when I first lived on this earth your people lived above ground as anyone else don't make assumptions it's rather rude."

Looking at the Drow hiss tone had slipped to one a bit challenging but was now normal as he said "I also did wonder information on the ritual so far has been a mystery since you seem to know so much about magic surely you can help e figure out why they are using such a convoluted and ancient ritual, and more importantly how they figured it out."

Thomas lusted Drow but their arrogance was bothersome sometimes. Oh they weren't the only race Orcs elves all the "Mythical" races were so high and full of themselves. He was far older than any of the elves here a century or two older than the high matron probably but still they looked upon him as a human whelp. Did these "Bringers of magic" truly forget about the old ways.

Just to remind the drow and a few others at the table he reached out into his OWN energy ad tapped it gently. It was lie looking into an ocean. Enough that weaker beings would have a hard time breathing. This was the magic of an ancient being a demi god a dragon slayer. The power just sort of floated their lazily but their was no doubt he knew how to use it.

Looking at the Drow he said, "I may have a normal body now, but I was a god ounce, I survived a battle with the god king, do not laugh at me speaking, I asked for your peoples help because you re better at it then me and because sometimes new eyes on the puzzle help you see new paths however I am not some street urchin I haven't spoken down about you your made judgements you should refrain from doing the same."

Pulling in his power he said "I'm sorry for that unpleasantness but for anyone who worships a god or goddess to judge is very dangerous, what if the next beggar to show up is your god in disguise, I've heard of Deadric gods doing that testing their worshippers if you'd just condemned everyone here with that action it would have been bad, not to mention I JUST said a powerful dragon was in the area how would one of them take to being laughted at by burning this whole compound to the ground."

Thomas shook his head, the smelling of burning flesh gently wafting in the air he said "Sorry but when you deal with gods and goddesses you learn to never exert power or to think your better than others it ends up with you bring broken for their amusements High Priestess, can you help with my wounds and will you?"
T'riss who'd displayed nothing of what she'd thought, turned on him with a hooded look. Others were noting their own displeasure at the sight of his wounds, and it was no doubt that he would be tended and healed, however that might happen. There was a weight in her blue eyes. Those in Eilistraee's service tended toward almost light-hearted mannerisms. She was a goddess that they enjoyed serving, but there was nothing of pleasure in this one.

"With your apparent intrusion into my thoughts, good sir, it seems I have no need of sharing my views." He wouldn't have known about her almost laughter if he hadn't allowed himself to see. And clearly, it was offensive. "And you should know by now that we have names." The high priestess turned to her, a nod given, letting her be dismissed, as she'd asked. When the leader had seen her gone, she turned back to him, listening to his words, with a seriousness to her expression and no little amount of concern in her face.

"T'riss does not mean offense. She does not often take kindly to strangers who presume, though she tends to be the one most open to helping them." A deep breath, and she nodded slightly. "We do know about magic, but the magic we know does not include rituals that we would not use ourselves. One of the priestesses would have to be present, to feel it, in order to know how to stop it."

His display of power would be muted there in the temple courtyard, and he might well feel the oppressive protectiveness of their goddess. The high priestess did not seem offended. Neither did she seem afraid. "Your displays are unnecessary here. We have shown you nothing but respect and welcome. If you feel that it has not been to your expected standards, then you are free to leave."

A small smile was given. He might have been a deity of some sort, but he did not seem to understand the drow. "Our goddess would not appear in your form if she were to test us." She leaned forward slightly. "And just as our deities tend not to bother in the affairs of other races, so too do the other deities tend not to bother us. And if any of the priestesses wish to be of service, so long as you remember where you are, that is their choice."
Thomas nodded his head lightly as he said "I am sorry I know I seem like an egotistical ass to you and yours the truth is well other species even my own supposedly human ones are odd to me."

shaking his head he said, "I'm sure you know the darkness that swells within all species a need to feel superior a need to say yours is the best I may have mis intended her action though it wasn't on purpose more of a after so many decades you stop seeing faces and just see stereotypical members of a race."

He did seem a bit troubled by his actions. Drinking a bit more wine he said "I used to think that was foolish and I still do judging her because of other experience with Drow is the definition of foolish, but can you honestly say those who share your blood wouldn't' straight up laugh at a human mentioning magic and what not they must seem like foolish children given your age and power."

He seemed a bit disheartened. The man's age seemed apparent one who was so old he'd seen many things most would call "World shaking events". Wars the rise and fall of gods, entire races nearly wiped out. Looking at her he said honestly "I sometimes forget how much the gods and goddesses matter to those who truly worship them many claim to worship many gods but at best carry a broken version of their will, the the goddesses of nevermore did you know the high goddess Armanthine's priestess in three horse are assassins now they truly believe that by slaying those the king tells them, they are bringing kindness and prosperity to the world."

He shook his head a bit as he said, "In a way it's odd for me, I've seen and talked to gods those people worship to me are as flesh and face as you, or one of your priestesses, oh sure they are powerful but they are still human I've seen gods die, and gods grow stronger, in a way they almost reflect their races, i truly wish sometimes I could go back to seeing Diabela as a goddess, a woman of unending beauty, instead of a woman who I've beded and who now talks to me alot who manipulates me as freely as you might a puppet."

He shook his head as he said "Everything has been amazing, and I hope you'll forgive an old fool whose been traveling a bit too long a bit of foolishness, I am sure to offend you just let me know I don't mean too, but well I'm just rather disillusioned."

It was obvious he really wasn't trying to be rude, or hateful or any such thing. He was a warrior however, and they tended to see the worst side of all the races. A skilled nose could pick out the smell of necromancy magic and drow blood on him. Oh it was well faded just the sort of smell a well used weapon carried but he'd dealt with some of the darker aspects of her species. Looking at her he said, "Should I go and apologize to her, thought you never did say her name to me, until just now."

Looking at her he seemed a bit surprised by that news. Looking at her he said, "I thought that all magic was similar and that the high Dragon's brought magic into the world and formed the Drow, by mixing nature energy with their own blood thus your magic was closest to the high dragons."

He seemed a bit surprised as he said, "Although to be fair all the races say they brought magic into the world, well except humans they think the gods did it."
Once more the matron priestess seemed to look on him in an almost motherly way. There would always be arrogance where the drow were found, but these had good reason not to offend everyone around them. Eilistraee would not be pleased. That was enough for them. He continued to explain his ways, and she simply listened and nodded, just as the others around him did. The younger females were eyeing him quite closely, and it was apparent that if he remained with them, accepting their attention, he would likely be in bed with one or more.

"I am surprised that you do not know the history of the drow, considering your age. But then our history was typically of more import to ourselves and our cousins, the elves." The high priestess gave a little shrug. "It is not the history that is important here, however, for we have found our way to redemption. We need only have Corellon look upon us with favor once more."

Her eyes shifted in the direction that T'riss had gone. "If you wish to find her, she is likely in one of the goddess' groves beyond the gates. She spends a great deal of time in the dance."

And that was exactly where T'riss was. She'd escaped the confines of the compound, heading into one of the clearings, surrounded by trees, open to the sky and the stars that shone down. She was armed this time, both blades bared in her dark hands; and her hair had been loosed so that it flowed down around her, curling at her waist and just above her buttocks. Green silks moved with her as she danced, making her way through the clearing in an intricate pattern that only she and the goddess knew. Mithril flashed, those blades proving to be more than ornamental in her grip. There was no doubt that T'riss knew her weapons well.
Thomas nodded to the woman as he said "I know some things but keep in mind history is often told my the victors or the victims I've found many things people say to be best with taken with a grain of salt."

He relaxed as he added, "I know many things, but at the end of the day most knowledge is gathered form other sources, books stories told through time, i was alive when the Drow first went under ground, and one reason that was popular among humans was they were going under ground to steal the carrots before they could be picked."

He shook his head as he said, "I prefer to say I don't know things unless I've seen them first hand because to the man who truly thinks the drow are under ground stealing his carrot crop that is as true a reason as any other although I dare say their were other situations then a need for carrots."

realizing a possible interpretation of what he aid, he blushed a bit, "Not that I think you would lie matron, but history is passed in stories and tales, sometimes embellished over time, I've seen it happen."

Shaking his head he said, "Centuries ago I visited a northern continent being oppressed by Drakes, recently I returned their and according to the legend I rode in on the back of an elder dragon a battle maiden on each arm, armed and threw lightning."

He shook his head. Clearing his thoughts. Gently he rubbed his eyes as he said "Can I bother you for a small tour to my Room Matron, I seem to have a few women willing to show me, I'm a bit tired, and need to rest I'll be happy to continue such a conversation tomorrow if you wish I feel the drowsyness that comes with good wine, and fair company."
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