Alice: Madness Begins (Venomous Carnage & darkangel76)


.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
Her blue eyes were glassy, almost lifeless, as they shifted and glanced up toward the white ceiling. 'White,' she mused. At one time she supposed it might have been such a color. But then was white truly a color? Or was it all colors? Oh, she could hardly remember any longer nor could she find it within herself to care. As her eyes remained fixed staring at what was above, her head tilted slightly. The ceiling was rancid with deep, dark stains of what Alice knew not. There was a time when she might have wondered, might have cared. Might have been... curious. Almost shrugging, but not moving, her lips suddenly turned upward into a twisted smile.

Matilda Jane, you never look
At any toy or picture book
I show you pretty things in vain
You must be blind, Matilda Jane!

Alice grunted, her body jostling as it was roughly shoved against by a weight of something... familiar? Yes. She recognized the weight, the smell. All of it. For a moment, she caught another glimpse of white. Mmm, yes. Airy fabric. Coarse and rough. So itchy. How that gleam of purity hid the darkness of what laid beneath it all. Clever shadows. Clever, clever, clever. She even found it funny. Her body actually knew what to do now—legs just spreading in wait for the inevitable as her mind seethed. So much anger. 'What was that, Cheshire?' she thought to herself. She could've sworn she'd heard the cat speak, her eyes turning away from the ceiling, seeking out the treacherous grin of the feline stretching out in the corner—its home.

I ask you riddles, tell you tales,
But all our conversation fails.
You never answer me again
I fear you're dumb, Matilda Jane!

Yelping as the invasion finally came, that stretch she could never accommodate or grow accustomed to no matter how much she prepared, no matter how much she grew to expect the unexpected, Alice's eyes began to tear. Slowly, pale alabaster skin began to streak and stain. What was one more thing becoming dirty? She was already dirty. Dirty hands. Dirty face. And now... dirty inside... 'Where is my Protector now?' she wondered. 'Curious... so curious...' Once again he was nowhere. Once again, proving his worthlessness. Was there anyone worth anything any longer? Of course not! Life was one big cycle of worthless. No one was to be trusted. Not a soul! First the parents betray along with the boyfriend. Why wouldn't... he? They all betray eventually.

Matilda darling, when I call,
You never seem to hear at all.
I shout with all my might and main
But you're so deaf, Matilda Jane!

The cries became louder until her voice was almost hoarse, her throat sore. Alice longed for peace. Something... why wouldn't he come? He'd promised... he'd promised. And even though she'd begun to hate him, a part of her still held on to a hope she knew was hopeless. But as her eyes turned toward Cheshire, grinning at her from his dank corner, she knew she had to. It was the only tangible thread left to the insane world she lived in. The only thing left to cling to. 'Why...?' she thought to herself as she felt her body get used and coated in god only knew what, her tears flowing hot, burning.

Matilda Jane, you needn't mind,
For, though you're deaf and dumb and blind,
There's some one loves you, it is plain
And that is me, Matilda Jane!

The brush of white fabric caressed Alice's face and she felt the prick against her thigh. Another pair of hands picked up her body and let her crumple into a heap onto floor, just as rancid and 'white' as the ceiling. As always, she knew she was bleeding and as always she knew there would be bruises. Slowly, she crawled over to Cheshire, twitching as she hugged her knees to her chest, her white gown a flimsy covering at best over her slight body. She tucked her blonde locks behind her ears and began to rock.

"Why Cheshire? Why?" Alice asked the cat. "Why doesn't he ever come?"
- Across the hall, a young man, of 19 sat by his door, he could hear the muffled screams of the girl, Almost every night this went on sometimes for a few minute's sometimes for hours. until 'The Men In White' were done with poor Alice, the Warden despised her young girl, most of the saner inmate's chalked it up to her being envious of Alice, because despite what went on in her head whatever made her insane that is, she was very beautiful. her skin was a light shade of pink, her hair a beautiful blonde almost the color of honey, and her eyes would remind you of swimming pools that were so blue and cool to the touch, but, as things went on she began being worn down, her hair would usually be dirty with sweat and tears sometimes her face was bruised her lip might have a scar or scab on it, it all depended on that night's assailant, she had several marks on her arms and leg's from the rapist's that came to take what the Warden demanded, her only shred of innocence left from what her parent's did to her, and what she did to them, she came from a home from what he understood that was filled with a drunk father and a very envious mother, her father would drink and have at his daughter beating her raping her whatever he chose and her mother was very violent, calling her a whore and beating her without mercy, it didn't supervise him that she murdered them both and pretty much admitted to it, the only reason she didn't get Death was because she was so young and very much insane, now, she still cries almost every night his promise to protect her was shattered the first time he stood up to them he killed one and paralyzed the other and now every night he get's locked into a padded room left to hear Alice's cries of pain as they rape her, the tears have left lines in his face he was in here because of the simple fact that he see's things strange thing's he often encounter's a White Rabbit, who claims he is always late but most it's time is spent in his cell with him, he heard her words in the quiet hallway even with the padding there was a crack under the door where every sound could be heard, her voice found it's way to his door as she spoke. -

"I'm right here...right here..."

- His words were useless he knew she had all but hated him now, because the promise he made the first night i happened was broken, the Men made sure of that by locking him inside of a padded room where there was no way out, the Warden waddled over every morning to check and see if he was still inside. before going to humiliate and insult Alice, all he ever got now was an evil stare from his what had to be by now his Former Friend. -

*Whisper's*"Forgive me please"

- He would whisper ever morning but nothing ever changed she had stopped talking to him now and even to get a look from her was a welcome surprise, but sometimes while they were given their med's he would notice her watching, she didn't speak much of course who would after what she had been though, he would stay close during the daytime to make sure nothing happened but at night she was alone but by no fault of his, in her cell, the cat walked on the floor infront of the blonde and sat down the moon light illuminating the room. -

Cat - "i am not sure, My Dear...but, it is no fault of his, we both remember what he did that first night..."

- The cat spoke up as it;s form could be seen it was rather emaciated skinny, and it's body was long it's tail went from side to side as it spoke to Alice. -
Alice looked at Cheshire, her head tilted slightly as she stared into the precocious feline's bright yellow eyes. She supposed the cat was right, but that didn't make her feel any better. It also didn't make the promises he'd made any more kept. Why make them if only to break them? Why take that chance? It was something to ponder indeed, a curious thing to be sure. She frowned suddenly, a seething anger rolling off her body in waves as she rocked there on the floor.

"I remember, Cheshire," Alice began, body jolting just a bit as if shivering. She stopped rocking and sat up straight. "He held the vorpal blade so valiantly." She twitched, trying to hide it by moving her hand to touch her blonde hair, saturated now with sweat. "Oh frabjous day!"

Alice stood up, her cool blue eyes staring hard at the cat as it sat there. She swung her arm about in awkward movements as her body danced about the room until she fell back onto the floor with a loud thud. She laughed as she fell, her giggles turning quickly into sobs.

"Chortling, Cheshire! Why can't I chortle?" Alice asked as she buried her face in her hands for a brief moment, her body shaking as she cried. She then looked up and over at the cat. "Perhaps I wasn't designed to chortle." Gazing over at her door, she tilted her head yet again, wondering if her profound protector was anywhere nearby—on the other side of the myriad of doors strewn along the hall perhaps?

Her eyes narrowed into razor-like slits as she looked over at the door separating her from the rest of the world. It wasn't much, just a bunch of bars really. As she focused on them, Alice wondered if her supposed protector even cared what had happened only moments ago or if he mused along with the men in white.


Alice tilted her head to the other side and slowly crawled toward the door, her body sliding along the rank floor as she made her way closer, closer and closer still.

"Hrm..." Alice sighed when she finally reached it, her body tingling with a bit of numbness, her head swimming and heavy. She reached out and touched her hand against the cold bars, her fingers curling about them slowly. "Curious," she said aloud as she stared at her skin reflecting the harsh light shining into her stark, yet filthy room. Shaking her head, she turned her attention to the door across the way from her own. It was solid unlike hers. Truly a fearsome creature must live behind it. "Beware the Jabberwock, my son," she whispered as she stared at it, her lips almost smiling. "The jaws that bite... the claws that catch..."

Alice looked over at Cheshire and grinned back at him, her body trembling from both cold and fear. She missed him... she hated him... her protector.

"Damn you!" Alice shouted. "You promised, you bastard!" She gave the bars a rough shake causing them to rattle slightly. But her tiny body was so bruised, so abused. And... she was tired. So tired. Coughing, shivering, she slumped to the floor and curled into a ball. "You promised," she whispered.
- He could hardly hear her due to the padding but he knew she was upset cursing his name because of the broken promise's, tears formed in his eyes they were both in hell, but, her's was worse being raped and humiliated every night, and every morning the Warden would come by and berate her because of her looks some punishment set off by her beauty, he sat in his cell and yelled back knowing she couldn't hear him -

"Alice!....I'm Sorry!!"

- As, loud as he could until his voice box hurt he would yell he saw her hands sticking out from her Cell, on the floor, true insanity taking over her, he saw it and it was slowly killing him, she was his only friend, was dying mentally and he was locked in this room unable to help her...he loved her and wanted so much to get out of the cell, and then suddenly without a thought he threw his big frame into the door wanting so much for it to break under the pressure, but, he couldn't do it after every ounce on energy was gone, he fell to the floor tears flowing from his face until fatigue began taking over his body, so, there in front of the door, his eyes got heavy as he caught one last scream from two doors down, suddenly, the next morning came his cell door flew open and he was lifted from the floor and pushed into the main room right past Alice's door he reach for her but all he got a scowl from her he frowned as he was pushed onto the couch -
Alice curled up by the door of her cell, her body shaking as she laid there. She looked like a lifeless doll, eyes cold and blue before they finally closed, giving into the horrors of sleep.

Sleep. Sleep. That terrifying state of consciousness where reality ceased to exist and insanity became the vivid metaphor of truth. Alice reached out into the miasma of life for the red rose she saw blooming in the garden, the only one amongst the white. Odd. Then again, was it? Twitching, smiling, she reached out for the rose, her hands longing to feel the brush of velvet soft petals against flesh.

Ah, the caress of such fine luxuries... the kiss of such secrets. Alice wanted it, needed it. Craved it. "Please..." she begged, her arms stretching out further as she tried desperately to grasp the rose. Her fingertips just barely touched the sweet petals. "Please... please..." So close. Almost there. "Ouch!"

A thorn. Prickly. Sharp.

Scarlet seeped from her finger. Beads of blood dripping onto stark white.

Suddenly, Alice's eyes shot open. Out in the hallway she saw him. HIM. Her... Protector. She spat at him and scowled as he was dragged past her barred door, grumbling curses as her eyes stayed fixed upon his form, tears welling, streaking down pale cheeks. Once out of sight, she collapsed to the floor once again, mind reeling.

"Cheshire? Oh Cheshire?" Alice called out, her voice almost singing a strange sort of song. "I wonder where you are, you silly cat? Did you not see? Did you not see that worthless Protector of mine?" She sat up and shift slightly, rocking where she sat. "Useless. Useless knight. Where is his valor now? I fear his been over taken by either the Bishop or the Rook." She paused, her head tilting as she twitched. "Or maybe, the Red Queen."
- As the boy, was forced into the main room, full of all the usual crazies, he sat on the white couch and watched from it as the Warden made her way to Alice' cell, he watched as the wretched woman, walked inside and he heard the screeching of her voice he knew that Alice must have done something she didn't like. -

Warden - "Well, Alice, my dear how are we this morning?...still talking to inviable cat's no doubt."

- She let out a long obnoxious laugh, that rang through the hall's. and, her allegations of the Cat, were Tue, he had seen the cat for himself, the small scrawny thing, it was almost scary to look at but, he knew how good of a friend it must have been to poor Alice, and, his mind went back to the promise he made her, to protect her, but, that had been stopped almost as quickly as it started, that one evening he took a swing at one of the Men in White. -
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