Trouble some Kitty Meister

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Oct 25, 2010
Jessika placed a pale slender hand upon the large door of Dwma main doors. She just recently enrolled and was taking advantage of the early opening of the academy doors to have a look around. She wondered whether or not this academy would benefit someone of her stature and skill. Then again there was the legendary Frank Stein . One of the few outstanding Miesters to ever grace the academy. Her lips quirked slightly in a amused smile. Green eyes dancing along the shadows that played upon the large door. With one simple push she opened the door, before slipping in.

Early mornings, a normal hour for her. Even as a young child she would torment her family till they roused. Narrowing her eyes she fought off the memory that the madness refused to release her of. Her family succumbing to madness, and she having to end them all till she was the last of her clan. But even now she fought with some of the madness that was slowly releasing her. Sighing she dragged her slender clawed hand through her thick black hair, where few streaks of orange marked the ink as it hung loosely around her shoulders. which were bare due to the white buttoned dress top, which was opened a few buttons at the top and bottom, revealing a gracious amount of cleavage that would rival any grown woman, and then the flat of her tone abdomen, showing the small dip of her naval. Hidden at along her left should, running a good seven inches was a scar. One that nearly cost her her life.. Her school girl skirt spreading around her thighs, white stockings clinging to the fine contours of her calves, along her knee and ends just before meeting the skirt, then finally knee high heeled boots finished her wears.

Humming more to herself Jessika made her way down long corridors, turning lefts, and rights, checking out each room before pausing at the Nurses room. Pushing open the light door before walking into the room. Looking through each cabinet and its many drugs that was contained within. "Hmmm they don't have any, what a pity." She frowned to her self. folding her arms along her ribcage. She would of thought of all places that here at the academy they would have something to control the madness. But one such as she could never be so lucky.
Stein Sighed as He headed through the City Streets, Lord death had Asked him to Come to the Academy, and Perhaps Find any Meisters who had similar Talents to him, Although he Failed to see Lord Death's Reasoning behind all of this, He Thought it best not to ask Questions.

"Either Way.. I Might find a few interesting Experiments. Perhaps even a few dissections." He Smirked a little to himself as he Approached the Academy. He Took a short Cut down an alley way and Lit a Cigarette, He had failed to maintain Giving them up, he Liked smoking them as a Slight Break from his own thoughts, a get away from the Monsters within. He sighed as he Flicked a bit of Dust and cobweb from the Dim alleyway off of the stitched shoulder of his White Lab coat.

He Smiled as he saw the Academy Come into view. "Right then.. It seems I may as well go see what Lord Death wants of Me.. I hoped the Medusa Issue was the last of it." He sighed as he remembered her. "That Beautiful.. Insane, Psychotic Woman.." He shook the thoughts from his head, Twisting his Bolt a little as he Focused. "Onwards. I Must move onwards." He Sighed and headed into the Academy through the Large Doors.
Her green gaze once more searched the cabinet, hoping that the early morning was just keeping her mind asleep. That perhaps she had miss looked. Pursing her lips she took in the little pill bottles. With a small sigh and a notable grumble she gave up. This was not just something one could easily bring up to another. That Asura madness had seeped so deeply within her and her family that It had yet to drain from her. Her family had been to far gone. And she had with sadness and hesitation put their lives to an unfortunate end. Leaving her the only one remaining of her tiger clan. Sure there could be more. But there wasn't any that she knew of with the blood of the black tiger.

Brushing away wayward strands she turned on her heels. Leaving the nurses office and proceeded once more down the hall. Her hands clenched rhythmically at her side. 'shh girls soon we will feed you' She murmured knowing that within her held weapons, and she needed Keshin eggs to tame there feisty nature. Jessika slowed when she saw a wall of plaques. Some read completes while others said in progress. Was this jobs, some missions that Lord Death needed completely. Speaking of which where was this Lord Death she was sure he wanted to meet her, or was he having another stand in his place. She truthfully didn't care one way or another.

Her eyes skimmed along the wall of missions. Perhaps she would be assigned one, so it didn't leave her to go out there to hunt. Always seemed a lot better when the out come out side of personal gain was better. So she simply waited to know what next to do. Should she wait here or should she keep walking around the dark halls of Dwma academy.
Stein Sighed as he Stubbed out his cigarette as He walked through the corridors slowly, the Halls were Dead, and there was still a good half an hour of Peace here before the place was filled with Students, He Looked around and Saw Jessika in the distance, smiling a little as He looked to her. "Hmm.. Quite Feisty and dark, lots of secrets, tendencies of destructive and psychotic Behaviour.. Possibly the most unstable Soul I've Seen.."

He smiled and Looked at all the Various Mission Plaques. "I thought there would be far Less Kishan Now.. I Must have been Mistaken." He Sighed and continued down the Hall, before giving a Quick Glance to the Girl. "Morning." He Said Nonchalantly, Before Heading towards Lord Death's Chambers. "Time to see what He has in store for me.. Hopefully, this is a social Call. Although I doubt it."
Jessika brought her green gaze to the source of noise that caught her attention. Finding the sound of the steps belong to no other then professor Stien. Of course she knew of him before her first day even started. She grinned at him, flashing the trade marked fang of her clan, of course besides the obvious. Her dark hair streaked with flecks of orange, her emerald green eyes were only ones found on some exotic cat. And how close to truth was that for her. She turned more to face him. Quirking her head as she watched him asses her. Could he sense her entirety? Sense the madness that lurked like a predator beneath her skin. There was no way she was going to become what it was she hunted, not if her life depended on it. and she knew that, that day would sooner or later come. and someone here at the academy would have to end her. And she would want Stien, and the scythe known as spirit to end her existence.

"Where there is evil and greed, where there is hunger for more power, where a world is constantly ruled by madness even after the death of Asura... There will always be Keshin. You should know that Stien. better then anyone" Her voice was soft, though raspy. "You seek Lord Death do you not? I must speak with him myself. Since its the reason for me being here in this god foresaken hour when all I want to do is catch some beauty sleep." She followed after him with soft clicking of her heels against the hard stone of the hall flooring.
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