action/adventure anyone?

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Dec 31, 2011
Northeast USA (New England area)
in the mood to write something with alot of action/adventure to it. open to any ideas something treasure hunterish like Indianna Jones or Tomb Raider or nation treasure style would be cool or something along the lines of military special force ish even along the lines of Metal Gear type stuff would be cool with me. Can be totally original characters/world or be based off something already out there such as any of the above mentioned things or something else you have a idea for. let me know what your looking to do and we can go from there. :)
I would be really interested in a combination of metal gear solid and military special forces... Something with powersuits and some stealth for the thrill of the story... Please PM me if you would like some details on the ideas I have ;3
I wouldn't mind joining in on an adventure. :) If you are looking for a writer who has no problem giving lengthy posts and detailed descriptions, I'm your gal.
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