Celebrity Cabin (Cerberus and Fhallon Storm)


Jan 9, 2009
The winds were starting to pick up and the skies were already getting cloudly out in the mountians. "face it we need to move on brother, this place is desolate during the fall, everyone moves on and so should we. the old cabin we hunted..no one goes there any more so its time we head on and find new grounds." Vao just shook his head before shifting to his wolf form as he looked at his older brother. "No Im sure this season will bring us something, there has to be something this season..Look just a few more days and if we don't find anything then fine we will go and find new hunting grounds."

Abel sighed and looked at his younger brother before shifting to his wolf form and walked out from their cave. "Winds are getting bad, it looks like a storm may be moving through here. Look I'll go out and see if we can find anything before this storm hits. Don't wait up and if you see anything take it and brng it here or to the cabin."

Vao nodded and watched as Abel headed down the hill and out into the woods. He wasn't sure but he knew that something was different. It had to be something in the winds that stood for change, a change that would do them both good.
" Come n guys , The weather isn't look good at all !" eve shouted to the others as they quickly ran from the Small gas station and into the car. eve looked up at the sky ,bitting her lower lip in worry " I hope we make it to the cabin ok " she whisper softly . The rumbling grew louder and louder. Watching eastern sky turned black. The speed at which the black clouds appeared astonishing her . Quickly jumping to the drivers seat and buckling Ina's Tyra closed the door beside her. thegps Driving the, in the right direction as they sped off
The storm kept rolling in through the mountains as Abel kept searching in the hills. He was able to find a well sized doe but that was about that and it wouldn't leave them with much food for the night. He could only hope that they would be able to find someone to provide for them and if they could get humans they would be also able to use them for pleasure as well since they had yet to find any mates as well to start their pack. "Well here is to hoping." He shook his head as he started to head back up to the small den and dragged the doe back. He looked at Vao and sighed. "Im sorry brother after the fire last season, nothing has really come back. this is all that remains and i think tomorrow we will have to leave our home and find new grounds."
The sound Of a smooth Motor rolling up and down hills , catches their attentions.

Eve looking back at the girls with a slight smile " I think well make it girls, the gps says 5 more miles so we would be fine before this sucker rolls in " she adds her accent seeping through as she takes, hitting the pedal faster so they make it in time.

Tyra and the others looking out the window with a slight frown as one of the, spots a large wolfs eyes glowing in the darkness . she quickly loses her eyes , Opeing them once agan .The figure gone " stupid wilderness " she mutters to herself " Could have gone To Orange county , Paris even but nooooo"-she mubmbles
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