Torn Between Two Sides(Snape & Ella-G57)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
He watched as his father paced back and forth in Dumbledore's office the man was clearly pissed off and something was up. Dumbledore had placed a silencing charm around his office and made sure the doors and windows were locked, yes something damn important was about to be discussed and Krystopher was nervous as hell.

"I can't allow this" ,Severus finally said after a good fifteen minutes of silence.

"Severus you have too" ,Dumbledore replied. The old man had a hint of sadness in his eyes as he said those words. He knew that what he was about to make Severus do would put his only child in terrible danger but it needed to be done.

"The dark lord doesn't have to know, we can keep Krystopher out of all this I can't allow this Albus" ,Snape repeated.

"Voldemort already knows about him Severus that is why he has to receive the mark or your cover will be blown and you will most definitely be killed and we need you Severus you are our only way of knowing what the dark lord is up to" ,Dumbledore told him.

Krystopher looked from his father to Dumbledore then back to his father. The young man couldn't believe what he was hearing, he knew that his father had been a death eater a long time ago but he thought that was in the past. The man had so many secrets and Krystopher felt as if he didn't even know him, of course the young man still loved his father he just hated the fact that he didn't fully know him.

"You know I'm sitting right here it'd be appreciated if one of you could tell me what the fuck is going on" ,Krystopher finally stated quite angrily.

Severus shot him a look for the language he used but chose not to say anything given the circumstances. "Dumbledore wants you to receive the mark and become a death eater he says that Voldemort will think something is up if you don't" ,Severus told him.

"If I don't then what'll happen" ,Krystopher asked.

"Then either Voldemort will try and kill you thinking that you're unloyal or your father" ,Dumbledore stated.

"Then I'll do it but only for my father's sake I'll never truly follow that man not ever, he's terrible" ,Krystopher stated.

The rest of the time in the office was awkward and filled with arguing and some crying even the decision that was made was a tough one and Krystopher was informed of exactly what could happen and what he needed to do. He had put his life in danger then again his life would've been in danger either way. After the meeting was over Krystopher left and made his way to the great hall, it was about time for lunch and Dumbledore had given him the rest of the day off from classes.

He sat down at the Gryffindor table and waited for his friends to show up. Even though Krystopher was a Slytherin he didn't really associate with the others in his house he mainly hung around with Neville, no one knew why the two hung out all the time but they seemed damn happy when they did so no one questioned it at all.
Luna sighed as she lost the trail. It was another Umgubular Slashkilter she'd never find now that it was gone. She straightened up, as the bell for lunch rang. Oh goody. She had been feeling hungry after all. Brushing down her dust covered black robes, the young Ravenclaw made her way to the Great Hall. As she walked, she could feel the cold stone floors on her bare feet. Her shoes were gone again. Hopefully they turned up by the weekend. It would be dreadful going to Hogsmeade without shoes.

As Luna entered the Great Hall, she caught a glimpse of her best friend Ginny seated with her boyfriend Dean. They seemed to be not talking again. Luna waved to Ginny, as she moved towards the Ravenclaw table. Down the row between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw she walked, her thin hips swaying. Her blonde hair fell loosely down her back, and her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at all the familiar faces.

"Luna!" called out a voice, and she turned to see Neville.

"Oh hello Neville," said Luna with a smile, "Have you been well?"

"I'm fine, thanks," said Neville cheerily, "I was just going to grab some lunch with Krys, are you eating too?"

"Yes I was, I don't recall a Krys, however," said Luna, "Is he a form of Krystop?"

"Er, no, not really," said the sixth year, his eyes amused, "He's a Slytherin student, professor Snape's son."

"Oh, that's right, he's your friend, isn't he?" asked Luna as the two walked.

"Yeah, that's him," said Neville, pointing to his friend as he waved, "Do you want to join us?"

"That would be lovely, I've never eaten lunch with friends before!" said Luna in her unnerving way.

"Well, then join us!" said Neville, as they reached Krys. "Krys, this is Luna, she's a friend of mine from the DA, Luna, this is Krys."

"Hello Krys!" said Luna in her singsong voice, as she slid down beside him, "Do you know you share a familiar name with Krystops?"
When Neville sat down and introduced him to the cheery blonde girl he smiled, even though he was in a terrible mood after hearing the news he was always a kind young man and never took his anger or sadness out on anyone. When Luna sat down beside him and mentioned something about Krystops a look of confusion came across his face and he became curious as to what exactly the blonde was talking about.

"Hello Luna pleased to meet you, if I may ask what are Krystops?" ,Krys asked her.

He began to make his plate while he waited for her to answer he grabbed some chicken fingers, corn, and a hefty amount of mashed potatoes and gravy, he then grabbed a large cup full of fruit punch to wash it all down. The young man's appetite never decreased due to mood like some people in fact food sometimes calmed his nerves or anger at points.

"So Neville how was Herbology I'm terribly upset that I missed it today" ,Krystopher asked.
"A Krystop is a mountain troll that grows only two inches in height," said Luna, "They like to burrow in the holes of rats."

As she said this, she moved to grab her own meal. She placed some strawberries into her plate, along with a little bit of mashed potatoes and gravy. Luna poured herself a cup of pumpkin juice, and added a few strips of chicken to her plate. Neville had simply copied Krys and thrown the same food into his plate.

"Herbology was rather lovely. We explored the properties of Devil Snare," said Neville excitedly, "Our homework is to begin growing our own bit of Devil Snare and see if we can keep it alive for the first few days. I just need to find a cool spot with no light so it survives. Where were you by the way?"

"You could try the caves of the Krystops," suggested Luna as she scooped up some mashed potatoes with her spoon.
When Luna responded Krys flashed her a smile, "That's very interesting thank you for the information I'll have to go find some of these Krystops to get a look at them for myself" ,he stated in response. As Neville explained what happened in Herbology Krys sighed, "That sounds magnificent I wish I was there Dumbledore wanted to meet with me for something that's why I wasn't in class, I'll have to go see professor Sprout and see if I can do the assignment if she lets me maybe we can all work on it together" ,he stated looking to both Luna and Neville.

He began to eat his food as the three talked it was nice to be able to just relax for a bit he had until Christmas vacation to enjoy his freedom then he'd be getting the dark mark. That's what the plan was and he had no choice but to carry it out, Krys shook the thoughts from his mind for the time being so that he could focus on something good and that was being with friends at Hogwarts.
"Well, I've got to head to meet Professor Sprout. She's going to help me harvest some sap from my Mimbelus mimbletonia," said Neville cheerfully. "Will you two be alright? I'd ask you to come, but it's a messy process and takes a few hours."

"We'll be fine, have fun," said Luna in her sing-song voice as Neville stood. She finished her strawberries as Neville walked off, and then turned to Krys, "Well, I have to head to the library, do you want to come along? I can try and find the Quibbler article on Krystops if you'd like while we're there."
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