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My Unique Ideas

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Sep 15, 2012
Hey im UniqueWriter, I love to role play and will roleplay anything just tell me what you wanna do. I wont promise to get on everyday but at least every other, So message me? Just reminding you that you can message me with ideas, plots, pairings, anything and we can work something out.

#1) Tattooed
NOrmal, Danger, Safe.

When being unique is a crime, when everything you do has to be approved by the 'order' there is a little shop in the basement of an respected reasteraunt where a unique, defiant and beautiful girl resides and tattoos people for free. Her safty is in their hands but if they tell the Order they will be in just as much trouble for showing their 'personality'. The shop, known as the 'Diffrent' by those who know of it, is well hidden. One way in but three ways out. Can you get into the hard headed girls heart before the Order learns of her bussiness? Or will you lose her forever?

Danger, Self injury, Pain, Life.


Goth girls are given a reputation mostly of being either sluts or being all 'witchy and vodoo'. But what happens when you get paired with the goth girl in your class? When you find out about her past and the self ingury she commits every night? About everything she hides? Will you let her into your equally hurt heart? Before its to late? Before her past consumes her?

#3) Daddy No
Incest, Rape, Pain


(Pretty sure the name says it all but here is a super brief summary)

She is a young girl who is being abused every night by her dady and she turned to cutting. You can either play her 'savor' who isnt really or her dad either is fine.

#4)Loving Someone New
Gentle, Secerts, Passion, Bondage


One rich family one poor, a promise between to elderly men made in the prime of their life. It is the reason that the 'dashing' young grandson of the esteemed grand father, who was working his way through college is told he couldnt marry his high school sweet heart and the sweet young, and naive grand daughter of the sickly and dying grandfather is told she cant move to france as she had wished about. They were engaged, and they werent to meet or even really see their soon to be wife/ husband intell the wedding night becasue it was to be a masqurad ball wedding.
#5) An Old Soul and A New Body
Ritural, Bondage, Rough Sex, Etc.


A young girl of five whos parents are in a secert cult is forced into a ritural that forces a goddess power and soul in her, Her own soul dissapperas in to the cluthes of an evil spirt that the cult is trying to feed. For years the goddess lives in the human realm with no memory of her past until her 17th birthday when she starts seeing the hidden beings of the world as she did before her soul was trapped in a human body. Now its up to "Place gods name here" to help her while enjoying the strong and sexy human body.

Suggested Gods to use to 'Help' her
1) Pluto
2) Himeros
3) Zelos

Submissive, Rape?, Anything else


A girl of 17 is called by her parents good friends to watch their son, She was thinking they ment their youngest, a boy of 12 and a dorky behavior but when she gets their their eldest son is sitting on the couch watching tv is a pissed off look on his face. Apparently he was caught coming home past curfew more then a little drunk and while the family went out for the night he had to say home and be watched by the tiny girl.
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