A Second Chance (Vash x SickLolipop)


Mar 19, 2012
Ezio Auditore da Firenze awoke in the Tiber Island hideout, that he had been staying in for the past few years, as usual. He got up and stretched a bit his old bones creaking and popping with each movement. He went over to the dresser and got out his standard tunic and dark pants, after that he adorned his standard Assassin cloak, going with what the locals called Roman Stone color scheme, the locals knowing him more for his white and red cloak. This one was a dark blue with black sleeves and trimmings, so this would make him a bit more inconspicuos. Then he went over to the armory, walked to the correct mannequin, and adorned the plate chest guard, paulders, grieves and vambracer on his left arm. Then went by his bedside and opened an intriquete looking box and opened it and took out his trademark weapon, the hidden blade. He attached it to his left arm and stepped outside of the hideout into the streets of Rome happy to see the bustling of people still ignorant to the war that was being fought behind closed doors.

He stepped around to the back of the hideout, took a deep breath, and climbed to the top of the building, sliding his fingers into thr cracks of the brick, where the pigeon coop was and looked at the messages from his brothers in the order. Three contracts were completed succesfully, but they lost a brother along the way, he sighed heavily, "Requescat in pace, brother." He wished he could have been there to honor him properly, but sadly his duties were here in Rome. Now they were short one Assassin in the order and since Borgia influence is nearly gone, many of the citizens are contempt with normal lives and aren't willing to join. He sent the pigeon back to the coop and took off across the rooftops of Rome, seeing if any citizen needed help from the cities dark guardian.

He was doing fine, running easily around without any fatigue, until he took a long jump and missed the grip he was going to take and fell into the streets, hard. He bent his knees before impact and rolled a little when he hit the ground, "Ahhh, I'm getting to old for this." Ezio was in his mid to late thirties already and he thought he needed to settle down a bit and perhaps have a family with his mission now complete, but there was a problem with that plan. Catarina Sforza was gone with her own family back in Forli so she could not be that woman. The only other woman left that he knew intimatley would be Cristina, but painful memories came flodding back to him. He will always remember her telling him that she was engaged, and 8 years later in Venice when she told him that she never wanted to see her again after leaving her behind in Firenze. His heart hurt slightly as he began to remember, but he put that at the back of his mind now and made it back up to the rooftops to continue his search, no doubt someone had already gotten themselves in trouble.
Cristina paused arranging the flowers held within her graceful hand, the hairs on the back of her neck tingling. She lifted her chin slightly, the soft breeze carrying scents of baking bread, horse's dung, and perfumes to her nose. She brushed back a stray stand of her long, dark hair away from her face, shaking her head thoughtfully. The days grew ever shorter, she thought to herself, and there is no one beside to share them with. She sighed heavily, turning away from the flowers and wandering back inside her home.

Cristina had little motivation, and lethargically collapsed into a chair. Her hands fell limp into her lap, and she stared vacantly at the velvet cloth of her dress. So little to live for. Now that her betrothed lay in his grave, no purpose drove each day. She occasionally would daydream of his heavy footsteps in the doorway, or imagine his weight beside her in the bed. But no such things existed for her any more.

She had hardly noticed that it was autumn. It had always been her favorite season, reminding her of her younger days, frollicking with that damned Ezio Auditore and living in a world of dreams. Only the chilly draft that wandering through the open window reminded her. She stood from her sunken seat, and padded across the room to reach for her shawl. She laid it across her shoulders. She felt her stomach stir with hunger, but she ignored it and placidly returned to her chair. She felt like a ghost in her own home; a wandering soul, eternally chained to heavy memories.
(Whew, I thought you bailed on me there)

Ezio stopped his patrol and stood on a food overlooking the square where the Pantheon stood erect and overshadowing the area. He looked down to see the crowds move about without a care in the worl, unaware of the war being fought to keep their free wil or to control their every thought and move. Ezio still wondered what his place in this fight was. He started as just a boy unaware of his fathers dealings until his life was taken from him and Ezio chose to take his place. Now, through extensive trials and tribulation, was the leader of the Assassin Order. He held immense power at his hands, one that could ring down cities or even nations. Yet he was still comfortable with keeping the men here and keeping the operation small until Ezio believed the time was right to move on.

He had digressed from the reason why he was looking. He looked through the crowds to try and find any more straggling supporters of the Borgia. It was to be expected not all would be glad that Rodrigo and Ceasare were dead. Ceasare may have been cruel but he was a strong leader and knew how to keep order. Something that was needed but Ceasare had grown greedy and set his sights on the world, he had to be stopped.

He felt a chill in the air as breeze hit his cheek. He pulled up the collars under his hood to guard from it. The seasons were beginning to change, the air, nature, the people. He noticed a young man and woman strolling through the streets, arms interlocked and no space was between them. Ezio remembered a time like that, the bliss of love. His heart ached once more. Wise men have said that time heals all wounds, Ezio Has doubted that ever since Cristina told him to stay away.

He turned from the roof no longer wanting to delve into the past again. He jumped from a roof and gripped at the adjacent roof, but the brick was loose and he fell onto the balcony. His back hit the marble of the balcony and got the wind knocked out of him. He got up, gasping for air, and turned to see if he had disturbed anyone. When he looked he saw a ghost of the past. Cristina Vespucci was in Rome. He pulled his cowl down farther and deepened his voice. "Scuzzi Madonna, I fell from the roof. I apologize if I have disturbed you."
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