Dark Times an HP RP (Snape & Marie Massacre)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
As his students piled into the classroom Cameron greeted them all with a smile and a hello as they all took their seats. Even though things weren't as bright or easy as they could be Cameron tried to keep everyone in a good mood. Unfortunately it was raining outside and the quidditch pitch was muddy and slippery which made it hard for the students to take off so he decided to let them do some book work for class so that they could still learn some things about flying without actually having to fly.

He looked around the room to make sure everyone was there and noticed someone was missing. The young woman had missed or was late to quite a few of his classes as of late and he was starting to get worried about her. "Does anyone know where Anya is?" ,he asked looking around at his class. A Ravenclaw girl raised her hand and Cameron nodded letting her know it was alright for her to speak, "She's being punished right now I don't know what for but she was stopped in the hallway just before we got here" ,the girl stated in a shaky voice. Cameron sighed then opened his textbook, "Alright everyone open to page 52" ,he stated. His tone was soft and it wasn't hard to tell he was upset. As much as the man wanted to go and help the girl out it wasn't that simple, the death eaters had control of Hogwarts and the staff there had no say in what went on anymore.
Anya spent most of Cameron's class being "punished". It was the downfall of being who she was... She was finally let go and she walked, or most would say limped, to his class. Her head throbbing and her body sore from the intense punishing regimen that the Carrow siblings had been using against her. Some of their favorites were using the Cruciatas curse, and corporal punishment which included beatings and cutting with knives. So it wasn't a strange sight to see Anya come to class with her face bruised, or a cut or two here and there. She walked into Cameron's class, feeling horrible because she was once again late. She didn't make it for most of the lecture. Using her hand to guide her into a seat. Since her walking stick had been taken. She had a rather nasty bruise sitting on and above her right eyebrow, and a small split in the skin was slowly leaking blood.

"I'm terribly sorry Professor..." Anya asked apologetically. Her voice so soft, so sweet. How she was had been cursed with a monster's bloodline no one could understand. It was a true case of nature versus nurture.
Cameron watched as the young woman made her way into the classroom a sigh escaped his lips after she apologized. He knew it wasn't her fault that she was late and he wished that he could do something about the beatings she got every day. "No worries Anya just if you can stay after class so we can have a talk" ,he stated in response to the girl. Cameron then had one of the students help the young woman out with the work he had assigned. When class was over Cameron waited for everyone to leave and for Anya and him to be alone, "Why did they get you this time Anya?" ,he asked finally when everyone was gone and the doors to his classroom were shut.
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