Souls Clashing (Vash x Ella)


Mar 19, 2012
Things had been interesting for the past four years for Kilik. It happened when he was nineteen. It was a simple life living at the Ling-Sheng Shu Temple. That was until the night that Kilik refers to as 'The Seed of Evil'. The details of it were hazy to Kilik but from the looks of what happened he went mad and murdered many monks until Xianglian was able to strap the Divapra-Yuga around him, sacrificing her own sanity so that he may have his. After he gained his he was able to get himself under control and attempted to flee, but a crazed Xianglian stood in his way and attacked him. He ended up killing her in his self-defense. The damage from the constant fighting and the mental stresses from the Evil Seed caused him to collapse.

When he next woke he was with an old man who called himself Edge Master. He would spend the next years training with him and learning more about the darkness within him and the curse of the Evil Seed from the sword Soul Edge. Once his training was nearing completion Edge master have Kilik one task to complete his training, destroy Soul Edge and purify himself and his weapon. He had spent years trying to complete this mission, coming close on multiple accounts but Soul Edge just kept coming back. So his mission continues on. On the way he had met many friends like Maxi and Xianghua, but there were also his enemies sub as Nightmare and his servants, Raphael, and Zasalamel. They were all a part of the journey. Just as the town he came upon is. He was alone, unlike he had been for the past years while traveling with Maxi and Xinghua, but Maxi had died and Xinghua stepped on to her own path.

He looked upon the town with pity, they were under significant control of Soul Edge and it's cruel powers. He was now obligated by his masters wishes to purify this town. He set out to arrive there shortly and do his duty.
Ivy Valentine approached the town, her eyes scanning the town. Her blade, Valentine, was attached to her hip. She strut with the air of someone filled with confidence, but also with purpose. This town was under the control of Soul Edge, and she was determined to destroy it, and anyone with it's tainted bloodline. She was going to rid the world of the very existence of that cursed blade. The silver haired woman held the blade beside her, as she remembered what had brought her to this point.

Her own birth father had once wielded that dangerous sword, manipulated by it. Her true father had driven himself insane trying to find it, destroying her once happy family. She was now imbued with a temporary, artificial soul, determined to survive this. If she was going to destroy the blade, she'd need to be alive. Nothing would keep her from victory. The Soul Edge was the root of all evil, and she'd get rid of it, even if it was the last thing she did. The silver-haired woman was already calculating the best way to destroy the town, and then move on, pursuing Cervantes and the rest of that blasted sword. She wasn't going to let her noble lineage be tainted by that sword.

As she contemplated this, the young woman walked further along, until she saw a boy in sight. She immediately narrowed her eyes, wondering if he too was a villager under the control of Soul Edge.
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