A Holy Knight and a Witch... What could go wrong? (Vash x Yasashii)


Mar 19, 2012
A lone man sat alone in a large cathedral. He looked around at the damage still there. The painted glass window at the front was still shattered, the sword still ripped from Spardas, and and some the pews still tossed around the cathedral. The man sat with his back lurched forward and his arms resting on his knees. The left arm had his sleeve rolled up showing tan, battle scarred, skin. On his opposite arm he had the sleeve rolled down, a faint blue glow emanating from under the sleeve. His face was contorted in anger, aggravation, and stress. His silver hair was matted down, messily, and it hung over his face. This lone figure in the church was a young man by the name of Nero. He was a member of the former Knights of the Holy Order, but they disbanded when it turned out their leader was a crazed lunatic. Now Nero was just a freelancer doing any job that came his way. Gods he was starting to become Dante! On top of him being out of a job his relationship with Kyrie was now over, it turns out killing her brother caused a much bigger rift than what Nero expected. So he came here to the Cathedral to try and think things over and figure out his next move.

He was about to get up to leave when he heard the large oak doors swing open, the groan of the iron hinges ringing in the cathedral. He turned his head to see a small man in white and gold robes shuffle into the cathedral. The man was old, wrinkles lined his face. Nero stood up and turned to the man, "Can I help you sir?" The man stopped and spoke in a giant voice that seemed to carry in the room, "I'm looking for the leader of the Holy Knights, I am requesting aid." Nero chuckled and shook his head, "Your about three moths late gramps. We closed up shop." The man looked saddened by the news, "Oh... Thank you anyway young man." He then turned and began to walk away.

Nero pondered for a moment, if this man had an aid request then that means he had the money to pay for it and Nero was light on that. He quickly jogged to catch up with him. "Hey gramps, what's the job? I used to be a Knight, hell I was the best of them." A smile then returned to the mans face, "Oh thank you youn man! You don't how much this means to my brothers and sisters!" The man moved to shake Neros right hand but Nero jerked the hand away. "Just tell me what I need to do." The old man then went into detail about how he was a part of a cult called "The Followers of the Light" and that their members were starting get picked off by a woman in all black. She could summon demons and torture devices at will as well as slowing time down. Sounded like a challenge. "Ok," Nero said when the man finished, "Where to?" The old man took out a slip of paper, it had directions to a city called Vigrid. As well as directions to a bar called "Hells Gate" the old man said that was her suspected base of operations.

Nero agreed to the job and went home. When he got there he pulls Doug encase and began to pack all of his weapons, Blue Rose, Red Queen, the next one he was hesitant about. It was Yamato, Dante's brothers katana. It was a simple looking sword, the steel shinned like any other sword, the grip was wrapped in simple blue and white cloth, but the power within the sword was phenomenal. He took the sword with it's sheath and put it in the case. Then it was off to Vigrid to find this woman that was causing these guys trouble.
When Nero entered Vigrid he saw that it was almost a carbon copy of Fortuna. As he walked through the streets he saw that everyone around here was just the same. There were the ones wearing the ornately designed, crazily colored, high class citizens strutting about like peacocks. The middle class average joes with plain, drab, clothes with some wear and tear on them. Then there was the lower class that was wearing the equivalent of rags, torn to shreds and caked in dirt and grime, it was tough to see. Nero could also tell that he was sticking out like a sore thumb with his blue overcoat and red shirt. He had already taken out Blue Rose and stored it in the holster he had, Yamato was also stored in his coat due to it's size and descrete appearance. Red Queen wasn't slung on his back because it would give him away and cause massive panic. A man wielding a huge sword walking around town? Yeah people were sure to stay calm after hearing that. For now it was stored in its usual black hard case with The Order's symbol emblazened on it, but that was now scratched out thanks to his new affiliation.

He strolled through town trying to get his bearings when his eyes caught something. He turned his head to catch a good view of a woman, and not just any woman. She was clad in black leather, skin thight as skin could be it was almost like it practically was her skin, and walking around with a seductive sway in her hips. She had confident gaze behind a pair of stylish eye glasses. Her raven hair trailed behind her, long and flowing as she walked. How it was held up was interesting to say the least. It had various ribbons of red entangle in it and the top was shaped in a beehive hair do. She was damn beautiful and she stuck out like Nero. Seeing her reminded Nero of the description the old man gave him and it was close enough to the woman he was seeing right now to at least tail her.

He allowed her to walk along until he could move without raising suspicion. When she turned a corner, he moved with speed and quiet. He waited for a moment before turning the corner as well, trying to play it off like it was mere serendipity that brought them into the same deserted square. He was able to get a better look at her and saw four pink pistols, that looked like Derringer models, strapped on both feet and at her side. It couldn't be coincidence that a woman, matching the old mans description, walking around flaunting guns was completely innocent. It was a possibility but he wasn't willing to miss the chance incase he was right.

He stepped closer to her and smirked, "So... whats a bombshell like you going around with pink guns? Looking to knock off a few cult followers on a little stroll?"
Nero could only chuckle as she corrected him on his observations. "Well, sorry that I got it wrong. The only red I'm used to seeing is not really a color people like to wear... well maybe some do but those are some twisted characters." He was glad to see that she didn't immediatley draw her weapons and start shooting like he was used to.

His eyes narrowed slightly as she stepped towards him. His right hand instinctively twitching to reach for his gun. It was a learned behavior after all of his years of hunting he was accustomed to a shoot first, ask questions later, method of dealing with things. His eyes traced her up and down as she strutted around him with a sultry and sexy stride, the form fitting suit flexing and bending with her every step she took. She seemed to be doing the same to him. He could see her eyes scanning him up and down from behind those butterfly glasses. Nero hadn't been around women other than Lady and Trish for awhile, and calling them women was a stretch. She was different, she oozed sexuality rather than Lady and Trish oozing brutality. The difference was well received and he was hoping no-praying to whatever God was up there that she wasn't who he was looking for. It would be a crying shame if he had to obliterate a beautiful face such as hers.

When she talked about the men from the cult he unzipped his over coat and moved his hand over Blue Rose and his other hand setting the sword case down on the ground, preparing for combat. "Is that an admission of guilt?" He assumed so and unbottented the strap holding the gun in its holster. He laughed hard at her question about preaching. "Hahaha! Lady, I'm no preacher. I'm just here to do a job, but my employees didn't specify a time frame for it be completed so I have time to kill." He took the liberty to roll up the sleeve on his left arm to reveal more of his inflicted arm, the blue glow beginning to brighten as he revealed more of it. "So, wil you at least tell me why you're bumping off these old guys?"
Nero breathed deeply when she shifted her weight to one side in response to his own movements setting up for a fight. He thought she would have done the same by preparing a weapon or a witty remark before leaping out at him turning into some nasty form, the usual stuff. This was deffinetly turning out to be different than what he had planned on... but it was turning out to be so much better. He was still relaxed, mostly. Just his arms were tense wanting to reach for his weapons, but since she didn't make any moves yet, he wouldn't either.

"To be honest, I'd like to hear an answer. Then if you're up to it, we can have a little spat, I'll promise not to chip your nails or anything." Hearing her excuse about the cult members was interesting. "Hmm, doesnt really seem justifiable since I'm pretty sure I don't know what they've done though the pay is good, but that one guy was really REALLY old."

She stepped back and he stayed where he was. With that step she drew her other two guns and Nero knew that he was in the ring. She was still giving him a way out to tr and intimidate him to back down. "Sorry, like I said. The money is good. It'll be a shame to have to mar a flawless face. Plus the not knowing part is making it a challenge and I need one right now."
Nero remained where he was. This "fight" certianly was getting off to a slow start. He wondered what was taking so long, it was agreed between them that they would fight. If he won, he would get her answer and then take her in to the old men for proof that he had caught her so he could get paid. If he lost? That was irrelevant as losing was not an option for Nero, it hasn't ever since he took up this line of work. Losing would mean that the possibility of death was brought into the mix.

Bayonetta finally started to show signs of readiness as she slid into a position that had her guns aimed at him. He couldn't really call it an attack stance as it looked like she was ready to dance a tango or some form of dancing. She proposed a deal about telling him if he won and he placed Red Queen, tip down, on the ground and pulled the handle, revving the sword as the loud sound errupted from the blade. The Red Queen is a customized version of the blades used by the Order of the Sword and designed by Agnus belonging to Nero. It has an ornately etched base, and appears to be modeled after a German knife, but its most unique feature is that it has been specially customized with a motorcycle-like gear shift which, when pulled, sprays a flammable propellant across the blade and opponent, greatly increasing the power of its blows. This system, known as "Exceed", can be revved up to three times, and can be released either in one incredibly powerful strike, or as three lesser, but still strong, blows. This system is also strong enough for Nero to be able to use it as a jet. This and several other modifications makes the Red Queen nearly impossible for anyone but Nero to wield. "Fine," he said, "Deal."

She delayed further by relaxing again and making the guns disappear somewhere. He kept his sword out incase she decided for a surprise attack. She strutted her way towards him until they were very close, there the smell of rosemary eminated from her and filled his nostrils. What kind of perfume was she wearing? Regardless he kept his focus on her and watched her look him over one more time before she completely threw the idea of a fight out until she went and killed more people. His grip tightened on his sword. She really thought he would let her go thinking her good looks could keep him on her hook. "You must think me as some kind of fool to let you walk away to kill more people. Your little catsuit and loose hips probably work on others, but I'm here to do a job." He slung the sword around until it was resting on his shoulder and his eyes narrowed. "So either get busy running, or hold still while I do what I'm being paid to."
a she decided to further spurn him by giving him the "tsk tsk tsk" look and turning to walk away. "A runner huh? And here I thought you would be a fighter," he mutters as he prepared his strike by reving the blade two more times to reach full Exceed, no point in dragging this whole thing out. He was confident that he could get it done quick but in reality he was nervous since he had no other plan besides this. If it failed, he would be caught off guard and unprepared. The witch spoke one more time before turning to blitz him. He quickly shrugged the blade off of his shoulder and released the Exceed, igniting the blade in a firey slash aimed at her torso. He did not meet his target, she jumped over him. The sword came full circle and the momentum carried him with it causing him to spin in a circle that turned him around.

With that turn around he was able to catch a glimpse of her blowing him a kiss before she ran off in a full sprint which Nero thought was very strange for a woman in high heels. He shook his head a little and held it in his hand to try and stop the world from spinning. When his senses came to he leaned forward and took off after her at a full sprint. Surely she couldn't keep up that pace in heels.

Apparently she could as it took him awhile to catch up to her, or at least he assumed so as it was hard to make her form out in the towering shadows of Vigrids skyline camouflaged her well, the only discernible part of her were the trailing scarlet ribbons. If only these demonic powers would have granted him greater speed than he already had! He was able to get with in a leap of her and he took the opportunity to jump and rev his sword again which had him hurling towards the sight of the ribbons. The form suddenly sped up and he missed again, furiating him further. He snapped his head up to see what exactly he was chasing and it was very confusing. When did he start chasing a panther? He deduced that this must be her true form and he had gotten her to step out of her comfort zone as a demon. This gave him hope to catching her and he picked himself up again to give chase.

Nero saw her turn a sharp corner and he knew if he wanted to make the turn he would have to slow down. Not wanting to do so he focused his energy into his demonic arm and thrusted towards the corner. When he did a larger, spectral, version sprang out and gripped the corner and he was able to slits it himself around what would have been a difficult turn. He released the arm and it flung him forward and in front of her. As soon as his feet touched the ground he brought his sword above his head and brought it crashing down to get her to turn sharp and wipeout trying to do so.
Nero stood his ground while the sword embedded itself in the hard concrete road, not moving an inch as the panther closed the small lead he had gained in a matter of seconds. If the panther should tackle him rather than try and turn he was ready for close quarters combat, plus he had the advantage of his arm giving him the strength and power of a demon.

She did as Nero thought and tried to turn, the momentum being to great for her grace and she ended up rolling to the side and he turned to watch her wreck into the wall. Sadly he would not get that satisfaction, she was able to pull out of her roll, while changing back into her human form, and skid to a stop with a crouched and predatory stance. Nero raised his eyebrows and gave her a small applause for her landing, "I give it an eight out of ten," he said sardonically. Her face did not show the amusement he had seen earlier. It had been replaced by a look of concentration and calculation. He knew what it meant, playtime was over. Glad that she now took him as a serious threat he reached down and plucked his sword out of the concrete while chuckling. "What's a matter?" he asked while chuckling, "Kitty not having fun any more?" As soon as the last syllable dropped from his lips his voice was replaced with the sound of gunfire. He turned so his right so his demonic arm was facing toward the fire and held the arm close to his head. The arm could only be damaged by an equal or more powerful devil arm and he was willing to bet that those guns weren't said devil arm. His legs and lower torso weren't so lucky as the bullets penetrated his clothing and embedded themselves into his skin. He grimaced at the sharp pain and quickly rolled to cover behind a stack of large crates. He stood up against them and grinder his teeth as he felt the bullets being pushed back out by his healing factor reknitting the torn and tattered muscle. He was sure it was a feeling he was going to have to get used to. He could survive strikes and stabs that would be fatal for humans, but he knew there was a limit to these powers, he might just get to test them here.

He reached for his gun with his right hand and flicked the chamber open to find six bullets already loaded and ready. He of course could produce his own using the power from his arm but he found it to be draining after prolonged usage as well as cheating. If he couldn't get the job done with six bullets then what was the point of having this gun. He peeled out from the corner to fire. He quickly lined up the sights and squeezed the trigger. As the hammer crashed down into the gun two high caliber bullets thundered from the twin barrels. The discharge of the shot boomed over the repeadeted fire of her rapid shots. The two bullets followed after eachother, one slightly ahead and the other behind. The first was for armor penetration and the second was for damage following the penetraition. He fired again and then went back into cover. He had to think of a way to get this back into close quarters and end this shootout. He looked inside his coat and found Yamato still hanging inside then an idea hit him. He holstered his gun and grabbed Red Queen in his left hand. He revved it three times again and peeled out from cover again, this time sprinting at Bayonetta. He then flung Red Queen at her, the fire of Exceed burning along the blade, and then lept into the air. At the peak of his jump he took his right hand and pulled out Yamato from his jacket and drew the Katana from its scabbard. Nero swung the sword over his head and brought it down over Bayonetta for an overhead strike.
As Nero crashed down with his strike he saw Red Queen pass through a portal and out another. Then when he came down with his strike she produced her own Katana to counter his strike. He was starting to become greatly annoyed with her abilities and the fact that he was running out of surprises to spring on her. If he didn't end this quickly he could wind up dead just because she found it amusing.

The blades finally met with a loud clang and the two butted heads as they pushed back and forth on each other to gain an advantage. He couldn't believe that Yamato didn't break her blade. This sword was supposed to cut through anything, it separated the demon world from the human world for christ sakes! How was she able to do this! Reagardless, Nero gripped his sword with two hands to keep it steady while he looked her in the eyes to only see an amused face. It was infuriating to see that she was having no diffculty with this at all. He used that fury to fuel his strength to push back against hers, the loud screeching of steel against steel ringing in his ears. The question if this was his best sent him over the edge. His conscious retreated back and Nero could hear the deep voice booming in his head. "Finally!" he said, "A worthy opponent to test your true power!" Nero could almost imagine the cold stare of his cold blue eyes with his swept back silver hair that only Vergil could do. "Now, do you still want power?" Nero hesitated, "Yes but..." Vergil snapped at him, "But nothing! Power must be taken with firm affirmation, not tentative answers. Now unleash your full potenial or be destroyed." With that Vergil left and Nero brought himself back to the fight. He couldn't fall back on his Devil Trigger now, he had to win this on his own. He pushed back with all of his might and rage, his arm glowing a bright blue to match his outburst of emotion. "You ain't seen nothing yet Witch!"

He broke off from their draw and lept back. When his feet were firm on the ground he croutched and dashed forward again with his blade flashing with his speed. He reached her and proceeded to unleash quick and powerful strikes, Yamato only being silver flashes as he whipped the blade around to strike at her.
Nero had finally gained an upper hand, his speed catching her off guard. She may have been able to guard his attacks, but that was all she could do. Bayonetta was not able to counter his attacks and was therefore only able to stay on guard while he pounded away at it. With each clash of the blade he could feel the guard growing weaker. After a strike on her guard he pulled the blade back and gripped it in two hands again and held them cocked at his side. He swung with his shoulders and brought the blade back and over his shoulder, ready to cleave her in two. When the blade reached its apex he swung with a downward motion and flicked his wrists to for a quick addition of speed with his strike and prepared for what was to come next.

Nero was not new to killing people and the audible sounds with it, this would be no different. He steeled himself to hear the sounds of death. Only there were none. No sound of steel breaking. No sound of skin tearing or bones crunching. No sound of a woman's scream as life left her body. There was only the sound of steel hitting the pavement. The ring of the blade was loud and could be heard bouncing around the walls of the alley. He looked to inky see the yellow-brown color of the stone that made uo the uumdings and roads. No woman in black leather, just an enpty alley. She escaped and he was left to listen to the sound of failure. As the ringing faded he felt the presence of someone next to him. That would be followed by the silky voice of hers purring in his ear. He had missed... again. He reacted quickly and flicked the blade around to the side to catch her off guard, but she dodged that as we and pranced back to a safe distance.

She taunted him more with her guns and be wanted to reach for his to enter into another gun duel, but her taunt hit him. He was holding back. He pondered the thought for a moment before deciding to silence her silver tongue. "Fine," he calmly said, "You want the show stopper? Alright, but don't say that I didn't warn you." He dipped his head down and took his hand to slick his hair back (a nod to the man who people believe is Nero's father), but it didn't stay that way and fell down to its original style. He smirked before asking her with a dark tone, "Can you hear it, the cry of a soul?" He looked up to her, his eyes glowing a deep crimson, "What is your soul crying for?" That was the first thing that Vergil ever said to him and he found it fitting since these were the powers he gave to him. His demonic arm grew an even brighter blue and he could feel the power coursing through his veins. He shouted and a spectral demon appeared above him with a matching Katana in hand. He pointed his katana at her and the spectral demon did the same, "Begone!!" He shouted, his voice was deep and sounded like a legion shouting the same thing.
"Yes!" The voice bellowed, the many voices consolidating into one. Even so, the voice was still not Neros. "The power," the voice continued on, "This, is true power!!" Another impact wave bursted forth and Nero finally felt comfortable in his boots. The power now unlocked had him focused on the task at hand. His now glowing red eyes narrowed as the witch taunted him further. Her mouth knew no ends it was almost as if the only words that came out of her mouth were taunts or flirts. While Nero when normal might have tolerated it the demon blood now released had him more than irritable. He raised his Katana again and roared, "Are you just going to talk or will you actually do something?!" By this time he would already be tearing a demon apart limb from limb so this talking had him anxious to get it over with. Her answer came in the form of an archaic language as she danced around for a moment before her cat sut started to dissappear, leaving the pale and milky flesh visible for Nero to see. This only made him angrier and his anger fueled his Devil Trigger as he looked away from her. He was already fighting back the anger from Kyrie leaving him and now a woman wanted to prance around naked in front of him while they fight. He finally broke the seal of his anger and now the glow of his arm turned from a bright blue to a dark gold.

The appearance of the dragon did not shake him. He had seen worse from his day as a devil hunter for The Order. He spit on the ground at the sight of it. Sure, the teeth were caked in blood and its breath was most foul, but he still showed no fear of the mighty beast. He no longer feared death or what people think of his arm, the adrenaline and the blood of demons made sure to keep that sealed away until he returned to normal.

He rolled his neck to the side and heard it crack. He gripped his katana in two hands and dashed forward at blinding speed. When he neared the roaring dragon he lept into the air and sliced at it with his blade, only a breath of calm left him. No shouts of anger or frustration, no grunt of pain, only a deep inhale followed by a calm exhale.
Neros slash at the beast was met with the all too familiar feeling of razor sharo steel meeting flesh. He had caught the beast with its mouth open therfore missing the superior part of the skull and slicing through its lower jaw instead. As the blade cleanly cut through bone and muscle there was a large amount of blood splattered across Neros clothing. He wasn't expecting the beast to bleed since it was just a summon from the witches hair, how that worked was still a mystery to him, so he expected to be cutting through thick strands of hair and not actual organic material. When the sword cut all the way through Nero quickly dashed back expecting the dragon to not stand idle while its enemy sliced it to bits. He was right, the dragon reared its head back and thrashed around, hitting the walls to its side causing rubble to come crashing down to their little arena. The wreckage came down close to Nero and he wsa forced to take evassive action, leaping and dodging out of the way of boulders.

After the beast recovered from its wound it came right after Nero, its massiv jaws open and heading upward toward the spectre above him. As its jaws began to close around the spectre Nero quickly moved his hands to guard his own face knowing the spectre would do the same. Yamato was up with his guard and so was the Katna in the spectres hand so as the beast clamped down with its mighty force the tip of the Katana dug its way into the beasts skull. Nero thought it quite stupid for the raging dragon not to account for it. It immediatley let the spectre go and disappeared back into the hiar that it was, assuming the form of the witch's catsuit. Nero took the pause to wipe the dragons lood from his face and before he knew it he was hit by a hail of gunfire. He looked to see that the witch was in the air and rainging down a storm of lead on him. He took the first few shots but fter that the spectre acted on its own and brought down its arms as a kind of shield to protect Nero. After each shot a small hole began to appear where the bullet entered. They were small and didn't cause the spectre to fade, no that wasnt until she started firing a variety of balistic weaponry. There were bazookas, shotguns, and other types of firearms that came one shot after another. The spectre was blown away and Nero's Devil Trigger faded with it.

He was left to dodge her fire on his own and he succesfully did so, but it caused him to become fatgiued and he resorted to hiding in the smoke that was left from the rubble and from her guns. When he felt he was hidden form her he summoned what strength he had left and swung his arm out, a spectral version much larger shot out and reached for her. He attempted to close the hand around her and yank her to him wile he shouted, "Get over here!"
The barrage of bullets and explosives didn't kill him, no his reaction speed and reflexes were far to good for that, but the shrapnel and rubble from the impact of said shots did give him various cuts and bruises that were beginning to heal. Though, due to fatigue from using his Devil Trigger the ability was not as quick as it was last time, the healing had slowed to a crawl and so the cuts and brusises remained for the time being and Nero felt every single one of them. The stinging and throbbing were at the forefront of his mind as he was able to get the witch over to him, but that focus on the pain kept his eyes dull and so she was able to slip through his defenses and kept her arms free of the spectral hands grip.

He was ignorant to her question as he was able to feel normal again with the cuts all sending the same feeling through his nerovus system, pain. His joints were beginning to sore and he felt the burn in his muscles from the taxing battle that was still raging. He had forgotten what it was like to feel this way. Ever since his abilities were awakened he rarely felt pain since his demon blood would quickly heal the pain and kept Nero as healthy as could be, but that was when Nero was at ull strength. With this, the fight of his life, Nero's energy was almost all used up and he began to feel everything.

He didnt realize she was about to attack until he heard the firsts shots from her pistols. He dropped the spectral hand and rolled ot the side attempting to dodge the bullets, but her rapid firing style had bullets flying everywhere and some grazed him while others dug into his shoulder and left arm. The instant pain caused Nero's left hand to faulter and he dropped Yamato. He quickly popped up, summoning his last reserves of strength and throwing out another spectral hand, this time in the shape of a fist, that was aimed at her. He reffered to this attack as his buster. Whether it connected or not was something that he wouldn't know. After he sent the hand out he dropped to one knee and began to pant from exhaustion.
Nero glanced up to see that the hit had connected and it sent her flying across the alleyway. A small smirk of victory crawled across his lips as he was happy that he was finally abel to catch her off her guard and an attack had her hurt, or so he tohught. His smirk turned to a scowl as he saw her casually stnad up and brush herself off like nothing had happened, the attack appeared to have no significant effect on her.

He was hoping that would change when she started to walk, a small hitch in her step or a wince of pain when she took her first step, anything that would show some small sign of pain that would have made his last amount of energy worth it all in the end. It never came as she took one perfect stride after another until she was mere yards away. Nero's scowl grew larger and he even pounded the ground with his fist while cursing under his breath. She was either not hurt in the slightest, or one of the best damn actors he had ever seen.

At her little quipp, the perk and pep in her voice made him twitch with irritation, he was at least expecting her to sound tired or out of breath, made him ponder what his next move would be. He pulled Blue Rose from his holster and flicked open the chamber to see that he only had a round left, forcing another curse from under his breath, and closed it again. He would have to either lure her in close or catch her not looking. Then again there was always that strange trick she pulled that had his bullet disappear then reappear behind her. He was out of options other than accepting her terms, but not without making some of his own. "Fine," he huffed as he pushed himself to his feet even though his muscles protested, "I'll listen. But if at anytime you run or I think your lying, I'm putting a bullet in you and hauling you off for my payment."
Nero was exhausted at this point, it seemed as if breathing was beginning to take a tole on him. He was amazed at the fact that his opponent was still standing after using his devil trigger. A rare case amongst those who had crossed blades with him, Dante being the only other being to do so. He only remained on is feet for a short time, he soon took rest on the ground, flopping on his back. Even with his exhaustion he was able to keep his focus and listened to the witch. Her story and he comment about the truth was strange to him. "Routine?" He asked, "That's a new one that I've heard. I would think that you would be one of the type to say that 'the truth will set you free'." He knew that one to be true for him. His own experiences in terms of truth and action gave validity to that statement. Though there was still one truth that still eluded him.

The witches story had him puzzled. "Wait a second. If you say that this was ages ago, how the hell are you standing in front of me? Shouldn't you be looking like the stereotypical witch? You know, wrinkly skin, hook nose, broom stick and a black cat." The quip was meant to actually ask a legitimate question and to take a stab at her for all the other comments she made about him.

Nero's head lifted up from the ground when she talked about shooting her. He was surprised to hear her admit that a few of his bullets had actually pierced her, even though no signs of the entry sounds were visible on her black suit. "Look, don't try and make me feel better if you're just going to bullshit me. I don't see any bullet holes on that little fetish suit of yours."
After what he had said, Nero put his head back down and looked up at the clouds while he recovered. His lungs inhaled and exhaled slowly at a steady rate, his chest falling and rising with the rhythm. With the rate slowly steadying he felt his heart beat slow to its normal rhythm as the fatigue slowly faded. His ice blue eyes switched from cloud to cloud while his left hand toyed with the rigs on his finger. He, like most people, projected random images on to the changing shape of the clouds.

His head picked back up again as he heard the clack of her heels and the rattling of the chain links around her ankles. Nero still couldn't understand how in Gods name she could fire guns from her feet. He was too busy ducking into cover and engaging her with his sword to notice how the guns fired, only that bullets fired from them. Eyes tracing up from her feet to her chest he saw her hands run over her catsuit and watched as the material shifted and swirled away from certain areas to reveal bloodied holes where his bullets had actually hit. He made sure to make note of where the wounds were. Was it dangerous to pick a fight with her again? Incredibly, but things in her story weren't matching up to him and he needed clarity, most likely coming from the man who gave him the job in the first place. Her story could check out or it could be I mole felt false and he would have to track her down again and the her an especially hard beat down.

Before Nero could formulate a response, the woman had made a gun appear in her hand and she slithered her way on top of him, the barrel of said gun pushed against his throat. Her demand was simple, 'who hired him?' There was an initial flinch as he felt the cold steel against his throat and sudden weight pressed on his waist, but he remained calm. He knew what was coming, either he gives in and she gets what she want while he gets to walk away (most likely), or he could refuse and either talk his way out or get a bullet in his brain. Then there was also that tricky third one where no matter what he did, he would get shot. He decided to go in for the wild card and jolted his demonic arm out and wrapped his hand around the spot where he remembered a bullet hole being on her arm and squeezed tightly on it. The outcome of this choice was unforeseeable, but he was willing to play by ear. "You know, this might have gone over better if you hadn't shown me where your wounds were."
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