Exposure and Rendering (Rafale & Myn)


Jun 10, 2012
Arisa yawned quietly at the back of the classroom as she counted down the seconds until the lecturer Donald Rufus, an elderly man with wispy grey hair, a well kept goatee, and bottle-rimmed glasses yammered on about angles and lighting, and other nonsense she didn’t quite understand. Sure she was greatful that the old monkey had taken her in as his assistant, but photography was something she had no knowledge in, nor cared to develop. Hell, she might not even have accepted the offer had Eiji not been a Photography major.

It had only been pure chance that she’d seen Eiji competing at nationals the previous year. She’d felt bored one afternoon and switched on the tv to find a familiar face running around the court and swinging his racket with impressive might, she’d been mesmerized by those powerful arms, and strong legs ever since. He hadn’t quite made the finals, but semi’s were good enough in Arisa’s eyes, and frankly she only cared for Tennis a wee bit more than she cared for photography.

She’d be lying if she said she didn’t find him cute, but dating was something she’d long given up on, opting for the more casual approach, sex for Arisa was entertainment, a reward she dished out for fun. And occasionally a way to get what she wanted. And what she wanted right now was to put those arms and legs of Eiji to good use in the swimming pool.

The sound of students suddenly standing up and packing their stuff away snapped her out of her little daydream, her eyes fixed on Eiji, Arisa did notice a few girls pointing her way and giggling, having clearly misunderstood her heated gaze as something else. She smiled and waved at the girls, ignoring the faint snicker and rolling of the eyes as if to say she didn’t stand a chance. Her full red lips twitched a bit when she heard one of them whisper “slut.” But besides that remained motionless, secretly scheming how she could get the two little bitches expelled. Plagiarism was always a good one.

Her deep blue eyes returned toward Eiji, their eyes meeting as he seemed to have noticed the hostility in the air. Mr Rufus had already left, something about a staff meeting, and sensing the awkward tension, the rest of the class hurried off, the two girls following closely behind.

Making sure that they were alone, Arisa finally stood up from her observation point at the back of the class, making her way over to Eiji with a fake smile, her long blond hair swishing from side to side as she walked. “Hey Eiji…. Can I ask a favour?” she asked pulling up a chair beside the red head, and sitting unnecessarily close to the tennis regular.
RE: Exposure and Rendering

Eiji was all silent on class, he was a calm guy, always smiling, as the class. He immediately looked at Arisa, she was gorgeous indeed, but he was way too focused on his studies and the Tennis team, he barely had time to check on it. He, for some reason, had the attention of most girls on the classroom, though he barely really paid attention to it, making them act weird around him.

He was one of the newest members of the college's tennis team. He got a scholarship thanks to it, the requirements was to maintain a good academic level, and also to participate on the tournaments of the tennis team as a member of the single's team. Liked by many of the people around, hated by most rookies, he paid little mind to that, since he was there to be the best, not to make friends.

He was getting up as Arisa came to him, "Yeah, whats up?" He asked with a curious smile as he listened to her, dumbfounded as to why she would simply come to him out of the blue. "How can I help you Arisa?" He said as he started packing everything, slowly getting up, as he had another class in a couple minutes.
RE: Exposure and Rendering

Maintaining her cheerful façade, Arisa glanced over at the clock on the wall, noting the hustle and bustle from down the corridor. She already knew that Eiji had another class after this one, but she doubted she’d be able to catch him later if she let him go, and frankly the idea of sitting outside and waiting for Eiji for the next 2 hours didn’t appeal to her at all.

“I was just wondering if you’d be able to help me move some stuff over to the pool.” She asked innocently. She wasn’t lying as she had been told by the captain of the swim team to carry over a few bags of salt for the pool, and while she could probably manage, it’d take her a great deal longer than if she had a bit of help. “Won’t be long, I promise, just need to move a few bags from the sports shed over to the pool, 10 minutes tops.” She insisted noting Eiji’s reluctance. She paused a bit letting an awkward silence sink in before she lowered her head and continued. “Please?” she whimpered desperately, lowering her head further and letting her hair over her face so it’d cover the faint grin on her face.

“I don’t have anyone else I can depend on and I thought…..” she trailed off squeezing her eyes tightly, squeezing out a few fake tears and turning her back to Eiji. “I’m sorry, forget it, you probably don’t want stupid slut like me talking to you, forget I said anything.” She blurted out hastily “I’ll do it myself.”
RE: Exposure and Rendering

He was clearly surprised at her comment, immediately responding "You better not say that again!" As he got up, "I will help you if you promise never to say that again, and that you come with me to talk with my teacher, I don't want to get in trouble you know?" He remarked, he had to maintain a good grade in all the classes for his scholarship. "Oh yeah and please don't cry, I hate that, makes me feel sad for some reason." He said with a faint smile, clearly stressed by the tear, he hated to see someone cry, even more like that, as he felt he was responsible...

He picked up his things and slowly went to the classroom to tell the teacher, not without making sure Arisa was behind him. "And why me by the way? With so many people on the classroom, why me?" He was extremely curious, its not normal that a girl like Arisa would simply go and ask him for a favor, not that he did not want to do it, he simply found it odd. As they arrived to the classroom, Eiji talked with the teacher about the situation, and soon enough they were heading to move the stuff to the pool.
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Hook, Line and Sinker. It didn’t matter how much of a tight-ass a man was. Men were so naïve and easy to manipulate, Arisa sometimes even considered feeling guilty for playing with their malleable little minds…. Nearly.

Lifting her head up slowly, and peering through her long strawberry blonde strands of hair with her deep blue eyes, she looked up at Eiji with fake surprise, acting as if she hadn’t expected Eiji to help her at all. “Thank you….” She whispered quietly, trying to seem and act as modest as she could, she was internally jumping up and down with delight, knowing that Eiji was now completely in her playing field now that he’d accepted. And because of her excitement, her true slutty nature creeped out, causing Arisa, to lean in closer to Eiji, grabbing his arm and pressing Eiji’s shoulder firmly against her breasts. “Thank you….” She repeated a bit more confidently this time, planning to bust out the waterworks again if Eiji pulled away, an awkward silence passed between the two of them before Eiji finally unraveled Arisa’s grasp, insisting that they be on their way.

Arisa had no reason to refuse Eiji’s request, on the contrary she laughed at the chance to visit Eiji’s next class and show those pesky bitches that she’d be getting some ‘alone’ time with Eiji. She wasn’t at all surprised when Eiji asked why she’d asked him, and as they walked casually down the hall, Arisa nearly revealed her true colors. “Because I want you…..r strength, getting a girl to help me out would be pointless, and the guys….. most guys…. I just don’t like being leered at” she finished, holding her hand to her chest and fidgeting with her fingers uncomfortably, her eyes swaying from side to side, as if she felt nervous. She was actually worried whether Eiji had picked up on her plan, but the tennis player had no way of knowing that, and to his eyes, it’d probably just seem like Arisa was a bit embarrassed by her own remark.
RE: Exposure and Rendering

He blushed when he felt his shoulder touching her breasts, it was not normal somebody would just not respond to it, but he couldn't react at all for some reason... It was weird, since as a main player on the tennis team, his reaction times were extremely fast, but for that moment he totally broke.

He laughed as she mentioned his strength, while he was strong, he knew there were people far stronger than him, so he simply thought she may like him and nothing special. "Well, I just hope I'm strong enough to carry all that stuff, cause the teacher will get really angry at me if I take too long, you know how she is!" He admitted, he liked the class, but he considering the teacher a little bit boring.
RE: Exposure and Rendering

Arisa didn’t say anything when Eiji commented on the teacher getting angry. She’d had the bitch of a teacher herself, and knew exactly how the woman was. But Arisa, along with everyone else in her class had figured that while the teacher made a big deal over lateness, she wasn’t committed enough to chase up absentee’s, and for that reason, people had started to choose to not turn up at all instead of being late. Though for a scholarship student, not turning up would probably be a pretty serious issue.

Noticing the faint blush on Eiji’s face, she edged a bit closer as they walked down the deserted halls towards the store room where the bags of salt were kept. Arisa’s own deep blue eyes wandering around the hallway making sure that there really was no one in sight before leaning her head over slightly at first, and then completely on Eiji’s shoulder. Her strawberry blonde hair cascading down Eiji’s not muscular, but firm chest. She inhaled deeply enjoying the arousing scent of a man, making each and everyone of her actions long and noticeable intentionally. She wondered how long it’d take for Eiji to crack and relent to his carnal desires, a few seconds? Minutes? Probably an hour at most.
RE: Exposure and Rendering

He was clearly nervous at her actions, she was being too "forward" for him, not something he was used to, but he already promised to help her, so he was not going to back off just like that. As they got closer, and she rested her head on his shoulder, a nervous smile came across his lips, not too used to that, but he still kept walking as they got closer to the room. As soon as they arrived, he felt a shiver run across his body, which only appeared when he felt something bad was going to happen, or at least that's what he thought, he had little idea of what Arisa had in mind for him. "Soo... where are the things you need help with?" He asked, a little impatient, but trying to keep as calm as possible to avoid misunderstandings.
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A faint smirk appeared on Arisa’s lips as she pointed out the window, over to a small shack like building off in the distance. Branching off a large indoor basketball court, which divided the swimming building, and the tennis courts.

“Just a few bags of salt, half a dozen…” she murmured happily as she rubbed her head against Eiji’s shoulder, completely oblivious to his discomfort, she turned her head slightly to see how far she could go before Eiji would pull away with disgust, or shove her on her back and try and have his way with her. Her cerulean blue eyes glancing into Eiji’s eyes as she giggled a bit wickedly, “Just need to carry those salt bags over to the chlorinator, easy right?” she asked fidgeting with something in her pocket as she tugged on Eiji’s arm lightly, leading him to the storeroom she’d indicated…. The dark dusty storeroom which didn’t actually contain the salt bags she was referring to.
RE: Exposure and Rendering

He laughed nervously "Yeah, Nothing one of the representatives of the tennis team can't handle!" He said in a fake show of power, yet his shivers kept coming, he had a bad feeling as he saw the room. He wished it was easy and finish up quickly, for he did not want to get in much trouble with the teacher about the absence, as it could have some consequences for him, but he had never even been late to class in all the semester, so he was calm about that, nothing THAT bad was going to happen, and besides he needed to do it carefully, to not hurt himself in the process and risk his position on the team. As he slowly opened the door, it was pitch black inside, so he couldn't see a thing. "Umm Arisa, are you sure its here? I can't see a thing..." He said, as he slowly entered the room, searching for the lights, oblivious as to what was about to happen..
RE: Exposure and Rendering

Hearing Eiji’s boasting and nervous laugh, Arisa had to disguise her snigger as a friendly giggle, her hand running through her hair as it’d be messed up a bit by the strong winds that blew between the Swimming and Basketball building. She shrugged her shoulders at Eiji’s question, ushering Eiji deeper into the darkness before she used the cover of darkness to pull out a single key, sticking it in the lock silently, before locking it, leaving the door ajar for a bit longer.

Peering into the darkness she cocked her head to the side, “I’m pretty sure it’s here….” She lied, pulling away from Eiji and rummaging around in the darkness. No longer needing to conceal her smile, she picked up skipping ropes, a various assortment of balls, and ran her finger over the Judo mats, maintaining her act for a bit longer before she opened her mouth “Oww” she whimpered pathetically, knocking over a tin can filled with sports equipment, and dropping to the floor, a swirl of dust rising into the air, she just needed to buy herself a bit more time in here, and nature would do its job.
He got nervous when she opened the door, the pitch black room sure gave him the creeps, but he entered anyway. As soon as he heard her "oww" he freaked out, trying to find her, but the dust and darkness proved too hard, until he finally found her on the floor. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked, worried that she may have hurt herself when she fell. He had not realize the fact that the door was locked in, and even if he did, he was stuck already. He kept feeling the shivers as he got closer to her, but as naive as he was, he as more worried about Arisa than about his bad feelings... Little did he knew, there was something about to happen.
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