Everything is allowed in war and love - 『 YumiBlossom & Boss 』


Sep 6, 2012
The trumpet could be heard outside to signalize that it was morning and it was time enough for the squad to line up, even though the clock couldn’t be more than a few minutes before 7 a.m. and let them have a few minutes to dress themselves properly. If you didn’t come out in time when they called your name or the Colonel saw you line up later than the others there would be a punishment for later after the morning training. No breakfast would be given before everyone had finished the first workout what was to jog around the camp and a bit further up in the forest and then back without slacking off and fall behind.

Berwald had been lying in the bed awake before he heard the sound, not wanting to go up just yet since it was one of the few times he had a moment to relax and if he got up he would surely wake up one of the other and he didn’t want that. Knowing to well that he was the only morning person there and didn’t want to be disrespectful to his fellow in the troop.

Standing up from his bed as he stretched out his arms as everyone got dressed in a hurry, jumping out from their bed. Afraid of coming to late so they would get even more training afterward. Berwald wasn’t late to dress himself up, pulling his green pants on and a black shirt and was one of the first to jog over to the morning line up. Some people were already there, but they were the usual ones that came first. The swede hadn’t talked with them before exactly, but he always saw them this morning and recognized them on other places thanks to that. Nodding at them to greet them as no one was up for any talking this early and it wouldn’t be good to start chatting before the usual name call up.

It was just some mere minutes it was about before everyone had lined up behind the Colonel who called the names on a list and they replied with a loud ‘yes’ immediately to show they were there so it would go faster since everyone wanted their breakfast.

When the Colonel was done he talked what they were to do today and apparently after the morning jog everyone would come back here again since they would all greet a new person who would join the swedish army here. Berwald knew everyone groaned inside, because everyone tend to run as fast they could to the dining room. They would be both exhausted and starving from the lack of energy and waiting even more was not something they liked to hear. “That’s all!” The Colonel yelled.

“Proceed!” He started to run, to be the first in the line as the other joined him in the march, screaming once and then to exhort the men to not slack off.
Sitting on the airplane, he was bored beyond words, the flight only took a little bit more over two hours to get there, and he knew it would bore him out. His destination wasn't exactly what he himself would choose, he had just been practically forced to go there. Trying to read the newspaper he found, but concentration going away, to back home, where he knew he wouldn't be missed, not for a year or two. Sinking back to his seat to remember once again why he was there.


Always the bully and the joker, he loved to create laugh and pull pranks, and doing those two together was priceless. When he turned 18 he had to take the conscription. And when he finally thought he was out of there, his parents grew tired of him as soon as he returned home, so they send him back there.

The battalion there grew tired of him in the beginning when he was doing the conscription, not taking the orders seriously, goofing around in the line and during the training's. Even thought he got a perfect score in everything he did, his uncaring nature and his attitude put everyone off, even his so called 'friends' also got tired of him, throwing him away like a used towel. And when he once again returned, and still hadn't changed, just his physique, they grew even more tired of him.

So when one of the men that were supposed to be sent to Sweden for service, but broke his leg, he was sent there in his place, being forced to either be deported to Sweden, or else he would be thrown out from the military, and out of his home. With no choice, he did what he had to, so he accepted the terms, hence his condition.


"We'll be arriving in Luleå in ten minutes, please raise your table and..." Mathias stopped listening and looked out of his window. The trees and grass where still green apparently, fall not yet there, just around the corner, and the weather was clear, probably a little bit chilly, but the sun would be warm, a perfect weather.

As soon as the plane landed, Mathias grabbed his stuff and made his way out, not wanting to waste more time inside this plane than necessary, since it wasn't like he wanted this anyway, he was threaten to it... The worst part, in his opinion, was also the wait for the luggage. People around him spoke in their native language, Swedish, which pissed him off to a certain degree, he didn't understand it, so whom knew what, or whom the might speak of. Snatching his bag quickly as soon as it was seen, and then speeding up to get out of there, but stopped when he saw someone, in military clothes of course, standing there with his last name in a sign. Walking over, he greeted the man with a firm hand, looking him dead in the eyes. "Welcome to Sweden, Mathias. I am Christoffer, your General." And said man just nodded in response, even more bored of the mans strict behaviour. "I'll take you to Boden, it will take roughly around an hour, so make yourself comfortable in the car, your new clothes is in the back, please change as soon as you get out of the car, preferable in it while we travel, if you can."

The last part made his eye twitch, he would show that man what he was capable of, that he wasn't some slob who knew nothing. "Yes, sir." He had to say, not wanting to be left here alone on his first day, that would really help his already bad mood so much. So he just sat down in the back, and looked his new clothes, the green military ones.. His size, since they took measures back in Denmark, back home... Sighing loudly as he began to change his clothes when the car started, earning himself a nod in the rear mirror of the car from his General. Of course he would approve of that, he could at least pretend he wanted to do this.. Right?

He changed clothes pretty quick, and it really didn't look like he had done it quickly in the back of the car, looking proper and clean. He passed the rest of the time by looking outside the window, watching the landscape pass by, changing from woods, to some fields, and then more wood and streets again.. A boring sight, too much wood out here.. So plain and stale.

As they finally arrived at the destination, he stepped outside the car, and stretched his whole body, earning himself a pop or two from the back. "I'll introduce you to the company you will be working with, they just got back from their morning jog, so better not keep them too occupied before they eat. You'll be joining them on whatever they do from now on. Your bag will be delivered to your room, and will be on your bed when you arrive, your Colonel will show you the way if you don't follow the other guys. You better behave, because we have to report everything you do back to your old company back in Denmark." He knew the last sentence was a threat, but why would he care? He had been threatening the whole time he had been in the army thanks to his behaviour, so why should this one matter?

Getting more irritated when one of the men, a young boy, came up to the General and they spoke to each other, in Swedish. It annoyed him that they spoke so carefree in a language he did not understand right in front of him. Rolling his eyes as the kid took his bag, having problems with it by the looks of things, but trying to look like it was nothing in front of the General. Muffling his laughter as the general rose an eyebrow in his direction, but motioned for him to follow, which he did, with arms behind his head and a bored expression riding over his features, this was soooo going to be a blast.

Rounding the corner of the house, to get to the center of the military, before the flag stood a company of guys, all lined up perfectly, with sweat on their foreheads, just got back from jogging eh? Smirking, he followed the General and lined up next to him, still in his carefree posture, which earned him a slap from the General, so he unwillingly straighten his back, in with the stomach and out with the chest, in a proud posture at least. "Listen everyone!" The Colonel began. "This is Mathias, from Denmark. He's going to join this company, so be nice to him. Show him around and where everything is, and tell him the schedule and rules." The Colonel, and Mathias looked around, the latter one checked out whom his new mates would be. Some of them looked boring, some of them.. Interesting. A rather tall and muscular man caught his eyes, one wielding glasses and had a rather scary expression, he looked strong, wonder if he would be fun to tease? He looked like one of these who joined the army just because he loved his country or something cheesy like that.. A scrawny young man to his left, that probably was forced there by his parents, just like himself.. And one in the back, whom looked rather strong, but with a weak mind, joining just because he wanted to prove to his friends he also could..

"Dismissed!" The Colonels voice echoed thorough the silence, as he and the General left in the opposite direction of the men, whom all breathed out and went for the dining hall, to finally get their breakfast.

Grinning at everyone as they where dismissed, and he followed them carefree to the dining hall, to maybe finally eat something edible, if it was this in the army. "This will be fun." He muttered for himself, actually hoping it would be somewhat entertaining, so he could have some fun here in Sweden before he got sent back home again... "Hey, what do we have after breakfast?" He asked the one closest to him, the guy from the back.. "Weapon caretaking." He said with a bored expression, and the Dane just shrugged, wow, way to start his day here, it sounded soo terrific.
Berwald watched the new recruit, who's name was Mathias. He didn't look like quite the solder as he was not muscularly build at all, not what it looked like on the clothes he was wearing since they seemed to fit him good enough. This man was more likely have been forced into the army for some reason, which Berwald tried hard not to sneer as he eyed the man from top to toe. He would be sent home to Denmark in no time at all since he had heard that Swedens forces were harder to keep up with, even though they were voluntarily.

Otherwise this Mathias looked rather handsome, with sand blonde hair neatly brushed even though at first it appeared to be wild since he had kinda long hair. Too long Berwald though to join the army, but that was just his opinion. The man had a nice constitution to look at, but one thing Berwald hated was undedicated men in the army, who joined for stupid reasons or had a family who forced them and the only thing he could think about was that this new danish fellow seemed to be a lost boy long away from home where he didn't belong.

When the Colonel finally said 'dismissed' that means they are free to go and have their so awaited breakfast, every ones pose of respect disappeared, yelling 'yes sir' as they hurried to the dining hall. Hoping it would be something good today, but when Berwald got into the room he could smell the scent of soup. Hearing everyone groan and complains as they grabbed a plate to fill it up with. He himself had no problems with soup, it was good to not always have delicious food. It would just ruin their strength and speed if they ate too much and wouldn't build any muscles.

Sitting down at a table alone. The dining hall wasn't full yet, but he enjoyed to have this moment to himself where he ate by himself before the room got too packed. He ate quick, much faster than everyone else and was already finished when he catch an eye on some people who had started to walk over to him to sit at his table. Standing up again before they had reached him and put down their plates, Berwald had already placed his dish in the kitchen and walked out. Not too comfortable in crowded places and he liked to have some free time before next event began.

He hurried to his room, taking long steps. The camp wasn't that far away from the main buildings in the military base and just took some minutes before he reached it. He needed to take a shower and dress to his uniform since morning practice was over and you had to look more property even though you most likely would get dirty, and since Berwald had problems with his eyesight and had glasses he had to change to contact lenses later. He only used glasses on mornings and on the evening, letting his eyes rest after the hard day.

Berwald took his towel who hang on his hook beside his bed and undressed quick and entered the shower, not wanted the others to come back before he was done to clean himself, since he had one more problem. He hated to shower together with the other guys, not because he hated it, but because it was embarrassing from the certain reason that he was attracted to men. That was the reason why he didn't like to get involved with his comrades here on this military base, because if they would think he stared at them or rumors of him being gay would come out he was done for it. He did mind his own business in the shower, not even gazing at the men from the corner of his eye to not get any unpleasant reactions from one part of his body. But you could never be sure and if someone suspected him to be a homo, then they would throw him out with his head first. Not even questioning it. The military meant to much for him to just throw it away like that, it was his call to serve his country and this was the only way he knew how to.

Turning the water off again as he took his towel to dry himself off, putting it on his waist as he walked out to his bag as he searched after his lenses and then walked back to have a better look in the mirror when he put them in. He was still not used to them even though he had joined the army for almost one year ago and had stumbled on all problems he got when he had only his glasses, so he decided to try lenses to solve them and he had got pretty good at putting them in the last 4 months he had been using them.

When that was done he walked to his bed again to dress himself, taking his underwear on him and then his green uniform. Then laid down on his bed, stretched out as he looked at the clock. There was still 23 minutes left until weapon caretaking began, so he could take it easy a little time more.
He entered the dining hall to hear everyone complain about the food. Curiously he walked over to see what it was. Soup, for breakfast? How could anyone keep going with only this as food? Suspicious, he took a tray and got it served for him, looking at it really questionable.

"Hey, Mathias, over here!"

Looking over where a few of the guys form outside was sitting, he walked over there and sat down with them, and started to chew on the single slice of bread he got, not knowing if he should try to taste the soup or not. "From Denmark, eh?" He nodded slowly as he tired the soup, it wasn't too bad, but it wasn't really the breakfast he had imagined when he came here.. At least the food back home was better, was the quickest solution he had to realize right now. "Yeah, and you're from Sweden?" He knew being ironic and sarcastic would probably not earn him any good points here, but why would he care? It wasn't like he wanted to be here anyway. The others laughed, and the one closest to him patted his back. "You're okay, welcome here, I am Sven!" And then the rest of them also introduced themselves, and he did the same, feeling a little bit better now, at least some of the people seemed alright.

"We're going back to clean up a bit, we can show you were you sleep if you want to?" Taking away his tray to dispose of his garbage, he followed them outside, feeling quite lost, never been to this place, nor this country before. "That would be nice, I'm in the 5C room." They all looked at each other and sighed, apparently none of them was in that room, but oh well, at least they where in the same company.

Dropping him off at his door, they all went away. "See you outside in a bit then!" He waved at them as they disappeared around the corner. He didn't come back to clean up, since he was already clean, a little bit ruffled by the flight, but his clothes were still new, just his face and hair.. So he would go with cleaning up his face at least, and unpack his stuff.. Opening the door, he stepped inside, no one was there, huh? Looking around, it was quite.. Empty here. The lockers they had was nicely decorated with different posters, most guys had theirs filled with pictures of half-naked women, cars, weapons or something similar to that.. Sighing, he went over to his bed to get his things stuffed into the locker, and looked over at the bed next to him, and almost jumped back, but kept his cold and looked over at the male.

He recognized him, it was the one he had seen earlier, the one with the glasses and proud posture, but this time, he didn't have glasses.. Raising a eyebrow as he looked at the man, so.. Was the glasses for show, or was he just ignoring them right now? "Hi there." He tried, as he began to unpack his stuff, it wasn't that much he had with himself. No posters, only clothes, money and trivial stuff like a cellphone and bathroom things. It looked so empty his lockers, but he had nothing to put up on it, neither did he have it in Denmark. Not thinking that he would be there for long enough, it was just a bother to put it up to pull it down soon enough again.

"Do you have a name? Or did the cat got your tongue?" Finishing up pretty soon thanks to his lack off personal belongings, he sat down on his bed, that someone had been nice enough to make for him, weirdly enough, maybe Sweden wasn't all that strict? Body turned towards the male, as he looked at him more carefully this time. Broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a sharp face. He couldn't deny that he was a handsome man, but Denmark wasn't into men, so he wasn't handsome in that way, at least not in his opinion.

He was probably stronger than Mathias, but his body mass would make him slower than himself, maybe he was a klutz too? And was only here because he wanted to, even if he was worthless and could barely run ten meters before getting tired or falling down on his bum? Who knew, he had to find out later, when the hands where on the table.. Grinning inside, this would be funö.
Waking up with a jerk and eyed the other man. Had he fell asleep? That was really bad if he had slept for much longer and watched the clock. Still 14 minutes before they started and he let out a sigh before he looked over at the man in front of him now. Catching what the other said on a whim, still a little paniced from the thought that he could have overslept which he rarely did. Or more exactly never had done. It was Mathias, the new danish guy who talked with him in english. Berwald hoped that the other would at least try to learn swedish now when he after all were in Sweden and was surrounded by swedish people. Coughing before answering in an attempt to get away his dark morning voice. "I'm Berwald. Nice to meet you." he reached his hand forward and shake the other ones, but let go immediately after two strong shakes.

"So you have your bed in here?" Surprised that he had to put up with the new guy this early, which was a pain in the ass. Everybody knew better than not talk or disturb Berwald since everyone found him boring and secretive. All he did now with Mathias was to try to be polite and hope he wouldn't bother him so much in the future. The swede looked at the others locker, noticing that he hadn't brought much with him but didn't say anything about that as he locked his eyes on the dane once again.

He had a much prettier face close up and couldn't be much older than himself, approximately about 22-23 if even that. A slender face with sharp eyes who reflected that he had secrets, maybe from home? The color was an icy blue, cold like the winter breeze in the middle of the swedish winter and blue like the cloudless heaven. "It will be an honor to work with you and learn new things from you." He tried to smile towards the other man, but he knew very well that he was famous around here for the man who didn't smile even though he tried he knew people tend to not notice it since it was so small.
Shaking the other mans hand, he looked at him suspiciously, why was he here all alone? Was he a loner? A nerd? Or someone who thought he was too good for this place overall? He didn't know what to think of the man, except that he didn't trust him, like he didn't do with anyone of the men around here. "Mathias, but you probably knew that already." At least he could try to be polite, until he had figured the man out, which may take a while, since Berwald seemed to be a reserved person, why else would he be here all alone?

"No, I just sat down here because I like to creep sleeping people out." Mathias had to force himself to not roll his eyes, he knew the man just tried to be polite, but his childishness took over him, and he just had to be sarcastic about it. He wasn't really for small talk, it was either talk or you could be silent. But apparently he had woken the other man up, since he hadn't either seen him, so they both had kinda scared each other? Maybe the man would skip the next pass they had, just because he was a sleepy-head? So many thoughts, so little time to think it all thorough.

Eyes meeting, he didn't look down, he didn't show any weakness of faltering his gaze. He knew that not many people saw this as a sign of battle for domination, but Mathias never faltered his gaze, he was too strong for that. "Do you really mean that, or are you just trying to be polite? If that's the case, cut it off and be honest instead, or don't say anything." The man was probably from a normal, good family. The mother probably baked the bread every Saturday morning, the father worked at the office.. He was just too regular and well-mannered to not have that life.

Smirking himself, he straighten his back to look even deeper into those eyes, his own glimmering with mischief. "Are you here just because you're a slacker." His manners beg the difference, he was a hard-working man. "Or are you just a loner?" A better word for loser. Mathias was ruthless, honest and maybe a little bit too unserious for one's best. But why would he care? The sooner he was on his way home, the better it was for all of them, maybe he could start to live a normal life again..
At first Berwald didn't hear the sarcasm behind the words and was taken aback, but then he noticed the way the danish man talked to him and get that the man was making fun of him. He had never heard of a soldier who didn't were serious and polite, so this was a challenge. Feeling the eyes stare at him, like he pierced his soul trying to watch for any weakness, but Berwald was good at holding eye contact with others and didn't avoid the others gaze.

"To be honest, I'm trying to be polite but I guess you're not up for that crap." He didn't want to pretend he liked someone if that person himself already had seen through him, then it was pointless. "And that's none of your business, if you want to poke around in other peoples private life you better find someone else." Berwald stood up and buttoned his jacket and turned around to Mathias. "So let us drop this meaningless conversation and not disturb each other again if we don't have to team up sometime."

Mathias seemed to not be that of a complicated person, he wanted to find peoples weakness and then turn it against them. He didn't want to disappoint his new comrade, but what he knew he had no weakness so far in the army, at least not something that would be noticed. Without looking back at his room mate he walked out again, walking with big steps to hurry so he wouldn't be late. He couldn't care less if the dane would be in the time or if he would find the house and room where they would train in. He didn't like him and apparently Mathias didn't like him either, so fair enough. Friends were something he didn't need in the army as they would just slow him down or ruin his scores, the only thing he could do was team up with someone if he had to since you must be cooperative to function in the army.
He was a little bit shocked, but did not show it, when the others gaze didn't falter, why was he so persistent? Everyone else would always look away once Mathias started with his intense gaze, since not many people was able to hold it, but this one.. Feeling a little bit frustrated also, why didn't this one give away at his gaze??

He smirked at the man once he dropped his cool act, he actually got him to crack a little bit, or well, give away his true colours, and he was amused. The man seemed to get worked up by the smallest thing, so this could surely be fun, if he reacted like this by only these words, how would he be once he started for real? "If we can hold ourselves until then." He called after the man, as his intense eyes followed the man, clearly amused by him. He decided it might be time for him to also move it, his new 'friends' might be waiting for him.

Going outside the room, he saw them actually waiting for him, what's the point with this? He joined them as they patted his back and asked him questions about Berwald. "So, does he still got a stick up his ass?" Snorting, he grinned smugly. "I don't know, didn't check." As they continued to chat meaninglessly until they arrived at the meeting point, standing up in a line, Mathias actually followed the others moves, wanting to at least be nice for one day.

Back straight; chest out stomach in. So pointless, why stand like a fucking pole? It wasn't like someone was going to hang the flag on their back and make them act like a flagpole. "We will today go to the barracks to take care of our weapons. It's highly important to have a clean weapon at all times, so you have to take this really serious." Their Colonel walked in front of them, looking all high and mighty, he felt like he wanted to gag, whom did he think he was? Just because he had been in the army longer than them didn't it mean that he was better than them. Mathias would prove them all wrong. "Dismissed."

And they all began to walk to the barracks, to meet their new instructor, whose name Mathias didn't even bother to remember, as he was assigned a weapon. Picking it up, he looked at it carefully. A nice AK-47, semi-automatic weapon that never got stuck, he really liked this weapon, despite it being Russian made.

"Look over the weapon and clean it up properly, then you have ten other weapons in the basked next to you." Mathias looked at them with a disgusted face, they surely were dirty, when was the last time someone cleaned them up? "They all shall shine, I want to be able to see myself in them when you're done, all of them! You have two hours, you might talk and do whatever you want, BUT."

He fell silent, and the rest of them also did that. "If you aren't done by the time is up, you will get punished for it, and you will know it by then." And then he took up his watch, and looked over at them. "Begin, now." Even Mathias took up his first weapon and began to take it apart to clean it, his face showing clearly how unhappy he was about this, he didn't come here to clean up the mess the Swedes had made, he barely cleaned up after himself. Frustrated, he cleaned the weapon vigorously, gaze looking over at the calm Berwald, and he felt even more angry. How could such a man not complain about this?

"Not the funniest part, but at least we don't have to run, right?" Mathias looked at him with a slight amused expression, he was one of those slackers apparently. Mathias would rather run around the whole day than clean up, or take care of the food. He was an athlete, not a woman. "I would rather run for two hours than doing this shit job." He put away his first weapon after putting it together and put it in his now newly-made pile of clean weapon, this day surely sucked, and it would probably be worse after lunch.

"What do we have after this? After lunch?" Sven looked up, grime on his nose, it looked kinda amusing. "Steeplechase course, the worst part of them all. Exhausting and long, it probably takes around an hour to do it, shitty, right?"

Mathias said nothing, not wanting to object that it was his favourite, and maybe the only thing he liked about the army, but he didn't want the attention for it, not just yet. "Yeah, maybe.." He replied as he took apart the next weapon the clean it up, sighing heavily.
Berwald pretended he didn't hear that the dane yelled something to him as he walked out from their room, he didn't even care when he saw some men stand outside and waited at the other as he ignored them and didn't even nod at them. It was obvious that Mathias would find those type of friends, the stupid ones who tend to slack off as soon as they got an opportunity. The dane himself did look like one of those guys so he wasn't even surprise as he walked over to the line-up once again.

This time they would learn about weapon caretaking, which was Berwald second thing he liked the most in the military since his number one was sniping. He was really good at it, even himself thought that. While he hold the weapon in his hand he tend to get so focused that the world around him disappeared as he looked inside the binoculars as he locked on his target and almost everytime shoot inside the ring whatever the distance was. He wasn't one of the best sniper on this military base for nothing.

And weapon needed to be taken care of to function, therefore he liked to tend to the weapons so they worked properly when he used them. Knowing that you would be useless on the real battlefield if you ignored to care of your weapon and got it dirty. Then you would most likely die since your own gun was worthless.

The Colonel yelled dismissed and they were free to go inside the building to take their seat. As soon as Berwald had understood the mission he started to disassemble his weapons, one at a time as he carefully cleaned them inside and loaded the arms but remembered to secure them so you couldn't fire with them unless you unsecured them again.

This was a piece of cake for the swede and all he did was concentrate on his assignment, not even look around to see how the others were doing. Not that he cared, if they failed it was their problems not his that they hadn't been listening. But Berwald hadn't anything against the punishment, personally he thought it was too soft for the men who couldn't keep up.

The only thing with this event was the waiting in the end when he was done and with 20 minutes to spare. Those minutes he took to watch the others. Some weren't even halfway done and you could see them stress out about it, making everything even worse. And then there were those who had about 2-3 guns left and Mathias was one of them. Berwald was surprised that the dane was that good with armor, maybe he had underestimated him? A little interest for the man grow and Berwald couldn't wait to see how the other would do in the sniping field later on after dinner. Danish people maybe were pretty good after all, but so far he wouldn't praise the man too much and turned his back to him again and waited the last minutes so they could finally get their first long free time on this day.

He sighed, not trying to look bored in the meantime he waited. Honestly he wanted something to happen all the time, not wanting to get any off time so he could get better. After this he would jog one round around the base and then head straight to the gym and do some weightlifting, the only place where you really could work out your whole body.
Looking up at the clock, Mathias realized he had to hurry up a bit or else he might get a little bit late. Dragging out on the time because he didn't want to sit by the end of it to just look stupid and be bored. Sven continued to talk about everything and nothing as Mathias picked up his pace, cleaning the weapons with gentle hands. Guns, rifles, magnums, it all interested him. He might not be the best shooter, but he was quick, and he had a great interest in it. He liked his weapons, and got often praised back home how well-cared they where, since they were always the cleanest and best ones, he couldn't help but to make them clean. But only when it was his own that will say, not do someone else job..

"And then I.." Mathias stopped listening to Sven and his friends again, as he finished cleaning the weapons with 5 minutes to spare. On the last weapon, he tried it, putting it on his shoulder and pretend to aiming at the wall as he loaded. The sound echoing thorough the walls, but no one really cared. "Bang." He said to himself as he pulled the trigger, now aiming at their 'teachers' back head in the corner, as he put it down with the rest of the weapons.

"Stop! Put down everything you're holding and I will inspect all your weapons." He then proceeded to go forth to everyone, a block in his hand, as he took notes for each person he went up to. "Good job as usual, Berwald." He told the Swede with a smile on his otherwise so strained lips, as he praised the man. Continuing around, until he came to Sven and his friends, a disappointed look. "Once again not finished, I guess you talked? I want you to stay here after this class, and we'll give you the rightful punishment.."

Proceeding until he was standing in front of Mathias, looking over his weapons and nodded, impressed. "Good work Mathias, you've probably been taught well in Denmark." He had to hold back a growl, no, this was his interest, he did it because he had to, and he didn't like punishments. He just nodded as the man continued away, Mathias intense eyes looking somewhere else.

"Good work most of you, those who where not finished and whom I have talked to, I'll see you later today. The rest of you, have a good day. Dismissed." And Mathias was quick to stand up and get out of there, waving teasingly at his new 'friends' as he left the building. Thinking that he would have some time to sleep actually this time, but he didn't get far when he felt some arms slip around his shoulders, he bit back some nasty comments, but looked back to see two new guys with their arms around him. "Yo Mathias! Since those four are in trouble again, and you seem like a decent guy, we are going to be some nice guys and let you hang with us." Raising a eyebrow, so, whom was these guys, they seemed cocky enough for ten people each. "We are Christoffer and Per, just so you know now!" Feeling himself getting more annoyed by these guys, whom probably were two people that thought they owned everything and was good at anything, or the best, at what they did. Mathias hated that behavior, since he was the best of the best. "Since we're this nice and let you be with us, can't you tell us some good and fun stories about those guys, and about Denmark?"

Feeling his blood boil about those comments, no one made fun of his country. He might hate the army for what they did to him, but his country was his home, and damn did he love it. Pushing the two guys away, already forgotten their names, as he walked past them. "If you can't find that out by yourself, then I am sure you guys are in for a hard time." They caught up with him, trying to pull him back by taking his arm, which he quickly brushed off. "Touch me once again, and you will decorate the pole together with the flag." They both laughed at him, not taking his threat seriously, but he just walked away from them as they yelled after him, idiots.. He thought as he went inside the room he shared with 7 other people, and lied down on his bed, picking up his phone and but it on alarm by the time the lunch almost began.

Making himself comfortable, he thought about home, his friends that had abandon him as soon as he got into the army and was sent away to there, and how those people in Denmark loved him, those in the army, but his Colonel and General had been traitors, and sent him away to an unknown land, where they spoke a language he had yet to know, with people he hated. Sighing again, he let sleep take over him, as he dreamed about nothing, while he let the time pass.
As soon as he was told they could go, Berwald stood up but waited a few seconds before he walked out so it wouldn't get too crowdy in the door. Then heading out as he walked directly to the fence outside as he didn't care what the others would do on their free time. Probably slack off and take it easy instead of moving around to get the body used to movements that would come.

Many thought that the steeplechase course would work fine if you rested your body, but for Berwald it was the opposite. Since he had a pretty heavy body from all the muscles he had build he had to keep his body going until then to get faster and be better.

The weather today seemed to be fine so the steeplechase course wouldn't be that bad and the ground would be dry. Otherwise if it had rained the track would get slippery and much harder to run on.

It took him about 45 minutes to jog around the whole base and stopped outside the building where the gym was, breathing heavy as he rested his arms on his knees and stretched out his legs and back from the exercising. His body got tired fast, but that didn't stop him from pushing it more than it could take, knowing he would only get better if he pushed himself to the limit if not more.

Just taking 10 minutes to rest he already went to the weightlifting, beginning with some easier one as he build more on them later. Thanks to his personal training his body had evolved and was more durable, but on the evening he was dead tired and always went to sleep early. That time of the day was his favorite when he finally could relax and drift of to sleep.

First when he was oozing of sweat he put the wight down, pulled his hair back with one of his hands as he dried his face of with his palm. Now was a good time to shower again and headed to the showers in the gym, borrowing a towel that was free in there. The cold water felt good on his skin after this workout, but turned it the water off as soon as it had gone through his body. Dried himself with the towel and dressed himself as he headed back to his room.

There was still 35 minutes left of their free time so the rest of it he could relax his body to get the energy to actually manage the steeplechase course to the goal. He kicked his boots off his feet as he headed to his bed but stopped when he saw Mathias lay in the bed next to his. Berwald smiled. He had been right, the dane was a slacker apparently even though he had done great at the weapon caretaking. Maybe it had just been pure luck? What did he know. Instead of questioning those things further he spread himself out in his bed and closed his eyes with a sigh. Why did he end up with the dane next to him like this?
Mathias slept soundless, he barely moved nor did he make any sounds except from breathing heavily, really enjoying his nap he had before lunch. He was a light sleeper, and awoke when someone entered the room. He opened his eyes to look at whomever it was that walked inside, but his mind was too drowsy to even catch that there was someone there, just seeing the features of someone and then he fell down once again to sleep, like the very comfortable person he was.

Waking up with a bolt when he heard his alarm go off. Looking after it with blind eyes as he turned it off, and put it away in his locker, his body has still yet to understand it was awake as he staggered around aimlessly, not really knowing what he was doing. Almost walking right into the door, but stopped in the last second to look right at it, damn was he tired. He had been awake really early to prepare for his flight, and then all the travelling had really taken the best of him, he wasn't usually this sleeping after a nap, since his body was used to it by now, he would be tired yes, but not like this. Shaking his head as he tried to wake up more, he opened the door and got a little more energy by the thought of food. Not really knowing that there was someone inside the room as well when he left it, to wander confused to the dining hall.

Potatoes and meatballs, surprise? How Swedish could this get? Sven and his friends had once again been reunited with him, as they had laughed at his drowsy state, and he had laughed at their grime appearance, it looked like they had cleaned every chimney in the whole army.. They all sat down on the closest empty table by the window, and caught up what they had been doing. "So Mathias, how was break for you?" He shrugged as he ate at the same time. "The nap was comfortable, but I guess I'm still stuck in it." Sven grinned at him, and Mathias wasn't really sure if he liked the man or not, he was such a klutz, and stupid was he also, but it was company, right? So he didn't need to be worried about being alone here. "And you guys? Hope you cleaned our toilet well." Winked at them, as they muttered. "We had to clean out the weapon room, and clean up the shooting range for this afternoon.... Mathias laughed even louder at them, now it was really good that he decided it was a bad thing to slack off. "Well, hope you have energy for the steeplechase course after this, or else you might have to clean that one up too." Loud 'ey's!' and complaints was heard mixed with the Danish laughter.

They sat there even after they had finished, just because they had nothing better to do, until it was almost time for the steeplechase course. Mathias was excited, finally he got to do something he liked, and not just fool around with some stupid cleaning. "Better get going." He mumbled as they went away with their trays, and then headed for the course. Mathias almost skipped, but kept himself calm. This was the reason he actually gave something in the army, because he knew that he was good at it.

Arriving at the course, he threw his jacket on the bench next to it, only running in his pants, shoes and black wife-beater that sat tight against his upper-body. Standing in line with the others, as he looked at the course out of the corner of his eyes. It was bigger than the one they had at home, so this one might be a challenge.

"Welcome ladies, to the steeplechase course for today! I want to see you sweat worse than your grandmothers during boxing day!" He yelled at them, and Mathias eyes perked up, he loved this man. "I am, as you know, but not you." as he pointed at Mathias. "Nisse, and you will call me that." Now he loved this man even more, such a hideous name, and such a cool character. "First, to warm up, I want you to run around the whole course, check it out since we've done a few improvements since last time, so now your makeup will run down on your sweaty faces, and no complaints when your nose gets dirty! Then we will proceed to train on a few obstacles." Nisse looked around on them with his nose up high. "Any complaints? Good, start running NOW." And when he yelled, Mathias began to job away, following the rest of the group, since he had no idea where to run. He checked out the track while they ran, it looked good, so much better than at home.. This jog would take around 30 minutes, and he could hear Sven complain already, just great...
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