So I go from the "usual" methods of meeting women to online and vice versa. I mix it up. I've always felt that I have better connections meeting someone online and making a relationship out of it. Someone here in fact seemed to have that with me, but I managed to screw it up with her and I still feel bad about it as we don't even talk any more. But when I meet several people and want to know who they are and I want to see what they look like and where they're from, all noting that I'm looking for a relationship, why the hell must I get berated for asking her for proof. Looks aren't everything, but if I were to meet you somewhere, I'd sure as hell know who to look for. When I see a photo that is stunning and the image tag reads "0123_hottie_blonde_in_bikini_924.jpg" I'm going to be suspicious. People lie about that crap all the time and it shouldn't hurt to have some proof. Asking for another photo of proof shouldn't be the end of the world. To say "I have no camera and no way to ever get a photo" just proves that you're full of crap. I'd rather someone be honest with me, much less say "Yes, let's have a first date on webcam and we can talk as if we did just meet in person." This sort of response always comes from the people who say "hell no I won't want to meet for a long time because that's how someone gets raped!" How is it any better to fake who you are and stereotype the anonymous online profile. I'm the one being up front and trying to be realistic.
Am I just nuts to think that people can meet online for a potential relationship and actually have the guts to prove that they are who and what they say they are?
Am I just nuts to think that people can meet online for a potential relationship and actually have the guts to prove that they are who and what they say they are?