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Teenage Wasteland - [ o p e n ]

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May 28, 2012

Welcome to Teenage Wasteland. - Summer Camp for Delinquent Teens.

Everyone here has been sent by their parents or a guardian in order to help them with whatever issue they may have. Four particular teens meet at the camp, or the High School they were attending, and form a connection. They all have problems, but their biggest one is getting the hell out of here.


Girl 1: The Escort - Taken - Chanel
First, there's Paige Marshall. The 18-year-old blonde with a love for partying and boys. She's known in High School as the regular slut or whore, or whatever you want to call her. Nobody seems to care, however, how messed up her home life is, and what her only 'job' consists of doing. The majority of her friends are guys, seeing as when the other chick's won't put out, Paige is the go-to girl for them to cheat on with. With a reputation like hers, she tends to shrug things off relatively quickly. If you push her buttons, though, she can get vicious.

Boy 1: The Drug Dealer - Open -
Then there's _______. He's your typical Trap Star. He'll grow, find or cook anything you want. From weed to heroin, he can get it all. He's infamous on the streets for the incredibly pure meth and crack he can make. _______ and Paige have been hooking up since middle school. He treats her like shit in order to preserve his tough, masculine exterior and street cred, but secretly kind of likes her.

Girl 2: The Pregnant Teen - Open -
_______ would be next. She's the slightly preppy, sweet, girl-next-door type, who gets along with absolutely everyone. However, _______ was secretly pregnant, before the cat got out of the bag and was sent to the camp by her bible thumping parents once they found out. She's one of the only girls who Paige can stand to be around.

Boy 2: The Sex Addict - Open -
And then, of course, there's _______. Being the captain of the High School football team, _______ is incredibly popular and quite the ladies man, which lead to an extreme addiction to sex and pornography. Once his parents found out, he was sent to camp immediately. He has a lot of hope that he will recover, and be able to continue his football career, but constantly finds himself distracted.


If you want to change anything about your character's bio, just let me know! Anything you want to add is fine!

S K E L L Y :
Age: (18-19)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Anything Else:
Picture: (Real Pics, please.)

[Please PM me your skelly to join! Thanks.]


Name: Paige Marshall
Username: Chanel
Role: Girl 1 [The Escort.]
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Bleach blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Straight
Anything Else: Although she was really only 18, Paige acted as though she were 35. She did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and no one could stop. However, maybe if someone had tried, she wouldn't have had so many problems with drugs, alcohol and promiscuity since her early teens.

Paige had spread a small blanket out down on a sunny patch of grass and laid back. A lit cigarette rested between two fingers, and she occasionally brought it up to her lips for a deep drag. She had acquired a 'talent' some time ago for being able to smoke while on her back, and not drop ashes all over herself.

The sun shone brightly down on her slender body, which was provocatively covered in a pair of barely-there, light denim shorts and a white, wifebeater style tank top, which she currently had rolled up to resemble that of a bandeau. Tanning was one of her favourite 'pastimes', and being sent to camp rather than Juvie for prostitution gave her a lot of time to do so. Dark, oversized Dior sunglasses covered her deep, chocolate brown eyes, and out of the corner of one, she noticed one of the many camp counsellors heading her way.

"Great.." She muttered to herself, rolling her eyes dramatically. "Fucking fantastic.." She added, absolutely hating being hassled by people, let alone told what to do. She decided to pretend not to notice, and continued smoking casually.

Paige listened to the Camp Counsellor's footsteps as he shuffled through the grass, making his way towards the sunbathing girl. Finally, he stopped and stood in front of her, his arms folded across his chest as if he needed to prove his authority. "Put your top on properly, please." The man began, "There are people here who may be uncomfortable with you wearing your clothes like that." Of course, he was referencing the sex addicts at the camp, and Paige knew this, but figured she'd have a little fun with the guy.

Paige propped herself up onto her elbows, the half smoked cigarette dangling from her plump, pink lips. "Oh, I'm sorry.." She began, "Am I making you a little bit.. hot and bothered?" She asked, her tone slightly seductive. The blonde rolled over onto her stomach and glanced over her shoulder at him, grinning flirtatiously. She had learned at a incredibly young age how powerful sex could be, and used it to her advantage as much as possible.

The man cleared his throat. "Put.. put your top on properly, Miss. Marshall.." He stuttered slightly. "This is your only warning," Paige rolled her eyes once more before turning around again and sitting up straight. She pulled her tank top down to cover her stomach. "Fag." She grumbled, taking one last puff and flicking the cigarette butt towards the man's shoe. He silently turned and walked away.
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