Worlds Finest (Vash x Kei)


Mar 19, 2012
Tim Drake sat alone a the top of a Gotham sky scrapper. Was he in his red and green Robin attire? No. Was he in his black and red redesign of the Robin suit? No. Thanks to a certain Damian Wayne those suits will not see the light of day for quite a long time. His new suit, now under the identity as Red Robin, consists of along-sleeved red tunic, along with black boots, tights, gauntlets with triangular fins for defense , cape and cowl (homage to his now former mentor). It also includes a black-and-gold utility belt that carries his weaponry such as his bo staff (Tim's personal favorite) and throwing discs. He would admit that the suit is nothing new, Tim had been wearing a hero costume for awhile now and they all started to feel the same, but this one felt somewhat different. With the past suits they were all conected by the simple R on the left side of his chest. He was taking over a position already filled by two other people. This suit was different, it was his own, no others before him have taken this title. He was now truly his own hero.

With that thought he got up from where he was sitting and looked over the city. It was time to make himself known. He stepped to the edge of the building and took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. After the exhale had ended he took a small leap off of the roof. He plummeted toward the ground, the wind whipping around him, the cowl keeping his hair from blowing all over the place. When he was a few meters from the ground he gripped his cape. An electrical signal from his gloves went through the material in his cape and stiffened the spines in them and the cloth tightened around them to form stiff wings. The wind caught in the pockets and Tim was able to pull out of his dive and into a speedy glide over the rooftops of Gotham. God he loved being the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, it had so many perks!

After gliding for awhile he was able to pick up on an alarm ringing on one of the streets. Tim looked up in the sky and saw no bat signal in the sky, Bruce wasn't out tonight. He decided this was a good time to let himself be known, start small and make them afraid of one of the new heroes in town... well really an old one in a new costume but that was besides the point. He zoomed over to the roof opposite of the alarm and took a look at what he was up against.

He saw that a group of five thugs or so robbing an electronic store, this was going to be fun. He reached into one of his poutches and withdrew a throwing disk. He threw it at the alarm and silenced it, the red flood light from the alarm was broken and therefore was shut off and the store was pitch black, this of course had the thugs startled and reaching for their guns. He launched himself into the store and tackled one of the thugs to the floor and knocking him out with a quick punch across the face. At this point Tim was hunched over the thug, the cape covering the rest of the costume. The thugs had their guns drawn but they were shaking saying, "Oh no its The Bat!!" When Tim stood up straight and turned around they stopped shaking. "What?! That's not the bat, it's just some punk kid wannabe!" Before any of them had the idea of actually shooting at him Tim grabbed a pellet from his harness and threw it to the ground. When it hit a large plum of smoke filled the room and Tim went out of sight. They started panicking again and randomly shot into the smoke. Tim already being out of the smoke was able to star picking them off one by one. When they were all taken care of he had them all strung up by a light pole. It was a pretty good start to the night.
Karen Starr or more fondly known as Power Girl by admirers and
villains alike was flying above the city, halfheartedly searching for criminals as she had been doing
almost every night since she became a hero. Well not always the halfheartedly part. Tonight it was
like that because well frankly she wasn't in the mood to save anyone, really, what she was
looking for more or less was a couple of dumb, low tier thugs she could pound on simply for the
reason of expelling some unwanted anger.

She wasn't always like but tonight it was for good reason. JSA had disbanded leaving her
practically in the dirt and she just been dumped. Dumped... She hated that word as if anyone could
technichally even pick her up and drop her if she didn't want them to... Maybe if she had a three
pound rock of kryptonite hanging around her throat then maybe it'd be plausible, and of course
there was little fact that every hero or friend she had was currently questioning her leadership skills
as if it was all her fault JSA had failed.

An alarm went of somewhere below her and though she could hear it the sound was quickly
followed by shots then men groaning and yelling. Someone had handled that fast... She flew down
to a rooftop across the street watching as the vigilante exited. "Did Bats get a new outfit?" she
wonder curiously although the colors were a bit to bright to be the Dark knight's style... Looked a
bit more like Robin colors... Though the style was a bit off.... She watched curious to see if the
masked man would noticed her or if she'd have to formally introduce herself by means of flying
down and probably scarring the living hell out of him. Of course most people weren't always
intimidated by the busty blonde heroine.
After Tim had strung the goons up by the pole he had reached for his grapnel and aimed for the top of the store. He pulled the trigger and the line shout out with a bang, when the hook gripped the top the line tightened and he was yanked up to the top of the building. When he got up there he immidatley took out his Cryptographic Sequencer, a gadget Bruce had give him to track radio signals and decode security systems for entry. Right now he was using it for the signal function. He slid the two pads apart and a holographic screen appeared between them. The disks on each pad were tuners to tune the signal. He already knew the GCPD signal so he immediatley tuned it to that. Why he hadn't thought of it earlier, he didn't know, his thoughts were elsewhere when he first went out on patrol.

When the signal was locked in the earpiece in his cowl began to crackle and buzz with sound of officers calling in the codes of local crimes being committed. He listened closely to them and found a police standoff not far from where he was. He aimed the grapnel across the roof top and fired it again. He pulled it tight and swung off the roof. He turned his head back to take a look at his handiwork with the thugs and saw a familiar and yet surprising sight.

Tim really couldn't believe what he was seeing. Blonde hair, whit unitard, red shoulder cape with a golden clasp, a gifted.... endowment (to be nice). Yep, that was Power Girl alright. Bruce had a file on her and Tim knew of her origins in a parallel earth and how she got here from an event that Bruce couldn't describe himself. She was basically another version of Kara, that was even her Kryptonina name as well. Luckily Kara kept her name and Power Girl used the alias Karren Star. Tim got an idea in his head and decided to pull a little prank on the elder hero.

He swung away like he was leaving but once out of her sight he doubled backed around until he was behind her. "Yo know, Kryptonians aren't a usual sight around here Karren," he said loud enough for her to hear.
Karren watched from her vantage point as she assumed the vigilante was going to move along to the next crime in the vicinity. To her surprise he didn't leave immeadiatly instead stood on the rooftop across from her and fumbled with some sort of gadget until she heard the faint humming and static noise of a police scanner where it came from she didn't but of course her assumption was it had something to do with the device he had just messed with.

She attached as he swung away on his grappling hook seeming to leave until she heard footsteps behind her. Gotta love that superhuman hearing. She smirked to herself as a familiar voice spoke up one that she easily recognized as Timothy Drake Batmans young ward. She spent enough time around the bat to know what each of his robins had sounded like and if fact still dropped in on Dick everyone in a while down in Bludhaven. "Well you know Bats doesn't exactly enjoy having metas hanging around the city even if it is just me." she sai non chalantly as she stood to face him

" little Timmy all grown up..." she said smiling as him as she looked him over from head to toe analyzing his new look "interesting choice... Your change of outfit wouldn't have anything to do with bats newly named bastard son would it?" she asked curiously as her blue eyes regarded him closely her arm crossing under her chest as she wanted for an honest answer
Tim grimaced when he realized he had already been detected by her Kryptonian hearing. It wasn't fair matching up against people who could lift ten times their own body weight, run faster than a speeding bullet, leap tall buildings within a single bound, have all different type of vision that could help out in all types of situations. The only downside was that Tim wasn't disabled by a small chunk of rock. Bruce even had a ring made out I it incase Supe's ever went rogue or got in contact with red Kryptonite.

He scoffed at the name "Timmy". He wasn't some cartoon character or eight year old little boy looking for a nick name. "It's just Tim, Karren. It's always been Tim." He looked away angrily and sighed heavily at the mention of Damian. "Well aren't you little Ms. Informed. Yes," he admitted, "This is because Dick didn't want me to be Robin since he thought we were equals and so Mr. Birthright decided to boot me out and threaten my life if I came back." He and that kid had already tussled once and Tim had the upper hand until Damian decided to use lethal tactics, then the tides of momentum changed and ended up getting Tim a knife point.

Attempting to turn the conversation around from it being about his new gig he directed it back at her. "So why are you out here? Shouldn't you be off prancing around with the JSA?" He knew that the fellow members had elected her leader some time ago and he wondered why she was away from her band of merry men.
Karren rolled her eyes a touch as he scoffed at the nickname and she smirked at him "Of course..." she said with a light chuckle only to take on a more serious tone as his demeanor change a bit and he seemed to grow angry at the mention of Damian Wayne."Maybe not informed... Just simply perceptive." she said giving her head a shake as he elaborated on her know information. She had trained with Bats shortly after she awoke out of her coma when she crashed on earth-one the first time. So she managed to keep tabs on most things in Gotham.

It was Karren's turn to get angry and look a bit crestfallen as he brought up th JSA "The JSA as you knew it no longer exists Tim..." she said a mix of emotion in her voice ranging from depression to fury. "At any rate haven't you heard about that from Bruce?" she asked brushing a lock of blonde hair behing her ear as she sat back down on her rooftop ledge with a sigh her feet dangling as she looked at the slum city streets below her. "Sometimes I wonder if you non-metas have it easier" she said " you can just pull of the mask and live a normal happy life. While the ones of us who keep secret identities have to keep our tempers in check and worry about not throwing our human bosses through a wall because of something that happened during our night job...."
"The JSA disbanded?!" Tim was shocked to hear that. The JSA was along standing team, it's been around just as long as the JLA has been. He was surprised to hear that they were the first ones to call it quits. He wondered if it was just because members like Jay and Alan were getting to old to be running around doing hero work. It wasn't his place to ask, especially since it seemed to have struck a nerve with Karen just as much as it did for her to talk about Damian. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said softly trying to cheer her up. In response to not being informed by a Bruce he said, "Bruce didn't really keep tabs on the JSA, he trusted them enough to remain unscrutinized by him. Plus I haven't really been around the batcave in awhile so either way I wouldn't have known."

He raised a brow underneath his cowl when she began to question whether or not non-meta humans had a better life not having to hold back any powers that could compromise them. He took a seat next to Karren and smiled. "You think us non-metas have it so easy? We have secret identities too you know. I couldn't have just gone running up and down the halls of my school shouting that I was Robin. We have to have restraint as well. Do you think everytime a jackass at school wants to fight me that I use all of my moves and have him gasping for air within five seconds? Or answer every mathmatical and scientific question a teacher gave out? No, because then that would compromise me and someone who was smart enough would figure me out. Non-metas have to hold back too Karren. Besides, you own and run Starrware Industries, you don't have to deal with bad bosses... You already are one." He ended with a chuckle over that last line to try and lighten up the mood. This whole brooding together thing was getting old fast.
Karen flinched a bit as though his comment was like a slap to the face. Of course no one expected the JSA to split up... They worked well together got the job done, but she supposed lately there'd just been no fire for them, unless of course they were arguing with one another then there was fire in them. His next comment made her laugh a bit. Bats kept tabs on Everyone especially Metas obviously the man still didn't trust anyone that could fly unaided or fire lasers from their eyes... She chuckled at the thought again. Karren sighed softly and leaned back on her hands as he sat down next to her on the ledge.

"I may not have to deal with bad bosses but the board of directors sure likes to think their my bosses..." she said giving her head a shake and laughing again the sound was light and a bit less sad and sarcastic sounding. She smiled at him then a ran a hand through her short blonde hair "At any rate I certainly like this look better than the classic green tights" she said with a wink as she shook her head giving that tinkling laugh again. At the wail of sirens below Karren sat up with a grin "Wanna go scare the living crap out of some half witted crims?" she asked as she nodded her head in the direction of gun shots "I'll even give you head start" she said with another laugh
Tim figured it was hard for her to take that Bruce actually trusted a group enough to let them go unnoticed. The JSA was basically the JLA and Bruce had contingency plans for all of the members so the JSA was still covered under the ones he had already laid down for them. So really he had no reason to be so paranoid with them.

When she sighed he looked at her. The blonde haired beauty was looking as good as ever. He looked her over once again and couldn't help but admire her figure, it was well toned and her unitard practically flaunted it. He had seen a few variations of the cut in the unitard on her chest before, it seemed she was going with the circular one this time around. It was hard for him to sneak a peak at what the unitard had to contain. It wasn't something that he went to look for but he thought she had the most sizeable busts in the hero community, and that was saying something next to women like Wonder Woman and Black Canary. He quickly averted his eyes so she didn't get the wrong idea. He sympathized with her about board members, while Bruce was gone after the Darkseid crisis everyone on the board for Wayne Enterprises but Lucius Fox hounded him and Dick about their adoptive fathers affairs and plans for the company. It was aggravating at the least and stressful at the most.

Tim heard the sirens and gunshots as well as the police calls for backup over the cryptographic analyzer. He smiled wide at the challenge presented by Karren. "Really? You think just because you can fly you can beat me in a race around Gotham? Heheh good luck." He then slid off I the ledge and opened the cape back up to find the source of the distress cal.
Tim may have thought he was being sly with his little glances but she didn't have to be a martian man-hunter to know what he was thinking or that he kept looking either. Not that she didn't steal her own glances either.

Hers eyes flicked over his form once or twice and, being honest, along with being built there was just something about Tim. With Bruce it was the harshness of attitude and mystique that drew women to him, Dick had a physique like an acrobat and of course pulled that same air around him that Batman did. Tim didn't seem to have been affected like Dick had been by Bruce's secretive and brooding nature. Tim, He was intelligent and witty, not a man of few words like his mentor. She liked that certainly more entertaining to talk to... and of course Karren always enjoyed an intelligent conversation where the man at least wasn't entirely fixated of her bust, to put it nicely.

She grinned at his acceptance of her challenge as he slid of the ledge gliding over the low rooftops. Karren chuckled to herself as she stood brushed herself off, counting as she did so "One Mississippi.... two Mississippi... Three Mississippi!" and she pushed off the rooftop leaving a slight dent in the tar roof. She caught up to Tim with practiced ease weaving in between buildings. "Not bad Tim but can you fly fast any faster?" She asked feigning a yawn as she flew past him a bit toward the hold up, six men, machine guns and three hostages, trying to rob a bank how cliche'. "
Of course Tim couldn't fly any faster, that was unless he decided to do a complete dive bomb and then pulled up to gain a mass amount of acceleration; but that would be too risky with the traffic below. It was backed up due to the GCPD blocking off certain roads to avoid any chance of civillian casualties. Gordon was smart, he knew that all he needed to do was to contain the scene and keep any civillian out of harms way while his men did the dangerous work. Of course he always accepted an invitation from a member of the Bat Family to help out. This time it would get done double time thanks to Karrens assistance.

Speaking of which he saw that she was gaining a lead but Tim had knowledge on his side. Karren might know the main routes to get around Gotham but Tim knees all of the little shortcuts that cut chunks response time off. While she was busy barreling forward at a considerable amount of speed he pulled out his grapnel and fired it off down an alleyway that two sky scrapers created and he continued to follow the pattern of quickly zipping through alleys and secondary streets until he reached the East Gotham Bank. He immediatley saw Gordon in his trench coat and decided to drop by and say hello... aslo to rub it in Karrens face when she got to the scene. He wasn't expecting her to be very far behind him but celebrate the small victories you get.

He approached Gordon and the commissioner at first had a quizzical look but it changed to a look of knowing. "I'm assuming your the old Robin since recently Bats is running around with yet another adolescent. Where does he find you guys?" Tim smirked at the thought of how all of the Robins started out at the ripe age of 9 or 10, Tim was an exception since he started with Bruce at around 13. "You know Gordon, sometimes we find him. Now, mind giving me a rundown?" Gordon then went on to explain the situation. 6 gunmen bursted into the bank not twenty minutes ago and moved through the bank collecting money from their vaults, the usual cliché, but they didn't expect the GCPD to respond so fast so they dug in and were able to grab three hostages. From security footage they were armed with sub-machine guns that could pack a wallop.

When Karren arrived Tim had already formulated a plan and Gordon was surprised to see her here. "Mam," he said in respect. Tim was ready to move into action, "Power Girl, I need you to make a distraction for me. Burst through the front door and get them into a standoff. I expect they planned on getting in and out and only use the guns as an intimidation factor, otherwise they probably would have already shot their way out. So when you burst in they'll point their guns at the hostages and demand you to halt. You do that and get them to start talking. Meanwhile I will sneak in through the back and take them out from behind." Tim didn't wait for a reply as he dashed off into the darkness to begin his plan.
Karren frowned when she arrived just short of a minute late but Tim was already on the ground speaking with the commissioner. She touched touched down beside sighed and smiled at Gordan at his acknowlegement she smiled and nodded her head "Commissioner" she said before turning to Tim who was trying to explain his plan Karren simply chuckled and nodded her head taking a moment after he took off as she took of her cape and shook her hair into a messy tussled look "You did say they were all men correct?" she asked Gordon as she unbuttoned her collar "Lets see if I can do a little better than just a bullet catcher" she said with a wink as she strode past police who all had their guns pointed at the door but their eye fixated on the woman who walked past with her held held high in confidence as she sauntered into the bank.

The men started yelling at first but their mouths quickly stopped working as they gazed at the sultry heroine "Now Now boys why do we let the nice folks go so we can talk a bit?" she asked in that hypnotic honeyed voice watching as their adams' apples bobbed all of them swallowing in response. She sat up on a table smooth legs crossing as she regaurded them "Now tell me why all the threats? Couldn't we just let the nice people go? They didn't do any harm and I'm sure they won't say a word..." she said watching closely as one actually loosened the headlock he had on a bank teller while the hostages nodded their head frantically and the men spoke amoung themselves in whisper tones that she could easily hear and decipher smirked as then men were distracted while Tim snuck up from behind
Tim crept through the darkness where the street lights did not shine. He go tot the side of the building. He pulled out his grapnel again and fired up to the roof of the bank. The hook at the end dug in to its target and pulled Tim up to the roof with a small zipping sound of the line.

He arrived at the top and immediatley found the entrance to the air vents. He removed the outer grating and slid in. He navigated his way down to the air vents right above the main lobby of the bank. He removed the grate to that air vent and found that he was right behind the crooks, perfect. He dropped down and used his cape to land softly behind them. He turned to see Karren sitting on a table with her legs cross and a smoldering gaze starring right at the criminals. He himself found it hard not to stand still and stare at practical perfection. He shook himself from her stare and swiftly moved to take the crooks down. He got behind one outside of the other fives periphery and put him in a choke hold until he was unconcious. One down, five to go. He reached into his harness and pulled out his colapsable bo staff and a flash disk.

He quickly threw the disk between the five and shouted, "Now Power Girl, take em' down!" Tim moved to the three closest to him and whacked one across the skull and watched him crumple dropping his gun and freeing the hostage in his grip. The other two were still reeling from the flash and it was easy for Tim to land a few quick and precise strikes to have them on the floor and disarmed. He knew Karren would take care of the other two quickly, even quicker than Tim could. He looked around to see six thugs out for the count and three hostages still breathing. "Mission accomplished."
Karren smirked widely as Tim dropped on thug with praticed ease and then pulled out his staff and a disk that exploded with a bright flash of light and the remaining five were easily disoriented letting go of their hostages to rub at their eyes with both hands trying to eliminates the spots that probably danced across their vision.

She moved on the criminals with a certain grace to her movements sending one though several desks with an easy flying kick snatching up the hostage an setting them down away from the semibattle zone as the last started to fire what rounds he had left and running towards the exit and Karren took his gun crumpled it into a ball of hard steel before sending him skidding into the pile of unconsious thugs letting out a woop and she made a cross with her hands as he crashed into them "Strike!" she said with a laugh as she lowered herself to the ground.

"You barely left any for me!" she immeadiatly complained to Tim "Wasn't it enough to let you win our little race?" she asked with a pout as she moved to help the bank workers to their feet as she checked to make sure they were uninjured before nodding and sending them out of the bank through the front. "Hostages coming out!" she boomed in a voice that could only belong to a Meta. She didn't walk out immeadiatly instead smoothed out her hair and rebuttoned the top before walking out the bank to an applause from the police and she smiled as she took her red cape from the hands of some awestruck officer "Thanks for holding on to this hun" she said with a wink to the officer before she turned to Tim "I think you might still have a spot here in Gotham she said with a smile as she flew up hovering a few inches above the ground as if getting ready to fly off as she pulled her red cape over her shoulder again
Tim watched Karren handle the thugs he left her with the slightest of ease. She even decided to show off her strength by crumpling a rifle into a makeshift bowling ball to knock the sprinting thug down. Tim shook his head and chuckled at her comical display and immediate pout about not getting more thigs to beat up. "What can I say?" he shrugged, "I can't let a slow poke like you handle more than two at a time since you can't even best a normal human in a race." With that, they both took their leave of the bank with the hostages.

When they stepped out they were both greeted by applause by the assembled media and police officers, though he could see one plump detective Harvey Bullock scowling at the site of two costumed heroes doing a Jon quicker than any officer here. The applause and Karrens comment about it made Tim feel warm and at home. It was something he hadn't felt in a long time. His former home of Titans Tower no longer felt that way ever since Cassie usurped him with the return of Connor. He hadn't been back since the team held their little meeting to decide who would be their leader. Hopefully they saw fit to keep Tim and he would get a call soon, but things did seem a little bleak as Cassie riled up a few of the members to get them on her side.

Breaking from his thoughts to look up to see that Karren was starting to float away. To hell with spending another brooding night alone, he needed to talk to someone and Karren seemed like the right woman to commiserate with. He quickly reached up and grabbed the red shoulder cape to keep her from going. "Hey wait up! I've been brooding alone for long enough, you wanna grab a drink or something?"
Karren smiled and gave that tinkling laugh of hers again as Tim grabbed hold of her cape to stop her from leaving. She lowered herself back down for a moment and regaurded him "Well... I suppose one drink wouldn't hurt..." She leaned forward then to whisper in his ear. "Meet me at The Edge in an hour... I'm assuming you can find it" she said with a wink. Hopefully he'd be able to find the most popular bar and club in Gotham, most people ,even out of town, knew it by name.

She waved goodbye then as if she wouldn't see him again "If you ever need a little diversion you know where to find me!" she called out as she flew off toward the edge of town where the ritzy motel she was staying at was. She flew in through the penthouse window and sighed happily, sometimes, there were perks to being Karren Starr.

She shed her costume and threw on a robe. After she tucked away her costume in a safe lock briefcase she got ready for the night. She showered and combed in the temporary red highlights she used so often. Her hair was now swept up away from her face in a short messy updo. She smiled at herself in the mirror as she checked her reflection before she dressed in a low cut white cocktail dress it came down to her knees but whatever modesty that gave her was taken away by the extreme v of the neckline, the fold of the fabric though giving the scanty dress a little more of an elegant look. White heals completed the look and she grabbed a purse for good measure, slipping in her wallet.

She was at the club 20 minutes later no thanks to the limo driver. As she arrived she strode right up to the bouncer with confidence and smiled at the hulking man. "Karren Starr mind letting me in?" she asked winking at him as he pulled away the velvet rope. She slid a bill into his shirt pocket then and whispered "Make sure a Timothy Drake gets in would you?" She walked into the club and grabbed a Martini off one of the trays that kept going around before sat down one one on the long curving purple sofa's.
((don't worry Kei, I'm still here))

Tim was glad that she decided to stick around for a drink, though the place she decided was a little too crowded for his taste. He did not want to be in the limelight right now. He nodded ever so slightly to let her know that he was aware of the clubs location. He waved goodbye to her, following the ruse she was creating to throw people off that they were meeting later.

With her gone he began helping the GCPD book the criminals and watched as thy carted them off to prison. Before he left Gordon came over to talk. "I know it's not the usual batch of crazies we ask for your help but thank you anyway. We would have been here hours trying to negotiate with them had you not shown up." He held out his hand for Tim to shake and he happily did so. "No problem Comissioner, I'll be around incase anything else pops up." Gordon nodded and left to go do the neccessary paper work. That was the one part Tim felt guilty about. All of the Bat Family worked just as hard as Gordon but he still has to work late filling copious amounts paper work and reports to file. Tim turned with his grapnel and swung all the way to a secluded spot.

After checking to see if the coast was clear he pulled a remote out of his utility belt and clicked a button on it. An instant later a red car suddenly appeared out of nowhere, it was the Red Bird. Tim's personal hero transport that he had since he was Robin. It was like Bruce's Batmobile but sleeker and faster. The only downside was that it didn't have the wide array of gadgets that the Batmobile had, only a cloaking device and a few others that came in handy. He opened the drivers side door and sat in. Once inside he pressed a button on the consol and the outside changed from a sleek and fast military grade transport to a standard sports car that almost every wealthy person possessed.

He raced over to his apartment and snuck up to his window. Once inside he removed his cowl and went to wash up for his meeting with Karren. He showered and brushed his teeth so he wouldn't have any awful odors coming from him. Next he moved to his dresser and pulled out a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red button down to go over the shirt. He smoothed his hair over and grabbed his shoes before he was out the door.

The Edge was easy to get to and he parked his car in an adjacent lot. Walking up to the entrance he could see a line of men waiting and trying to talk over each other. He moved to the bouncer and he asked for a name. When he said Tim Drake the bouncer laughed at him saying, "Yeah, you and all of the guys in this line are. After that hot red head came in saying to let Tim Drake in every other guy here started sayin he was Tim Drake." Tim knew how to end this so he reached n his wallet and pulled out his ID and handed it to the bouncer. First the bouncer glanced in it but his eyes widened after he really read it. The ID would say "Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne", his full legal name. The bouncer started to stammer a bit, "M-M-Mr. Wayne, sorry for not believing you sir!" He opened the rope for him, to the mine of men's dismay. "Don't worry about it... and it's just Drake. The Wayne is for legal purposes." With that he stepped into the bar.

Immediatley he was hit by the pounding bass of house electronic music and the constant "Woo!!" from drunk adolescents who looked as if they got into the club with fake ID's, an issue that most Gotham club owners didn't address, more customers meant more many no matter what the age. Tim scanned and quickly found Karren in a booth. He maneuvered his way around the crowds and sat next to her. "You know I know a nice pub closer to my apartment right? Much more low key and a hell of a lot quieter than this."
Karen grinned widely and rolled her eyes at Tim "Is that excuse to get me closer to your aparment?" she teased, cocking a brow at him. She reguarded him for a moment a small smile playing on her full red lips. "At any rate odds are I probably don't have a close friend that owns your pub" she said with a soft laugh as she raised her martini to her lips downing the drink easily and pulling her hair out of it's loose ponytail. She shook her head from side to side short red hair tousled messily. She sighed softly then as she reguarded him her eyes running over his form before she spoke. "Order what you want, Holt always picks up my tab" she said as she waved a traveling bartender forward. She gave him a wink before she ordered herself another martini.

The drinks arrived just minutes later and again Karren downed her martini like it was water. Sometimes it sucked she couldn't get drunk and other times in was a wonderful perk of being a meta. She hummed along to the song playing currently. She stood up fluidly and smiled widely at Tim "Come on bird boy let's dance" she said in a low voice in his ear and with that she raised her arms up swung her hips seductively and danced her way into the mass of moving bodies.

Her hips swayed with the tempo and her eyes beckoned for Tim to join her out on the floor.
Tim turned red a little when she asked if it was an excuse to get her closer. While he has had experience with trying to get women back to his appartment to try and bed them, distance was a terrible thing. "No, it's not that. It's just that I had to use my ID to get in here. The doorman seemed a little shocked and who's to say that he didn't call a news company and they sent a photographer to try and get a photo of me 'blowing' my adoptive fathers money. I really don't want that to happen." He was already swarmed by the media when he and Dick were trying to handle Bruce's affairs when he was shot back in time and pronounced dead, he didn't want another one just because he was caught at a club. When the waiter came around he ordered a glass of scotch, single malt.

When the drinks came he picked up the short glass and took a draft. It tickled the tongue, burned in his throat, and warmed his stomach. Smooth, like liquid gold. His eyes watched Karren stand and beckon him to dance.

He watched as she left for the dance floor. He was a horrible dancer and didn't know if he should join her, but he didn't want to spoiling the evening. He downed the rest of the scotch and joined her on the dancefloor attempting to follow her movements.
Karren laughed softly when he finally stood up and joined her on the dance floor. She smiled and swung her hips to the beat, her arms were raised above her head and she truly looked like she was enjoying herself. She laughed softly en when he seemed to be simply ackwards and she shook her head and took his hand. She gently pulled him closer to her and placed his hands over her waist.

“Just follow my lead” she whispered in his ear. She grinned then as she dropped down swayed her way back up like a snake. She turned her back to him then and shifted his hands from her waist to her hips that dipped and swayed every now and again.
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