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Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (IPC)

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Mar 10, 2010
In front of My computer
Plot added

Table of Contents:

Top Cravings
Het Pairings (Original)
Het Pairings (Fandom)
Yuri Pairings (Original & Fandom)
Female Pairings (Het & Futa pairings where i play the female)
~Reserved for Future use if needed
~Reserved for Future use if needed
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

Hello, My Name is Bryan, I man twenty-six, located in Quebec, Canada (that’s GMT-5 hours or Eastern Standard time.) As a Canadian, I don’t say “EH?” I do not pronounce about “aboot” I don’t live in an Igloo, Hockey is not a religion and I don’t live off of Beer and Moose dung (But I must say the last part isn’t so bad.)

I do role play. I have been roleplaying various Types since I was seven and have, since then been honing my skills. I converted to serious Roleplaying when I was twelve (by switching to DnD) and then when I was 14 began roleplaying via message boards. I am a writer. I enjoy Writing. I write Short stories, Novellas and I am in the midst of writing a trilogy for one of my Characters. I use their character in various amounts of fantasy setting RP’s provided they take place in a historical time (though he also works in a modern and even future day setting, though I tend to refrain from using those settings for him)

I am unemployed, a high school drop out and got into college regardless, Then dropped out 6 months later as I discovered the 3D graphic design was not for me. If I had stayed I could say that I worked on the pixar movie “Brave” (I ended up not doing so since I dropped out, but the remainder of my class did)

I hate the human population and my dream is to eradicate Humanity. I myself am quite self-destructive, but my goal to end humanity has to do with the firm belief that we as a society are destroying the paradise known as Earth.

I play Males (16-25) and Females (15+)

I believe this about sums up all you need to know about me, and various things you do not need to know. If I get more frequently asked questions I will answer them here as well.
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

Rules. Yes we all hate them. I hate them, you hate them, and I’m pretty sure the guy who invented rules died alone.
But alas they are needed.

1) First off, NO FUCKING TWILIGHT. I do not roleplay it, I do not enjoy it if you ask me to do a sparkly faggy Vampire RP. I will bitch at you. My Vampires are dark, cruel, vicious and still can show a romantic side. They might not be okay with drinking blood, but they will. They don’t like lycans (Unless it’s the taboo thing going on) and can’t live in sunlight.

2) Regarding Loli on Shota: Okay the actual term means a character who has yet to reach adulthood. Which means any character under the age of 18 is considered a Loli/Shota Sadly due to modern culture ruining the actual term to meaning, well you know what it means, and if you do not, lucky you. For this site i will most likely not use the term too often BUT when i do I am strictly referring to 15+ By no means do I mean under that age. I have been warned about this and revised the rule) Do given that, if i use the term the youngest age for a character will be 15. Thus if I suggest something like Loli/teacher the loli would be a 15-17 year old girl, and es the character will be developing. Not working on some loop hole here. It is easy to understand, 15+ hit puberty, developing or developed.[/b]

3) When you message me, please, PLEASE have some sort of plot in mind. Ether be it one of mine or something you wanted to try with a pairing. Now that state I am not limited to my pairings listed aside from Cannon ones, and that is mainly because I don’t enjoy cannon Rp’s all that much (aside from the ones I do enjoy).

4) Let me know if you do not wish to continue RPing. I apologize to those I have dropped in the past, it is never on purpose, I just forget to reply and it gets buried in my 10000+ PM’s. But if I feel the need to no longer roleplay. I WILL TELL YOU.
4b) If I am not replying after 48 hours with no response, Send me a PM. There is a chance I lost the RP, blue moon ate it or just have not yet replied yet. A friendly reminder is nice, but don’t flood me. 48 hours in response please
4c) when it comes to threads… I forget to reply. So best case scenario, either we RP in PM’s or after the first day or so of roleplaying in a thread I will stop replying. You will have to remind me.)

5) Respect. I am not here to make enemies. I will make them but I have no desire to. I will try to be as friendly as possible. Pleas respect me and I will respect you.

6) Roleplaying style:
-No one-liners
-No *text* for actions
-“text” for character dialogue
-l)0/\/7 5p34l< l_!l<3 7l-l!5 (Yea I can’t exactly read that. If I have to translate what you say every time we post I will not be friendly.
-Third person past-tense. I don’t enjoy first person unless I am playing myself. One person has only ever gotten that type of RP from me.
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

Kinks, the FUN part.
Okay I can easily direct you to my rabbit hole and F-list. And I will links can be found
In addition my Female F-List can be found Here.
Finally when I am feeling more dominant Here is a good place to check out my kinks.
My BDSM Results

But some people wish for just the TOP kinks. So I will list those as well.
-Collars: I don’t know what it is but I love collars, (particularly on females)
-Collaring: IN regards to girls wearing collars, I like it when my character collars a female (or my female character is collared) In a sign of ownership or domination of some sort.
-Bondage: Love it
-Incest: Don’t know why but love it
-Loli: As stated above 13+ But more so of an age gap. 13-15 // 21-23 (although i will not change me definition of Loli, It now is 15 as the youngest via site rules)
-Futas: For my female characters only. I love the idea of them getting mercilessly pounded by the throbbing cock of a futa.
-Uniforms/Outfits: School mainly. Military official. Maid
-Hoodies: Not really a kink but when a girl is wearing a big hooded sweater, it’s adorable.

I think that’s it.
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

Top cravings:
! = Plot

NOTE: Just because I have a preferred partner does in no way mean you have to play that character

!Avatar: The Last Airbender (Preferred Partner: Azula)
Hogwarts (Preferred Partner: Hermione)

!Harem (High school ages, I actually have a list of of archtypes that could work)
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

Het Pairings (Original)

-Teacher // Student
-Tutor // tutored
-Student // Student
--Bad Boy // Goody Two Shoes
--Bad Girl // Goody two shoes
--Bad Girl // Nerd
--Bully // Victim
--Cheerleader // Bad boy
--Cheerleader // Nerd
--Cheerleader // Outcast
--Gamer // Cheerleader
--Gamer // Prep
--Jock // Book worm
--Nerd // Outcast
--Poor Kid // Rich Kid
--Prep // Outcast
--Scene // Outcast
--Scene // Prep
--School Slut // Nerd
--School Slut // Outcast
--Skater // Cheerleader
--Skater // Nerd

Boarding/private School
-Teacher // Student
-Tutor // tutored
-Student // Blackmailed Student.
-Student // Transfer Student (If you are playing the transfer student. Accent please)

All Girls School
-Boy pretending to be a girl // His Roommate (I Will also do reversed roles where a girl is pretending to be a guy, but I want someone else to be playing the male then)

-Band Member // Band Member
-Rich Kid // Maid

At the age of 18 he decided to test his luck and bought a lottery ticket. It won and he was soon the proud owner of one hundred sixty-eight million dollars. Even after taxes he was still extremely rich. So setting some aside for investments and necessities he decided to have fun with the rest. three years later he has managed to invest in a few large businesses making even more money than he had originally won and own his own private Island. On that Island he has started his own Harem. The girls living there are treated well, they get fed well and all he asks in return is their submission. In order to get more girls he also has his own website that many people log onto if they with to try an alternate lifestyle, free food, rent and they even make some money as well. No one is a prisoner and if they wish to leave he lets them. He is truly living the life.
With the website however he also from time to time gets e-mails form girls under the age of 18 who want to join. He plays by the rules and they have to be 18, but he doesn't mind taking them for a weekend to show them how the life would work if they decide to join when they hit adulthood. These girls he calls "Interns" just so authorities don't get involved, and always makes sure the parents consent.
Possible pairings:
-My Guy // Girls
-My Guy // One Girl in Particular.
-My Guy // Intern
-Harem Queen (Head girl) // girl
-Harem Queen // Intern

A different tale on this is my guy is in high school (17-18) and he is busy cheating on i girlfriend. Meanwhile the girls he is cheating with know he is cheating on each of them. The plan however is that his cheats are okay with it and slowly he is building up his own personal Harem.

Incest (15 is the youngest also due to site rules, and i will go as old as 25)
(I also realize these are not all Incest but i still classify them under this section)
-Brother // Sister
-Mother // Son
-Brother // Sister's best friend
-Friend // Best Friend's sister

Virtual Game
-trapped Player // Player
-Player // Hacker

-Space Colony
-Post Apocalyptic
-Alien Invasion

-Mistress // Slave

This is kind of weird but Basically my guy is a new kid in town, he has only just recently moved a few months ago but has ft right in at school with the preps, almost like they have been friends since they were babies. He starts dating a girl in the clique and with days they becomes the schools Hallmark Couple.
Well being a teenage boy he wants sex and while he is not begging for it at first, as they continue dating he starts to get edgy and eventually its just bugging him. Of coarse she may be cheating on him getting it from someone else, or perhaps she is just too much of a prude. This could easily lead up to an event where the Girfriend's sister or her best friend see that my guy is not getting action, and decided to give it to him themselves.
There are actually a multitude of Girls that could work with this so i will just list a few.
--Girlfriends's Younger Sister
--Girlfriends's Best Friend
--Girlfriends's Mother
--Girlfriends's Rival
--Opposite Clique Friend
--Rival School Girl
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

Het Pairings (Fandoms)

Fandoms: I usually don't play Cannons. So if its not listed, the answer is no. Also It is all AUed, Thus story has little relevance. (IE: No Voldemort in a Hogwarts RP)

Avatar: the Last Airbender
-OC // Katara
-OC // Toph
-OC // Azula
-OC // Ty Lee
-OC// OC

Avatar: the Legend of Korra
-OC // Korra
-OC // Asami

-OC // Batgirl
-OC // Harley Quinn
-OC // Catwoman

Death note
-OC // OC

-OC // Hermione
-OC // Fleur
-OC // Ginny
-OC // Luna
-OC // OC

League of Legends:
-OC // One of the girls (Preferably Jynx, Ahri or an aged Annie)

Legend of Zelda
-Shadow Link // Nabooru
-Shadow Link // Zelda(shiek)
-Shadow Link // Linkette
-Shadow Link // OC
-OC //OC

Magic: the Gathering
-OC // OC
-OC // Any female you want (Though Preferably the Planewalker girls as opposed to just creatures)
I will play on Llorwyn, Zendikar, Mirrodin, Ravnica, Kamigawa, Or my own plane, which i don't have a name for, but it is basically a huge ass sliver hive. Big enough that certain areas do not have slivers living nearby, which have been inhabited by Other races. Basically a fucking huge beehive. Along with it it is the home of the Sliver Hivemother, which is why people live here, they are trying to kill the hivemother.

-OC // Elesa
-OC // Skyla
-OC // Erika
-OC // Misty
-OC // Dawn
-OC // Sabrina <=Favorite character, Her old style, where she has her red suit and whip *Shivers*
-OC // Flannery
-OC // May
-OC // Lyra
-OC // White
-OC // Rosa
-OC // OC Trainer
-OC // OC Rocket
-OC // Pokemorph
-OC // Pokemon (Very specific about which pokemon i will get freaky with.)
-Pokemon // OC Trainer

Resident Evil
-OC // Jill Valentine
-OC // Rebbecca Chambers
-OC // Ada Wong
-OC // Claire Redfield
-OC // Ashley Graham

Soul Calibur
-OC // Cassandra
-OC // Talim
-OC // Sophitia
-OC // Tira
-OC // Seung Mina
-OC // Hilde
-OC // Amy
-OC // Viola
-OC // Pyrra
-OC // Lexi

-Symbiont Spiderman // Black Cat
-Symbiont Spiderman // Spider Girl (Weird but i have an explanation as to why it is not incest)
-Symbiont Spiderman // OC
-OC // Black Cat
-OC // Spider Girl
-OC // Spider-Woman
-OC // OC

-Pikachu // Samus

Star Wats:
-Jedi // Padawan

Teen Titans
-OC // Raven
-OC // Starfire
-OC // Terra
-OC // Blackfire

Warcraft (We will discuss races)
-OC // Jaina
-OC // OC
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

Yuri Pairings (Original & Fandom)

-Teacher // Student
-Tutor // tutored
-Student // Student
--Bad Girl // Goody two shoes
--Bad Girl // Goody two shoes
--Bad Girl // Nerd
--Bully // Victim
--Cheerleader // Bad boy
--Cheerleader // Nerd
--Cheerleader // Oucast
--Gamer // Cheerleader
--Gamer // Prep
--Jock // Book worm
--Nerd // Outcast
--Poor Kid // Rich Kid
--Prep // Outcast
--Scene // Outcast
--Scene // Prep
--School Slut // Nerd
--School Slut // Outcast
--Skater // Cheerleader
--Skater // Nerd

Boarding/private School
-Teacher // Student
-Tutor // tutored
-Student // Blackmailed Student.
-Student // Transfer Student (If you are playing the transfer student. Accent please)

Incest (15 is the youngest also due to site rules, na di prefer to play the younger character)
(I also realize these are not all Incest but i still classify them under this section)
-Sister // Sister
-Mother // daughter
-Sister // Sister's best friend

-Mistress // Slave
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

Female Roles (You will be playing the male/Futa. In these cases I will ONLY play the sub female)

Master or Mistress // Slave
-For this i want abuse. i don’t want some giddy romance between our characters. Rape, abuse, Cages and gags. make by character cry. Discipline her when she fights back and break her down to your own personal fuck toy.

Older Brother // Sister
Older Sister // Sister
Mother //Daughter
Father // Daughter

Cheerleader // Bookworm
Popular // Outcast
Bad Influence // Innocent Girl
Teacher // Student

Maid // Employer (or employer's Teenage son) (Preferred if both employer and son think woman are nothing more than pieces of meat.)

Races I'll Play
-Blood Elf
-Night Elf

Hogwarts: (After the seventh book)
OC // OC

Girl // Dog
This one is Important. I get bored with just simple bestiality. If you want this, SPICE IT UP. Add in something that makes it stand out.
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Not yet Open)

After a fight with joker both Batman and the Joker have gone MIA. Due to the lack of the Dark knight, Gotham has fallen to the criminals. Arkham asylum is relatively empty as most criminals have been freed and many villains have found their own area of Gotham that belongs to them, their own headquarters (Though they do terrorize the city regardless.) My guy is a teenager (or young adult, 18-22) who has decided to take on the role of the new batman. While Batman has all these skills to back him up such as detective work, money and martial arts, My guy has Kickboxing, Parkour, and a very fast regeneration rate. (Like can heal compact fractures in a few days. Cracked skull a day cuts scrapes a couple hours, and a bullet wound a few more hours)
I REALLY want to pair him up with Harley Quinn, and her headquarters is "Jokerland" (An abandoned theme park Harley has reopened and re-named, the rides are also quite dangerous or even deadly)

Basically this is a pot apocalyptic world of Pokemon. I always wondered what would happen with so many legendaries being release from their sacred chambers. In pokemon 2000. Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres go nuts causing major havoc upon the world (They say its a lack of balance but no its because they birds are nuts)

So basically I wish to do an RP in which the world has been destroyed and left in ruins form the legendary pokemon. People no longer trying to be pokemon Masters. Gyms closed due to the insanity and so on.

Team Rocket however managed to control the chaos and bring most of the Pokemon back to their sacred chambers and Even Giovanni, as insane as he may be, realizes he is not powerful enough to control the power those pokemon had. So the danger is over and life is starting back up. Team Rocket has been declared heroes of the planet. and people are battling again while many gyms are being rebuilt. Though some Leaders have just decided to no longer be a gym Leader.

I really want to do an OC/Sabrina Pairing but i will settle for OC/OC in this.
Note: I am wanting some Legendaries to have died. Mainly one of the three birds, so my character could have a baby version of them, which is just a small version of it.
IE: Articuno

Avatar: the Last Airbender
This takes Place After teh 100 Year war, but instead of Aang defeating the Phoenix King (The previous Fire Lord), he is actually defeated and thus the fire Nation rises to power. Katara, Soka, Toph and Suki go into hiding with Azula, The new Fir lord, punishing Her dear borther for his betrayal and her former friends who betrayed her at the prison.

I would give the setting an additional 5 years to age up Toph, but it can also be only a few months afterwards, I really wnat to Pair my Guy up Against Katara, Toph or even Azula. (Ty Lee also works but i have no plot for her)

My character is a relatively new kid in town. Only being there for a few months but he has somehow weaseled his way into the popular kids clique. He would do fine in any clique in reality as he is athletic, smart, but somehow, he is in the Popular group with the only difference being that he does not have as much money as they do.
One member of the group however is his Girlfriend and on the surface they seem perfect being the school's "hallmark couple" In reality, behind closed doors he is not the perfect boyfriend. Sure she thinks everything is okay, but she is a conservative girl not willing to put out. As the saying goes, Keep putting him in the dog house and he will give his bone to another girl. So he does finding girls like Her sister, her Best friend, her rival, Nerdy girl, Gamer girl, Loner, goth chick, Rival school, Head cheerleader, Soccer star, teacher. Along with other options that can show up later on. May his GF finds out too and not wanting to lose him allows it to continue, somewhat heartbroken.
RE: Gashnaw's Search Version 3.0 (Open)

Loki Odinson said:
Please only bump your page once per day, or once your thread has reached the 3rd page, as per site rules.

Thank you.

I am well aware of that. however i was not bumping my thread. My table of contents (First post) Shows that the two "~reserve" are simply there in case i may need them further on.)

I do however thank you for the notification.
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