1X1 Mortal Kombat rp. Awesomist and I only (Private)

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place where Raiden, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade are looking for Tanja because Tanja got separate from their team thanks to Montaro that did a powerful earth quake and Tanja got sucked into the earth quake and she ends up in the Nether Realms and she knew she had to get the heck out of that realm at any cost and find Raiden and his team.

Raiden was a bit worried about Tanja and hoped that the enemy would not find her first especially her oldest brother at any cost and he wasn’t sure if his team had access to that realm or not and he sighed.

Johnny Cage said to Raiden,” Why don’t we head for the temple that Liu Kang has been training at and he might help us find Tanja and we should all split up and look for Tanja and for Kitana as well don’t you think that would be a good idea to do hmm Raiden.?”

Raiden looked at Johnny and said to him,” That is an excellent idea to find Liu Kang and seek his help to find Tanja and Kitana at any cost and were at the temple that Liu Kang trains at, I hope that he will help us with this mission and we have about eight days before the next tournament starts.” “And we must find Tanja and Kitana before the enemy does, if the enemy finds either of them they’ll have the upper hand and we cannot let them have the upper hand at any cost understood Johnny and Sonya hmm.?”

Johnny and Sonya both nodded their heads to agree with Raiden and all three of them entered into the temple and were watching Liu Kang train against one of his fellow students. And Raiden walked up to Liu Kang and said to him, “I need your help once again Kitana and Tanja are both missing they were with us but Montaro did an earth quake and got those two separated from the team we need your help to find those two before the enemy does.”

“Liu Kang will you help us find Kitana and Tanja we need their help for this up coming tournament in eight days, we must find them both right away before Scorpion and sub-Zero find them first please help us again.” “Will you help us or not hmm Liu Kang.?”

Meanwhile back in the Nether Realm:

Tanja scanned the area very carefully to make sure her brother and Scorpion were nowhere in site if they did spot her she’ll have to run like heck and jump through the next portal to somewhere safe and she quickly catches a quick glimpse of Kitana as well and wonders how the heck she got her as well.

Kitana spotted Tanja as well and she caught up with her and said to her,” We must get the blazes out of this realm right away I have a bad feeling about this realm and how the heck are we suppose to get out of this realm its too high for us to jump or to climb any ideas Tanja.?”

Tanja looked at Kitana and she said to her,” I think I can create some kind of a ladder out of ice to get us both out of this realm the exit is just up their and let me see if my skills are strong enough to create an ladder out of ice hopefully they are Kitana we’ll get the heck out of this realm I promise.”

Kitana nods her head and she was glad her friend Tanja ended up in the same realm as she did and she scanned the area very carefully and said to Tanja,” You must hurry and make that ladder of ice I sense danger is coming this way hurry up Tanja.”

Tanja nods her head and she created a ladder out of ice and she quickly climbed up the ladder and she helped Kitana up as well and Tanja said to her,” Oh great we got company now I hate those ninjas that work for my brother and also for Scorpion as well were way over our heads now we got to make a run for it before we end up getting caught by the enemy we got to run really fast Kitana okay.”

Kitana nods her heads and she makes a run for it and made sure that Tanja was not far behind her at any cost and Kitana made it through the portal in the nick of time and she thinks inside of her mind,” If those ninjas are here then that means Scorpion and Sub-Zero are not far from Tanja I hope she makes it through the portal like I did please be on her side fate.”

Tanja ran really fast as well and she was almost at the portal and she quickly jumps through the portal as well and she catches her breath and said to Kitana,” I hope that we lost those two off of our tracks if we didn’t then were in trouble for sure Kitana.”

Kitana knew that Tanja was right about that and she has forgotten that Scorpion can go invisible as well as Reptile can too and she hoped that Scorpion or Sub-zero weren’t in this realm they both ended up in. (d. It will be your turn to do your character intro next okay.))
Raiden said to Liu-Kang,"That is good you are willing to help us save Kitana and Tanja and their on the bridge that is between Earth Realm and OutWorld and we must hurry up to that portal to save them both before it's too late let's go team."

Raiden jumped through a portal and Johnny Cage and sonta followed Raiden as well and wondered if Liu Kang wasn't too far behind them both at all and all three them see Tanja and Kitana out numbered by a lot of ninjas.

Raiden could sense Scorpion presence as well and he said to Liu Kang," Keep your guard up at all times their are two other warriors in this place I can sense one of them now and he is going to go after Kitana get to her side right Liu and hurry."

Tanja could also feel Scorpion presence as well and knew that he'll defently go after Kitana for sure because she knows that Quan-Chi and Shao Kahn are both after her and she promised Kitana parent's she'd protect Kitana as well as Raiden and the others would protect Kitana as well.

Kitana said to Tanja,"What is troubling you and what is wrong with your eyes they are filled with rage you sense that Scorpion is near by am I right and also your brother as well." "Do not let the rage consume at any cost you'll end up hurting your friends snap out of it Tanja."

Tanja quickly pushed Kitana out of the way and she creates an ice staute and she sees a very fimiliar spear hitting her ice staute and said to Kitana,"Get to Raiden and the others." "I will be fine go now Kitana and I'll keep Scorpion distracted as much as I can for your safety to Raiden side get going now Kitana."

Kitana nods her head and she was almost at Raiden until she quickly dodge an ice ball and Kitana knew that Sub-Zero would show up as well and hoped that Liu Kang would get his rear down here and save her from Sub-Zero. While Tanja takes on Scorpion.
Tanja said out loud,"Show yourself right now scorpion we have an old score to settle and you leave Kitana alone she isn't going anywhere with you I'll make sure of that." "Let's if you have the guts to fight me or not Scorpion,your going to loose this round Scorpion." "I'll make sure of it."
Raiden said to Sonya and Johnny,"Tanja might need your help if she fights against Scorpion,Scorpion might knock her out if he does Johnny you quickly catch her and Sonya you help as well." "I have no idea if Scorpion will hurt Tanja or not,if he doesn't hurt her he might end up capturing her no telling what he is thinking right now."

Johnny and Sonya both nodded their heads to agree with Raiden and they made it to Tanja side just in case if Tanja get's knocked out they'll be able to help her out of this area.

Tanja got back up and glared to Scorpion and said to him,"My brother told me that you killed my parent's in a battle and I seek revenge on my parent's death." "You killed my parent's and I was only about 22 years old,why do you insist on harming my family for hmm.?"

Tanja continued on fighting against Scorpion as best as she could and she knew that he was trying to tire her out and avoid her and creates a sheet of ice and she slides across and she does an upper cut punch against Scorpion and she turns herself around and get's into another fighting stance.

Raiden knew that if this fight got too much out of hand he'll have to kncok out Sub-Zero and also Scorpion as well and he thinks insideo f his mind,"Scorpion didn't kill her parent's it was Sub-zero she won't believe Scorpion or me and he knew that Scorpion will have to tell Tanja the truth and he sighed.

Tanja continued on in her fighting stance and she knew that Scorpion wouldn't give up that easily and she wonders how many rounds they both went at each other in fights.

Kitana manage to get to Raiden and her arm was in a bit of pain and she said to Raiden,"I think I might of spranged my left shoulderblade it hurts so much Raiden and don't tell Liu-Kang if he finds out that I'm hurt he'll be very upset and let rage take him over." "We can't let rage get a control of Liu- Kang at any cost Raiden."

Raiden knew that Kitana was right about this and he stayed close by her and watched his warriors continue on fighting as much as they could last.
Tanja get's back up again and said to him,"Next time we meet again I'll finish you off for once and for all this fight will never end Scorpion." Tanja quickly did one final attack and she created an ice stuate of herself and she went up the pathway that leaded to Raiden and her friends and she thinks inside of her mind,"I don't remember Scorpion telling me ten times why can't i remember at all I'll eventually figure things out." Johnny Cage and Sonya stayed by Tanja and followed her back up to the team and they were glad that Sub-Zero and Scorpion went back to their different realms to train more harder for the tournament.

Raiden said to Liu Kang,"You took one good hit to the knee and I can tell that your knee is in a lot of pain when we get back to the temple I'll have my monks tend to your injuried knee okay let's head back to the temple and get our rest shal lwe now hmm.?"

Kitana helps Liu Kang and Kitana said to Tanja,"Could you please help me with Liu-Kang I can't help him through the portal will you please help me Tanja."

Tanja got on the other side of Liu -Kang and she helped Kitana getting Liu-Kang through the portal and Raiden,Johnny and Sonya were already at the temple and Tanja helped Kitana take Liu-Kang to the resting area of the temple where his knee will get looked at and Kitana said to Tanja,"Thank-you for your help Tanja this means a lot to me." "You sure a tue friend and an allie with Raiden and his team thanks again Tanja."

Tanja said to Kitana,"Your welcome anytime Kitana and just hope that Liu-Kang knee will be fully recovered for the tournament in eight days at least I didn't get hurt or injuired at any cost." "Liu-Kng will need lots of rest now and I'll be at the cementry clearing my mind I will be alright Kitana okay."

Kitana nods her head and she watches Tanja leave for a little bit and she stayed with Lu-Kang until she knew how bad his knee truly was and she sighed.

Johnny and Sonya were trainning against each other to get in shape for the tournament and they were training very well against each other and knew that they'll do well in this tournament for sure.

Raiden watched Tanja and said to Johnny and Sonya,"Tanja will be alright as long one warrior that goes by the name of smoke stays away from her those two have issues and they hate each other guts with a passion and Tanaj has her reasons why and she'll be alright I hope keep on trainning Johnny and Sonya."

Johnny and Sonya both nodded their heads to agree with Raiden and continue on with their trainning non-stop.

Tanja jumps through the portal that leads to the cementry and she kneals down in front of her paren'ts grave stone and she was trying to figure things out in her life and wondered if her brother had anything to do with her convincing her that Scorpion is a threat and not him and she sighed. Tanja creates two ice roses and places them each on her parent's gravestone and she thinks inside of her mind,"I wish I could remember that day when my mother and father both died but why can't I remember that day I wish I could remember that day very badly oh well sigh."
Kitana looked at Lu-Kang,"I'm alright Liu-Kang,i'm not hurt or injuried at all in eight days you'll be able to fight in this tournament,if you keep up resting you'll be alright Liu-Kang and Johnny and Sonya are training non-stop and Raiden is watching the'm both".

"Do their training while Tanja is at the cementry trying to clear her mind and she is trying to remember who really killed her parent's."

"Her brother somehow made her forget that day and told her Scorpion killed her parent's when it was actually her brother." "I hope that Tanja will remember that Scorpion is not her enemy at all and she'll eventually figure it out Liu-Kang."

"Please get some rest Liu-Kang you need as much rest as you can get,do not worry I will not leave your side at any cost I promise." "Please rest up Liu-Kang and you will always be the chosen one in this tournament and get some sleep as well okay good night Liu-Kang."

Johnny and Sonya were done their training for the evening and they headed to their rooms to get some rest and Raiden teleports to the cementry to keep a close eye on Tanja and make sure none of Shao Kahn warriors dared to lay a hand on Tanja at any cost or try to injure her at any cost and he sighed.

Tanja always stayed at her parent's gravestone nad she quickly heard movement among the shadows of the cementry and she wasn't sure if it was Raiden,scorpion or her brother and she slowly got into her fighting stance and scanned the shadows very closey at any cost and she didn't see anyone or anything moving in the shadows and she sighed.
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