U.S.C.M Nightmare

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Jan 9, 2011
Somewhere over the rainbow.
When a Colonial Space Marines made an entrance, it was bound to be a big one. It always was. But then again, they'd always had the Marlow to give them something to cover their backs. Xeno's were not to be taken lightly. At least, not in Trenton's eyes. He'd seen more men then he'd have cared to see killed, murdered by these supposedly unintelligent bugs. He shook his head, rubbing his forehead under his helmet, checking his motion scanner. Van Zandt patted him on the back, grinning at him. "Calm down Hotshot. This is just a routine bug hunt. Nothing new, nothing we ain't done before, so nothing you need to worry about." Trent smiled lightly, clutching his flamethrower closer to his body. Van Zandt sure seemed confident. The rest of the marines climbed out of the Typhoon, all of them carrying their standard issue pulse rifles. Their entire group consisted of about six Marines, plus whatever was left of the security detail here. Van Zandt turned away from Trent motioning for the girl to come over. "Tequila, I'd like you to meet our newest addition. High command said she was damned good at what she does." Tequila smirked, raising an eyebrow, moving slightly so that the tattoo's on her arm were clearly visible.

"Yeah, sure. My name is Tequila. You can call me.... Tequila." She extended her hand, which was oddly friendly of her. Trent took a step forward. "Don't go hazing her, we can't have everybody wanting to kill each other when we got those bugs trying to kill us." Trenton stood at 5' 11" with blond hair and bright, shifty blue eyes. His skin was only lightly tanned, but with the current armor, it was clear that he had seen battle a few times. His right forearm was one big chemical burn mark. On his neck, just barely visible, peeking out of his raised armor surrounding his throat was a long jagged scar. The flamer winked at the girls, shaking his head, chuckling lightly before taking in the refinery in front of him. Dust blew around constantly, but it did nothing to hamper their view of the immense building in front of them. Van Zandt turned to face everyone, his face as serious as death. "Alright ladies, we got a distress call not that long ago from the refinery, and the colony a few kliks away from here. So what we're going to do is we're going on a bug hunt! Keep an eye on your trackers, check your corners. Little bugger like to hide in the shadows, so watch those too. Everyone, move your asses! Let's get this place secure!"
"I'm certain there is going to be plenty of time for all of us to kill one another."Genesis said as she followed behind Tequila out of the ship. She smiled looking at Zandt. "You look rather upset that I've come darling."She said smiling softly at him as she turned to look at Tequila and the handful of marines. Genesis stood at 5'7" with black hair and gray eyes hidden behind glasses. Zandt simply answered her with a nod. "This is Genesis she's a scientist. Here to study the bodies the bugs have preyed upon. Feel free to bother her as much as you see fit."He said then dismissed himself. Genesis glared at Zandt as he walked off. She rolled her eyes expecting as much from him since they had a small history together never ending on good terms simply because Zandt thought Genesis a bother and danger to her self and whom ever she worked with.
Trenton simply shook his head, checking his gas canister before striding past Van Zandt. "Seriously, we got a job to do. Whatever you guys had going before this, you gotta forget about it." The soldier sighed, motioning for everyone to move out. The group started moving forward, although Trent moved to the scientists side. "You're going to need a gun. These bodies are going to be in bad condition, and they are going to have Xeno's around them. We can't kill everything for you, we've got to clear the refinery and then move on to the other spots." Trent shrugged, adjusting his helmet. "If you can't defend yourself..... well you aren't going to last very long." One of the soldiers stopped, readying his gun, a small ping sounding from all of their helmets. "I got movement beyond the 25." Van Zandt readied his rifle as well. "Everyone, get ready for a fight." The change was almost instantaneous. Guns went up, Trent moved up to the front of the group, along with another marine. "You ready Gibson?" Gibson nodded, flashing a small smile, his flamethrower ready to see action.
Genesis watched as the solider brushed passed her. She then looked over at Zandt. "I like him."she said and then looked up at Trenton. "It's not my first time on a bug hunt Solider."She said grabbing a gun she could manage with ease. she sighed hearing the voice. She may not have been military but she was more than capable of caring for herself. With or with out the aid of one of the marines. She fell in to line having no intention of being left behind even if it's what Zandt wanted for her.
The soldiers stopped movement, the pinging growing slightly more frantic. "It's moving away.... 40 feet...... 45 feet..... 50 feet." The pings stopped. "Don't relax just yet marine," Van Zandt warned, motioning for everyone to move up. Trenton and Gibson made up the front of the group, the tips of the flamethrowers glowing blue from the fire. "Come on out ya bugs."

As they moved closer to the refinery, the Marines could see bodies scattered all over the place, and the closer they got, the more there were. Bodies torn open.... missing limbs. Xeno's certainly worked up an appetite killing everything. The two flamers shook their heads, moving up more. When the pinging came back, along with high pitched hisses, everything stopped again. "I got visual! Left side left side!" Everyone turned and fired, Gibson and Trent running right at the now fleeing Xenomorphs. There were about 5 of them. Just as the Xeno's ducked into a ditch, fire rushed over their heads. Trent sighed, shaking his head, moving towards it, finger resting gently on the trigger of his weapon. When he peered over the edge, there was nothing. Eventually the trackers fell silent as well.
Genesis took a breath when the tracker fell silent. Genesis was thrilled she didnt have to fire her gun. It was the one thing she didnt like to do just because she could didnt mean she had to. Turning to look at the bodies all around them. Kneeling down she noticed how mutatlaed the bodies were. "Something's not right."she whispered more so to her self than anyone who happened to be watching her. Pulling out a pair of tweezers from her pocket she began to probe one of the wounds pulling out something. She clicked on her flashlight and examined it in the light. Genesis titled her head to the side. I'll need to do a full otopisy she thought.
The soldiers were having a small celebration, but that was cut short by Van Zandt. "Come on ladies, we need to keep moving! There's bound to be more bodies inside for the 'Good Doctor' to examine. Let's move!" The soldiers sighed, readying their gear again, moving out, going deeper into the boundaries of the refinery. Trystan returned to Genisis' side, patting her shoulder. "You'd better know how to work that thing. We'll be getting into close quarters with these guys."
Genesis took a breath having nearly jumped out of her skin. She wasn't paying attention to Zandt's words and didn't think any of the other marines where paying attention to her as well. "I'm quite capable of caring for my self."She said brushing his hand away and stood up. She adjusted her gun and then fell in to line with thrn others. She figured the sooner they where done with the extermination the sooner she would be able to work in peace. Genesis glanced over her shoulder at Trystan then continued to follow the men deeper in to the refinery.
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