Of Light and Dark (FxF Jedi/Sith RP)


Aug 11, 2012
Southern California
Erryn stood outside the docks in Kuat City, looking around with scarlet-edged brown eyes as she blended in with the shadows around her in her black tunic, trousers, and boots. Her lightsaber was concealed under her black robe, the hood of which was up over her dark auburn hair. Finally she stepped out of the shadows and headed further into the city, ready to complete the mission her master had given her. She was here to assassinate a few key members of The Ten, the founding families of Kuat who still held a good amount of power. Apparently they'd thought they could back out of a deal made with her master, and she had to show them otherwise. By taking out the eldest child of each family, the heirs, she would be giving them the required message. She smirked to herself and walked into the city, going to find a place to set up her base of operations for the time she would be here.
(I'm sorry for the wait, my friend. :[ )

Elizabeth, or Liza (Lie-zah), had been assigned to guard one of The Ten on Kuat, given that they had requested that a jedi escort and protect one as they attended one of the royal balls of Kuat that the Ten and many other royal families would attend. Liza was happy to go, to do the good deed of protecting those that would ask of it from her and that this would help bring the torn-apart families together. She smiled as she approached the royal hall with the eldest son, she escorts him in and begins to blend in by wearing her own ceremonial dressing gown, hiding her purple lightsaber underneath the fabric as she sits on the sidelines and watches over the royal son the entire night. She felt...uneasy...however. There was a disturbance in the force, and Liza wasn't quite sure what it was just yet. She kept a close eye on things...
Erryn got herself a little apartment in a seedy part of the city and set up her necessary equipment, quickly hacking into the city database to see when her nearest opportunity for an assassination would be. She smiled when she saw the party announcement and the list of guests. Several of her marks would be there. She would need to retrieve her sniper gear from the ship but that wouldn't be a problem. Still smiling she did so and then found her way into the party venue. She set up in an unused balcony room that overlooked the main party, putting together the rifle and stand before getting into position and waiting for the perfect moment. She sensed, somewhere down there, that there was a Jedi in attendance and she scoffed to herself at the thought that they could stop her.
Liza felt...uneasy...about this entire thing. She saw no threats out and about, but something still did not feel right. It got to the point where she approached the son of the royal family of the Ten and requested that he leaves with her so that he would be safe, given that she did not feel comfortable about this. He agrees, knowing that his life was more important than some dance, and boarded the royal shuttle with her to start taking her home. The shuttle would begin to fly toward the area Erryn would be stationed and would actually drive right by the building, though Liza did not sense her distinct location.
Erryn spotted the hovercar and prepared herself, shooting the driver first through the windshield and then sending a shot through the engine to keep them from going anywhere. Then she waited for a sign as to what side the young man might be on, since riddling the vehicle with holes, while fun, was incredibly inefficient.
"Stay down!" Liza ordered to the man who began to hide under the seat of the car while she went out to see where their assailants were. She frowned before noticing a woman on the far side of where they had crashed on top of the nearby building when the driver and engine were shot out. "Hey you!" She called out before running and jumping from building to building as she made her way out toward Erryn.
Erryn grinned as the Jedi came at her and rather than running she simply leapt off the balcony and down to the road below. Using the Force she landed easily enough, letting her momentum roll her forward to the side of the car. She wrenched open the door and used the Force to yank the man out, pulling out and lighting her lightsaber with a manic grin. She turned towards the Jedi, eyes shining crimson now as she used the Dark side with ease. She was going to use this moment to taunt before making her kill.
Seeing the woman use the force to survive the fall, her eyes widened as she saw her go toward the target. She ran toward the son of the Ten but was too late. The girl had already drawn her lightsaber and was about to kill the man. 'The force is within this one...!' She thought in her head. Liza held her hand out to use force push against the woman, hoping it would hit her and push the two of them off of the building before she'd run and catch the son of the Ten and get him to safety within his own home where it would be heavily guarded along with herself being his bodyguard.
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