Ya look best when yar covered in blood {GinKira Revamp}


Persimmons of Silver
Jun 10, 2011
Las Noches
]Such a lovely day indeed. A perfect day to play with his new pet. The boy was still fresh to the squad but it wasn't too hard to break him in. The boy was strong and could hold his own, that was if his fears didn't get the better of him. But who better to make the poor thing come out of his shell then his beloved captain. Gin would do anything to his pet to make sure he was able to do his job. And Gin wasn't an easy man to please. Kira would learn that soon enough if he didn't already.

But the past few weeks had been slow. Each day was filled with paper work, squad duties and all of that. The captain spent most of those days under his beloved persimmon trees. He learned quickly his new second wasn't fond of the fruit, but he still teased the boy. It was almost all he ate. Kira tried almost every day to make the silver-haired man eat something else. Each time ended with the blond doing paper work. Leaving everyone to wonder how.

Gin was making his way to see his dear lieutenant. Tonight would be a little different. The captain made his way to the office with the poor blond was stuck doing the work the older man wouldn't do. The man made sure to lock the door behind himself grinning madly.

"Izuru~" He sang-song the name as always, said with the affection one would have for a pet. Gin took a place sitting on top of the desk not caring about the work he had the poor boy spend all day doing. Some ended on the floor while most of it just mixed into eachother. Before the boy could protest he hooked a finger under the blond's chin. "Yar here late tanight~"
There was too much work here for one person to be responsible for! Sometimes Kira wished Gin would at least do one hour of work every day to lighten his load. After all, the blond was doing double the work since he had his own vice-captain duties as well as his captain's! But every time he mentioned it, the silver haired reaper would either ignore him, disappear or use his slick words to squirm out of doing what he was expected to do. However, that didn't make the work go away and Kira was always left feeling somewhat annoyed at his captain although he would never truly voice his feelings on this particular matter. Today was no different and the blond sighed as he continued to fill out papers and scrawl signatures on them, placing the completed stacks on one side of the desk while the ones still to be looked over sat on the opposite side.

Ever since he had become Gin's lieutenant, Kira hadn't been able to get one single hour of free time. He was always too busy catching up on either his work on Gin's and his friends had dwindled down to four. Renji, Momo, Shuhei and Rangiku. But even they seemed to wonder what was going on with him when he consistently rejected offers to hang out with them or go drinking and didn't believe it when he told them it was because he had too much work to do. Kira made a face as he thought about what they would think if they knew he was doing twice the work any other reaper did at Seireitei. No, he didn't want them to know, they would probably view it the wrong way. The blond stifled a groan when he heard his captain enter the room and call out his name in a sing-song voice. He still couldn't get used to hearing his captain refer to him by his first name.

It made him feel uncomfortable but his superior could address him however he wanted, it was their prerogative. Kira opened his mouth to protest when Gin came over to the desk and then perched on top of the papers he was working on. "Captain Ichimaru! I'm trying to work! We need to get these done today, they have to be turned in before seven tomorrow morning!" He exclaimed and reached over to try and tug one of the papers Gin was sitting on out from underneath the male. The blond made a face when Gin remarked that he was here late tonight and tilted his head to the side. "I'm only here late because I need to get these done since you don't do them..." Kira said with a sigh and let his blue eyes flicker over the silver haired fox-faced reaper's form momentarily before he returned his attention the papers on the desk. "Did you need something, Captain Ichimaru?"

He added, wondering why Gin had come in at this particular moment. What did he want from him?
]The poor thing. Always working so hard just to get it done. Gin was sure the boy was drained of much of his energy from the past few weeks. It would be a great strain on anyone. And still Izuru had yet to say a single word. It was impressive. How much did it take for the poor thing to snap. It would be a very interesting thing to find out but it could wait. Right now he had other plans for his pet. He wouldn't torment the boy too much. No he had to move slow. If he went too fast he would scare his new favorite toy off and he couldn't have that. Aizen wouldn't be too happy either if he set back the plans like that to fill his own wants.

Gin hooked his finger under the boy's chin forcing him to look his captain in the eyes. With a grin he put his lifted his other hand to place a finger on Izuru's lips. It was cute how was so concerned with the work. But they were used to late work from squad three. Of course Gin would be scolded for it again but there was little they would do about it, most of the time at least. All the important things got done and thats what mattered. Gin just shook his head with a small chuckle. It was always entertaining to watch the poor thing stress out over such little things. He still had so much to learn about how things worked. Gin was the worst person to teach but the blond wouldn't get out of it easy.

"Ya worry ta much Izuru~ Ya need ta relax. Ya haven' had much a that lately, have ya? I'm sorry ta work ya sa hard~ Would ya spend the night with meh, Izuru~? Come on~ Forget the silly paperwork. Let meh help ya relax. I can't have ma dear lieutenant being over worked. If ya let meh help ya relax I'll even do all the work tomorrow. Hm~?" He left the words vague enough to leave much room to be interpreted but making them seem innocent enough. At least innocent for the silver-fox. Either way he didn't intent to let his dear pet leave this room for a while. No one would dare walk in on a captain and his lieutenant. Not in this office. With most of the squad members gone for the day and the few left knew better then to bother their captain. It gave the man all the time he wanted.

Of course he wouldn't complain to his captain about the workload heaped upon him, that wasn't professional and Kira was all about following the rules. Much like Byakuya was, although in Kira's case it was a bit different. The dark haired noble was more in control of himself, had self-confidence and usually was the one who set the rules that he followed. On the other hand, Kira was the sort who followed the rules set by others and his main goal was to gain praise from his superiors. He also had almost no self-confidence and could easily be pushed around, unless it affected the lives of his fellow reapers. The blond's lips parted to protest against Gin's action when the man hooked his finger under his chin and forced him to look up into his captain's eyes. Or rather the reaper's slitted eyes that always seemed to be closed, although that couldn't be possible.

Since if they were, how did he get around without running into things? "Captain Ichimaru-" He started to say but his words trailed off when Gin put a finger on his lips, silencing his lieutenant. Regardless of whether or not Gin thought the paperwork was important or not, Kira intended on getting it done in a timely manner. He didn't want the 3rd Division to be looked at as the division that was always late to make their reports. "I worry because it doesn't seem as if you ever do so, Captain Ichimaru." The blond said, his lips forming into a slight pout as he gazed up at his captain, wondering why Gin did his best to avoid doing paperwork. Sure it was boring to fill out but it was also necessary and if he did it ahead of time he wouldn't have to worry about it later on. He blinked when Gin spoke of relaxing and asked if he had done so lately and his brow furrowed.

"Well, no... but I haven't-" Kira started to say but broke off as Gin continued his speech, ending with asking him to spend the night with him. This was a first and he didn't quite know what to make of it. First, Gin had apologized to him which he couldn't remember him ever doing before, then he asked him to spend the night and now he was telling him he would do all the work tomorrow if he did? What was he going on about and why was tonight so important when all the other nights he hadn't done this at all? Kira tilted his head from side to side, easing out any kinks and then let his blue eyes sweep over the desk. "I suppose... that's alright..." He finally said, wondering what Gin had in mind for a relaxing time and cleared his throat, looking up at Gin who was still perched on his desk. "So what did you have in mind, Captain Ichimaru?" The blond inquired, his curiosity aroused.
]Gin's face lit up when his dear pet said yes without hesitation. He kept Izuru's face in his fingers and moved in closer. Licking his lips he brought their foreheads together. He chuckled softly and moved his hand to cup his fukutaichou's face. It was just too perfect. Everything was already planned all Gin had to do was take out what he needed when he needed it. But it might be more fun to let Izuru find some of it. A perfect idea indeed. Gin moved his face to whisper into the blond's ear softly, making sure to let his breath run down the blond's neck. While the captain's hands moved to touch the blond's shoulder and neck. "Open the bottom draw, Izuru~ I left ya a present~"

If only Izuru knew what Gin had planed he might have ran away but now he couldn't. When the bow opened the draw he would find a box the contained a red leather collar with a matching chain leash along with a pair of manacles. Gin's face widen in anticipation. What reaction would he get from the boy? The next image that came to his mind was he beloved fukutaichou bent over the desk, bound and gagged. Everything tossed onto the floor with the blond begging his captain in that sweet voice Gin wanted to hear so much.

But Gin pulled his thoughts from that for the moment. It would all come true soon enough. But one box to start. The other box would have to wait a little while. "Just put the box on the desk~ Ya'll undastand soon enough, ma lovely little Izuru~" The voice was sweet but carried a bit a possessiveness Gin always held for /his/ Izuru.

Kira wasn't sure how to react when Gin brought their foreheads together and then moved his hand to cup his face. He felt somewhat awkward and if his captain had been a female, it would have made a blush come to his cheeks. But as it was, he didn't know what to think which made him rather nervous instead. This was invading his personal space and yet he couldn't say anything about it because Gin was his superior and he didn't want to anger or annoy him in the process. He stiffened when Gin leaned forward and even instinctively tried to draw back a bit as the reaper's head came closer. But when the other male's lips parted to whisper into his ear, Kira forced his body to relax. Of course it was just his captain trying to act all mysterious like he always did, he should have known that. All this odd behavior had simply been to tell him something important.

Something that only made sense because it was Gin and not someone else. "Yes, sir." He murmured and shifted to get into a better position, in the process causing some space between them which was rather relieving since Gin had been making him feel somewhat stifled. Kira opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a box which he then set on the desk and opened it to reveal the contents inside. He blinked upon seeing the bondage toys and for a moment was struck dumb at the sight of the items. Despite himself, he looked up at his captain and his heart started beating a bit faster. Surely Gin wasn't about to bring in some beautiful woman for him to make him relax, was he? Kira didn't want his first time to be with someone he didn't love. "Am I supposed to put these on someone?" The blond asked, looking over at his captain as he waited for the other reaper to respond.
Gin had to stop himself from bursting out laughing at Izuru's innocence. Gently he ran his hand into the blond hair, lacing his fingers in it. He let a soft chuckle pass his lips. Then he gripped the hair and tugged it hard, forcing Izuru to look at him. Gin picked up the collar from the box and held it upto his pet's neck. Oh it looked beautiful indeed. He licked his lips feeling as if he would drool from the ideas already in his head. His beloved little pet bent over the desk, the collar around his neck, hearing his name come from those sweet lips. But he had to pull himself from those thoughts before he really did slam the boy on the desk and strip him. No, he couldn't scare the blond like that. It had to be slow. But Gin never had an issue with seducing anyone before. And with the boy who was already obsessed with him, it should be easy.

The captain just grinned then smoothed the hair he had in his fingers. It was only a momentary laps of control. "Na, Izuru. I would neva allow someone else ta touch ya in such a way. Ya..." He leaned in whispering into the blond's ear. Soft, slow and low. "Ya belong ta meh. I intent ta use these on ya ta help ya relax. Ma lovely, Izuru." He finished and pulled back. The grin on his face dark. But he pet Izuru and attached the collar around the boy's neck. He set the leash and manacles on the desk. He looked them over a few moment but choose to leave them there, for now. He had much time to use them soon enough. The night was young. And Gin didn't intent to let either of them out of this office until he was satisfied. After all he still had yet to claim his beloved pet.

Gin sat up at last. He gave Izuru a few more looks over then jumped off the desk. He went behind the blond and pulled the chair out. Then forcing himself into the boy's lap, he placed his hand back into the blond hair. With another rough tug, he forced his lips into Izuru's. It was a demanding kiss. A kiss the demanded everything from the blond. Weather or not he wanted it Gin would get what he wanted. Gin didn't make the kiss last too long. When he pulled up he licked his lips panting softly. "I love ya, Izuru~" He whispered almost too low for Izuru to hear. Almost.

Kira had not been trying to portray his innocence when it came to bondage. No, as a matter of fact he was somewhat experienced in that particular field due to a certain busty blond who had dragged him into her quarters one night to experiment. Due to Rangiku being a friend, Kira hadn't been able to refuse and had woken up the following morning extremely sore and with a hangover to boot. That night hadn't been one he wanted to repeat although he had to admit it had piqued his interest in bondage, even though he hadn't actually truly done it with anyone yet. Kira shivered as he let Gin run his fingers through his soft, blond hair and then winced as it was pulled and he was forced to look up at his captain. He abruptly realized the items were for him and a tremor of anticipation and nervousness surged through him which he tried to get under control.

The blond blinked when he heard Gin tell him that he would never allow someone else to touch him in such a manner and his brow furrowed at the thought. Well, Matsumoto had already beaten him to the punch but he wasn't about to say something suicidal like that. Kira let his eyes flicker over the bondage items and cleared his throat as he looked back up at his captain. "I hate to say it but I don't think something like this is going to make me relax. If anything it will make me even more excited..." He said with a faint chuckle and felt his heart skip a beat as Gin attached the collar around his neck. Despite himself, Kira found himself comparing the one Gin had given him to the one Matsumoto had placed around his neck and came to the conclusion that he liked the latter better. The other one was more pretty and not as wide as the one Kira currently wore.

It had also been entirely smooth with nothing on the collar that stuck out. Distracted by his thoughts, Kira wasn't paying attention to Gin until the silver haired reaper pulled his chair out and then sat down on his lap and the blond blinked, his heart starting to race as he focused on the other male once more. He could feel himself heating up as Gin took control of his head and then forced a kiss upon him and Kira let out a muffled sound of surprise. The blond struggled at first since he had never kissed a guy before and to all his knowledge was straight as an arrow. But as time passed and he realized Gin wasn't going to let him go, Kira submitted and began to return the kiss, hoping that his captain would release him afterward if he tried to make him feel good. What on earth was Gin doing with him though? Matsumoto never did things like this! She only played with his body.

With the toys and bondage gear. What Captain Ichimaru was doing was going a bit too far and he felt somewhat hot and bothered although he couldn't really explain why he was feeling that way. However, the words Gin said next made him feel rather faint and he wondered if he had just been hallucinating because surely Gin couldn't have said those words. Kira literally did not know what to say in response. He knew he didn't hate him nor did he just like him. There was something special about Gin but he couldn't really say it was love he felt... "I care for you, Captain Ichimaru..." He managed to get out. Why was all this happening right now? He didn't understand it and all this was definitely not relaxing him but making confusing and conflicting feelings come to the surface which was not something he had wanted to deal with at the moment! Certainly not with Gin.
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