- Joined
- Aug 12, 2012
Well Hai! I may change up a few things everyonce in a while, and I draw all mai own pictues. If you happen to like any of mai guys/girls, just send me a messages and I'm sure we can work something out xD
I try anything once, so just ask. Worst thing that happens is I say no. I rp girls and guys, and don't have a fav gender to rp with xD. Oh, and it would be nice to chat alittle about the basic structure of an rp before it begins. ^^
Basic Info
Avalibltly: Open!
Name: Charlie
Age: 19
Speices: Fox Neko
Sexualitly: Bi-Curious
Sexual Stauts: Virgan
Height: 5'3
Weight: 100 lb
Body Type: Petite and Curvy
Hair: Orangey-Red
Eyes: Green with a Hint of Gold
Ears and Tail: Reddish-Orange with a Puff of White
Outside:Charlie is very reckless and prone to take stupid risks. She is very happy-go-lucky and extremly curious. She will talk non-stop if you let her, and is normaly smiling. She is very rebelious, and dosent take orders well, unless their is a serious pushiment if said order is not followed. She has a feisty spirt and her temper can flare at the drop of a hat.
Inside: She scares extremly easy, and tends to cover it up by being angry. She is very navie is the ways of sex, and blushes at any talk of it, and tries to cover it up by saying she's sick. If she is cornered, she will become terrifed and fight for her life. She tends to stay away from any kind of psychical touch. She also feels guilty if she makes someone mad. She is very smart.
Traits: Kind, caring, smart, funny. Gets lost easily and is clumsy.
Hobbies: Singing and Dancing, Baking
Turn-Ons: When someone touches her ears in certain spots, same with her tail.
Likes: Music of all kinds, espically music she can dance to. A good story.
Dislikes: Being yelled at, Having People Made At Her
Past Injures: Broke left leg once, and her right arm twice, sprain her ankle and wrist a few times.
Past Problems: N/A
Bio: Charlie was rasies near an apple occhard, witch her father owned and her mother worked at. She was left on her own a lot, and she would go to the apple occhard and climb the trees. She fell out of a few trees a few times, breaking various bones. She went to a school a block or so from her home, and had many freinds. She would end up the scrapegoat (the one who got blamed) whenever they would get caught pulling pranks.
I try anything once, so just ask. Worst thing that happens is I say no. I rp girls and guys, and don't have a fav gender to rp with xD. Oh, and it would be nice to chat alittle about the basic structure of an rp before it begins. ^^
Female/Girl Characters
Basic Info
Avalibltly: Open!
Name: Charlie
Age: 19
Speices: Fox Neko
Sexualitly: Bi-Curious
Sexual Stauts: Virgan

Height: 5'3
Weight: 100 lb
Body Type: Petite and Curvy
Hair: Orangey-Red
Eyes: Green with a Hint of Gold
Ears and Tail: Reddish-Orange with a Puff of White
Outside:Charlie is very reckless and prone to take stupid risks. She is very happy-go-lucky and extremly curious. She will talk non-stop if you let her, and is normaly smiling. She is very rebelious, and dosent take orders well, unless their is a serious pushiment if said order is not followed. She has a feisty spirt and her temper can flare at the drop of a hat.
Inside: She scares extremly easy, and tends to cover it up by being angry. She is very navie is the ways of sex, and blushes at any talk of it, and tries to cover it up by saying she's sick. If she is cornered, she will become terrifed and fight for her life. She tends to stay away from any kind of psychical touch. She also feels guilty if she makes someone mad. She is very smart.
Traits: Kind, caring, smart, funny. Gets lost easily and is clumsy.
Hobbies: Singing and Dancing, Baking
Turn-Ons: When someone touches her ears in certain spots, same with her tail.
Likes: Music of all kinds, espically music she can dance to. A good story.
Dislikes: Being yelled at, Having People Made At Her
Past Injures: Broke left leg once, and her right arm twice, sprain her ankle and wrist a few times.
Past Problems: N/A
Bio: Charlie was rasies near an apple occhard, witch her father owned and her mother worked at. She was left on her own a lot, and she would go to the apple occhard and climb the trees. She fell out of a few trees a few times, breaking various bones. She went to a school a block or so from her home, and had many freinds. She would end up the scrapegoat (the one who got blamed) whenever they would get caught pulling pranks.