Thanks mom! (Vash x celebstars)


Mar 19, 2012
Life of being the son of a famous Hollywood starlet was a great one indeed. Especially since he was the son of the worlds highest paid actress, Sandra Bullock. Adam had access to anything he wanted thanks to his mother. Money? Not a problem at all. Work? Easy when most of the people know who your mother is. School? A breeze thanks to highly paid tutors and Adams looks. He was 16 years old and he already had the world in the palm of his hand, the only thing missing? A lovely lady to share in all the spooks with. He was by no means bad looking, he was quite the opposite. He stood at five feet and eleven inches tall and still growing. He kept his dirty blonde hair somewhat long, long enough to keep it stylized, and his eyes matched the hazel of his mothers. So no, it wasn't his looks at all. It couldn't be who he was since girls practically throw themselves at him on hearing his name alone. It was the fact that he got a little shy around girls.

Sure he could put on the bravado of some playboy with millions of dollars backing him, but when it came to girls that bravado shrunk to where he got cotton mouth when a girl came to talk to him whether or not it was about something clean or something's not worth mentioning. It seemed like the only woman he could hold a conversation with was his mother, and it really caused Adam some sexual frustrations. Speaking of which, he wondered if his mother was around the house somewhere. He knew that everyone else was gone but he didn't know where his mother was today.

He krept out of his room and slowly walked around the house to try and find his mother. When he couldn't find her he figured she was either gone or somewhere inside this big house and that she wouldn't hear him at all. With that confidence in mind he quickly dashed to his mothers master bedroom and closed the door behind him. He looked around for a moment until he came to her dirty clothes hamper. He searched through it until he came across a nice dark pair of her silk panties. He took them out and put it to his nose. He took a deep inhale and savored it, they smelt just like his mother and something a little more. The smell was something bitter sweet and musky. He let his imagination wander and smiled at the thought of what it was, his mom got a little turned on while wearing these. He turned and went to the bed and sat down. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his boxers. He wrapped the silk garment around his cock and began to pump his hand up and down his hardened member thinking about his mother. Since she really was the only woman he could hold a conversation with they were closer than he and anyone else were. So occasionally his imagination strayed from the pure side and he had some sexual fantasies involving his mother, who could blame him? His mother was Sandra Bullock for crying out loud! She was wealthy, powerful, smoking hot, a triple threat! Adam began to moan loudly as he thought about his mother which is why he does this when no one is in the house, hopefully no one was today.
Sandra had a late call the night before, it was a director who wanted to speak with her at the earliest time possible to discuss a movie. It was 7am and the actress had already left her mansion to go to the director's house. Pulling up in his driveway she got out and rang the his doorbell. The actress was wearing a tight white dress that showed every inch of her delicious curves and stopped just short above her knees. The flesh on her legs were on show down to wear her black heels were giving her some extra height. Jewellery wasn't high on her agenda but she wore a braclet on her right wrist which was her grandmother's and a wedding ring on her left hand which had a diamond so big it was hard to miss. Sandra's hair was down today, falling just below the shoulder, just the right size in length that she liked. Her face didn't have to much make up on apart from some eyeliner to make her eyes stand out and a red lipstick applied to her lips.

Sandra was seen out of the house now by the director, she waved goodbye and put some sunglasses on as she stepped in to her Mercedes. Reversing out of the driveway she drove away heading back home. The meeting went quite well, she hadn't worked with this person before but he seemed keen and impressed with her and she felt the same about him. They looked over the script, talked about what kind if character she would be playing and who else would be starring in it. Sandra was happy and that was most important as she stopped at a traffic light. Leaning over to her passenger seat she looked through her bag pulling out her cell phone. Holding it to her ear she was trying to get in touch with her son Adam but it seemed he wasn't around to answer which confused her as he always picked up.

Turning the corner in to her street she saw her mansion with no vehicles parked outside, she thought everyone was out with it being a weekend. After the film star had parked her car she used the keys from her bag to open the door and everything was still and quiet. Stepping out of her heels and putting them to one side she walked barefoot lifting her sunglasses to sit on the top of her head. Placing the bag she carried on the table in the corridor she walked up the marble stairs to her son's room. It was empty and she saw his phone on his bed. Just as she picked it up she heard a noise coming from what sounded like her bedroom. The marriage wasn't exactly at it's happiest and thoughts flooded in to her mind with what she mind find out. Walking silently thanks to her barefeet she pushed her door open slowly to see something that shocked her. Dropping her son's phone it smashed on the floor breaking it. "Adam?!"
Adam was too busy focusing on what he was doing to hear the front door open and close. His hand continued to pump up and down at a fast pace as the silky garment felt good in his hand and felt even better wrapped around his member. His toes began to curl as he felt a familiar feelig at the base of his member, he was getting close to blowing his load. The only question he had to ask himself was if he wanted to keep the panties wrapped around and blow it inside them or unwrap them and set them aside. They were already in her dirty clothes so really there was no point in not keeping then wrapped around. He would just have to bury them back into her dirty laundry and she would be none the wiser.

His hands pumped faster and faster as he felt himself grow closer to his climax. As he did his eyes closed and his thoughts just went a million miles an hour n about five different directions, none of them all that clean and unfortunately (or fortunately for Adam) they were all about his mother. He tried to decide which fantasy he would settle on. There were many options but Adam decided to keep it simple and chose the simple seductress one. As his mind settled in to the fantasy he became completely ignorant to what was happening around him and was completely focused on the pictures in his head. When the fantasy got down to the dirty deed he finally felt his climax come and his hand gave a final pump and one last moan as ropes of thick cum came spurting out of his member and on to the silk panties.

He rode the enthralling feeling of the orgasm and as the peak declined he was able to clam down and breath normally again. Thinking this as a successful venture he moved to clean himself up but that abruptly changed when he heard the crash of an object against the floor. He quickly kept from the bed and whirled around to see his mother standing in the doorway. "Mom!!" he cried in shock and horror, he had been found out. He refocused his mind on trying to think of an excuse to having his mothers own panties wrapped around his member and soaked in cum. It came back with nothing and he tried to gulp down a lump that was forming in his throat. "H-how long have uh.... How long have you been standing there?"
Sandra's mouth had dropped open wide in shock. Both her hands had risen and placed over her jaw as her eyes also widened. What she saw was something she would never have expected, let alone from her own son. Seeing him shoot his seed in to her panties made her feel uncomfortbale and on edge. Taking a few steps back out of the doorway her hands had climbed over to her eyes now. Sandra didn't want to see his cock wrapped in her panties dripping wet and turned her back to him now.

"Can...can you cover yourself up!" she shouted feeling a little angry but more was due to shock. Now turning back around she looked at her only son not knowing how to react to the situation she had just walked in to. Her mind was starting to wonder and think about how she should deal with this as a good mother. A conclusion came to her that talking and listening was the best solution and getting angry wasn't. "Look I'm sorry I shouted at you," taking a deep breath she began to talk more. "Is this the first time?" Remembering that she had suspiciously lost a few pairs of her silk panties before. "You can be honest with me ok? Just tell me what you are feeling, why you are doing this?" Now sitting on the bed, her husband's side as her side was carrying the wet panties now.
Adam was worried as he looked at his mother. She started to get that look like someone in the horror movies did when they were watching a person get killed. Luckily that wasn't the scenario and his mother was just shocked. He grew nervous when she went to cover her eyes and turned around. Then he jumped in fear when his mother shouted at him to cover up. He did as he was told and covered up, dropping the panties to the floor and pulling his underwear and shorts back on him. He then stood up and waited for the angriest rant he was probably ever going to hear unless he would majorly screw up his life in the future.

Adam was relieved when she turned back around and sat on her bed, something someone who was about to chew out their kid wouldn't do. She asked if this was the first time he had done this and he had to think a moment. Could he lie and claim ignorance saying this was the first time? He thought about it again and came to the conclusion that he needed to come clean now. So he shook his head and said, "No, it's not the first time." When she sat down on the bed he sat back down in the spot he was in before. Adam became a little skeptic when she asked him about his feelings and the reason behind masturbating with her panties. Was she trying to be some sort of psychiatrist? Trying or not he still needed to answer and since he decided earlier to come clean he would have to tell the truthful answers. He started to fiddle with his hands as he began with her first question. "Well... I feel a little sexually frustrated right now. The reason why behind that us because I'm still a virgin and I can't hold a conversation with a girl even if it killed me. You're the only one I've been able to talk to. So I do this to try and alleviate some of the tension I have built up down there from still being a virgin and wel...." Now her came the hard part, "Since you're the only woman I can talk to and seeing as your very very attractive I guess..... I think of you when I do this stuff."
X-Vash00 said:
Adam was worried as he looked at his mother. She started to get that look like someone in the horror movies did when they were watching a person get killed. Luckily that wasn't the scenario and his mother was just shocked. He grew nervous when she went to cover her eyes and turned around. Then he jumped in fear when his mother shouted at him to cover up. He did as he was told and covered up, dropping the panties to the floor and pulling his underwear and shorts back on him. He then stood up and waited for the angriest rant he was probably ever going to hear unless he would majorly screw up his life in the future.

Adam was relieved when she turned back around and sat on her bed, something someone who was about to chew out their kid wouldn't do. She asked if this was the first time he had done this and he had to think a moment. Could he lie and claim ignorance saying this was the first time? He thought about it again and came to the conclusion that he needed to come clean now. So he shook his head and said, "No, it's not the first time." When she sat down on the bed he sat back down in the spot he was in before. Adam became a little skeptic when she asked him about his feelings and the reason behind masturbating with her panties. Was she trying to be some sort of psychiatrist? Trying or not he still needed to answer and since he decided earlier to come clean he would have to tell the truthful answers. He started to fiddle with his hands as he began with her first question. "Well... I feel a little sexually frustrated right now. The reason why behind that us because I'm still a virgin and I can't hold a conversation with a girl even if it killed me. You're the only one I've been able to talk to. So I do this to try and alleviate some of the tension I have built up down there from still being a virgin and wel...." Now her came the hard part, "Since you're the only woman I can talk to and seeing as your very very attractive I guess..... I think of you when I do this stuff."

Sandra had known it wasn't his first time doing it. The missing panties before this was enough evidence but she apprieciated his honesty. Rubbing her forehead she she tried to stay calm and act normal, to show she could handle this situation she found herself in. Her legs dangling of the edge of the bed she crossed one over the other, showing enough skin on her thigh to get any man racing, even her son. At that moment in time she had no idea that would effect his feelings towards her. Brushing some of her hair behind her right ear with her hand the actress began talking. "Do you like women's underwear?" she gave a little nod thinking that is what this was all about. "You like women's clothes?" That was all she could think of at this moment and what she was about to hear next was going to freak her out.

Adam was talking about being a virgin and Sandra could understand. Of course she was a virgin at some point in her life, as everyone is. Some lose ir before others she was thinking and that is what she told him. "Hey, that isn't something to be ashamed of, we were all virgins at some point, you will meet a nice girl one day" Hearing him say he couldn't talk to a girl just made her laugh, "Don't worry, that will all change, your still young" she replied to him. "So what if I'm the only girl you can speak to, just pretend that your talking ot me then when you are with the girls." Now reaching out her hand she placed it on her son's. The light from the room reflected of her wedding ring which made her mind wonder. As she rubbed Adam's hand with her thumb she stared at her ring and wondered what had gone wrong in her marriage. Sandra had taken time of work before, not doing any movies. But that had not helped, her eyes started to water but her mind then cast back to reality when she heard her son say he used her panties thinking of her. The film star's hand quickly withdrew from her sons as she stood up as though she couldn't look at him.
Adam look on his face became befuddled when his mother asked about women's clothing? He wasn't wearing them, they were just wrapped around his member to feel the silk all over it. She didn't really think he was secretly a cross dresse did she?! Oh god please no, he liked looking at women's clothing not wearing them!u kilt she didn't stay on that topic for long and moved on to what he actually said.

The way she talked about made it sound so easy and of course it must have been easy for her. She was Sandra Bullock, she was the charming and witty actress that directors wanted in their romantic comedies, she had to have all the speaking skills of a silver tongue. She could have only picked those up when she was younger. If only he could picture her when he was talking to girls. When he was talking to girls his mind was already going in five different directions, recent events, fashion, pop culture, music, anything else he could talk about with them. By the time he comes up with something it's already been an awkward silence and the conversation is dead or she's gone. When his thoughts driffeted back to the present he saw his mother quickly jump up and away from him like she couldn't even look at him thanks to what he said about thinking of her.

There it was, the disgust that he had to have known was coming yet he was stil surprised by it. With that he just sat there in silence waiting for the shouting and the pointing to begin.
Sandra didn't know what to do. The last thing she expected to hear was that he as thinking of her inappropriately, it made her stomach turn for a few moments. "I'm sorry I dont mean to act this way you just shocked me" she tried smiling, her acting skills coming in to effect. "I think you need to have that conversation with your dad, you know about girls and so on" nodding at him, almost to say he was going to do it whether he liked it or not. Scratching her neck she was struggling to find words on how to heal the atmosphere that seemed dead in the house at that moment. "In fact I don't think your father will want to know what you have been thinking, I can imagine him getting angry at you, let's just keep it to ourselves for now ok?" Walking away from the room now she closed the door to her bedroom and took a deep breath out in the corridor.

Sandra was heading down in to the kitchen to make herself a coffee. She wanted to keep herself busy and to stop her mind thinking about what she had just found out. Looking up at the ceiling she wanted to know what Adam was doing now. Was he crying? Angry? Even carrying on? Once the coffee was made she took a sip from the hot liquid and it wasn't quite strong enough for her. Walking over she poured some vodka in to it rising the water level to the brim. Sititng back on the wooden stool at the counter she took another sip, this time it was just right.
Adam wasn't sure I he should talk to his father about stuff this stuff. He knew he was going to be bombarded with questions from his father, what do they look like? Hair color? Eyes, bust, etc. That was something he didn't feel comfortable telling his dad about. The complete description of teenage girls that Adam seemed to be attracted to? Yeah that was something his dad needed to have bouncing around in his head. He and his mother weren't in the best spot in their marriage right now so teenage girls might be a bit of a Kryptonite for his father. His mother stated the obvious by suggesting that he not tell his father. Sure! That was something he deffinetly wanted to go screaming from the mountain tops.

She finally left and with no further indication of her giving him any sort of punishment he assumed he was free to go as well. He tossed the still wet panties back into her dirty laundry hamper and left the room. He went to his own room and rather than do anything drastic about getting caught or being spurrned by his mother he just sat at his desk and opened his laptop. He swiped his finger across the mouse pad to wake it up and moved the mouse over to the shortcut for Star Wars: The Old Republic. With a double click the game launched and he dove into the world of online gaming for some entertainment for awhile.
Sandra sat in the kitchen for another hour. It felt like time was slowing down and it wouldn't move on unless she had confronted her son properly on the matter. It was coming up to the time when the family had lunch and although she didn't feel comfortable talking to Adam she had to go upstairs otherwise her husband would notice something was wrong. To be quite honest Sansra didn't know where her husband was, which made her think what he was up to, but she never let them feelings be known in public, keeping them to herself. Walking back up the stairs, once again in barefeet in her tight dress she saw he wasn't in her room and came to his. He was at his desk playing his game like nothing had even happened. "Lunch will be ready shortly, make sure you come down, don't want your father thinking anything is wrong." With that brief one comment Sandra closed the door behind her and went downstairs.

As she reached the bottom step her phone rang and it was her husband. Apparently something had happened at work in which he had to sort out right away although he couldn't say what that was. Sandra knew he had a secretary, she had met her once before at a work party and she witnissed her flirting with her husband. Of course she didn't say anything to her, acting like she didn't see anything. Walking in to the kitchen she prepared some sandwiches for her and her son. The star was hoping her husband would be there to at least make some conversation at the table but it seemed like it would be a silent meal

Picking up both plates she carried the food over to the dining area and placed her son's sandwich on the opposite side from hers. This would mean they would face eachother and at least have to bring up something in conversation. Sitting down now she placed herself in front of the table which was covered in a white cotton sheet. The table was solid oak, a dark brown colour it. Waiting patiently for Adam before eating she got back up and brought the bowl of salad she had forgotten. Healthy eating was on the agenda at her house, making her husband and son take part in her dieting. Once the bowl was sat down in the middle she waited again for her son.
Adam had blocked everything else out while he played his game. Things were much simpler in there than out in the real world. All he had to do was click on some things and press some keys on the keyboard and the galaxy remained in order and peace was kept. Out there all he had to do was not get caught with his pants around his legs and a pair of panties wrapped around his cock and, now that he did, be subject to discipline from his mother and/or the most awkward exchanges between them now that his dirty little secret was out in the open. Things were starting to get to heavy for him. His focus was broken when he heard his mothers voice from his doorway. He turned to see her still in that tight white dress that hugged her every curve. He wondered if..... No no no! He can't be thinking about that kind of stuff now! To try and avoid looking stupid he nodded at whatever she said and waited for her to leave.

When she did he logged off of his game and waited for assurance that she was gone. When Adam was sure she was gone he let the river run free and the thoughts of her in that dress flooded his mind. As they filled his mind he felt his shorts grow tight and he knew he couldn't walk down the stairs with a tent in his pants. In order to avoid that he pulled his pants down and jerked a load off before heading down stairs for lunc.

Adam sat down at the table and began to eat the sandwich that he assumed was his. When he saw the bowl of salad in didn't of him he ignored it, he hated eating salad. It was gritty and tasted like dirt. His mother didn't ask him anything so he didn't speak. He hated awkward silences so he decided to break it. "So do want to talk about what happened upstairs more or what? I know you must have a thousand questions or something right?"
Sandra looked at her son as he began to eat his food. Staring wasn't something she was fond of, but given the circumstances she made an exception. The only time she broke her line of sight was to look at her food. The silence was broken when Adam started to talk, she was a little surprised about how he seemed to be acting about it. "I don't know what to ask...." she paused, looking down at the table, as though she was trying avoid asking the question she desperately wanted to ask. "Why? Huh?.....Why?" Looking at him in the eye she wanted an answer but wasn't sure on what it would be. "Why do you think of me and not girls your age, girls at your school?" Raising her eyebrows she finished her sandwhich and pushed her empty plate next to the bowl of salad.

Waiting for a response of him was like waiting for a bus, it took ages. Thinking he was just going to close up Sandra stepped up from the chair and walked in to the kitchen. Putting the plug in the sink she ran the water to fill it up before leaving her plate in it. Walking over to the fridge she got out some fresh juice and poured herself some in a clear glass. "Well....?" Sandra shouted through the room before walking over to him hand on her hip drinking out of her glass.
Adam was surprised when she didn't begin to ask him a thousand and one questions about the incident upstairs. He continued to eat until his mother asked the simplest and yet the hardest question to answer. Why? Adam stared back at her while he searched through himself to find an answer.

She thought he wasn't going to answer so she stood up and left for the kitchen. After a moment of silence he heard the sink run and then the fridge open. Finally she shouted, now she was getting angry. Adam found the answer that he thought was best and stood up. "You want to know why I think of you? It's because a kind of have a thing for older women- there I said it!" It felt good to get that off of his chest. After he said that he let the damn break. "Look at you mom, you're in your forties and you have a body like a twenty year old and I've talked to you nor than any other girl in the world. You practically know everything about me and I love you so much for that. Plus the girls a school that are my age seen pretty enough that they've already done it before with other guys. I'm afraid that if we do make it to that point then they'll expect me to know thinking that a guy like me win the money I have to already be like some sex savant! Since I'm not I'm afraid they ebony like me and find some other guy!" By now he was standing up and staring straight at his mother as his emotions poured out like a waterfall.
Sandra listened to his outburst. Watching him tell her how he felt must have been hard for him. Hearing his voice, to her it sounded like he was embarassed and wanted to cry. That is when her motherly instincts cut in and she put her arms out on his shoulders. "Listen to me, it is completely normal, you will find it hard to talk to girls because you have no confidence, and when you are approaching your first time with a girl, it will be romantic, loving." Pulling her arms forward it brought his shoulders forward, hugging him. "Don't worry, look we can watch a movie tonight if you want, take your mind of things."

Feeling sorry for him, it was clear he had some problems he wanted resolving. Every person had been through it at some stage in their lifes and he was no different. Letting go of him Sandra told him everything would be ok. Walking away now she went to go to her bedroom, wanting to change so she could have a cool dip in their pool. She felt quite comfortable about things now, she thought it wasn't about her, when he met a girl, he would no longer think of her. Closing her bedroom door she stepped out of her dress laying it down on the covers of her bed. Taking off her underwear she slipped in to a bikini, a black on to be exact. Her hair tied in to a ponytail she then proceeded to head downstairs to the indoor pool.
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