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Naughty things inside! (Edited 10-1)

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Aug 10, 2012
Okay, just a little bit about me, so all of you know. I'm a twenty one year old female. I'm on mostly at night usually on non stop from 9 pm. to 3am. I try my best to give instant responses, but sometimes it takes me a bit to reply. I post about 1-3 paragraphs, but I can stretch myself to five, if you have given me something extremely detailed. Please, if you are going to give me a one liner, look else where. I will try my best to match your post length. See below for my few rules. I usually don't dom, but I can be persuaded, though it will not be easy, as I am a natural submissive type.
I only play female characters, but I will do a MxF, or a FxF
At the moment I'm looking for something dark. Cruel, and romantic.

~No god modding. It drives me insane, and I have had many good role plays fail because someone had to try and completely control my character.
~Good grammar/spelling. Yes, I know not all of us are perfect, but I expect a certain level of literacy.
~No one liners.

Okay, well, now that you have read through the boring stuff, let's get down to business. I can do short term, quick smut, or long term. I'm pretty flexible with role plays, but I try to stray from fandoms. There are a few I might do, but I don't play many video games, or watch any anime, sorry.

~Pairings, that don't have a plot~
Bold is what I will play
~-the more of these, the more I am craving.
rescuer/drug addict~(There can be so many plots to this)
Club owner/Client
Insane Asylum Owner/Patient ~~~
Insane Asylum Owner/Staff Member

Fantasy(didn't know what else to name it)
Priest /Werewolf


More to come when I think of them.
(When I say vampires I don't mean the twilight vampires, please don't ask me to do anything twilight related. Thank you.)

Plots based off movies/books/television show
Something along the lines of Sweeny Todd

Left 4 Dead
Rosario + Vampire
Full Metal Alchemist
Girls in Bravo

~More to Come~

Okay, so below are some of the plots that I have, feel free to message me with a suggestion you have on tweaking one of them, or with the ones your interested in. I have more plots floating around in my head, just don't know which to write down, so I will add them slowly.

River View Insane Asylum
There is an insane asylum out in the woods, where no one really goes unless that are deemed incurable. They don't use ordinary methods, instead they use electric shock treatments and brutal injections with a wide range or side affects. Two people meet here and fall in love, then they decide to break out of here and tell the public. This would be either short or long term, sex will happen were it fits in.

The Academy
In the middle of the forest is a school, for only monsters. Every type of monster/shape shifter is there. There are vampires, succubi, werewolves, shape shifters, mermaids, and many more. Your character unknowingly gets accepted into this school. The one problem is he is a human. Should he be found out, they will kill him. Things heat up when one of the monsters begins to fall for him, what is he to do?

The Hospital
So this is a new plot that I have been seriously craving. A girl is with an extremely abusive guy who puts her in the hospital several times. On this particular visit though she meets a doctor or a male nurse who she really likes. The girl has to stay for a few days and get better. While she is recovering he stays with her as much as he can, and even when he isn't on shift there. Eventually her boyfriend shows up and he witnesses an altercation between them and proceeds to call the police. When she can finally leave he takes her home, and it can go from there. This would start with her arriving at the hospital.

Breeding Program
So anthros are dying out and the government has issued an order that one virgin girl from each family has to be taken to a barn and be 'bred' by anthros. They are assigned to one anthro who comes everyday and breeds her until she is pregnant. When the anthro baby is born, they are taken to a new male. We can play this however...really craving this though.

Okay, so those are my pairings, I will probably only post a few plots here. If you want to know some more of my plots, PM me, or comment here. I'm always looking for new partners, so don't be afraid to message me. Also, if you see something here you don't like, just send me a message of a plot you enjoy or are craving, and I might try it out!
RE: Hey! You need to look in here :3 (edited 9-21 MxF FxF FutaxF))

edited, more smut than plot now
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