God's new playtoy - AizenXRyuuken


Persimmons of Silver
Jun 10, 2011
Las Noches

The day started simply enough. The doctor came home from work late, as normal. His son was no where to be found. Not that it mattered. He knew perfectly well what the boy was doing and wanted no part of it. Blasted child of his running off to help the Shinigami at a moment's notice. None the less with the Kurosaki boy. Ryuuken simply sighed and put his things on the kitchen table. The house was empty and he had it all to himself. Again. With a quick glance at the contents of the fridge he decide he wasn't hungry. But he did need a shower and a good nights sleep.

With two of this fingers he pushed his glasses up higher on his face. As he headed up the stairs he paused. Thinking he heard something. But he felt no one else in the house and quickly dismissed it. Rarely did he use any of his powers but with the increased numbers of Shinigami and Hollows he stayed alert. All he wanted right now was a relaxing shower. It was yet another long hectic day at the hospital. Some would say it was a good day, he only fired two nurses and one doctor.

Ryuuken turned the knob and first turned the water of the shower on. He let it run not bothering to shut the door. If his son came home he could hear it. The man undressed slowly, letting the steam roll over him. He let out a deep sigh and rolled his shoulders. He closed his eyes and placed his glasses on the sink. The tie following. Slowly items came off leaving him in his pants and unbutton shirt. The night was peaceful and it was just what he needed.

(Eh...I'll make it better as it goes. My Ryuu still sucks.)
Sosuke let his chocolate brown eyes flicker over his followers as he sat on the throne which had been made especially for him by the residents. Things were moving along at a fairly decent pace and he had some time to spare. So how should he fill this rare moment of free time? There were many things he could do but what would be the most advantageous to him? Sosuke thought silently for a short while and then a smile came to his lips - his mind made up - as he rose and strode out of the throne room without glancing back. Not too long afterward, he appeared directly outside Ryuuken Ishida's house with a scrap of white cloth in his hand and a smile on his face which might have been pleasant had one not known his true nature. Sosuke entered the building without much effort since in his reaper form, material walls couldn't stop him.

Due to the fact that he wasn't of solid matter at the moment. He could hear water running upstairs and flash stepped up to the room in question, just in time to see Ryuuken remove his tie and set his glasses on the sink. Oh what perfect timing he had, Sosuke thought with a smirk, using his abilities to appear directly behind the Quincy and stretched out a hand to remove the other male's shirt. "Why don't I help you with that?" The god-like reaper murmured in that smooth as silk voice he possessed and tossed the shirt away from both of them with a flick of his wrist. This wasn't just a whim of his to pay Ryuuken a visit, no Aizen always had a plan when he showed himself to others and this was no different. What that plan might be was another matter entirely and one that he was sure no one would understand. Not until it was too late to do anything about it.

The night wouldn't remain peaceful for long. No, Sosuke expected Ryuuken to react instinctively and try to shoot him which would not be a very wise choice.

The man's eyes went wide. How did he not notice sooner!? He would have taken his shirt off soon enough but now he was almost naked in front of someone. But no, just someone. He knew this man. Even if he never met the man directly he knew the other well. He would have to be even more foolish then he already was to not know the man who betrayed Soul Society. Of all people that would invade his home. It mattered little the reason for this, Ryuuken only cared about getting this man out of his home.

With a quick jump he glared down at the other man. Ryuuken grabbed a towel to cover himself from the other's eyes. For what other reason would someone come in on someone in the shower. His mind raced with his options. But he stayed calm on the outside. He stood up straight and glared harder. There was no way Ryuuken would allow a shinigami to get the better of him.

His pride helped him stay calm. As much as he pushed aside the Quincey side of himself, he knew he would most likely have to rely on it. With any luck Aizen was only here for something like getting to the Kurosaki boy, but the doctor wouldn't be so lucky. In his mind he prepared himself to get his bow ready at any moment. Only wishing he could reach for his glasses without risking Aizen having the advantage.

"What are you doing here? Whatever games you intent to play I will have no part in them, Shinigami."
It was rather amusing to see someone as powerful as the Quincy before him reach for a towel to cover himself from view. That wasn't going to help him much. If he wanted to, he could easily shred the material and expose Ryuuken's body to the cool air again. Or an even simpler option was to merely walk up to him and tug the towel away from the silver haired Quincy's body. Both were quite tempting and he silently debated which one would encourage more playtime with the other male, eventually deciding on the latter. He didn't want Ryuuken to submit to him just yet because he liked playing with the emotions of other people and so he stuffed the white cloth into an inside pocket of his robes.

When the time came, he would show Ryuuken what he had and then the man would most likely cooperate. If not, he would have to track down someone else the Quincy cared about which would be no trouble at all. He had time to spare after all and if the man should prove stubborn, the brunette would simply fight him and carry him off when their battle ended. No one could stand up to him except perhaps Ichigo, Gin and Urahara and none of them were ready to make their moves at the moment. Aizen's chocolate eyes flickered over Ryuuken as the other male started to glare at him and an amused smirk came to his lips. My, my, whatever was he trying to do? Glares wouldn't upset him in the least.

Sosuke's eyes flickered over to the sink where Ryuuken's glasses lay and he moved forward at a leisurely pace until he was within range of the sink in question. He reached out and picked up the item that the Quincy needed in order to see and carefully pocketed them, placing them inside his robes as he turned to regard Ryuuken once more. "I am here for you, my dear Quincy." Aizen remarked, seeing no need to not tell him the truth. It wasn't as if the man could stop him and he smiled benevolently at the silver haired male. The fact that Ryuuken had called him a shinigami made his lips tighten but he couldn't reject it at the moment. Not yet. After all, it was true, he was still a reaper.

At least for the moment. He still had to figure out how to cross between the boundary of reaper and hollow in order to become a god as he had told Ukitake. "A game you say?" Perhaps it was time to show him one of his hidden cards and a smile came to his face at the thought. "I'm sure you'll want to play this one. The prize is... your son." Sosuke remarked casually as he advanced on Ryuuken, his chocolate eyes showing nothing of what he was inwardly feeling and he started to feel anticipation begin to build up within him. Surely Ryuuken would give him some sort of entertainment in this game. He managed to back the Quincy into a wall and reached out to let his fingers grip the man's chin.

"If you win, you get him back. If you lose, you give me your body." Aizen said with a malicious smile and waited for the Quincy to react to his words.

Any hope of seeing clearly was gone when the vile man pocketed his glasses. Ryuuken wasn't blind but the world was certainly much clearer with them. If he did need to attack Aizen had a clear advantage. Only adding another reason the detest Shinigami. But that didn't mean the other would win. Even with his limited knowledge of Aizen he was confidant he could hold his own. The silver-haired Quincey had never lost to a Shinigami yet and he didn't intent to. The Kurosaki fool hadn't been able to best him yet and Ryuuken would be damn if he let some traitor do it. But every moment he spent with this man sickened him. The soon this was over the better.

Not like Ryuuken would say out loud, he was too proud, but he did care for his son. As cold as he was to the boy in his mind it was in his son's best interest. He was always looking over Uryu's shoulder. Watching the boy's every movement. But never would he let the boy know any of it. Their relationship was rocky at best. He didn't need Uryu to think his own father was a stalker to make it worst. Indeed the man would do anything to protect his son. Risking losing him was not an option. Whatever game Aizen was playing, if his son was at risk he didn't have much of a choice. But still he wouldn't simply give into the vile man's will like that.

As the brunette advanced Ryuukne stepped back, almost tripping into the still running water. He glared harder being backed into a wall and feeling a hand on him. But he didn't dare move just yet. Being the logical man he was, Ryuuken thought over his options. If Aizen was as some said he was he would reveal what was going on in his sick mind. Even if the feeling of being touching by a Shinigami made his stomach turn. It took all his will power and control to not try and punch the man in the face. Knowing full well he would most likely miss anyway. And his pride wouldn't allow that to happen.

"It would be his own fault to get mixed up in the Shinigami's affairs. Trying to blackmail me with his life is a waste of time. If he is mature enough to make his own choices he can live with his own mistakes." Ryuuken knew this little visit had nothing to do with Uryu, but playing dumb could work in his favor. If he didn't need to get Uryu mixed up in whatever sick games were being played he didn't want to. Aizen resorted to blackmail right from the start. The sick bastard. The silver-haired doctor shivered slightly from the words though. His son or his body. Sick, sick bastard this creature was. "Either way this game of yours is played you will find a way to get what you want. Save us both the time. Get your vile hands off of me. If you are so powerful then fight like a man. You are a coward to use such tactics." Not the smartest thing to say but it would change the subject.

Of course he didn't expect the Quincy to agree immediately and if he had, Sosuke would have been disappointed. After all, he could have been lying although that wasn't something he liked to do but how would Ryuuken know something like that? Calling him out on this came as no surprise to him but Ryuuken didn't demand proof, instead he sought to prove to Aizen that he didn't care about what his son did and Sosuke raised a brow as he regarded the silver haired male before him. What an interesting creature he had come across. "Indeed." He remarked and shook his head slightly at Ryuuken's words. "I am not blackmailing you, my dear Quincy. I am simply offering you a chance to participate in a game with me. You are free to refuse but then I will merely find someone else." Sosuke commented as if he were talking about the weather.

Regardless of Ryuuken's participation, he needed Uryu for a little scene he was preparing for Ichigo Kurosaki. The older silver haired Quincy was not necessary in that plan but Sosuke wanted to let off some steam and had decided on a whim that Ryuuken could fill that part perfectly since he was usually seen as a loner in general. So he was going to have a little fun toying with the man for the short period of time he had set aside for himself at the moment. Aizen was faintly surprised that Ryuuken hadn't tried to attack him up to now, especially considering their proximity and a smile came to his face. "A pity. I thought you might be a little more cooperative. After all, there is always a chance you might win if you played. I am not a god yet." He remarked, teasing him even though most would think he was being serious.

Sosuke reached out suddenly and with lightning quick speed jerked the towel off from around Ryuuken's body, exposing his bare flesh to the air around them. The brunette's fingers tightened on Ryuuken's chin and descended until Sosuke's fingers were wrapped around Ryuuken's throat. He lifted him up against the wall and regarded him for a few moments with a smile on his face. "Don't try to change the subject, my little pet." Aizen commented and then threw Ryuuken towards the porcelain tub of the shower. There was a huge chance Ryuuken would either break some bones or bruise himself if he landed on the edge of the tub. At the very least, he would be dazed if he hit the object in question. "So, will you participate in my game or shall I head off in search of another willing participant?" He inquired, watching Ryuuken to see what he would do.

As much as he wanted to say something he held back most of it. Only the be rewarded with being tossed into his own shower. Ryuuken almost didn't hear what the other said. He landed with a grunt and winced. As best he could he hid any pain he was in. Taking a moment to attempt to move and see if anything was broken. Even though he was stronger then normal humans the power he was tossed manged to crack the wall. The doctor moved slowly and winced. Nothing was broken but he was sure most of his back was now bruised. At least for now that's how it seemed. He would know in a few hours for sure. But such a thing couldn't stop him from putting up a fight. He's had much worst. The pain was of little relevance at the moment. The hot water running over him did help a bit as well.

Ryuuken forced himself to stand calling fourth his bow. His only choice was to defend himself. This 'man' calling himself a 'god' of some sort? What a deluded creature Aizen was. The Quincey pointed his weapon at the other's chest. Not pulling it back just yet but the arrow was ready. Still glaring at the Shinigami in his bathroom. Carefully he thought over each option he had. Trusting this man by his word was the last thing he would do. "And why would I take your word that simply giving a 'no' would satisfy you?" He questioned and pulled back the bow slowly. "I would never willingly play any sick game of yours. But I will not allow you to torment another in my place."

The doctor stared down the other man. He wouldn't let Aizen leave here. He wouldn't give himself over either. The only option left was to stop him. How was another story. Their power was clearly different. Ryuuken needed to get to know the Shinigami's abilities. But there was to chance of that. It was unlikely the man would even use any of his real power at this point. And there wasn't much room to move around in here. "I will ask you again, Shinigami. What do you want? What kind of sick game are you playing? I will put a stop to it. And I will not 'wager' my body just for you to get your kicks."
Aizen hadn't even thrown him that hard and yet he was sure the collision with the tub would leave Ryuuken with some bruises at the least. He let his chocolate eyes flicker over the Quincy whose skin was now glistening with water running down over his body and a faint smile came to his lips. The man really did look more appealing now that he was all wet and Sosuke found himself getting even more interested in taking the one who had managed to catch his interest. He smirked when Ryuuken stood up and called forth his bow and debated on whether or not he should simply run him through and take care of his recovery process or just knock him out. The latter was probably more effective since the former would require time and he was a rather impatient man. Aizen regarded him for a few minutes, doing absolutely nothing to stop him which was suspicious.

It seemed as if he wasn't about to give Ryuuken an answer to his question but then, he spoke once more. "I already told you what I want and I see no need to repeat myself, my little pet." He remarked and his chocolate eyes seemed to bore through Ryuuken, almost as if he was burrowing deep into the other male's soul with his stare. "I will get what I want, the only thing that is up for discussion is whether you are willing or not. I have no preference when it comes to that." Sosuke commented and tilted his head to the side when Ryuuken demanded to know what kind of game he was playing and chuckled. "As for the game, I actually didn't have one in mind. You were the one who gave me that idea. I simply thought we could play a few competition games. But with more important prizes of course as I mentioned before." Aizen added, having not moved from the spot.

He waited for the Quincy to respond to his words, letting his eyes flicker over the male before him.

"You truly are a sick man." Ryuuken spat out. His eyes stayed focus on the other. The look Aizen gave him filled him with disgust. As if he was trying to eat the doctor alive. "I am certainly not your 'pet' nor will I. You will have to kill me before you could lay a hand on me." This perverted man. Whatever ideas Aizen had he didn't want to know in the least. Let alone the fact he had no interest in men, he had little interest in anyone. Ryuuken wasn't so foolish to think this man had such innocent intentions as killing him. It wasn't only his pride that was in danger. But he knew if it came down to it, if Aizen really would go that far, he would make sure no harm came to his son or any of the others. He detested the Shinigami, all of them, but he had his reasons.

The next moment he made a quick movement to get away. Ryuuken didn't move too much and lost his footing, making him slip and the bow dissipating into the air. He cursed himself under his breath as he found himself falling forward. The mix of the pain and the water the doctor lost his footing. His face now into the chest of the man he wanted to be as far away from as he could. Slowly his eyes moved up the body he was now faced with and shoved himself off. In that moment he knew how easy it would have been for this sick man to do as he pleased. Ryuuken kept alert and made sure he didn't give Aizen the chance.

"I will never come willingly. And you wont lay a finger on anyone else for what ever sick ideas are in your mind."
The Quincy had always been a rather fascinating bunch, at least in the beginning but over time had grown obsolete when soul reapers made their appearance. Sosuke chuckled, the sound rich and deep as he let his chocolate eyes linger on the male in front of him and a faint smile could be seen on his lips as he regarded Ryuuken. "I do not think I will need to go that far, my dear Quincy. There are ways to subdue you that do not require your death, at least not at this particular time." He remarked and was rather amused when Ryuuken tried moving and slipped in the tub due to the water, causing him to fall forward, his head now buried in Aizen's chest in a rather awkward position. "I think your actions speak louder than your words, my pet. If you wanted me this much, you should have just asked." Sosuke said with a smirk and reached out to let his fingers stretch forward.

To entwine in the soft, silver strands of Ryuuken's hair. He allowed the man to pull back a bit and then dragged him forward again by his hair, rather amused by his continued denial that he wouldn't become his pet. Or let him near his body. Foolish Quincy. What he wanted, he tended to get nearly all the time. And what he couldn't get, he got via Kyoka Suigetsu. It was quite entertaining to mingle with Ryuuken while under the influence of his zanpakutou which was already active. After all, no one seemed to be able to pick up when he had used Kyoka Suigetsu. Captain Unohana had been the only one at Soul Society that seemed to realize anything was amiss while under the influence and she wasn't here now. Yes, he could have simply been himself and not used his zanpakutou on someone as weak as Ryuuken but Sosuke had wanted to spicen things up a bit for now.

That was why he had used it. Why not? If the man tried to escape by doing an attack on the being before him who he assumed was Aizen, the reaper would drive a sword through his body to slow him down. Of course he didn't want to do this but would if necessary. He couldn't let him escape, not when he wanted to satisfy himself tonight on his one free night. "Why don't you just submit to me? It would be easier on you." Sosuke murmured, trying to be nice to Ryuuken as he kept the Quincy's head smothered into his chest. Being nice was not in his nature but he was feeling generous at the moment. Thoughts and ideas popped into his mind as he debated what he could have Ryuuken do to humiliate himself. He didn't trust his mouth on his cock at the moment, after all it was quite likely Ryuuken might try and bite him which didn't sit well with Aizen. Then a thought occurred to him.

Shortly afterward, a faint smile came to his face. "Tell me, what would you do for me if I refrained from inserting my cock into you until you begged for it?" He asked in a cool voice as if he were simply speaking about the weather. "Telling me this will never happen is not an option. If I wanted to I would simply rape you regardless. This is simply out of pure curiosity." He added, wondering how Ryuuken would respond to his words. Aizen truly did want to know because he liked playing around with his food, so to speak. If Ryuuken responded in a positive manner, perhaps he would consider letting him off the hook. That is until he begged for him and Sosuke knew exactly how to cause that to happen but he wouldn't tell the other male that. Where was the fun in letting someone know what was about to come next? Aizen tilted his head from one side to the other as he waited.

Just as he thought he could get up, he was grabbed and brought back. With a hiss he slammed a fist into Aizen's chest. He wouldn't allow this to go easy. He would let this man rip each hair out before allowing him to do anything else. But then he froze. Ryuuken looked up, his eyes wide. For a moment true panic ran in his face. He paled at the words. But once the moment of shock was over he attempted to fix his expression. He couldn't allow Aizen to see him so weak. He forced himself get back the look of defiance he had worn so well until now. Though with those words ringing in his ears, the hand on his head and the chest in his face, it wasn't as easy as before. But there was no way he would allow himself to submit to a Shinigami, least of all one as vile as this man.

"If that is your intentions, you will have to rape me. I will never agree to such things. Not from someone as vile as you. You can not force me to do anything. If you want my body you will have to take it by force." Ryuuken knew perfectly well this wouldn't end well. This man....this beast really could rape him. Such the idea made his stomach turn. What other ideas could this man have. But his pride, his will, wouldn't let him give in like that. Pain meant little to him. He could stand that. The worst Aizen could do was kill him, then so be it. No he wouldn't give in. "Can not find a woman desperate enough to satisfy you, so now you turn to men? As all powerful as you claim to be you stoop so low as to go hunting Quincy? Pathetic." Worst come to worst, he makes this end sooner. If only he could be so lucky.

With one finale act of defiance, only to add the icing onto the cake. Ryuuken looked up with a glare. He pulled his head back an inch and spat into Aizen's face. He held a look of disgust on his own. Even looking at, being near and so much as smelling this man made him sick. He wanted to vomit at the moment. He prepared himself for the pain that was to come. "Hurt me in anyway you like. I will never give you the satisfaction of winning. I am not as foolish enough to pretend I can fight you at this moment. As you have no spine to fight me as a man." It was all he had. Half expecting to be used then killed, or left alive to suffer. He could only pray he wasn't taken as a pet like Aizen said. To live as a servant to Aizen...he would sooner end his own life.
Sosuke wasn't surprised when Ryuuken slammed a fist into his chest when he was dragged back towards Aizen by that lovely silver-white hair of his. He wondered briefly how much people might pay to make use of such a beautiful specimen and chuckled at the thought. No, he didn't want to share this particular pet, at least not until Ryuuken got old and made him lose interest. It was then that the Quincy gave him the best present he could possibly wish for - fear and panic - and Sosuke's smirk widened as he let a finger run down Ryuuken's cheek in an almost affectionate manner. He loved the way his newest pet reacted and suspected Ryuuken had no idea what he was showing him at the moment. Aizen's suspicions were confirmed when the fleeting emotion disappeared from his eyes shortly afterward and the usual look of defiance replaced it.

Defiance didn't really do Ryuuken justice. No, he was much more attractive when he was afraid and Sosuke licked his lips at the thought of seeing that look on the Quincy's face again. For a moment, Aizen thought about simply raping him and then taking him back with him to Hueco Mundo to play around with the silver haired male. But then he paused, recalling the things Ryuuken had said a few seconds ago and a smirk came to his lips once more. Oh, this man was truly gifted with giving him lovely ideas! "I see." He murmured and already started to go through several ideas, deciding which one would have the best effect on the male before him. Sosuke's eyes rested on Ryuuken for a brief moment as he expressed his distaste for him and his grip tightened on the Quincy's hair, keeping him in place. There was no way Aizen would allow him to try and make a break for it.

He could already tell Ryuuken wanted to get him riled up so he would make a mistake. But that was not about to happen. "No, I simply prefer more of a challenge when I break my toys. Women tend to break entirely too easily, so I decided to see how men would fare. You know if you had submitted instantly I might have even let you go without doing anything! What a shame for you. Your fight only served to intrigue me." He remarked but fell silent when Ryuuken suddenly spat into his face. The words the Quincy spoke soon after made him somewhat annoyed but he controlled that emotion quite well, only reaching up to wipe the spit off his skin a moment later. "I have lost interest in you for now. So take this as a brief respite. For when I return, I will not only take your body but break your will as well." Aizen said, his tone cool and almost frosty in nature.

Then, he released Ryuuken's hair and shoved him backward so hard he would hit the wall. He took his leave of the room and flash stepped away, disappearing shortly afterward.

The door opened a few seconds after Sosuke had left and Uryu Ishida appeared in the doorway. He let the door close behind him and straightened the white uniform he tended to wear almost all the time, glancing around the house he shared with his father. No words were spoken and he headed straight up the stairs to where he could see a light coming out from under the door. When he got up to the bathroom, he saw his father on the floor looking quite beaten up and almost entirely naked which brought a blush to his cheeks. Uryu quickly went over to the older male and reached down to help Ryuuken up, letting his eyes rake over his father's form and he wet his lips. "You alright?" He asked, his heartbeat pounding as he tried to ignore the way his cock was reacting to seeing Ryuuken naked before him. Despite himself, his hand ghosted over Ryuuken's cock.

This in turn made his own that much harder. God, it was hard to resist taking the man right now since it was obvious Ryuuken wasn't in his best shape. But he had to take his time or else Ryuuken might see through this little scheme. Then again, it was incredibly difficult to do so.

Ryuuken was again disgusted the to look on Aizen's face. The sick man was pleased with himself. To have someone as his personal slave actually brought him joy. It was just sick. All the doctor wanted to do was get away from this vile man. But that didn't look like it was going to happen anytime soon. Ryuuken still attempted to hold a look of defiance. It seemed that look held slightly less joy for Aizen the any other. He couldn't deny the feelings were still there. No one would look forward to being forced and used in such a way. Especially not by this man. He kept thinking over ways to get the damn man to leave, even for a little while. He knew perfectly well he couldn't escape but he could at least think of something when the idea of being raped was out of him mind.

When Aizen spoke again his hand twitched as he got ready to hit the man again. Like hell he would have given in so quickly. Ryuuken took a deep breath and pulled his arm back. How disgusting. Anyone would fight back. To lay down and accept any of this was beyond disgusting. This man just didn't give up. Toying with him. Ryuuken couldn't stand to be toyed with. And still the shinigami refused to do anything but talk and torment. Maybe he was just toying with the doctor and would let him go without touching him. If only he could believe that. It was too good of a thought. But then Aizen let him go. Or rather shoved him away causing the Quincy to cash into the wall again. He didn't even notice Aizen leave. His head throbbed from the impact and his whole body ached with a whole new pain. Ryuuken told himself he would work out. He shouldn't have been in so much pain just from being slammed into a wall twice. He was sure something was broken this time.

Before he could even start to think again he saw a figure about him. Ryuuken's first thought was to send a arrow into the damn shinigami's face for all this. He called fourth his bow unable to see much of who was in front of him. But he would be damned if he would let Aizen touch him. Before he could pull the boy back a voice rang in his ears. He blinked a few times and let the bow vanish. Slowly he reached for his glasses letting his mind get around what was going on now. Aizen was gone? He really had left. He didn't believe it for a moment thinking Aizen was still near. But once his eyes started to focus he saw a familiar figure. Something was odd about it. But he didn't think of it too long. His head was pounding and he took some comfort in the other face.


Ryuuken was very confused seeing his son. The boy didn't live here and never visited. But here he was as soon as Aizen left. Then he realized. Aizen. He brought Uryu here. The bastard really was willing to use his son against him. As cold as he was to the boy he wouldn't let such harm come to him. If Uryu's life was on the line....he would have to. But he forced the thought from his mind. A hand reached out to grip the body above him leaning on it. The boy was acting odd but he figured it was to be expected. But if Aizen did to his son the same he did to himself there would be hell to pay. Half tempted to allow Aizen to do something only to bite such places. Again he forced that from his mind. His worry now was his son.

"What are you doing here? .....What did Aizen do to you...?"

The doctor shuttered as his son's hand brushed over the half harden member. Quickly he grabbed Uryu's wrist and propped himself up on the boy. He was mostly naked and his semi-erect cock was clear in his soaked underwear. He wasn't aware of what he looked like. He face still tinted and his whole body soaked. His hair fell over his face. Bruises covered his back and his hissed in pain. Mentally Aizen's actions and words disgusted him to the point of being sick. But he was a man with needs he had denied for many years. They held some effect on his body much to his anger. For now he just worried mostly on his son and finding out what that vile man did.
Oh yes, things were proceeding along quite nicely he thought to himself with a smile. But now he had something else to decide, whether or not to include Aizen in his plans since Ryuuken had brought the man up in their conversation. Which one would be more entertaining to pick? What would cause Ryuuken to fall and submit, in the process giving his body to him to use however he wanted? For that was the main reason why he had used his zanpakutou to cast an illusion over himself. It was so Ryuuken wouldn't know he was still here and had never left the house. But really, people were so gullible and although sometimes it was amusing, he wondered what it would be like to have an opponent who Kyoka Suigetsu didn't work on. Then again, did he really want to find out? The answer was no, Aizen liked his superiority over others, it made him feel more like the god he was trying to become.

'Uryu' came to a decision and reached out with his free hand to gently let his fingers run through Ryuuken's wet hair and smoothed the strands down in a casual manner. He didn't say a single thing and when Ryuuken sat up, Uryu suddenly leaned forward and pressed his lips up against those of the older Quincy, letting a bit of passion come to the surface. The fingers of the hand in Ryuuken's hair tightened and he yanked the silver haired male's head back, increasing the intensity level of the kiss and throwing Ryuuken off balance at the same time as he leaned forward more. Uryu's tongue forced its way into Ryuuken's mouth and the hand that wasn't in the older male's hair, snaked its way inside Ryuuken's underwear as his fingers curled around the semi-hard cock there. He started to stroke Ryuuken with nice, even strokes designed to pleasure.

Simultaneously, his tongue continued to play within Ryuuken's mouth as his body weight pressed forward to keep him off balance.
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