His Rosario Vampire ((ShadowKiller and I))


Mar 4, 2012
Moka was walking next to Tsukune with her hands holding her bag in front of her. She looks at Tsukune and then stops. Causing him to stop along with her and he looked at her.
"I'm hungry."She said as she jumped at him and bite his neck.
Then backing off like she normally did smiling with her eyes closed and her finger on her mouth.
"Lets get to class or were going to be late Tsukune."
He smiled as he walked with the Moka. He cared for her so much but also loved her after all they went through together. He turned when she said she was hungry and tilted his head confused as he then went wide eyed as she started to suck his blood. When she was done he was a little weak. "Moka how you expect me to run after that."
Moka then turned and looked at him grabbing his arm and started to run off towards the schools gate.
"We have to make it to class Tsukune lets go." she said with a smile as she ran off dragging him behind him.
He run after her as she pulled him along. He tryied to keep up. It she dragged him the rest of the way. He stumbled over to his seat and almost fell asleep at his desk as the teacher walked in.
Moka sat in her seat as always ready to take accurate neat notes. Seeing, Tsukune almost fall asleep she poked him in the back with her pen.
"Tsukune sit up the teacher is coming."
Tsukine went strait up thanks to the poke to the back. He sighed as the teacher came in and got ready. He didn't know why he bothered. He always was average in grades. He then looked at the lock that was on his hand and remembered he not so a adage anymore. It gave him slight confidence as he started to take notes.
Moka smiled at the fact that he sat up after the poke. She opened her notebook and took out her pen ready to take notes for the class period. Her notes were easy to understand and accurate, so she always made high grades from studying them.
Tsukune took notes. They weren't the best but they helped him out. When class ended he turned with his note book in his hand. "umm Moka want to compaire notes after school?" he said with a desperate look for half the stuff went over his head.
Moka looked at him as she put up her pen and notebook. "Sure, Tsukune, I will compare notes with you." Moka said smiling as she stood up from her seat. Moka saw his desperate look that he wore, she then put some of the pieces together and noticed that he might not get to put, all of the things into his notes some how.
Tsukune smiled and bowed to her. "thank you. I wouldn't ask if it was needed and the other if I asked the others..." he started to go pale at what might have happen with the love sucked stackers he has. He started to feel normal again after the bite. "Moka next time your hungry let me buy you some tomato juice I need to have energy for my classes for this will make me look lazy.
Moka laughed nervously at his bow, which she thought was unneeded.
"Uh, but I like your blood more than the tomato juice." Moka said a little bluntly. But, I understand....so take it easy on biting you?" Moka confirmed as she started to walk out of the classroom with Tsukune.
Tsukune smiled and sighed in relief that she agreed with him. As they walked to the class running footsteps were heard behind them. Tsukune looked behind and saw a bat with a bats face on it come and hit him in the face as he flew a few feet and hit the ground and then the a voice. "damn it I missed. Stupid Tsukune got in the way of my swing."
"Tsukune are you okay?" Moka said as she ran over to him.
"Huh? A bat?" Moka looked at the source of the voice. Turning around Moka saw a little girl with twin ponytails.
"Haha ....Kokoa what are you doing here?"
Kakoa held the bat on her shoulder as she looked at Moka. "I came to dual with you Moka now show your true self and fight me." she said as she raised the bat and swung down. Not trying to hit her but trying to scare her to remove the seal. She wanted to face the real Moka not this fake Moka. She kept swinging at her hoping to scare her.

As that was happening Tsukune slowly woke up from all the banging that was comin from kokoa's bat and saw her attacking Moka again. He got up fast as he tryied to get between them. When he did that though he got hit with thale bat again sending him flyin to a wall. Kokoa stopped atlfter that and grunted. "ideot." she turned and walked away. "I will challenge you later when the ideot not around."
Moka was trying to dodge and talk to Kokoa. Hoping that she would get through to her, when Tsukune got in between them and received first class tickets to the wall. Moka ran over to Tsukune soon after hearing Kokoa words.
"Tsukune are you alright?"
He slowly come through as he saw her face. "I'm ok Moka from all the hits I taken I think that was one of the lightest." he said and laughed lightly before he got up. "let's hurry to our next class before we are late." he said as he tryied to rush but he held his chest for the pain wasn't all gone. But they still make it to class with seconds to spar. He the. Sat down and looked at the teacher as he got his note book ready. He did better in this class then others for it wasn't monster related.

(I can play ruby as well but can you play the other girls?)
Moka smiled lightly before standing up. He did take a lot of its before. Moka walked with Tsukune the rest of the way to class as they entered and sat down. She was ready to take some more notes and she then spotted Kurumu. "Hi there Kurumu." she greeted as the succubus sat right in front of her. "Hi Moka...." seeing Tsukune she was tempted to jump at him like she always did, but it was a class that was in session and she didn't feel like being in trouble.
((Sure I can. XD.))
Tsukune was writing notes when he saw Kurumu he concentrated more on the class hoping she wouldn't see him. From all the hugs he was growing a fear of those large breast since she almost killed him with those large size pillows. He kept on taking notes untill class ended. He then stood up and turned. "ready for our next class Moka?"
Moka gradually took as many accurate notes as possible. When it was time for the next class Moka stood up. " Yea." she said as they both then started to head out the door. It was only then when Kurumu attacked him from behind with her chest as a weapon.
Tsukune smiled as he was walking out but then was grabbed from behind and his face was barried in the large breast he was growing scared of. Before it was a blessing but thanks to her strangth and how far in she dug his face in them the little air he got made him twich and struggle to get free in his now weaken state.
"Oh hi there Tsukune." Kurumu said as Moka turned around to see what was happening. "Stop strangling him with your huge chest Kurumu." Mizune sad as she stood there watching. Leaving Moka to stand there sheepishly trying to calm thee storm that was going to rage and get Tsukune some air. "Yea, um Kurumu I think he is suffocating."
Tsukune was about to pass out from lack of air till she let go and be fell. Ack gasping for air as he the. Tryed to calm down from that scary event. He then got up and sighed. "please kurumu I dont mind being hug but mus you always push my face down there?" he said as he tuned blushing a little for now he was a little embarrassed.
"Tsukune is so shy."Kurumu said as she then fell. Only to find that Mizune was once again speaking. "He isn't that shy, he's traumatic from your breasts." Mizune said bluntly. Receiving a now standing Kurumu in her face and the argument began. Moka then decided to near Tsukune. "I think we should leave." Moka said as she grabbed his arm and headed for class.
He looked as they argued and agreed with moka and then ran with her to the next class. But when they did run Rubie steped out infront of them and they ran right into her and tsukune landed on her in an perverted postion as he then blushed heavely. Rubie moaned from the hit since her strange erotic addiction. She open her eyes and blushed when she saw Tsukune "H..h..hello Tsukune can you please get off of me?" She asked nicely where part of her wanted to make out with him right now. But she had to so some work for the Dean or she would be whipped again.
Ruby stood up as Tsukune scrabbled off of her. Dusting herself off she then spoke. " Hey, no running in the halls." Ruby spoke in her Secretary persona. "Oh, and Hi Tsukune and Moka...wish I can chat more, but I need to be going." Ruby stated as she headed in the very direction Mizune and Kurumu was still arguing in. "I wonder what the Dean had tasked her with." Moka said out loud as she started off for class again. "Tsukune were going to be late if we don't hurry!" She called behind her.
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