To many times have I left this forum for on average one to two weeks and never warned anyone. Well it ends here with this thread xD Like a GPS this is how you can track me down and know what's going on in my crazy world
But I mainly made this thread to answer a few messages I got from people I've been roleplaying with recently. As some of you may have known I've done one of many disappearing acts again recently but there was a reason for it. Yes it was partly because I got bored of roleplaying (none of my roleplayers fault as I have the attention span of a monkey) and because my internet router blew up! When I was going to return to roleplaying on here it thunder in my area and because I wasn't using a surge protector for the plug of the router it blew up
Not only that but it fried my network card to my PC so now I have to use my Wii to roleplay as my PSP has a word max on it
But luckly I turn 21 in get this...21 days time
And for my 21st I'm getting a lovely laptop. So what this means is you will soon once again get the full 100% Dahaka roleplay experience you expect from me xD Till then I'm at 80%. The reason behide this is because I can roleplay but I can't provide the lovely images I like to use in each of my roleplays. But don't worry because in 21 days you'll be seeing pictures again in my roleplays.
CEO of Dahaka Roleplays Ltd.
CEO of Dahaka Roleplays Ltd.