My boyfriend ain't sexy. (ImSexy'NdINoIt)


Nov 21, 2011
in the heat
The ship flew into the rift. Before they could see much of anything on the other side, the proximity alert went off.
"Cut back engines to ahead dead slow!" Gadreg wheezed, his version of shouting. "Full left rudder!" But it was too little, too late. Moments later, the sleek black ship slammed into a large, gray, heavily cratered planetoid and skipped off like a rubber ball. As it careened away from the rock, out of control with all engine and steering destroyed, they found out that the planetoid was actually a moon, and they were on a collision course with the mother planet.

Again, the proximity alert screamed its warning. Gadreg sounded an abandon ship alarm, then ordered the tactical officer to cloak the ship, since they didn't know the technological level of whatever sentient species were on that planet. Fortunately, it happened before any telescopes saw it.

By the time the ship reached Earth's atmosphere, all the crew was except Gadreg, Abiallan, and the chief medical officer, who refused to leave if there was a chance of injury on the ship. There was, because the initial shock of hitting the moon had thrown Abiallan from her bed, breaking her leg. Because of this, she could not move fast enough to get to an escape pod. There were enough for everyone on board, plus ten percent, but a full fifteen tubes had been destroyed in the first impact. Finding that there were no more operable escape pods, Abiallan, with the medical officer's help, limped to the bridge, were Gadreg had laid himself on the deck face down and driven his arm and leg-spikes into the floor. When Abiallan and the doctor arrived, he did the only thing he could think of. He ordered them to lay cross-wise beneath his feet, then placed his tail tight across them and drove the blade into the deck. Hopefully, that would hold them.

In a perfect world, without minute differences in air density to turn the ship about, that would have been sufficient, if only to save their lives. With only his tail holding them, spinal injuries were pretty much guaranteed. Unfortunately, nothing within Earth's atmosphere is perfect, and the Piper began to spin crazily seconds after entry. Like any spacecraft, no matter how stable in controlled entry, an uncontrolled entry could destroy it, given enough time and speed. Fortunately, it did not even enter at half sublight. They were also lucky in that it didn't fall quite as far as it could have. The ship careened toward the Rocky Mountains, strewing hot debris across the landscape. By the time it crashed into a mountainside just yards above the treeline, more than a third of its outer hull was gone, along with all the weapons hidden behind thin panels, and the landing gears.

Fortunately for both the Piper and the civilians below, the ship's cloaking device remained undamaged until the final impact. The artificial gravity generator gave out at the same time, so that both devices, each weighing at least a quarter ton, flew forward and to the right, to slam through the forward bulkhead. Other objects, most lighter, but some heavier, went flying as well. Due to the ship striking the mountainside with an almost fourty-five degree yaw, Gadreg's tail, fully forward of his two charges, could not restrain them. Both slid out from under his tail, careening toward the starboard bow corner of the bridge. Abiallan screamed and grabbed for her husband's ankle, even as Gadreg wrenched his tail from the deck and whipped it around in an attempt to catch her. Neither was fast enough. Abiallan slammed into the starboard wall with a sickening crunch and bounced, plowing the doctor, already silent in acceptance of his fate, into the forward wall with deadly force.

Being semi-aquatic, Abiallan had very dense and heavy bones. The doctor also came from a relatively low-gravity planet. He died instantly, with relatively little pain. Abiallan lost consciousness, cracked three vertebra to pinch her spinal cord, and broke several ribs, three of which punctured her lungs - both of them. The impacts also collapsed her right lung. As if that wasn't enough, Gadreg opened a deep gash on her left thigh in his attempt to catch her.

Though the shape of his spikes guaranteed that the only direction Gadreg could go was straight aft, he wasn't home free. The communications console, in the port stern section of the bridge, also tore loose of its moorings. The two-hundred pound 'desk' spun across the bridge, striking Gadreg on the back hard enough to jostle his spine, pinching the motor and sensation nerves to his legs.

As soon as everything settled down, except for a half-dozen alarms going off, Gadreg pulled his arm spikes, and, with a little more effort, his leg spikes, out of the deck. He then proceeded to drag himself painfully toward the exit. After struggling for a few minutes, he got to the forward air lock and used his tail to slice open the panel containing the Planetside Survival kit. Opening it, he removed the universal translator and clipped it to his belt, then removed a self-righting holographic position flare. He adjusted it for the conditions, turned it on, and threw it out the hatch.

The moment the holoflare hit the snow just a couple feet from the treeline, it activated, emitting a one hundred foot high chartreuse arrow pointing toward the computer banks in the center of the ship. Just in case nobody noticed that, he pulled out a flare launcher and fired a chartreuse flare up and out, over the trees.
Tara grumbled as she stumbled over yet another branch. She fell forward and caught herself with her hands in the snow. She shivered, her gloves where basically useless at this point.

Tara loved photography, so when her faily went on a hike while they were camping, she, of course, brought her camera. She snapped pictures constantly, ending up farther and farther behind. She caught up, only to see a deer off in the distance. She used her small size to her advantage and treked along until she was close. That's whenshe also spotted a fox. She watced in awe at nature around her. She was fifteen and a city girl, she didn't get to see nature much.

When she lifted her camera to take a picture, both spotted her. The deer ran ad the fox paused. Tara stumbled and it snarled a bit. Then she ran.

Now, she was utterly lost. She had tried retracing her steps but it never worked, she tripped too much because of the snow covering.

Tara stood up and grumbled, brushing herself off. She looked around, trying to figure which way to go when the ground shook violently. She was thrown off balance as loud crunches and screeches could be heard. She didn't see anything at all, not even when the noises and ground shaking stopped. She stood up slowly and took a step forward. What had happened?

A flare of sorts shot into the sky. Did a plane crash? Maybe they needed help.

Tara quickly headed forward until the site came into view. What she saw was not what she expected, though, and it made her freeze in her tracks.
Looking down toward the trees, Gadreg saw the last thing he expected. A human child. Well, she wouldn't be any help. Steeling himself against the pain, he launched his upper body into the air, twisting and bending backward until his spine reset itself with a loud crunch. After laying on the deck for a few minutes longer, he stood and stepped out onto the wing.

A quick sprint took him to the edge and over, but apparently also caught the attention of a bear, which attacked... the girl. Rushing forward, Gadreg lunged, slicing open its shoulder with a foot claw. When the bear turned on him, he struck scorpion-style with his tail, punching through the top of the bear's shoulder and into its heart. Still the beast attacked, raking its claws across Gadreg's chest. The baby-soft outer layer parted, revealing the strong armor beneath. Then the animal sank to the ground, dead. Gadreg turned to the girl.
"Captain Gadreg, Piper. Are you injured?" His voice was sibilant, as one would imagine a snake if it could speak.
Tara watced as the... alien? Yeah, it appeared to be other worldly but she had never been muc of a believer herself. He was a lot taller than she was but he looked sort of human, not entirely but to an extent to be sure.

The being jumped up and its body made a sickening cracking sound. Tara got goose bumps from it, shuddering a bit. It reminds her of when her shoulder had had to be popped back into socket. It was painful.

The loud sound apparentally called the attention of other wildlife, mainly a hibernating bear. It launched itself at her ad Tara froze, about to scream when the alien jumped in front of her and attacked. They fought and he got one wound, but the bear fell dead before he could sustain anymore injuries.

Then, it spoke to her, in English none the less. Somehow, her voice found her. "N-no, I'm fine..." she breathed.
He nodded, then looked around.
"Unless humans are much shorter and less heavily-endowed here than in other places, I suspect you are not an adult. Where are your parents?" As he spoke, he knelt down over the bear, rolling it onto its back, and sliced it open from jaw to tail with one arm spike, using a very slight sawing motion. He then rolled it back onto its side to allow the guts to spill out, glancing back up at her. He began ripping the guts out with one hand, using the other to hold it open.

((Okay, not much, but I can't write more without ignoring a response I know your character would have.))
Tara answered instinctively while her mind was still reeling, trying to take it all in. It wasn't sure which emotion to feel about the situation yet. Shock, interest, curiosity, gratitude...

"Yes, I am still young. I was trying to take picture and I strayed from the trail and my parents just kept walking and-"


Her brain sort of shut down a bit when she saw what he was doing. She stepped back very slowly before she stepped back faster and ended up falling onto her ass. This did not halt her movements, though, she simply kept scooting until her back hit a tree. Her eyes were wide with fear as her gaze kept switching between the alien and the sliced open bear.

"Wh-what are you doing??!"
He sniffed, glancing at her. "I will not hurt you. But I would not waste all this meat." As he spoke, he finished clearing the guts onto the snow, which was quickly melting around the warm body, then began skinning the animal with his arm spike, sliding and sawing it under the hide. It reeked, but he was not going to let it go to waste.
"If you go to the ship, head down the hallway from the airlock, and down the ladder you will find some camping supplies. Iuso will open the cargo ramp for you to exit."
Tara watched wide eyed as he continued his work. Some part of him believed her, but she was still too shocked to really process it all.

Tara had watched her dad skin a deer before and she hadn't been to phased but this just seemed... different. It was probably the situation in general,

When Gadreg told her to head into the ship, she wasn't exactly sure how to respond. She looked at the ship and glanced it over. It was so intimidating and huge. Despite his instructions she would surely get lost and confused and she didn't really want to be lost in an alien space ship. She had seen too many movies with alien abductions to want that.
He glanced back at her, the bear half-skinned. "It's really quite straight-forward. It's the only corridor on the crew deck. Trust me, it's perfectly safe." He glanced back at the Piper, which did have "Piper" stenciled on the side in human lettering. "But if you really don't want to, I suppose I can take care of it when I'm done. Can you build a fire?" One last slice, and the bear's skin was off one side. He rolled the beast over and started on the other, glancing at her again. She really was quite cute.
Tara listened to his instructions and she nodded to herself. "You can do this," she thought, "He's done nothing to show he isn't friendly so far. In fact, he saved your life. You can do this much for him... him right? Yeah."

Tara shook her head. "No," she insisted, holding her chin up a bit, "I can do it. Up the ladder, right?" she double checked.

She took one step towards the ship but was still looking at him, waiting for a response. Even if she did trust him slightly, she still didn't want to get lost in the ship only to have him save her, it would be utterly mortifying.
He smiled. The ship actually looked a lot larger on the outside than it looked on the inside. This was because of all the smuggling compartments and hidden fucilage weapons. "Down the corridor to your right, there will be a ladder. It only goes one way. When you get down, just say, 'Open cargo bay', and Iuso will do the rest." He looked up at her, smiling encouragingly. Human teenagers were so easy to persuade when you understood them.
Tara nodded and headed off into the ship. Once she was out of his sight, she slowed down a bit and reflexively stiffened a bit as she cautiously looked around. It looked very, for lack of a better word, alien.

Tara headed down the corridor as told, still looking around, until she spotted something. It looked very thick, it was obviously a liquid and it coated the floor in several places. She followed the trail in horror until she noted two beings that looked... alien. They didn't look like Gadreg at all but they were obviously another species as well. Her eyes were wide in horror. They were obviously dead. Had they died in the crash? It looked like it by their body positioning but they had other injuries too.

Tara could only stare in shock. She finally managed to stumble back a bit but she hit a wall and she slid down it to sit, staring at them openly. It was grotesque but she couldn't look away.

With her eyes locked onto them, Tara slowly managed to stand up. She was shaking a bit as she felt around on the wall behind her. She went around a corner and once the aliens were out of her sight, she managed to blink. She was gasping now and she looked around, trying to figure out where she was.

((OOC: Oops, sorry. I felt weird posting that I was like "I don't really know what they look like BUT..." so there. Updated!)))
Having gone where she had, he couldn't smell the rapid change in her pheromones from teenage pride to shock, and so he continued skinning the bear. When she wasn't out by the time the skin came off, he stood, rolling the bear back onto its skin, and headed inside. Once through the airlock, he could smell her, and headed onto the bridge, then along the back wall to the door in the middle which led into his personal quarters and ready room.
"Your other right," he said, trying to ease the shock a little, but knelt down to put a baby-soft hand on her shoulder, his claws retracting. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have sent you in like this."
Tara stepped back whenever he touched her, flinching away from the contact. She was still gasping a bit but once her eyes realized it was him, she relaxed minutely. She blinked a bit and bit her lower lip. She didn't want to seem weak but the images were still fresh in her mind and, for some reason whenever someone tried to comfort her whenever she was trying NOT to cry, it didn't help. In fact, it usually made it worse.

A single tear slipped down her cheek. Tara shook her head a bit as she still looked at him. Although she knew the answer, or so she assumed, the next words slipped out anyways.

"What happened to them?"
ImSexy said:
Tara stepped back whenever he touched her, flinching away from the contact. She was still gasping a bit but once her eyes realized it was him, she relaxed minutely. She blinked a bit and bit her lower lip. She didn't want to seem weak but the images were still fresh in her mind and, for some reason whenever someone tried to comfort her whenever she was trying NOT to cry, it didn't help. In fact, it usually made it worse.

A single tear slipped down her cheek. Tara shook her head a bit as she still looked at him. Although she knew the answer, or so she assumed, the next words slipped out anyways.

"What happened to them?"

"The impact..." He glanced out to the bridge, "threw them across the bridge. They crushed each other." The events replayed vividly in his mind. Shaking his head, he turned to her. "Come. We should get away from this place." He led the way back, through the quarters to another residential area, through that to a large room that combined a kitchen, workshop, and infirmary, and then turned to the right to head back out into the main corridor and down the ladder there.

About half the cargo hold was taken up by another vessel. This one seemed to be breathing, and its outer hull looked like skin. It reacted almost like a giant dog to its owner coming home, and when Gadreg opened the cargo ramp, it took off into the sky like a dog freed from its kennel. Gadreg led the way back to the woods, then turned and grabbed her, pulling her down and arcing his body over her, moments before the Piper disappeared, and air exploded back into the space left behind, tugging at them with hurricane force.
Tara just nodded after Gadreg's reasoning and followed him out of the ship. She didn't question what he was doing, she merely followed.

She tried not to act shocked when the... vessel thing took off into the sky as it had. The ship was still there. Gadreg led her away, though, and when he suddenly shielded her, she panicked, not only by the sudden closeness (and how sort of nice it felt) but also by the events that followed. The ship... vanished!

Tara was still frozen and began to feel lightheaded. That was when she realized she was holding her breath. She let it out and gasped quickly. "Why did it do that?" She felt like she had been asking a lot of questions but she felt really confused and... for lack of a better word, stupid about the whole situation. It was her simple human nature to question things and want to know what was going on.

She just hoped she wasn't annoying him.
He looked down at her, held in his arms, and slowly released her. He would have moved faster, but it felt good, holding her. A glance back at the impact crater revealed Iuso landing once more. "My ship is rigged to self-destruct as soon as Iuso is out if it sustains too much damage. As to why it disappeared rather than exploding, that would be a controlled release of antimatter from the powerplant." Standing, he walked back out to Iuso and patted it on one arm. The ship looked vaguely like a flesh-covered football goalpost with a mouth or intake of sorts in the middle and a blue glow around the tail. He turned back to her.
"Are you hungry?" As he asked, he was walking over to the bear, carving off a chunk of meat, and throwing it into Iuso's intake.
Tara just nodded. That made sense. Well... enough sense at least. She still didn't quite understand the alien technology but shehad only known him for a few minutes.

When Gadreg spoke again she waan't sure who he was talking to exactly. "Um..." she stepped closer to him and studied the machine called Iuso. She swore it was alive. "Do you mean me or... Iuso?" The name was hard to say but it managed to slip out.
He chuckled, carving off some more meat. "Iuso's always hungry. I was asking you." He glanced up at her. "Yes, Iuso is alive, in the basic sense of the term. His skeleton is a metal frame that was lowered into a vat of biological stock, injected with my DNA. The body grew around the frame, including a brain equal to a smart cujo." He glanced back at his work, then at her. "And of course there aren't any cujo here, so that doesn't mean anything to you." With the meat carved, he started cutting wood for a fire.
Tara shook her head at the laststatement, but she understood the jist of it. He had started with a foundation and added the materials to make a living thing...

Tara look at Gadreg as he started to set up a fire. He worked quick nd soon a spark was beng put on the wood in hopes it would catch. She should probably answer his food question.

"I am a little bit hungry," she said to him, moving closer to the firewood and deciding to sit, Indian style, on the ground.
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