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A Tale of Blood and Tears: OOC

Vivid Fizz

Oct 17, 2009
The Story In the city of New Haven there is a dark secret. Beneath the glittering lights, howling of car horns, and the endless sound of people is an underground. A certain vampire coven has found a very lucrative business opportunity. Organs. Humans have been disappearing at an alarming rate and vampires have been found disemboweled; their precious immortal organs having been taken to feed the need for ‘upgraded’ bodies.

The leader of this coven is a sadistic individual and performs some of the ‘surgeries’ with his own claws. The pain of others is an aphrodisiac to him. As are certain body parts. Though the cartel does good business the organs have not been making it to their destinations. It seems that the elder’s tastes have turned from blood to the same product he is peddling.

This coven is located beneath the hottest nightclub in the city. Anyone who is anyone goes there. Simply, it is known as Bite and has been the place many innocent mortals were whisked away; never to be seen by their mortal families again. For not only does this Nightmare Mafia deal with the trafficking of illegal organs but they also dip into the slave trade as well. Humans are cattle for the beautiful and dark creatures of the night after all.

There is also a clan of werewolves in the city that are attempting to weasel their way into this lucrative trade of organs and slaves. A war between the groups has begun and each side has been snatching up victims right and left.


Here is the Link to the actual RP: A Tale of Blood and Tears

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Re: A Tale of Blood and Tears: The Planning Thread

I would like to be part of it regardless of where it goes. Probably as a werewolf.
Re: A Tale of Blood and Tears: The Planning Thread

Awesome. I actually have a thread located in the Open RP section. It is still being built up.
Alright. So the link is up to the actual RP is up on the first post to those who are interested.
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