Making things right (Vash x Maiesiobreed)


Mar 19, 2012
Tim Drake sat alone a the top of a Gotham sky scrapper. Was he in his red and green Robin attire? No. Was he in his black and red redesign of the Robin suit? No. Thanks to a certain Damian Wayne those suits will not see the light of day for quite a long time. His new suit, now under the identity as Red Robin, consists of along-sleeved red tunic, along with black boots, tights, gauntlets with triangular fins for defense , cape and cowl (homage to his now former mentor). It also includes a black-and-gold utility belt that carries his weaponry such as his bo staff (Tim's personal favorite) and throwing discs. He would admit that the suit is nothing new, Tim had been wearing a hero costume for awhile now and they all started to feel the same, but this one felt somewhat different. With the past suits they were all conected by the simple R on the left side of his chest. He was taking over a position already filled by two other peopl. This suit was different, it was his own, no others before him have taken this title. He was now truly his own hero.

With that thought he got up from where he was sitting and looked over the city. It was time to make himself known. He stepped to the edge of the building and took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. After the exhale had ended he took a small leap off of the roof. He plummeted toward the ground, the wind whipping around him, the cowl keeping his hair from blowing all over the place. When he was a few meters from the ground he gripped his cape. An electrical signal from his gloves went through the material in his cape and stiffened the spines in them and the cloth tightened around them to form stiff wings. The wind caught in the pockets and Tim was able to pull out of his dive and into a speedy glide over the rooftops of Gotham. God he loved being the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, it had so many perks!

Along with the new gadgets he had taken on extra training on Bruce's advice for he and Dick to follow the path of training that Bruce took to become Batman. Why the extra training and new gadgets? Simple, to become better than Jason Todd, also for a bit of vengance. The past two times he had crossed paths with him he was left beaten and bloodied and even took a partner hostage. He had felt so guilty for letting Power Girl fall into his hands. No telling what the hell that bastard did to her while Tim recovered from his wounds and trained.

Tim thought he had it under control, he had scoped out Jason's hideout and knew points of entry. He then had Power Girl, a Kryptonian for christs sales, backing him up on this. Still Jason got the drop on them and the next thing he knew Jason was beating the daylights out him with a crowbar and then slipping a knife between his ribs and left to bleed out. Luckily Bruce had been looking for him and was able to get Tim out of there and treated, he didn't find Power Girl. All he could find we're trace amounts of Kryptonite. Jason had some, that's how he nabbed Karren.

Now Tim was able to track Jason down again and this time he knew he had all the knowledge he needed. He found the building and dive bombed right through one of the windows on the roof. He quickly stood up and shouted, "Todd!!!" And speak of the devil and he shall appear. Jason stepped from one of the shadows in his iconic red helmet, clapping slowly. "Well well well Timmy, look at you! New costume and all!! Are you here just to see little old me?" Tim had no time for witty banter and he kept to tackle him. They fought and fought until Tim gained the upper hand and ripped the helmet from his head, the damn bastard was smiling. "Where is she!" he demanded, "Where is Power Girl?!" Jason smiled wider, "You mean my little cum dump? Why don't you see for yourself." He pressed a button on a remote he had in his jacket and a light turned on. Tim turned in horror to see Karren Starr beaten, her costume torn and her stomach swelling. Tim put two and two together and a great rage swelled within him. "Does it make you mad Tim? Does it put a fire in your belly to just snap my neck for what I did. You know I wonder what she'll name my boy? Well you don't really know if it's mine, it could be a friend of mines or another villain I let in on it!" Tim knew he was bluffing, Jason was too much of an egotist to let anyone else have at her but him. Jason was just trying to make him mad. Tim looked around and found a crowbar lying near them, poetic justice. Before Tim could get it Jason held out something in his hand, it was a gun. "Come on Tim, Bats ain't here to say no." Tim shook his head, "No, Bruce set the rules. No guns, no killing." Jason laughed at his retort, "Come on kid grow up! I raped your pal and now she has my kid! It's your fault she's like that and I'm responsible as well. So come on, take it, put it to my head and squeeze that little trigger.... Come on!!" Tim quickly reached and grabbed the crowbar shouting, "No!!!" and beat the crowbar across Jason's head. He hit the ground limp, unconscious. Tim called Jason in and then practically sprinted to Karren. He knelt next to her and examined her. "Karren... Karren look at me, it's Tim, Tim Drake. Are you ok? Is anything broken or fractured." He needed to get her out of here before the cops arrived, but he needed to know if she was alright to move.
::One of the last things Karren had remembered before passing out was the shame and humiliation of her situation. The powerful superhero had foolishly thought that nobody on this earth had known her weakness, she had thought of herself as all powerful, invulnerable, just doing her friend Tim a favor to find the bastard that had beaten him up on several occasions. She had agreed to track Jason for Tim, to let her friend have the last laugh and beat him into submission to help his bruised ego...but the night they had found him 3o weeks ago turned out to be, bar none, the worst in her life.

When they had landed in his hideout she immediately knew something was amiss. She felt weak...but her powers were still with her. As they walked farther into the hanger/hideout she felt herself drop to her knees. "T...Tim....what's happening to me!" She groaned, unable to move, her arms and legs like jello. She couldn't even yell out as the super villain dropped from out of nowhere and commenced to kick the ever loving shit out of her friend. She couldn't do anything about he cast Tim out of the lair and scooped her up, transporting her to a getaway car. He flashed a pendant of kryptonite at her....that's what was keeping her down and out.

The next day was a nightmare of sex and humiliation, as she was raped repeatedly by the villain and his henchmen, loving the opportunity to wreak some revenge on the blonde superhero that had put an end to so many of their hideous plans. She had wept tears of horror when she was told that she was pregnant, the villain taking great joy in running an ultrasound over her stomach, showing her the children that he and his men had created.

For seven long months this had continued. Rapes, beatings, basically treating Karren as a prostitute. She watched her body swell in horror, she had hoped that he had been lying, but from her swollen belly and huge breasts she knew it was the truth. And when the baby began to kick in her she couldn't be joyful...she was furious at what had been done to her. Adding to her humiliation she wasn't even given the dignity of being able to wear maternity, the villain had commissioned a special "growing" version of her old suit. It was biologically connected to her body, designed to swell just enough with her body, but not enough to hide just how large she was getting. She could wear nothing came off of her when she was fucked, showered, or went to the bathroom. It was horrific!

On the day of her rescue she had been beaten most of the morning...and was going in and out of consciousness. She had a lovely dream that Tim had come to rescue her...had beaten Jason with a crowbar, and released her....wait....her vision, it was blurrily coming back and Tim was in front of her, asking if she could move!

"Y...yes I think I can....lets get out of here" She said, blushing as she struggled to get up, her huge stomach making movements very difficult now.
Tim was relieved when he was able to hear her voice. His hands delicately and along her limbs feeling for anything broken or fractured. Thankfully he didn't feel anything like that and there were just the bruises on her skin. When she said she was able to move he quickly wrapped his arm around her and helped her off of the floor, her new found weight thanks to the bulge in her stomach and her Kryptonian physiology had Tim lifting a lot of weight. He would never tell her that and he quickly helped her over to the area where he crashed through the ceiling and where Jason's body was lying still unconcious. He quickly spit near him and then moved to be back door of the hideout. He couldn't use his grapnel to lift them out of here because he couldn't let a seven month pregnant woman leap around the rooftops with him, that was jus stupid.

Once out of the back door he clicked a button on his harness and all they had to do was wait a while until the flash of lights filled the alleyway. It was the Redbir, Tim's own personal Batmobile type vehicle. He helped Karren over to the car and gently placed her in the front seat and himself in the driver seat. He backed the car out of the alleyway and peeled out into the streets. The car roared down the streets until they reached his apartment complex. He drove around back and helped Karren out of the car. Before leaving he cloaked the car and took her inside the apartment. Since he couldn't just zip up to the window he had to sneak them both through his apartment complex and avoiding all of the tenants. Thankfully they avoided everyone and he was able to get himself and a costume cladded pregnant woman to his room on the fourth floor without anyone noticing a thing.

Once inside he set her on the couch and threw off his harness, cape, and cowl. "Is there anything you need? Water, food, a fresh set of clothes?" He didn't know if any of his old t-shirts would fit her but he was wiling to try just to help her out.
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